EDITORIAL: My Philippines Preaching Trip, by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, by Kyle Pope
WOMEN'S INSIGHTS: Running the Race—It’s Better with a Friend, by Lindsay Mast
THE LOVE OF GOD: How are Sinners Made Righteous? by Bruce Reeves
LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: Armed for Battle, by Shane Carrington
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: How Can I Teach My Friends the Gospel Without Offending Them? by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Gezer—A Lesson on Power and Faith, by Luke Chandler
The Great City—Rome Not Jerusalem, by Ron Halbrook
What a Congregation Owes Its Elders, by Brenden D. Ashby
Why Send for Peter? by Connie W. Adams
The Value of Modesty, by Samuel Matthews
Distinctive Preaching, by W. Curtis Porter
“He Gave Gifts to Men. . .”, by