EDITORIAL: Justification, by T. W. Brents; edited by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: “Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss,” by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Cultivating Femininity–Godliness, by Jennifer Maxey
IN THE WILDERNESS: The Story of the Spies, by Bruce Reeves
JOURNEYS WITH JESUS: Getting Into a Boat With Jesus (Matt. 8:18-27), by Shane Carrington
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Will the Earth Be Restored to Its Former Edenic Glory and Serve as Heaven? by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Cities Not Taken or Retained in the Conquest–Beth Shean, by Leon Mauldin
BIBLE COUPLES: Ahab and Jezebel–The Couple Who Hurt Each Other and Everyone Around Them, by Chris Reeves
EXPOSITIONS: Kingdom Character–Spiritual Brokenness, by Danny Linden
VOICES OF YOUTH: FOMO, No More, by Ross Turner
ARTICLE #1: God’s Grace, by Mike Willis
ARTICLE #2: How Are Sinners Made Righteous? by Bruce Reeves
ARTICLE #3: Can We Have Assurance of Salvation? by Daniel H. King, Sr.
ARTICLE #4: Does Grace Exclude Conditions of Salvation? by David Dann
ARTICLE #5: Learning From Historical Cycles, by Ron Halbrook
ARTICLE #6: A Problem of Extremes, by Kyle Pope
ARTICLE #7: Pondering the Paradox, by Kevin Maxey
ARTICLE #8: Jesus as Sovereign and Savior, by Steve Wolfgang
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