EDITORIAL: Another Lesson on Authority? by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: Redeeming the Time, by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Running the Race Unprepared, by Lindsay Mast
HIS MIND IN ME: Our Focus in Christ, by Bruce Reeves
DEVELOPING A FIRM FAITH: Through the Faithful Christ , by Shane Carrington
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What Is the Biblical Distinction between Body, Soul, and Spirit? by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Egyptian Bricks, by Barry Britnell
MENTORING: Mentoring Enjoyment, by Chris Reeves
VOICES OF YOUTH: Wild Grapes, by Jeffrey Henry
#1: Social Media & Holiness, by David Banning
#2: Your Own Personal Satan, by David Dann
#3: Angry Words, by John Humphries
#4: What Premillennialism Does to God, by Ethan Jennings
#5: Abiding in the Doctrine of Christ, by Bruce Reeves
#6: The Life of J.L. Nations, by John Partain