EDITORIAL: Courage in Times of Crisis, by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: Respect for Authority, by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Be Thou My Vision, by Sherelyn Mayberry
PREACHING THE GOSPEL: Preaching in the United States, by John Humphries
LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: Life in the Spirit (Introduction), by Shane Carrington
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What is a “worship leader,” and should we use such terminology? by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Time to Update the Cubit. . . by Luke Chandler
MONTHLY THEME: Dealing with Difficulties
Dealing With Disease, by Darin Henry
Dealing With Death, by Don Hooton
Dealing With Disobedience, by Alan Finley
Dealing With Division, by Robert Harkrider
Dealing With Doctrinal Error, by Kyle Pope
Dealing with Distractions, by Melvin Curry