By Donald P. Ames
Despite the presence of Harding College (Searcy), Southern Christian Home (Morrilton) and the Paragould Children’s Home (Paragrould) in Arkansas, the cause of the Lord is not standing still in this state; faithful churches exist in each of the above mentioned cities. There are a number of good sound congregations standing for the truth throughout the state, many of them being served by faithful elders and a goodly number of faithful gospel preachers as well. Obviously, we cold not “touch the hem of the garment” of them within the confines of one special issue.
One could hardly think of Arkansas without thinking of Eugene Britnell, preacher for the Arch St. Church in Little Rock, who recently was selected as editor of the Gospel Guardian in an effort to return that journal to the “old paths.” He has had much influence throughout the state, and Arch St. has been responsible for the establishment of several new congregations, as well as strengthening others. Other widely known names in Arkansas history include W. Curtis Porter and Joe Blue. In northeast Arkansas, the cause is gaining many sound and aggressive preachers who hold forth the banner brightly as the liberals have retreated from repeated challenges. Several new congregations have been begun and others are moving ahead in growth, in selection of elders, and in standing for the whole counsel of God. Western Arkansas will miss Guthrie Dean (formerly from Ft. Smith) who has moved to Tennessee, but is also blessed with many aggressive preachers who are standing for the truth of God’s word. Stanley Lovett, editor of the Preceptor, also lives in Ft. Smith (two editors is not a bad claim). Jady Copeland just recently moved to Arkansas, and joins others in boldly proclaiming God’s truth. Yes, indeed , the “fields are white unto harvest,” and many congregations-even without the benefit of full-time preachers, are pressing forward to carry the word of God to those lost in sin-within and without the church. We are glad to be able to offer this special from the state of Arkansas.
Truth Magazine XIX: 26, p. 402
May 8, 1975