Fulfilling the Great Commission

By Steve Wallace

Christ’s giving the Great Commission is a natural consequence of his mission while on earth. He gave it after he had conquered man’s two greatest enemies, sin and death (John 1:29; 1 Cor. 15:20). The commission commands the spreading of this wonderful news to the lost of this world (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47). In light of the theme of this special issue of Truth Magazine, what is involved in carrying out the Great Commission? 

Overcoming Contrary Emotions

In reading the accounts of the giving of the commission, the transformation that took place in Jesus’ disciples is sometimes overlooked (cf. Mark 16:14; John 20:19). They went from being full of doubt, unbelief, and fear to bold  pro-claimers of Jesus’ words (Mark 16:14; Luke 24:10-12; Acts 2-3). Everyone who endeavors to teach others will undergo a similar change. This is so in a special sense for those who would preach in another country. At least, I found it so.

My first exposure to oversees work came when I took some trips to Europe at my own expense I can still remember my thoughts when brethren in Germany wrote me, asking me to consider working with them. While I was careful not to say as much to them, my thoughts were something like, “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to move over there!” However, they insisted that I come and I reluctantly gave in. (I will always be thankful to Danny and Mary Huber and Karen [Thompson] Dargon for prodding me to do this.) Others have grappled with similar feelings. My work in Germany was, with a few exceptions, among the American community there. However, I had unwittingly placed myself on what would become the front lines when the Berlin Wall fell. This event not only transformed my life, it influenced my thinking with regards to subjects on which I had preached for years. 

Take the Gospel Into All the World

Jesus taught his disciples for the three years of his ministry. After this, he saw that they, under the guidance of the Spirit, were up to the task of carrying out the Great Commission. “Go” is before “gospel” in Mark 16:15. However, it is the gospel that is of primary import in Jesus’ commission. It will both cause one to “go” and equip him for his work  (2 Cor. 5:10-15; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). In light of this, those who have made it their practice to regularly preach on such things as first principles, the church, and denominational errors with regards to the two aforementioned subjects are naturals for carrying out Jesus’ commission. A major part of my work has been encouraging workers to come to Lithuania. Over and over I have assured prospective workers who are faithful men that they can do the work there. It goes without saying that my fellow contributors to this special issue have long since learned this truth as well. By contrast, one can read, in papers circulated by our institutional brethren, of intentional neglect in preaching the gospel. For example, in the April 1993 issue of The Christian Chronicle we read of an effort in an East German city where a preacher dealt “with the hurts and anxieties of the populace, rather than presenting doctrinal themes” (20). To be sure, there is a lot of both physical and emotional suffering here and abroad, and one might incidentally have an opportunity to help those so afflicted. However, the Great Commission involves preaching the gospel and those who would take part in its execution must prepare themselves accordingly.

Churches Should Facilitate Preachers in “Going”

The New Testament reveals that churches of that day actively supported preachers in fulfilling the Great Commission (Phil. 4:15-16; 2 Cor. 11:8-9; 1 Thess. 1:8). The church in Ramstein, Germany, was exemplary in their dedication to this principle. Brethren allowed me to be away in mission work for as much eleven weeks and a number of men were happy to fill in during my absences, preaching and teaching. They also were generous in their support, not only of me in my own efforts in Eastern Europe but also of other men as well. At one point in 1998 our treasurer told me that we had sent out over $10,000 in outside support in the past six months. For a church whose attendance was usually in the low 40s this alone says a lot. By contrast, I have known men who have preached in difficult places while being inadequately supported. If the Great Commission is going to be fulfilled in our day, churches must commit themselves to the support of those carrying it out.

In the Language of Every Man

While one can find English speakers in many places it should be obvious to all that nothing will reach the population of any given country like words in their own tongue. Paul knew Greek and Hebrew (Acts 21:40; Rom. 1:16) and, perhaps, Aramaic. However, even he had problems on occasion with an unknown language (Acts 14:11-14). Learning the language of a given country is the first option open to a person. Working through interpreters, while not acceptable or financially feasible in all countries, has worked very well in Eastern Europe. Producing literature in a given language, while being a tedious, demanding process, is a big help. In some instances, people have been converted by means of a tract; in others, they have learned the truth on a topic wherein they had been in error. If the Lord lets time go on, literature we translate will still be doing its work long after we have left this earth. We must recognize that all of the world does not speak English and adjust our efforts accordingly.
Establishing Churches in the Faith

Jesus’ commission also included, “Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:20). The immorality and excess of the city of Corinth mirror many cities today. Coming out of such a background and living in such an environment will take its toll on even the most dedicated Christians (1 Pet. 2:12; 4:4). Attrition has been high in churches in many parts of the mission field. Preachers and churches must make long term commitments if the churches they establish are to stand the test of time. 


Many brethren today are involved in carrying out the Great Commission. Men with experience in given countries around the world have contributed to this special issue. Their articles reflect their simple faith in the commission our Savior gave so long ago. The common goodwill reflected by brethren involved in different fields and efforts joining their voices together in these pages is reminiscent of that seen among our first century brethren (Gal. 2:7-9). We hope you will be informed and encouraged by their words.

2103 Rexford Rd., Montgomery, Alabama 36116:

Truth Magazine Vol. XLV: 4  p1  February 15, 2001

Preaching in the People’s Republic of China

By John Maddocks

One of the most frightening experiences of my life was standing in line in the Shanghai airport, waiting to pass through customs. It was March 1997, and I can still remember the feeling of panic that swept over me as I made my way to the uniformed soldier in the little glass cubicle. He sat there in his little booth, with the power to deny entrance to the People’s Republic of China to any he deemed a security risk. This was my first time entering China, and I had absolutely no idea what would happen when it was my turn to face him. I just stood there, silently praying that God would help me.

It’s not that I haven’t crossed a few borders in my life. I am presently preaching in St. Cloud, Florida, and have been for over six years. But my nationality is Canadian, and I grew up in Jordan Station, Ontario, just a few miles from the New York State line. I have crossed the US/Canada border hundreds of times. I have had a few bad experiences with border guards who were a little power crazy; once I was even turned back from the border in Detroit, Michigan, and denied entrance to the USA. But all that meant was trying another crossing area where entrance was allowed. 

But now I was in Shanghai. If I was turned back here, that was it; there would be no second chance, no other border to try! To make matters worse, my bags and the bags of my traveling companion, David Spiece, were loaded with Bibles and an abundance of printed religious material, forbidden in this Communist country.

The People’s Republic of China is an incredible country. It covers an area of 3.7 million square miles, and is populated by approximately 1.3 billion people. Its neighbors are Russia and Mongolia to the north; North Korea in the northeast; the former Soviet republics of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan in the northwest; Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan to the west and southwest; and Burma, Laos, and Vietnam to the south. Having read that list of neighbors, can’t you just feel the tension that must reign on China’s borders? There are nearly 400 ethnic groups in China, with the majority, approximately 92%, being the Han people. There are numerous dialects spoken. In fact many cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, have their own peculiar dialect, but most Chinese also speak Mandarin, the national language of the People’s Republic. 

China is a country on the move. Gone are the closed doors to the Western world. Foreign investment and tourism are now not only allowed, but encouraged. In cities like Shanghai and Beijing there is a continual state of rapid growth. The skylines show evidence of new structures being erected everywhere you look. Many of the brethren in China work for what are called joint-ventures companies. These are partnerships between Chinese and foreign companies. I have friends in China who work for joint ventures between China and Finland, China and France, and China and Australia, just to name a few. Though there is still a huge part of the population that live as peasants, there is also a growth in what we would call the middle class. Televisions, video players, stereos, cellular phones, and computers are now in the hands of many Chinese. China is rapidly becoming a very affluent and materialistic society. On a darker note, abortion is the number one form of birth control, and premarital sex is common. Because of the “one child” policy in place since the late seventies, most young families have only one child, and that has led to a generation of spoiled children. Since it is generally true that both husband and wife work, it is often the case that grandparents take on the role of parent as they are left to raise the children. I know of a situation in Shanghai where the father and mother only see their child on the weekend. This is a case, not of choice, but rather of necessity.

My desire to travel to China was flamed into existence in my high school years. My school had many students from Hong Kong, and I befriended many of them. As they told me about their home, a great desire filled my heart to see it with my own eyes one day. Years later, hearing about the work in China from men like David Spiece and Mike Rosser, an even greater desire filled my heart to be among those who take the Word of God to the people there.

I have now made two trips to China. In 1997, as stated earlier, I made my first trip in with brother David Spiece. We spent the entire trip teaching in Shanghai. In the Spring of 2000, along with Bob Buchanon of Bowling Green, Kentucky, I visited Beijing, Dalian, and Shanghai. Both trips have been life changing experiences. Above all other things, what stands out in my mind is the desire of the people there to hear God’s Word. Whether receptive or skeptical, there has always been demonstrated respect on the part of the hearer. The Chinese are a very warm and caring people. On a number of occasions they demonstrated great generosity. There have been studies where there was no way that anything but the evolutionary theory would be accepted. Two girls David and I studied with in Shanghai illustrate this point. They based their belief on a picture they had seen of a person with a small tail. They were convinced that evolution was verified by this one snap shot of a person with an odd deformity. Nothing we said would convince them otherwise. They are the exception, not the rule, however. It is hard to put into words the look of amazement that comes into the eyes of a Chinese student as they come to see the logic of a heavenly creator. The Chinese with whom we study are often students and very well educated. They are not simple minded people. They have simply been denied access to the truth of God’s word, and have been force-fed a diet of evolutionary theories since early childhood. When they are shown a logical proof of our intelligent design they are quick to realize and accept that there must be an intelligent designer, and that he is God.

Having come to this understanding, the question often asked is, “Why did God forget about us in China?” It is then that a study of their own written language, Kanji, is so very helpful. There is no time in this short article to go into detail about this. (I would encourage you to get and read, The Discovery of Genesis, by C. H. Kang and Ethel R. Nelson. It is a fascinating read.) From their own pictographic written language the story of Genesis is taught. For example, their kanji for “west” is represented by one man in a garden. Eden, of course, would have been west of China. Their kanji for “flood” is represented by the symbols for eight people in a boat. These are just a few of many such examples that when shared with the Chinese student, as often as not, causes his eyes to open wide, and them to respond, “We did know God!” That revelation opens the door to a study of his word.

It is not unusual to have a hotel room filled with eager students. Those who have been taught bring more friends, family, or classmates for us to study with. It has been my observation that very little need be done to be constantly busy teaching in China. In Dalian, where Bob and I spent about ten days, we literally had people in our rooms from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. every single day! What was most impressive about this was it was a national holiday, and many spent most of their days off with us. One young man, Erik, came everyday we were there, and spent the entire day with us. He became a Christian that week, and he and I are in continual touch with each other. If you want to get your batteries charged as a Christian, China is a great place to do it. The only down side is you won’t want to come home. How often do you have people here beating down your door to study God’s will with them!

One thing to keep in mind if you travel to China is that it is still a Communist country! That means that what we do in China is illegal, and there is always the chance that you might be discovered by the authorities. It has happened in the past. The greatest risk is taken by the Chinese. Penalties can be severe for ones involved in what is viewed by the government as a subversive religion. I have a friend in Dalian who has had his home invaded, all his Bibles and religious books seized, and his job taken away. Fortunately he was not arrested, but his life will never be the same, and suspicion will follow him in the future. We must take great care to do our best and ensure that such incidents are not due to our negligence. The brethren there are courageous though, and look with longing to the time, Lord willing, when China will open its doors to God’s word.

In my heart there is a fervent love for my Chinese brethren. Leaving Dalian, I saw tears freely flowing from eyes that I had first looked into only ten days earlier. I had made friends that mean the world to me, and who I hope to see again in this life, but if not, I long to be with in the great eternal home our Father has prepared for us. I regularly receive e-mail asking when I am coming back. The truth is the Chinese brethren are hungering and thirsting for God’s word. All efforts to share that word with them, by any who come, are so deeply appreciated by these noble people.

When it was finally my turn to face the glass booth on my first trip to Shanghai, the soldier just said, “Passport!” He looked at it, stamped it, handed it back to me, and that was it! I walked to the conveyor, grabbed my bags, and along with my good friend, David, was whisked off into a cold Shanghai night, to one of the greatest adventures of my life — preaching the Word in the People’s Republic of China. Want to go? Drop me a line!

3320 Cypress Point Cr., St. Cloud, Florida 34772-8882 jmaddocks1@msn.com

Truth Magazine Vol. XLV: 4  p8  February 15, 2001

The Work of Our Lord in the Philippine Islands

By Jim McDonald

The Philippines are a land of 7,000 islands and approximately 70 million people. It is the single “Christian” nation in the Orient: the rest are dominated by the various eastern religions or are Moslem. The 300-400 years occupation of the Philippines by the Spaniards is responsible for the Philippines differing from other eastern nations and accounts for the fact that at least 80% of Filipinos are Catholic. The Spanish-American War in the late 1890s brought an end to Spanish rule and placed the islands as a protectorate of the United States. Freedom of religion through U.S. rule allowed the introduction of the various churches, sects, and cults from abroad. The “instrumental Church of Christ” (the work of the Christian Church here in the U.S.) celebrates its 100 year jubilee in 2001 which means that Christian churches in America began their work in the Philippines about 1901.

U.S. brethren also soon began sending preachers to the Philippines. In some regions the work dates back 75 years. In Mindoro at least one congregation “boasts” of continued existence before the Japanese occupation in 1942. The work then must be at least 60 years old. Disdado Menor, a well known preacher among brethren and who was well into his 90s when he died in 1999, was among the pioneers who spread the Word in Mindoro. While the congregation he preached for in Calapan has obviously seen better days than its present condition, it had one of the nicest buildings to be found in the Philippines, although now it has been damaged by tremors and earthquakes over the years. In a nearby barrio of Calapan lives Elelsio Sikat, who is himself in his late 50s or early 60s but who is a “second generation” preacher and Christian. His father was a gospel preacher before him. There were once many more congregations than the now 20-30 churches in the island speaking of the impact the gospel had in yesteryear. The decline in number of congregations and Christians is due to many varied reasons.
During the conflict in the 1940-1960s of the institutional battles here in the United States, the work in the Philippines fell largely under the influence of institutional brethren. Many Bible Colleges were begun in various regions of the islands, of which three to four still remain. However, in the 1960s changes began to take place in which Filipino preachers challenged the positions of institutional brethren. Several raised their voices against apostasy and their work bore much fruit. Among those preachers were men like Rueben Nortarte, Romulo Agduma, and Juanito Balbin in Mindanao and J.R. Tibayan in Luzon, particularly in Manila. Wallace Little was a great influence in helping to advance the work both in the Philippines and in the minds of American brethren. Debates were held. One prominent one was the Smith-Lacuata debate in 1971 in which J.T. Smith met Eusebio M. Lacuata in Malang, Cotabato, Mindanao debating the issue of sponsoring churches. The number of other preachers who worked in the islands in those early years are legion but included were men like Roy Cogdill, Cecil Willis, J.T. Smith, Connie W. Adams, Larry Hafley, Warren Berkley, Jerry Parks, Don Wilson, Jerry Bassett, and Jim Puterbaugh. In the late 1980s and 90s many other U.S. brethren have spent much time preaching in the Philippines including Kenneth and Kenny Marrs, Johnie Edwards (with Johnie Paul and John Isaac), Mike Hughes, Ron Halbrook, David Maxson, Keith Malone, R.J. Stevens, Jeral Kay, Jim E. Everett, Steven Locklair, Steven Deaton, Kyle Campbell, Larry Jones, and others.

Today churches are found in many islands. I have personally preached on at least a dozen different ones and found existing congregations on almost all of them; the single exception I can remember is the island of Romblon. There are other islands which I have not visited but where the work is found. It is not possible to give exact numbers of preachers, Christians, or churches in the nation, but there are valid reasons to believe there are at least 800-1000 preachers and congregations with at least 35,000-50,000 Christians. The greatest bulk of these churches and members is found in two regions, northern Luzon and Mindanao. In the Ilocos region (northwest Luzon) there are nearly 100 congregations. Across the mountain range that separates the eastern half of the island from the western half, there are likely 100 congregations in the Cagayan Valley, a region which includes many provinces. Manila has likely 35-40 congregations in the greater metroplex, but nearly all of these meet in temporary quarters and offer little sense of permanency. Among the two oldest churches in Manila is the Pasay church where J.R. Tibayan once preached and the Kapaitbahayan church in Navotos where Benjamin Cruz presently preaches. But by far, Mindanao is where the largest number of churches is found. The work in Zamboanga del Sur is old and 50 or more congregations are in that province. In the south-central region of Mindanao (Davao City, Digos City, General Santos City, and the various provinces around these cities) there are likely 400 churches. Congregations also are scattered in other parts of the island.
Many problems plague the Philippines and thus plague our brethren. There is at present a major financial crisis in the devaluation of the peso, the nation’s currency. As I write these lines, efforts are being made to impeach the president on charges of immorality and corruption in receiving millions of pesos from illegal gambling and drugs. In Mindanao civil war has raged because of the large, yet minority, Moslem population in that island. In April 2000 armed conflict between Muslim rebels and government forces erupted causing mass evacuation of thousands of the civilian population, including many hundreds of brethren. While the back of Moslem organized efforts has been broken, their acts of terrorism, vandalism and/or hostage taking continues as it has for years. This places even greater stress on the weary nation. When will such conflicts cease? Opposition may be largely suppressed but is no more likely of being fully resolved than the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. In addition, the nation suffers greatly from nature for it is constantly battered by typhoons and because it is a third world country, this contributes to the woes of its suffering population.

In recent years there have been reports of a large number of conversions of denominational preachers and members, particularly in Mindanao and Negros. Just how correct are these numbers? Perhaps more important, how genuine are these converts? It is impossible to give absolute answers to either of these questions. Some of the conversions are not genuine. When we preach to denominational preachers, we tell them we offer no support to them, now, tomorrow, or ever, but apparently some do not believe what we say. How can one tell which of these are genuine and which are after “loaves and fishes”? In lectures to preachers I remind them there are two kinds of preachers: those who preach to receive support and those who preach because they love lost souls and want to see them saved. Only time can tell which is which. Those who preach to get support, when such does not come, will quit preaching and/or return to their former denomination. Those who preach because they love men’s souls will continue to preach whether or not support ever comes. Again, this is not a problem unique to the 21st century. One only need read Paul’s epistles to know the same problem existed in the first century.

Still many, likely most, of the converted preachers and members are genuine. That this is true can be seen by the increase both in size and number of Filipino congregations as well as in other nations through the leaven of Filipino Christians who migrate there. I have received reports of Filipino Christians who continue to worship in many foreign lands and, when they are permitted to do so by law, preach the word to inhabitants of that land. Filipino Christians can be found in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malasia, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, Israel, North Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia, as well as the United States.

It is imperative that these genuine converts be established. Since only God knows which is which, we can only preach the word just as the sower did in Luke 8, knowing the Word will fall on various kinds of soil. True, the word will fall on some who will not be profited by it, but it will also fall into the good and honest heart. Stable and mature Filipino preachers are busy conducting lectures for smaller groups of these new converts, spending two to four days teaching and answering their questions. U.S. preachers conduct lectures for larger groups, doing the same thing. Other efforts likewise are at work to establish these men. Books for new converts are purchased by U.S. brethren to help them in their private study. (One excellent plan is the “Adopt A Preacher” in which Christians purchase one book each month for 12 months, the cost of which is not  to exceed $25.) A quarterly periodical called Sword and Shield (paid for by five or six interested American brethren) and ably edited by Lordy Salunga, is sent to nearly 1,000 subscribers. While Lordy includes some articles from brethren outside the Philippines, his paper is largely a paper written by Filipinos for Filipinos. This paper is having its own impact in the work.

Brethren have need for many things. Faithful U.S. preachers need to continue to go to the islands, preaching and teaching in all the regions. Tracts on varied topics are badly needed. One of the most effective tracts and for which Filipino preachers constantly plead is James Cope’s “The One True Church.” Individual Christians can help build buildings, something both proper and needed. Brethren will always need help when calamity strikes. Because the work is vast, this multiplies the numbers of requests that are received from there. Support to worthy men also is urgently needed. Often preachers plead for just help for transportation. However, we strongly advise brethren who provide support to any preacher that they insist that he give a monthly report of all the support he receives, as well as the names of the churches/individuals who provide that support. Such preachers should be warned that if they give false information about their support, the support to them will immediately cease. Then, if such is discovered, cut off their support. 

Are there problems of various sorts among Philippine brethren? There are. There are problems of corruption and immorality. There are problems of doctrine, many of the same doctrinal errors we face in the U.S. are likewise faced there, although some are peculiar to that nation. Again, this is not unique to either that nation or to our age. When one turns again to the New Testament, he sees the same problem(s) existing then. We have had to do extensive teaching against various errors: Premillennialism, the “one cup theory,” “No divided classes,” “No women teachers,” “No located preacher,” the “Mutual Edification Error,” and the “One Eternal Covenant” error. This latter doctrine is taught by Jim Puterbaugh and Wallace Little and affirms that in regards to salvation there is only one eternal covenant. In brief, the doctrine affirms that God’s moral law has never changed although ceremonial law does. 

Although the Philippine government does not allow divorce, it does allow annulments of marriage on some counts and some misunderstanding about marriage, divorce and remarriage exists. In many of the tribal cultures and traditions, polygamy is accepted and practiced and this creates some problems among brethren. 

Despite many problems, the field is white in the Philippines. The need is great. We never ask brethren to cease supporting work either in the U.S. or in other parts of the world in order to help support the work in the Philippines, but we do encourage brethren if you have additional funds you can use in advancing the gospel of Christ, there is no better nor more receptive field to invest in than in the Philippine Islands. May the gospel of our Lord find root and prosper throughout his earth!

P.O. Box 155032, Lufkin, Texas 75915-5032 jim_mc@juno.

Truth Magazine Vol. XLV: 4  p14  February 15, 2001

“Thou Art the Man!”

By Richie Thetford

David was referred to as a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22) yet he committed sin. Many today don’t even give God the chance to work in their life because they claim to “not be good enough.” In reality, nobody is “good enough” for God but God loves man, his created work, and wants all to do his will. David was not perfect and we are not perfect. Yet, why was David referred to as “a man after God’s own heart?” I believe that if we can understand why David could sin, yet still be pleasing to God, then it will help each one of us to better be able to overcome our trespasses knowing that we have hope as David did.

David, Bathsheba, and Uriah

In 2 Samuel 11 we can read about the story of how David sinned in the eyes of the Lord. While the army of Israel was away fighting, David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of his house. It was here that he saw a beautiful woman bathing. He then inquired about this woman and was informed that she was the wife of Uriah. Knowing that she was married to another man, he still sent for her and committed adultery. She then became pregnant and in order to hide his sin he had Uriah, a very loyal servant, set up to be killed in battle. Now he was also an accessory to murder! After Uriah was killed, David took Bathsheba to be his wife. David had committed the sin of adultery with his loyal servant’s wife, Bathsheba. It says in verse 27 “But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” David may have thought that he hid his sin from man, but he certainly did not hide it from the Lord! We are sometimes just as foolish as David was, thinking that we can hide our sins. God knows all and sees all!

Nathan’s Parable

Nathan was sent to David (2 Sam. 12) and told David a parable. Nathan said: “There were two men in one city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds. But the poor man had nothing, except one little ewe lamb which he had bought and nourished; and it grew up together with him and with his children. It ate of his own food and drank from his own cup and lay in his bosom; and it was like a daughter to him. And a traveler came to the rich man, who refused to take from his own flock and from his own herd to prepare one for the wayfaring man who had come to him; but he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him” (2 Sam. 12:1-4). When David heard this, his “anger was greatly aroused against the man.” Then David said to Nathan “As the Lord lives, the man who has done this shall surely die! And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing and because he had no pity” (2 Sam. 12:5-6). 

Let’s hold this thought for just a moment. David had just committed adultery with Uriah’s wife, had him killed, and then Nathan comes and tells this parable to David and he is ready and willing to put to death that man that took the poor man’s lamb! Have we learned anything here? The preacher gets up and preaches a sermon about the importance of being faithful in our attendance. He quotes from the book of God “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). The man or woman in the audience is shaking their head in agreement as if to say “that’s right preacher, we should never forsake the assembly and those who do certainly will not go to heaven.” Then that night they are not in the assembly. On Wednesday night, they are not in the assembly. What happened? These people are no different than David. Nathan’s parable was directed directly at David, yet he thought he was talking about someone else. The preacher’s sermon was directed directly at the man or woman that is forsaking the assembly, yet they thought he was talking about someone else.

Thou Art The Man!

Nathan stuns David into reality by saying, “Thou art the man!” Why have you despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the people of Ammon” (2 Sam. 12:9). David was shocked into reality but what did he do? Did he quit? Did he say, “I just knew I could not be perfect,” and just give up? NO! David showed why he was a man after God’s own heart as we too can be. He said: “I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Sam. 12:13). From that moment on he dedicated his life fully to the Lord. His sins were “put away” but he paid the consequences for his sins (2 Sam.12:16ff). Let us not assume that when God speaks to us from his Word that he’s talking to someone else. Be honest and ask yourself, “Am I the man?” If the answer is “Yes,” then admit that you have sinned, repent, and serve God diligently thereafter!

8014 County Line Rd., Sellersburg, Indiana  47172 RThetford@juno.com

Truth Magazine Vol. XLV: 3  p21  February 1, 2001