The Testimony of The Seasons

By John R. Hurt

In the changing of every season we see powerful convincing testimony to the truthfulness of the Word of God. Note the reading of Genesis 8:22.

While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, And cold and heat, and summer and winter, And day and night, shall not cease.

As we see the splendor of spring, the burgeoning flowers, the green sprouts and the whole of nature come alive again, we know that God’s Word is true. Just as surely as the green sprouts grow into summers lush growth and each tender bud blooms into summer times radiant blossoms, we can rest confidently in the unshakable fact that the Bible speaks the truth. With the coming of fall and all the beautiful colors that make the hues of the greatest Italian artists pale in significance, the Word of God is authenticated. Then with the arriving of the harsh cold, the falling leaves, and the stark brown bareness of winter’s landscape, you may be assured of the indisputable fact that countless centuries shout and proclaim. While the earth remains it shall ever be so! The word of God is true!

In this tribute to the veracity of God, this miracle of his creation, do we not also see the answer to Job’s ancient question, “If a man dies will he yet live again” (Job 14:14)? Each year we witness God take the seemingly dead lifeless plants and revive again the germ of life within them.

In the explosion of new life that follows, all nature is robed in the brilliant splendor of the season. Surely then, it is but a small thing, for the creator of this vast universe to reach down to our narrow house beneath the earth and revive again the germ of life within the soul of man. Ah, the changing of the seasons.

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 22, p. 22
November 21, 1996

The Child Unborn


God cares for all the children who never see the light

Who never experience sadness or feel the dark of night

Who never smell the flowers or climb trees great and small

Who never see the sun set or gaze at towers tall

Who never feel the chilly wind or tread on snowy hill

Who never hear the birds sing like other children will

But they’ll see heaven’s glory the streets all paved in gold

They will feel peace forever just like we all were told

They’ll be there long before we will they’ll never feel the scorn

These are the little souls of God who never will be born.

-Leah McJunkins

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 22, p. 22
November 21, 1996


Are You Taking Early Retirement?


In recent years, it has become common for many people to take early retirement from the job. This practice is sup-posed to give advantages both to the employer by lowering the payroll expense and to the retiree by giving more time to enjoy the golden years of life. Whether the practice has brought about good or bad results in the business world is for the experts to discuss. However, I would like to consider the effect of a similar practice of early retirement which I have seen becoming all too prevalent in local churches. In too many places, we are losing the knowledge, ability, and experience of godly men and women due to retirement from the work in favor of “voluntary unemployment.” Such early retirements have been detrimental to the work of our Lord and the souls of men.

Let us first be reminded of Bible teaching about the work necessary for each of us as Christians. Paul stated the responsibility with which each Christian is charged when he said:

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58).

That requirement should not being surprising to the servant of God for he has always demanded the full attention of heart, soul, strength, mind and body (Deut. 4:29; 6:5; 10:12-13; 1 Chron. 22:19; 28:9; 29:17-19; Matt. 22:35-38). God is not pleased with a division of attention which seeks to give partial service to him and partial service to another (Luke 16:13). Blessings from God are contingent upon giving unreserved priority to him and his service (Matt. 6:33). The Christians in Rome were reminded about their obligation of energetic service to the Lord which was to be “in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:11).

The apostle Paul was an excellent example of that kind of diligent work in serving Christ. From the time the Lord appeared to him along the Damascus road until the apostle’s death, Paul was the picture of diligence. Regardless of the obstacle, he remained persistent in his pursuit of service to the Savior (2 Cor. 11:23-33). His determination in ser-vice to carry the gospel of Christ throughout the world can be seen in his comparison of that service to a marathon race in which he would be satisfied with nothing short of first place:

Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain. And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air: but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected (1 Cor. 9:24-27).

Later in the same book, he commends that kind of compulsive service in others. Notice his description of the household of Stephanas:

I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) that ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth (1 Cor. 16:15-16, KJV).

Could it be accurately said of our house that we are addicted to the ministry of the saints? Such devotion is set forth as the example for us to follow. Do we follow it? If we are taking early retirement in the Lord’s service, it is certain that we are not addicted to the service of Christ and the saints. Just think what a difference between such devotion and the early retirement syndrome in two areas of the Lord’s work.

Assembling of Saints

Some manifest a spirit of retiring from regular worship of God and exhortation of the saints contrary to the command of God (Heb. 10:24-25). Oh yes, they may come back at varying intervals to visit their former associates in work, but they do not keep “regular hours” anymore. Their identification with the work to be done is no longer present. When they return, it is more social in nature than an attempt to help shoulder the work that must be done. They may still see themselves as workers, but they are merely bystanders who no longer soil their hands with the tasks of service.

Are you an early retiree from the assembling of the saints? Is your presence at the assembly for worship more a visit than a routine? If so, why not change that today? If every member of this congregation attended each service with the same frequency that a good employee comes to work, think of the results. God would be glorified as he deserves to be by each Christian! Every saint would be encouraged by every other saint as we exhort one another to love and good works! Each Christian would be doing this work commanded by God! Early retirement robs God, the church, and the unfaithful.

Teaching of Others

Some manifest a desire to withdraw from the teaching which is the responsibility of mature Christians (Heb. 5:12). Instead of continuing their efforts until death, as Paul and other faithful saints did, these seek early retirement from the task of teaching. They claim to have “put in their time” or “done that when they were younger,” but see it as another’s responsibility now. They look back at the time when they used to get lessons prepared and do the hard work, but now are glad that they can sit back and listen to another who has done the preparation for them. They donot stop to consider that God gave no time short of the grave when we could rightly retire from the responsibility of teaching others. Early retirement would have been easier on Paul, Peter, John or Jesus, but they did not take it. They endured faithfully and zealously to the end.

Have you taken early retirement from teaching others about the gospel? Have you sought to hand that task to someone else? Why not get back to the work God has for you in teaching, now? If we had every mature Christian teaching as God commands, just think of the results. It would be pleasing to God! It would help those who need to learn the truth! Do you remember in school how several teachers could try to convey the same point, but then that one teacher who was making the same point would put it in such a way that you could understand it? That happens in the teaching of the gospel as well. There is someone that you can reach with the truth more effectively than anyone else. If you fail to do that teaching, God will hold you accountable.

If we had every mature Christian teaching as God commands, it would help every teacher as well! Those who are presently carrying all of the load would be aided tremendously by the help. I have noticed over the past few years in many congregations that the full weight of the teaching in the class programs has fallen on a shrinking number of teachers. They need help! However, when others step in to help, the helpers will end up being helped. When we teach others, we learn more in preparation than we can possibly impart in our teaching. Therefore, we grow faster in our service to God through teaching than we would have by setting back and letting others do the work for which we are responsible to God. These principles not only apply to our class program, but also to our teaching it privately.

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 22, p. 18-19
November 21, 1996

Reading, Writing, and Reflecting

By Steve Willis

Drug Use Among Eighth Graders

Drug use among America’s teens is on the increase. Newsweek Magazine (August 26, 1996, the “Heroin” cover) reported these statistics for “Eighth Graders Who Have Used Drugs in Their Lifetime” (in percent):

1991 1995 Percent

Crack 1.3 2.7 +108

Heroin 1.2 2.3 + 92

Marijuana 10.2 19.9 + 95

Cocaine 2.3 4.2 + 83

Hallucinogens 3.2 5.2 + 63

Stimulants 10.5 13.1 + 25

Tranquilizers 3.8 4.5 + 18

Cigarettes 44.0 46.4 + 5

Been drunk 26.7 25.3 – 5

The article mentioned many “stars” and music “heros” who have died from heroin overdoses, and tells of FBI Di-rector Louis Freeh’s hand-delivered memo to President Clinton, complaining about a lack of “any true leadership” in stemming the influx of heroin and cocaine.

SIDS Related to Tobacco Smoke

“Nearly two-thirds of Sudden Infant-Death Syndrome cases are linked to tobacco smoke, British scientists have concluded. Even if a baby is merely in a room where smoking has occurred, its risk of dying from SIDS can increase 800%” (quotes from Time, August 5, 1996).

Last Report from Statistics Canada on Marriage?

Statistics Canada gathered facts from Canada’s 1995 General Social Survey and reported that married couples with children living at home made up 44.5% of all families, a drop from 55% in 1981. This report was heralded in newspapers as the demise of the “traditional family” in Canada. The report said, “Diversity and change are the salient features of Canadian families in the ’90s,” and “These changes are the result of increases in divorce, separation, remarriage and cohabitation on the one hand and decreases in mortality, fertility and marriage on the other.” Lone parent families rose from 11.3% in 1981 to 13.8% in 1995. “Common-law” couples without children have grown from 3.7% to 6.7% over the same period. Statistics Canada at-tributed the “growing prevalence of common-law unions and the concomitant decline in marriage to the changing attitudes of Canadians toward the marital union” (quotes from the Alberta Report, July 8, 1996).

One wonders if this will be the last report on marriages from Statistics Canada. They recently announced they will no longer be gathering their own information on marriage statistics, but relying on information gleaned from the census. This may not be the last report on marriages by Statistics Canada, but it makes one wonder if they are trying to encourage marriage when they stop gathering information on it.

The “Religious,” Extra-Marital Sex,

Abortion and Inspiration

The Alberta Report cites information from Gene Edward Veith that seems to give “appalling statistics” for those who claim to be “Christian” or religious: “That 56% of single `fundamentalist’ Christians practise [sic] sex outside marriage, for example, almost the same percentage discovered for non-Christians. That 66% of single Roman Catholics are sexually active. That 67% of Americans accept ‘pre-marital sex,’ and 83% of Catholics accept it. That 49% of Protestants and 47% of Catholics declare themselves `pro-choice.’ Most bizarre of all, 70% of Americans say they believe the Bible to be `the written word of God, totally accurate in all it teaches,’ while 72% say they believe `there are no absolute values”‘ (quotes from the June 17, 1996 issue).

Tobacco, Alcohol And Your Health

In a Special Issue on “What You Need to Know About Cancer” (Scientific American, September 1996) different articles address old news about tobacco and the recent news that red wine may be good for heart disease. “What Causes Cancer?” tobacco smoke is the “top carcinogen” accounting for nearly 30% of cancer deaths. “Smoking, mainly of cigarettes, causes cancer of the lung, upper respiratory tract, esophagus, bladder and pancreas and probably the stomach, liver and kidney. Smoking is implicated in chronic myelocytic leukemia, and may also cause cancer of the colon and rectum and other organs.”

“Passive smoking, or inhalation of tobacco smoke in the environment, causes much less lung cancer than active smoking. Nevertheless, a few thousand people die every year in the U.S. from cancers attributable mainly to second-hand smoke. Thus, passive smoking is as much a killer as general outdoor air pollution or household exposure to the radioactive gas radon (which is emitted naturally from the earth in some areas.”

“Consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages, particularly by smokers, increases the risk of cancer of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts, and alcoholic cirrhosis frequently leads to liver cancer. Although modest drinking does seem to reduce the risk of heart disease, con-verging data suggest that intake of as few as one or two drinks a day may contribute to breast cancer and perhaps colon and rectal cancer.” In another article, “Strategies for Minimizing Cancer Risk,” authors added: “Clearly, on many grounds, heavy alcohol consumption should be avoided. Anyone considering drinking moderately for the good of the heart should consult a physician and take into account any family history of alcoholism while weighing the risk of cancer against that of cardiovascular disease.”

Oh, yes, the prior article listed diet (animal  saturated  fat, salt, and very hot beverages, and skimping of some vegetables) as the second cause of cancer and cancer-related deaths. As to being over-weight, “For unknown reasons, obesity also appears to increase the risk for cancers of the colon, kidney and gallbladder.”

R U Ready for RU-486?

The French company Roussel-Uclaf markets mifepristone under the label “RU-486.” This drug is known to cause abortion of pregnancies, and is on the verge of legalization in the U.S. Here are some “facts” about the drug: “Administered in a doctor’s office, RU-486 functions as an antiprogesterone, blocking the hormone that sustains the fetus in the womb. But killing the unborn baby does not get rid of it in 20% to 40% of cases. A return visit must be scheduled 36 to 48 hours later, when a dose of the hormone prostaglandin is given to induce delivery. Then comes what the medical research describes as, ‘severe cramping, nausea, vomiting and bleeding.’ Half the subjects bleed `profusely’ for 12 to 42 days, with many needing transfusions. In British trials, 47% of women required narcotics for the abdominal pain. And in 6% to 15% of cases, the abortion remains incomplete at that stage, meaning the womb must be scraped out. RU-486 also increases the risk of birth defects in any babies who survive.

“The drug’s impact is so gruesome, and the risks of long-term heart and reproductive organ damage so great, that some pro-abortionists like Australian doctor Renate Klein oppose its use.” . . . “RU-486’s prize-winning inventor, Etienne Beaulieu, estimated in 1989 that his pill kills `around four or five of every 1,000 women’ in the absence of strict medical supervision” (quotes from the Alberta Report, August 12, 1996).

Yet, women have a new recommended means of “emergency” use (read aborticide) medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration “plans to publish a notice in the Federal Register declaring that oral contraceptives can be used safely and effectively to avoid pregnancy as late as three days after intercourse.” The FDA’s move is short of an actual approval, but gives “unmistakable and official sanction to emergency use” where manufacturer were reluctant to make such claims in their own marketing  fearing law-suits, protests and boycotts. Planned Parenthood was “emboldened” by the decision, with president Gloria Feldt saying, “We’re delighted. We’ve been using this procedure for many years in our clinics but were not able to publicize it” with out the FDA sanction. The FDA’s decision was seen as a green-light, though drug makers are not likely to apply for formal approval. (quotes from Time, July 15, 1996).

Church of England Announces: No One In Hell

After announcing their considerations on a new doctrine of Hell earlier in the year, in July, the Church of England’s General Synod overwhelmingly approved the definition of Hell as a condition of total non-being, not everlasting torment. The Anglican Church now says that Hell is “the choosing of that which is opposed to God so absolutely that the only end is total non-being.” This would put them in agreement with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and a few other religious groups that deny eternal punishment in Hell. (quotes from the Alberta Report, July 29, 1996).

Moon Rises in Brazil

Sun Myung Moon is building a $100 million religious and agronomic showcase-site in a remote corner of western Brazil. This is the same “Rev. Moon” who married hundreds of “Moonies” in one public ceremony years ago. This is the same man whose ministry led him into prison and disrepute in the U.S. He with his wife present them-selves as the “True Father” and “True Mother,” and their mission is “nothing less than to rebuild the Garden of Eden, a paradise on earth.” The center of many acres of land-holdings is called the “New Hope Ranch.” To Brazilian Protestants and Catholics, the 76-year old Moon is guilty of numerous doctrinal heresies: “…that Christ’s mother, Mary, was not a virgin, and by arguing that he and his wife, the `True Parents,’ are on earth to finish the job Jesus failed to do.” One Catholic priest said, “We repudiate him be-cause he calls himself the Messiah and also because of his past record.”

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 22, p. 20-21
November 21, 1996