Some Brethren Agree with Jimmy Swaggart

By Bill Crews

One morning in April of this year I listened to an interesting radio program. It was on one of the stations with an all-religious format. It was also a regular daily broad-cast by Jimmy Swaggart. A panel of three, Jimmy Swaggart, his wife, and one of Mr. Swaggart’s staff ministers, were discussing the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

(For those who have been wondering, yes Jimmy Swaggart is still active, but only at a small percentage of what he was before the fall of his vast religious empire. He was, a few years back, the most successful of all the famous “televangelists,” taking in the greatest amount of monetary donations. His fall came about when his carnal escapades with prostitutes were publicly exposed. Expelled from the “Assemblies of God,” he operates as an independent now. His Bible college has only a handful of students, whereas it once had about 1500 and was growing every semester. His “Family Worship Center,” with a seating capacity of 10,000 and once nearly full for every service, still has services conducted by himself, but with fewer services and far smaller audiences. Other religious bodies use it also, and it is rented for other functions. One large dormitory building, of about ten stories stands unfinished and decaying. Other buildings are leased out or empty. He still has some radio broadcasts and TV telecasts. Only a few flags fly on the flag poles that were once filled  one for every nation where he had radio and TV programs aired. Many lawsuits against him have been filed and settled; others are pending. His own home and the other two on the palatial grounds where they stand have been up for sale for some time. A shop-ping mall is going up on property he once owned. Yes he still solicits and receives donations, but he will never have a great religious empire again.)

Now, back to that radio program. Here are some of the views given or positions taken on it. (1) Matthew 19:3-9 gives fornication” (unlawful sexual intercourse) as a grounds for divorcing a guilty mate and then remarrying, but it does not apply to those who are not Christians. It only applies to those who have become Christians, and it only applies to their current marriage at the time oftheir conversion. (2) 1 Corinthians 7:15 provides some Christians with a second grounds for divorcing a mate and remarrying, namely, desertion by a mate who is not a Christian who leaves the Christian because of his/her religious profession and practice. (3) People out of Christ may marry, divorce, and remarry any number of times, but when they become Christians, then they are allowed no divorce and remarriage except according to the above two grounds. (4) And then they found a way to get around the restriction which they said Matthew 19:3-9 imposes on two Christians in a marriage. They “reasoned” that when a marriage between two Christians has been broken up for some other grounds, and both parties marry someone else, surely the new marriages in all cases (some of which may have gone on for years and involve new children) would not have to be dissolved. Yes, the parties have committed sin, but surely they could repent of their sins and be forgiven by God with-out having to dissolve their current marriages. A hypothetical case was given (which turned out to be quite common and real) of a married man and a married woman, both in the church choir, having an affair, divorcing their mates and marrying each other. They decided that after it was all done, the two could repent and be forgiven without having to separate. But they thought it best that they attend another church so as not to embarrass their former mates and make for an awkward situation in that church.

This shows how men and women can rationalize, and get around the word of God, and make it suit their purposes. But the most disturbing thing is that many who profess to be New Testament Christians, members of the Lord’s church, have reached all of these same conclusions. Reader friend, Matthew 19:3-9, which emphasizes what was God’s will “from the beginning,” still applies to all marriages and gives the only grounds that God recognizes for divorce and re-marriage. And 1 Corinthians 7:15 is not even addressing the subject of divorce and remarriage. Of course the Bible allows those whose mates have died to marry again (Rom. 7:2-3; 1 Cor. 7:39).

Rather than rationalizing and rendering meaningless some clear Bible passages, let’s get serious about informing the human race about the existence and sovereignty of God, his right to regulate the divine origin of marriage, and the divine regulations that govern marriage. With so many convinced that marriage is merely a social arrangement developed by the human race, having many forms, and properly subject to change, we have our work cut out for us. With so many thinking that it is all right for any man or woman to live together intimately without being married, that in many cases it might be a wise prelude to being married, that it’s perfectly permissible to get out of a marriage if you become dissatisfied with it, and that “same-sex marriages” (a ridiculous contradiction of terms) should be permitted, we certainly have our work cut out for us!

Before God every accountable human being has the responsibility of living a sexually pure life, of viewing all sex outside the context of a lawful marriage as sinful, and, if he chooses to marry, of selecting a marriage partner with the mutual determination to love, honor, and cherish until death separates them. The only step in life more serious than that of marriage is that of becoming a Christian.

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 24, p. 5
December 19, 1996

Murder: A Matter of Inches?

By Andy Alexander

The Child Unborn

God cares for all the children who never see the light,

Who never experience sadness or feel the dark of night,

Who never smell the flowers or climb trees great and small,

Who never see the sun set or gaze at towers tall,

Who never feel the chilly wind or tread on snowy hill,

Who never hear the birds sing like other children will,

But they’ll see heaven’s glory the streets all paved in gold.

They will feel peace forever just like we all were told.

They’ll be there long before we will,

They’ll never feel the scorn.

These are the little souls of God who never will be born.

-Leah McJunkins

There has been a concerted effort among many of the politicians of our land to ban an abortion procedure called partial birth abortion. The abortionists call it an intact dilation and evacuation (IDE). The object that is intact is a baby. The baby is delivered alive, except for the head, then a pair of blunt scissors are inserted into the back of the baby’s skull and opened to expose the brain; then a high-powered suction tube is inserted into the baby’s skull and its brains are sucked out. If the baby’s head were to be moved just a matter of inches (just outside the birth canal), the legal procedure known as an abortion would be the criminal act of murder. Those supporting abortion insist that life does not begin until the actual birth of the child; therefore they reason that as long as the baby is in the womb it is not murder to kill it and remove it. However, in partial birth abortions, the baby is partially delivered, then murdered. Again, if the same procedure were carried out two or three inches from where it now occurs, it would be classified murder. It used to be, “if you can’t see it, it’s not murder!” Now, the idea is changed to “if you can’t see all of it, then it’s not murder!”

It’s a sad time in the history of a nation when discussion of such a topic is even taking place. This is the result of the hedonistic lifestyle that many Americans have chosen to lead. We do not want to accept responsibility for our actions or we want to eliminate the consequences of our sinful ways.

The Bible plainly teaches that the babe in the womb is a living being and recognized by God as an individual person. David said in Psalm 139:12-16:

For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks unto thee; For I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well. My frame was not hidden from thee, When I was made in secret, And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in thy book they were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them.

To the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee; I have appointed thee a prophet unto the nations” (Jer. 1:4-5). Language could not be plainer, the babe in the womb is a living human being known by God and to willfully destroy it is murder. “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: For in the image of God made he man” (Gen. 9:6).

It is not just the wholesale slaughter of babies that is taking place. The present administration lifted a ban on fetal tissue research which Presidents Reagan and Bush both signed and up-held. This lifting of the ban has increased the pressure to perform partial birth abortions, because the older the aborted baby, the more value it is to those in research (“Cures From The Womb,” Article on Fetal Tissue Re-search, Newsweek Magazine, 2-22-93; 49-54). The number of these partial birth abortions during the last year of record was 17,000, a far cry from the number (300 to 400) that some politicians report.

Experiments on human beings takes place by those who do not believe in God or believe the fact that man is made in the image of God. Secular humanists and atheists pro-mote this type research as a means of making life better for those who are living. Baby tissue is particularly valuable to those in research who are looking for the elusive fountain of youth. Cell growth in babies is much more rapid than in adults and researchers are running experiments on aborted babies in an effort to discover why. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why they want to know this secret.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion promoter and provider, learned her humanistic ways from German philosophers in the early 1900s. These same philosophers likely had an influence on Adolph Hitler, one of the cruelest men that ever lived. Sanger, like Hitler, believed the way to achieve a utopian society was by weeding out the un-desirable, the poor and certain races deemed as unnecessary and a burden on society. (Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood, a book by George Grant, contains much documentation.) It is not difficult to understand why abortionists do not want this type of information being distributed.

The gruesome and inhumane methods of murder they use to destroy life, and the use they make of the remains is enough to turn most people against such an evil. However, many Americans, and not a few Christians, are isolated from the carnage that takes place and believe that what they do not know cannot hurt them. But, God’s word teaches differently. Nations that destroy the innocent and do not up-hold the rights of the poor and less fortunate are headed for destruction. Ancient Israel was destroyed, not be-cause of a poor economy, but because of the innocent people who were abused and killed (2 Kgs. 21:16; Jer. 5:28-34).

Let us awake from sleep, get off our beds of ease, and teach those around us the principles of righteousness that can save the soul and preserve the nation (Eph. 5:14; Amos 6:1; Prov. 14:34).

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 24, p. 6-7
December 19, 1996

Editorial Left-overs

By Connie W. Adams


In the August 1, 1996 Guardian of Truth, I had an article entitled “To My Brethren in the Philippines.” In that article I referred to some speeches made by Jerry F. Bassett in the Philippines, as indicated in his report concerning his work there.

In these speeches, he made use of an article I wrote years ago entitled “Let My Conscience Be Your Guide.” A letter from brother Bassett indicates he feels that I have misrepresented him on the following matters:

(1) He denies that he preached his convictions on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage but rather reacted to speeches others had made that were critical of his position. He says that the speeches he made were designed to focus on how brethren could work together while disagreed over these and other matters.

(2) He states also that he has never applied Romans 14 to the issue of how brethren can maintain fellowship while disagreeing on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. He states that he believes Romans 14 deals with matters that are indifferent with God.

The purpose of my article was to distance myself from the position which brother Bassett holds on the marriage question which position is well known from his book and from two public debates on the subject. It was not my intention to misrepresent him in any respect.

Some Training Needed

It is evident that some brethren, preachers included, need to learn how to dismiss a congregation in prayer at the end of a service. Usually the congregation has been standing during an invitation, closing remarks, and a final song. Or it may be that there was some public response to the invitation and the service was happily lengthened for that reason. That is not the time to hold the congregation with a marathon prayer that repeats everything from former prayers in the meeting. It is no time for an oration. Webster defines the word “dismiss”: “1. to permit or cause to leave.” It does not mean to hold on or delay. Good judgment ought to have some part in this. It is often hard on older people to stand that long. It is also difficult for parents struggling with small children. There is something to be said for prayer which serves the needs of the occasion. Giving thanks for the bread or the fruit of the vine should be just that. Dismissal ought to be dismissal. Don’t brethren have training classes anymore?


In a recent meeting at the El Bethel congregation near Shelbyville, Tennessee where Donnie V. Rader preaches, there were two young men who told me matter-of-factly that they intend to be gospel preachers. I was told there were others there who have made the same determination. It used to be commonplace to find one or two young men in nearly every congregation who had set their sights on preaching. That has become a very rare thing. How refreshing to hear bright, young men confidently state that they have that as their goal. “Preach the word … in season and out of season” (2 Tim. 4:2).

That Rock from Mars

A small rock which has been judged by some to be a part of a meteor from Mars created a great deal of excitement in the scientific community and in the press. It is suggested that the rock contained possible traces of sub-stances that are necessary to the origin of life. One newspaper editor in Texas said this discovery had “rocked” the religious world with its belief in a divine creation. Well now, let’s suppose that rock did fall from Mars. And let’s suppose there is evidence from it that life exists on Mars, or at least did so at one time. If we grant all of that, I have a question. Where did that life come from? Did it evolve or was it created? That puts us right back where we have been for a long time. Was it “in the beginning God” or “in the beginning Nothing”?

Paul had something to say about this sort of thing: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:22).

To Our Critics

If any of the writers for this paper are teaching error, please be kind enough to point that out for our good and for the good of all. Calling us a bunch of rascals will notget the job done. I cannot speak for any other writer but myself, but I can tell you that as long as God lets me live and maintain the strength necessary for the task, I intend to teach what I confidently believe to be the truth and to oppose what I confidently believe to be error regardless of who teaches it, or how unpopular such opposition might be. I have never thought of conducting a poll, or “feeling the pulse of the brethren” before doing so. If we falsely charge the motives of some brother, then please point that out. But please don’t make such a charge when it is not so. There have been numerous emotional speeches, and some articles decrying the evil treatment administered to an “aged warrior.” Some of those who parrot that don’t know any better. They have acted with confidence in those who told them so. But there are some men still repeating this lie who know better. It is one thing to challenge what a brother is teaching in a public forum whether he is young or old, and quite another to question his integrity. Those of you who are still spreading this falsehood, please take note of the fact that I and others who write for this pa-per (and a number of others who do not write for this paper) have challenged the teaching of a well respected and venerable brother on the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, but we have not ever questioned his integrity. It would lessen tensions considerably if that simple distinction would be made and if those who have made such charges would have the kindness to apologize for it. While they are at it, they could also consider ceasing to indict the character and integrity of those of us who write for this publication. Then there are those who know all about it but say they have not read the paper for years. Amazing!

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 24, p. 3-4
December 19, 1996

Just Want to Say “Thank You”

By Mike Willis

The changing of the calendar year reminds us how swiftly we are turning “life’s daily pages.” With this issue of Guardian of Truth, we complete 40 years of publication. Our next issue will be a special issue relating to those 40 years of service. It is an issue you will not want to miss. Not only is this the end of 40 years of service, this completes twenty years that I have edited Guardian of Truth. This milestone is an occasion for personal reflection.

I Have Been Blessed to Work With Some of the

World’s Best People

My life has been enriched during the years that I have been associated with the Guardian of Truth Foundation to be associated with some of the best people in the world. I have been privileged to work personally with men whose commitment to God’s revelation has driven them to accomplish great things in the kingdom of God.

In my earliest years, I was blessed to listen to Cecil Willis, Roy E. Cogdill, Luther Blackmon, James W. Adams, and several others relate their personal observations about the division over institutionalism. My perceptions of how liberalism works was shaped, not only by their lucid writings, but also their personal observations of how men act when they begin to move away from God’s word.

My association with the Board of Directors of the Guardian of Truth Foundation has been pleasant. These men are honorable men who are committed to doing what is right. One incident that demonstrates the depth of their commitment to righteousness goes back over twenty years. We were in a board meeting at which a business man, who was also one of our board members, wanted to donate the C E I Bookstore to the Guardian of Truth Foundation. The bookstore was probably valued in excess of $100,000 at that time. That was a sizable gift for a struggling foundation to receive. At the time, the grace-unity conflict was waging. I shall never forget the discussion that occurred in that meeting. Brethren commented that, if we accepted that gift, some would think our motive in opposing the false doctrine on grace-unity was to gain control of the bookstore. We came to the conclusion that our motives would not be misjudged if we did not accept the gift. Despite this, the motives of the editor, writers, and board still were misjudged. The bookstore was given to Florida College and several years later we purchased the bookstore. This transaction demonstrates that the Board is composed of men of honor.

There have been a number of occasions when brethren with whom we did business disagreed with us about business decisions. In every one of those occasions, the Board has consistently taken the position that we would rather bend to do what was unquestionably right rather than take a brother to court or mistreat him. The board members of this foundation are honorable men and I have been blessed to serve with them.

The same can be said about the staff writers of this magazine. Although I have had a lot less personal association with them than I have had with the Board, my association with the various writers of this journal has richly blessed my life. None of these men is perfect (or claims to be), but they are men who have the humility to confess their sins and seek the Lord’s forgiveness when they stumble into sin. They are men who have the conviction to stand for what they believe. None of them is a “yes” man. For this reason, there have been occasions when one staff writer wrote in response to what another staff writer affirmed. Frankly, I respect the integrity of such men, be-cause this is a safeguard to everyone’s fallibility. Each of them is a good student of God’s word. They are used by hundreds of churches across this country in gospel meetings, in addition to doing respectable local works. Our readers are privileged to sit at their feet and learn and I am blessed to be associated with them.

I Have Been Blessed With My Wife’s Support

Only those who know my family most intimately perceive how painful to my wife Sandy were the conflicts through which we have come. I have a pretty thick skin and am generally able to let criticism roll off without getting very upset. Those times have been much harder for her than they have been for me. Despite the pain that my work has brought to her, she still has encouraged me to continue preaching and doing the work that I do in editing Guardian of Truth.

Having witnessed how many gospel preachers’ works have been undermined (whether intentionally or unintentionally) by their wife, my appreciation for her has grown through the years. She has contributed so much to my work as a gospel preacher that I don’t know how to measure it. You can understand why I consider myself richly blessed to have her as my companion.

I Have Been Blessed to Do The Work I Most Enjoy

In the years that I have been preaching, I have met a number of men who have dutifully gone to jobs they do not enjoy in order to provide a living for their families. I have learned that a man who can make a living doing a job that he enjoys is privileged. Such a man looks forward to the beginning of every day because of his own excitement about the work he is doing.

I have enjoyed the work that I do so much that there have been times when Sandy was jealous of my work, telling me that I was “married” to my work. I have relished the leisure to study God’s word and the opportunities to preach and write about what I have learned. I have been blessed to work with some very good Christians in local churches. None of my experiences in the local church has been “bad” although each of them has had problems through which we had to work.

Just Want to Say “Thank You”

The purpose of this editorial is to say “thank you” to every person who has made my work so enjoyable. I am a most richly blessed person to preach the Lord’s glorious gospel and be supported while I do that. Paul expressed his attitude, which I also have, when he wrote, “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). The opportunity to preach is a “grace given.”

To every one of our readers who has supported our work by reading what we publish, I owe a debt of gratitude. Thank you for your support, words of encouragement, and for using the materials that we have labored so hard to produce (they are labors of love). So, for the last 20 years, I just want to say “thank you.”

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 24, p. 2
December 19, 1996