1 Peter 4:1-5 – Narcotics

By Thomas Bunting

I see on the smoking ads that smoking is “hazardous to your health.” There is presently a cowl case charging the tobacco company with causing loss of health. But I wonder why I see no such warnings about alcohol? I have yet to hear of a case against the brewery for destroying one’s health. It is common knowledge that alcohol is hazardous to one’s health. It is common and confirmed knowledge that it causes death and is often the cause of liver disease, heart disease and cancer.

None of today’s narcotics is directly named in the Bible, nor are any of today’s liquors or beers named. Alcohol is a narcotic, it is a toxin! Wine is named in the Bible, but it is not the same as the wines of our time. The point is that since none of these are named in the Bible, it is necessary to use Bible principles to decide if it is right or wrong for us to use them. There is good reason for concern when one understands the chemical ingredients in the plants and drinks (that which people eat, smoke, and drink).

One cannot open the Bible to a Scripture which says “marijuana is sin.” Can I participate in a hashish party (marijuana party)? Can I smoke a little marijuana at home now and then? (Marijuana has both short lived and long lasting consequences.) One must use Bible principles to decide right and wrong.

The Bible names two drinks, wine and strong drink. There are many that wonder what “strong drink” could have been. I do not believe that any-one knows exactly what it was, but it could have been some kind of strong narcotics which had been in existence for a long time. No matter what it was I believe that everyone agrees that we must not use “strong drink.”

The majority of those who try to de-fend their drinking habits point to the Bible word “wine.” Here one needs to be honest with himself and with Bible teaching. In the Bible the word, wine, did not always contain narcotics (alcohol). Sometimes it referred only to grape juice, but other times it did contain alcohol. (There was no alcohol when the word, wine, was used in these verses: Isa. 65:8; 16:10; 27:2; :Jer. 40:10, 12.) In the Bible when wine contained alcohol it happened by natural process and cannot compare with the today’s wines and their alcohol content.

Distilling was first discovered about A.D. 1000 to 1100. Distilling is a method of increasing the alcohol content in drinks. As soon as it became common practice in the Catholic church (the major church in Europe at that time) to use alcoholic wine in the communion the consumption of alcohol increased significantly. (The word “wine” is never used in connection with the communion, Lord’s supper, in the Bible.) Keep in mind that when you read “wine” in the Bible you are reading about something completely different from today’s wine.

Be careful about what your view is regarding such common expressions as: “drunk,” “drunkenness,” “alcohol problem,” “misuse of alcohol,” “abuse of alcohol.” Is your view built on what the Bible teaches and on Bible principles, or is it based on societies’ traditions (customs)?

What is “drunkenness”? Is one drunk when he cannot walk? When it is difficult to walk? He can walk, but can’t see very well? He talks too much? He acts extremely happy? etc.

What does “has an alcohol problem” mean? Does that mean he is an alcoholic? Or is always drunk? he drinks regularly? Always has wine with his meals? Drinks every Saturday? Every evening? Drinks at all important meetings?

What is abuse of alcohol? Does that mean he drinks too much? Drinks a little? Drinks it but not as medicine? Refrains from all use of alcohol? What is your view regarding these expressions and is your view built upon Bible principles or societies’ traditions?

Everyone is surely already aware of the consequences of alcohol on society. I quote from a few Norwegian and English papers and magazines.

..alcohol ruins lives, destroys families, kills thousands on highways.”

“Alcohol is the most common cause for accidents, both in the home and outside the home, two of three accidental deaths happens in connection with alcohol.”

“Alcohol is by far the most devastating of drugs  wrecking families, imparting health, filling jails, hospitals and morgues. In 1990 it cost the American society 136 billion dollars and more than 65,000 lives. These damages do not lie entirely on severely afflicted but much on moderate drinking  where drink merges into dependence is blurry..

“A pregnant woman takes a drink and within minutes her fetus has the same drink”

“Alcohol is one of the leading causes of mental retardation.”

“Violence and alcohol go together. One cannot talk about violence and crime with out recognizing that it is very often a result of alcohol.”

“Sixty-six percent of those who murder have been drinking alcohol” (or other narcotics).

“America and Europe have for a long time been am-bivalent (attracted) towards alcohol. So much so that the “war” on drugs, attacking cocaine, heroin and other contraband  omits inquiry into one of the most prevalent drugs in the world” (National Geographic).


1. Not many alcoholics in France because they drink wine. “They have the highest rate of alcohol-related problems, with twice the death rate by liver cirrhosis.”

2. No danger of being dependent for I drink beer. “Most alcoholics in Britain are beer drinkers.” “Beer is the major man killer. Half of the alcohol consumed in Norway is beer.”

3. Teach young people to drink to avoid problems later in life. “The earlier in life young people are introduced to alcohol the greater the problems with alcohol will be later.”

4. Teach your children at home and it will go fine. “It most often goes all wrong. Children experience this as acceptance.”

Alcohol Like All the Other Narcotics

Affects the Brain

“The mind-bending effects of alcohol begin soon after it hits the blood stream. Within minutes alcohol enters the brain, numbing nerve cells and slowing messages to the body, heart It isn’t a question of how many glasses or bottles before it begins to happen. The brain is affected with the first bit. “If drinking continues, alcohol builds in the blood stream and the nerve center in the brain governing speech, vision, balance and judgment go haywire.” Alcohol “combined with soda moves it more rapidly to all vital organs.”

Alcohol is described in the Bible as a sedative. It dulls the brain. It makes it lazy and slow. It is a part of the lifestyle that belonged to the “old man” (man of sin), and some try to bring it with them into the new life.

What Alcohol Does

1. It effects your judgment (narcosis, sedative, Prov. 31:4-7).

2. It is not for kings and judges (Prov. 31:4-5).

3. It is a mocker (Prov. 20:1).

4. It gets a person to do things he ordinarily would not do (Prov. 23:29-35).

Alcohol and Bible Principles

We should take care of our body for it is the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16-17). There is no question but that narcotics (alcohol is one of them) are harmful to the physical body. When you consider the number of people, alcohol is the world’s worst narcotic. It is not necessary to drink a lot every time but rather moderate drinking through one’s life is enough to destroy the heart, liver, brain, etc.

The use of alcohol will often find you in the wrong company (1 Cor. 15:33). Of course it is possible to drink alone. There are many alcoholics who drink at home. There are many that do nearly all their drinking at home. But before one has gone so far, it is most often that one does his drinking out. You are with your friends at a disco or bar, or you are with friends at a party and you want to keep these friend-ships. Generally alcohol leads you into the wrong company.

Alcohol most always is associated with evil (1 Thess. 5:22). What kind of a picture does one most often get regarding the use of alcohol in the society? Is one’s fast thoughts, “There is a Christian, see how much he can drink?” Can you picture Christ waiting to be served at the bar or disco? Alcohol is often present when all kinds of evil are happening.

The use of alcohol can cause others to fall or sin (1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13). Because of its nature all use of alcohol is a bad example for others. It is a bad example for other Christians and it is bad example for those who are not Christians. It is an especially bad example for children. Statistics say that one out of ten who drinks will be seriously injured and one out of 20 will have a serious alcohol problem. Would you let your children play Russian roulette since only one of the ten pistols is loaded? How can you encourage your child to drink knowing that one out of ten is going to be seriously affected? Having alcohol in your home is extremely bad influence on your children. Its presence in your home says to the children, “accept” (approval). It suggests to the child “a satisfying experience.” They are supported in these attitudes by their own parents. Such messages should not be advanced by a Christian.

Sins With the Use of Alcohol

1. 1 Peter 4:3: There are three words used in this passage: (1) otvouytats  excess of wine, the same meaning as the word in Gal. 5:21 (peeum drunken), (2) Kt3110ts  revellings (a real party, loud, boisterous, just having fun, a good time), (3) rrorotg banqueting, actually the word is “drinking” (before the noise starts, before others begin to notice, not a lot of drinking, but still sin).

The above are included in a list of sins. They all belong to the life before you were a Christian. This is what people do who live after the desire of man (will of Gentiles). Such things belong to the old man described in Ephesians 4:17-24. Peter says that they used to do these things, but now it is different. The life has changed. Your former friends will notice that you are no longer with them (1 Pet. 4:4). Have your friends noticed a change, or are you still with them?

2. 1 Peter 4:7: In this verse we find the word “sober minded” (sober). This word means to be free of narcotics, a clear mind. It is not a question of how many drinks or how many bottles, for with the first drink the mind is affected. The word is certainly not limited to alcohol, but refers to anything that causes us not to keep a clear mind, anything that hinders our having control of our mental capacity. It is used in 1 Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Timothy 3:2, 11; Titus 2:2, 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7. It takes very little alcohol before it be-gins to affect our mind such that it does not function clearly. If your body is not free of narcotics (including alcohol), then you are on the first step (not sober), no longer clear, the mind is affected.

I believe that Christians should keep themselves away from all use of alcohol just as all other narcotics. I am convinced from these Bible principles that it is sinful to drink alcohol even on a social basis. We must never act in a way that seems to encourage or support the use of alcohol. We must never suggest the thought that maybe God approves! It is especially important that our message is clear when the use of alcohol and other narcotics is so common in today’s society.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 13 p. 11-13
July 3, 1997

Soldiers of Christ

By Shannon S. Shaffer

Ephesians 6:13  “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

A glowing picture is painted of the soldier of Christ as he stands prepared for battle in Ephesians chapter 6. His waist is girded with truth which “holds it all together.” For without truth the battle would be vanity. The breastplate which protects the “vital organs” is righteousness. The soldier lives rightly as the commander instructs, giving no occasion for the enemy to attack his character. The soldier’s feet are properly shod for steadiness, protection, and maneuverability. He can stand on the truth of the gospel, protect it from attack and charge into the fray with its message of peace. His most important piece of defensive equipment is his shield which will “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” His shield is faith. It will defend, protect, and save. The soldier’s defensive armor is topped with a helmet  the crowning promise of salvation after the battle is done.

There is yet one more piece of armor. It is an offensive weapon. It is a two-edged sword, sharper than any surgeon’s scalpel. “The sword . . . is the Word of God.” The soldier of Christ who wields the word with ac-curacy and precision cuts through the hardened hearts of the enemy laying bear tender flesh that will be changed by the power of the gospel. The “enemy” defects from the slavery of Satan to the ranks of the soldiers of Christ. The days of the commander of the wicked are numbered. He is set for defeat and destruction. The Great Commander who has already gained the victory orders his troops from the vaulted sky. The soldier “stands on his knees” with prayer, poised for victory in Christ Jesus the Lord.

The battle rages. Be strong, soldier! Stand!

As we look about the battle field it is strewn with fallen soldiers. Some have fallen because of cowardice. The wicked one pierced them with a fiery dart as they turned their backs to the battle and fled. Dishonor in death is their epitaph. There are those who have “fallen on their own sword,” failing to heed the Commander they have devised their own hurt.

There are those who fell in the heat of the battle. In their prime, they were removed from this battle field for a better service.

And, then there is the old soldier of the cross. He does not just fade away without notice. But his time comes to lay down his armor. The armor is battered and worn but still usable. It has served well and been well used. It is evidence of hard fought conquests. There are notches in the shield, scratches and slash markings in the breastplate, and a dent in the helmet. The soldier has met the enemy one-on-one. Even in death the soldier’s hand clings to the sword. The fingers will not release. It will go with him; for it is the eternal word of God that has brought him this far and will see him over the chilling tide of death. He has fought the good fight . . . he has kept the faith. He looks forward to a crown of righteousness to replace the battered helmet of salvation which gave such hope for victory.

As faithful soldiers pass from this scene, hope for future battles is not lost. There are others enlisting in the army of the Lord. They will prepare themselves and put on the glistening armor of the King. They will learn to “handle accurately” their sword and use its power. The battle for truth and right will continue.

To soldiers who are still in the battle field  stand  watch  fight. To the old soldiers who are laying down their armor  despair not  rest. Victory in Christ is ours! Praise be to the Great Commander and Savior of our souls who alone is King of kings, and Lord of lords!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 13 p. 10
July 3, 1997

Fathers in the Media

By Gary Kerr

This is an intriguing assignment. Having majored in Broadcast Journalism, I have always considered myself a “media freak”  a term coined by one of my college professors. I grew up in the “golden age” of television. So, I feel qualified to discuss media fathers.

The Early Years

Like many of you, I grew up watching fathers on television, and for the most part, they were good role models. Can you identify these TV fathers? If so, you are probably a “media freak.” Steve Douglas, Andy Taylor, Ward Cleaver, Rob Petrie.

How did you do? Did you recognize Steve Douglas as the father on My Three Sons? Andy Taylor as Opie’s father on The Andy Griffith Show? Ward Cleaver as father of the Beaver? Rob Petrie with Laura and Richie on The Dick Van Dyke Show? These men were role models whether consciously or unconsciously for many who grew up in the 50s and 60s. They were typical of the way television portrayed fathers during this era. They shared several character traits in common.

Moral Purity. They were depicted as men of strong moral character. Two of the four (Steve and Andy) were widowers. We cannot imagine either of them being involved in an illicit sexual affair. Imagining Rob or Ward cheating on their wives is equally impossible.

Leadership. All of these men were unquestionably the heads of their houses. They understood that it was their duty to provide for their families, and they took that responsibility seriously. We do not see these men wasting their paycheck drinking, gambling, or neglecting their families in any way. They took good care of those for whom they were responsible.

Love. These fathers loved their families unconditionally. Ward and Rob loved their wives. They all loved their children. They were not afraid to show that love. Hugs, kisses, and other demonstrable displays of affection were common.

Having said that, let me add that the portrayal of TV fathers in the early years was not all positive. I have noticed something about the conduct of these men as I have grown older. I must admit that I missed it when I was young, and even now, I am inclined to ignore it. They were prone to use “situation ethics” in solving family problems. Andy is my favorite. It pains me to acknowledge that he would frequently “stretch the truth”  to be honest, he often lied  to teach some life-lesson to Opine. Situation ethics played a prominent role in the lives of most TV characters in the golden age. As you view reruns, watch for the number of times that situation ethics comes into play in the solution of problems. It might just shock you.

Times Have Changed

Television’s depiction of fathers has certainly changed since those days. Now, even in those shows that present “positive” portrayals of the family, the role of the father has been transformed.

First, television is at the forefront of the liberal movement in trying to redefine the family unit. The “nuclear” family is a relic. Single parents are less likely to be widows or widowers, and more likely to be unmarried (i.e., Murphy Brown). Homosexual characters have also begun to pervade the family settings of many of today’s TV series. Many of today’s TV “moms” and “dads” are divorced, and living with their second, third, or fourth mate.

A few programs do try to portray fathers in a positive light. Let us notice, though, how that “positive” depiction has changed.

Fathers in today’s programs are likely to be characterized as bumbling, weak, unenlightened men. One of the most popular sitcoms of recent years is The Cosby Show. It introduced us to a medical doctor, Heathcliff Huxtable, who was obviously not the head of his family. He had poor social skills. He was constantly being corrected about his parenting decisions by his wife. He was a totally uncoordinated moron when it came to making repairs around the house. The family leader was Heathcliff’s wife, Clair, an attorney. This depiction of the father as a weak, politically incorrect buffoon has continued, and is now the predominant TV picture of the father in the home. The vast majority of today’s media presentations of the family elevate the woman/wife/mother to the role of strength and leadership, and leave the father to the role of family clown. The popular show Home Improvement, with father Tim “the Tool-Man” Taylor, is a classic example of this shift.

Concluding Thoughts

This special issue of Guardian of Truth contains articles depicting the proper role of the father. Perhaps the most important lesson we learn from the media’s characterization of fathers is that we should not look to the media for our examples. Even in the golden age of television, the best of fathers were likely to engage in activities such as situation ethics. When all is said and done, Ward, Steve, Rob, Andy, Heathcliff, and the “Tool-Man” do not give us good examples of how to be fathers. If we want to know how to be godly fathers, we are going to have to read and study God’s word.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 12 p. 21-22
June 19, 1997

Editorial Leftovers

By Connie W. Adams

Churches in Hiding

In spite of the fact that Jesus said his disciples should be lights, not hid-den under a bushel and as cities that are set on a hill (Matt. 5:13-16) and that Paul said we are to “shine as lights” in a world of darkness (Phil. 2:15), some congregations composed of such disciples have gone into hiding. You don’t think so? Then take one of the directories which is updated every year and see how many of these congregations you can find. Oh, I know you will find many of them. But on five occasions over the last few years we have searched in vain for congregations listed. We have usually found the ad-dresses given, but no congregation meeting there. We have driven many miles to get to a place to spend the night so we could worship with the brethren on the Lord’s day only to be frustrated by not being able to locate the congregation. There are no signs on the highways, nothing listed in the phone book, no advertisements at local motels or restaurants  nothing.

Recently, we spent the night in a southern town expecting to find the church the next morning. We asked directions to the area listed, found nothing, were ready to give up when we saw a fire truck at a service station. The fireman found the address on his detailed map and told us how to find it. There were no signs at any of the turns but we finally found the meeting house at the dead end of a street in the woods. On the way, we passed several denominational buildings which were out on main roads where they could be found. What is wrong with brethren? Are we ashamed of the gospel? Paul said he was not (Rom. 1:16). Is the message we preach of such little importance that we have to whisper it to ourselves in out-of-the-way places? What is wrong with putting up some good, legible signs on main roads leading into town and at corners near the location? How about listing a phone number in these directories in addition to one at the building. Who will be there to answer it on Saturday night when visitors might be trying to find information? Or an answering machine at the building could give information about times of services, location, or another number to call for help.

In the meantime, if you have a street address but cannot find it, check with the fire department. We have found the ads in the back of Guardian of Truth and other periodicals to be helpful because they give a schedule of services and usually a couple of phone numbers to call. If you know of changes that ought to be made in the Directory of Churches of Christ which is published each year by Guardian of Truth, please notify O.C. Birdwell by mail at P.O. Box 858, Athens, Alabama 35611 or call 1-800-633-3216.

Sex Education Put into Practice

News reports this week register surprise, even shock, over a fourth grade class being found in various sexual acts in the classroom. The teacher had left the classroom for some reason and returned to find this scene. My question is: Why is anyone surprised? Videos, movies, and television shows leave very little to the imagination. Pornography is available on the Internet. We have had sex education for preschoolers and the primary grades. Condoms are available at many schools and instructions have been given on how to use them. It is reported that the classroom sex was “consensual” so that will rule out any rape or sexual harassment lawsuits. Well, it was just an “isolated incident” you say. But this, along with other “isolated incidents” such as school drug busts, armed guards patrolling hallways and monitoring bathrooms, lack of control in classrooms, principals, superintendents and school boards scared to death to exercise restraint for fear of lawsuits, it is no wonder that more and more concerned parents are turning to private schools and home schooling. In the meantime, my hat is off and my heart goes out to those teachers and administrators who are earnestly trying to do their work in the midst of these swirling currents of immorality. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Prov. 1:7).

Focus Magazine

A new periodical called Focus Magazine began in January 1997. It appears monthly and the first four issues have contained some interesting and useful material. David Posey, a friend of several years with whom I have worked in meetings in California, is the managing editor. David preaches for the good church at Folsom, California. Associate editors are Mike Wilson, who preaches at Garden Grove, California and Doy Moyer who preaches at Mill Road in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mike Wilson handles “Voices from the Past,” “Sermon Notes,” “Church History,” and “Book Re-views” while Doy Moyer will cover “Shop Talk,” “Worldviews,” “Archeology Updates,” “Woman’s Page.” The format is neat, eye catching, and readable. In the January issue, David Posey wrote:

Focus has no axe to grind, no dreams of grandeur, no cause to promote, other than the exalted cause of Jesus Christ. We do hope that we can offer some worth while reading material for both the Christian in the pew and in the pulpit. We hope to strike the elusive balance between these two goals  scholarly but not stuffy, practical but not trite. You can expect longer articles that get to the heart of issues and shorter pieces that you can read while on the run.

This paper is a 24-page monthly. The subscription rate is $18 a year. Foreign subscriptions are $25 a year. Subscriptions should be addressed to: David Posey, 3834 Spine] Circle, Rescue, California 95672.

Wet Roosters

Where I grew up in Virginia, we raised chickens. We had a rooster who was overly protective of the chicken yard. A few times he chased, pecked, and flogged me when I would try to collect the eggs. My grandmother, who lived with us, decided to break him of his bullying. One day he attacked her. To his great surprise, she seized him, quickly stuck his head and neck under her arm and proceeded to take him to the horse trough (where we watered horses and cows) and dunked him about three times under the water. She then took him back and turned him loose in the chicken yard. He did amend his ways where she was concerned and stayed out of her way, but he was of the same opinion still regarding me and others who ventured into the yard. That wet rooster reminds me of some people I have met who have been baptized but remained of the same opinion regarding their old ways. Some have been baptized to please a girl friend or a wife, or a parent, some for business reasons, and others after insufficient teaching, but there is no discernable change in conduct. Repentance is a change of the will which results in a change in behavior. John called upon his hearers to “bring forth fruits meet for repentance” (Matt. 3:8). Paul wrote, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things that are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1-2). Unless there is change in action, then we are no better than that old wet rooster.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 13 p. 3-4
July 3, 1997