Back to Basics-Christ and the Law

By Frank Jamerson

When brethren are confused about whether Christ came to fulfill the law and prophets or to perpetuate them, it is time to get back to basics! Some are teaching that “Continuity of law is evident in Matthew 5:17,” and Jesus did not “dismantle the law and give a new one,” He only “took away the ceremonial aspects of the law.” My affirmation is that Jesus fulfilled the promises, the prophecies and the law, and all of it passed away. We can please God only by following the New Covenant revealed through Christ and ratified by his blood.

The Law and The Prophets

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:17-19).

Most of the material in this article is taken from a book written by James D. Bales in 1973, entitled: “Christ: The Fulfillment of The Law And The Prophets.” (It is out of print now. All quotations will be from this source.) When Jesus said he came “to fulfill the Law,” was he talking about the “moral law,” the “ceremonial law,” or all the Law? Those who contend that he came just to fulfill the “ceremonial law” have a problem with the context, for the next verses talk about murder, anger, lust, adultery, divorce, telling the truth, resisting evil, and loving your enemies (Matt. 5:21-48). Jesus also said that he came to “fulfill the Prophets.” Was he referring to some of the prophets, or all of them?

John said, “For the law was given through Moses” (John 1:17), and Paul said that the law given “four hundred and thirty years” after the promise was intended to last “till the seed should come” (Gal. 3:17, 19). Did God mean to say that “the ceremonial law was given till the seed should come”? Whatever Jesus affirmed about the Law, he also affirmed about the prophets in Matthew 5. If he meant that he would perpetuate the Law, it must also mean that he would perpetuate the prophets. Whatever “fulfillment” did for one it did for the other! (Jesus used the expression “law and prophets” to include the whole Old Testament system (Matt. 7:12; 22:40). The Hebrew writer said God “spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets” but “has in these last days spoken to us by His Son” (Deb. 1:1, 2). We are not to “hear” Moses or the prophets, but the Son of God!

Fulfill, Not Destroy

What is the difference between destroying and fulfilling? God told Moses he would “raise up for them a Prophet like you” (Deut. 18:18). When Jesus came, did he destroy that prophecy or fulfill it (Acts 3:22, 23)? Zechariah said that Jesus would rule both as a priest and a king on his throne (Zech. 6:13). When Jesus came, did he fulfill that prophecy, or destroy it? When the prophecies were fulfilled, what happened to them? “When one says that we are no longer under the law and the prophets, he is not saying that Jesus destroyed them by perpetuating them, but rather that he brought them to an end by fulfilling them” (20). “Christ did not come to annul the purpose of the law and the prophets. He did not bring them to naught by failing to fulfill them. He did not abolish them in the sense that one abolishes a promise by refusing to fulfill it. But he did bring the law and the prophets to an end by fulfilling them…. If Christ perpetuated one part of the law, he perpetuated all of the law, since none was to pass until all was fulfilled” (23, 24).

But, what about the prohibition against “breaking one of the least commandments” (Matt. 5:19)? First, would one of “the least” be moral or ceremonial? Jesus had just said that “one jot or one title will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” (v. 18). Second, was Jesus saying that even the least commandments would continue after the law was fulfilled? No, he was saying that those who have the disposition, under either law, to ignore “the least commandments” do not have the right attitude toward God’s word. Paul said, “But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets” (Rom. 3:21). Just as surely as righteousness is through faith in Christ, the law and the prophets accomplished theft purpose, and though they have historical value, they “passed away.”

Moral and Ceremonial Law?

It is certainly true that some of God’s laws deal with moral conduct and others with ceremonial actions, but does the Bible teach that the ceremonial law passed away but the moral law remained? Look at a few verses in Romans and ask, “Which law is under discussion?” “For the Gen-tiles, who do not have the law …. (2:14). Is this moral or ceremonial law? The Jews “rested in the law” and had the advantage over Gentiles “because to them were committed the oracles of God” (2:17; 3:1, 2). Was it only the ceremonial law that gave the Jews advantage? Those who had received the law became “dead to the law through the body of Christ” (7:4). Now, “we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by …” (v. 6). Again, was this just the ceremonial law which had held them and to which they died? If so, why did Paul say, “I would have not known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless the law had said, You shall not covet” (v. 7). His illustration of law is one of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:17)!

Let’s take a brief look at the book of Galatians. “Man is not justified by the works of the law . . . for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified” (2:16). Which law does Paul mean? Was flesh justified by the moral law but not by the ceremonial? “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” (3:2). Did they receive the Spirit by the moral law, but not the ceremonial? “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse . . . But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for the just shall live by faith” (vv. 10, 11). Again, did the Galatians live by the moral law given through Moses? “For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of promise” (v.18). Was the inheritance by the moral, but not the ceremonial law? “What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator” (v. 19). Was it just the ceremonial law that was given through angels by the hand of a mediator? “Before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law” (v. 23). Again, which law? (Romans 7:6, 7 identifies the law under which they had been “held” as the one that forbad coveting!) “There-fore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ . . . but after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor” (vv. 23-25). Unless the law is “the faith which would afterward be revealed,” we are not under it!

Notice one passage in Hebrews. “Anyone who rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses” (Heb. 10:28). Does Moses’ law include the moral law? (See Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:1-6.) The writer, in this context, contrasts Moses’ law with trampling “the Son of God underfoot,” and counting “the blood of the covenant” by which we are sanctified a common thing (Heb. 10:29). No, we are not under the law of Moses, either the moral or ceremonial part, but under the covenant that was dedicated by the blood of Jesus Christ (Heb. 9:16-18). (Take your concordance and read every use of “law” in Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews and ask the question  Is it moral or ceremonial? This will show the folly of the “one covenant” theorists who claim that them are “two laws” [moral and ceremonial]).

James Bales concluded: “Where is the moral law found revealed in its fullness? It is found in Christ, in the New Covenant. We do not have the authority to go to the Old Testament, select something which we would like to be an eternal principle (which he calls moral law), and bind it on God’s people today. We cannot know that it is an eternal principle unless it is also found in the New Testament” (69). This harmonizes with the Hebrew writer’s contrast between the things “spoken through angels” (cp. Gal. 3:19) and the things that “fast began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard him” (Heb. 2:2, 3).

Those who deny that the whole law passed away have the impossible task of determining which of the Old Testament laws to bring over. Is the prohibition against eating blood (Lev. 17:10, 11), moral or ceremonial? (Some who believe the moral laws of Moses are binding are teaching that prohibition against eating blood was removed, so it must be “ceremonial”!) Is giving your wife a certificate of divorce and sending her away (Deut. 24:1-4), moral or ceremonial? (Some advocates of an unchanging moral law contend that this is still God’s law; others say it is not so!) God gave David his “master’s wives” (2 Sam. 12:8). Is polygamy moral or ceremonial? (One advocate of this theory says he does not know.) What about concubines (2 Sam. 5:13)? What about a brother taking his deceased brother’s wife (Deut. 25:5)? Is this part of the moral or the ceremonial law? Was it moral for Ezra to tell God’s people to put away their wives that they did not have a right to marry (Ezra 10:3, 4), or is this part of the ceremonial law that has been taken away? Must we examine every law in the Old Testament and agree on whether it is moral or ceremonial before we know what we should do under the law of Christ? Such is unscriptural and impossible!


The blood of Christ did not ratify the promise to Abraham. It was in effect for two thousand years before it was fulfilled. The blood of Christ did not ratify the First Covenant. It was ratified by the blood of animals (Exod. 24:7, 8; Heb. 9:19), was fulfilled and passed away. Every time we observe the Lord’s supper, we are reminded, “this cup is the new covenant in My blood” (1 Cor. 11:25). “The fact that there are similar principles in both Covenants, does not mean that we obey these because they are in the law of Moses … Moses was inspired of God to reveal the Old Covenant to Israel, but God speaks to us today through his Son (Heb. 1:1, 2). We obey these principles not because they are in the law of Moses, but because God has placed them in the NEW Covenant” (74). Amen!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 16 p. 6-8
August 21, 1997

A Tribute to My Brother

By Donald F. Willis

4902 Corian Well Way, San Antonio, Texas 78247-5903

Willis children were blessed to have been born into this very special family. O. J. Willis (Dad) spent his entire working life in the forest of East Texas. Wilhelmina Willis (Mom) was a child bride (15 years old), and spent her life with we children, nurturing us in the ways of God! Dad is 89 this month (June 20, 1997); and Mom is 81 (February 25, 1997). Eight children were born to this union: Homer Cecil, Donald Fred, Lewis Berton, Ouida Jean (Stover), Karen Sue (Morris), Steven Michael, and Barbara Madge (Coleman).

Cecil Willis was born March 4, 1932; I was born February 9, 1934. Most of our life was spent almost as twins, for we were about the same size throughout our schooling. I received the hand-me-downs. So many are the wonderful adventures that children experience. Cecil was daring, ambitious, challenging. We fought a lot (that is the way boys grow). When Mom would make us quit fighting, we would be punished. I always enjoyed it when she made us kiss, for nothing hurt Cecil worse than to have to kiss a brother!

Cecil enjoyed winning! He was an outstanding student in Groveton High School, cheerleader for two years, and then went on to play football, distinguishing himself as All District End. Coach Uthoff used Cecil as a challenge to incoming football boys for several years. In 1989, Cecil was recognized as an Outstanding Alumni in Groveton. Florida College years ago gave Cecil a plaque of appreciation in his assistance of students. Cecil said, “I want to show this to you one time, then I am going to put it away out of sight.” He accomplished, but was very humble about human recognition.

In the summer of 1944, Ned Fairbarin labored with the church in Trinity, Texas. Groveton did not have a preacher. Brother Fairbarin came every Thursday to teach ladies class. Mom attended . . . but, so did her children: Cecil (12), Don (10), Lewis (5). Brother Fairbarin had Cecil and I start making little talks on the plan of salvation, the church, the worship, etc. August 17, 1944 we were baptized by brother Fairbarin in the Beaver Pond in Woodlake.

When in the tenth grade, Basil Doran (outstanding singer in the Houston area) conducted a meeting in Groveton and encouraged Cecil to go to Abilene for the summer training as a song leader. Bill Thompson later moved to Groveton to preach, and encouraged him to attend Florida Christian College in 1949. Thompson was impressed that James Cope and Clinton Hamilton were moving to labor with the school. Brother King of Tyler assisted Cecil to attend Florida Christian College. Cecil was an outstanding student, preacher, debater, athlete. Cecil graduated with his Bachelor’s degree in 1953; I graduated that same year with the Associate of Arts degree. We were together, and had a close bond. Cecil had married Ioma Crim, and they had one son prior to graduation: Steve Willis. It was sort of unique to graduate from college alongside your older brother.

Cecil moved to Indianapolis, Indiana following Earle West at the Irvington church. The institutional church fight was beginning. Cecil took a strong stand, and had quite a lot of influence in the area. I moved to Palatka, Florida and later to Houston. My greatest encouragement came from Cecil, as he delighted to encourage and assist young preachers. He sent books, exchanged sermon topics, and was always encouraging me. Later, Cecil moved to Vivion Road (Kansas City), then Brown Street (Akron), and Marion, Indiana. Cecil gave his life to the Lord! Cecil traveled the country preaching the gospel. He assumed the debt of Truth Magazine, and published it for years. But, he was also married, and now had four children. Family differences arose, and ultimately a separation. As his health deteriorated, Cecil moved to Conroe, Texas where I then preached. He twice had pancreas surgery. His health was terrible. We “nursed” him for about four years. He preached in Huntsville, Texas. With a second marriage, Cecil began work for the prison system.

Cecil finally realized that his marriage was unscriptural and divorced. He moved to Fairbanks, Alaska to preach and get himself back together spiritually. Two years later he moved back to Groveton, where he preached and began care of Mom and Dad for eight difficult years. I was still in Conroe, and we spent a lot of time together.

Cecil always was studious and had a tremendous remembrance of issues and statements. One could call him on almost any subject, and he would tell you a book that dealt with that issue and about the page you could find that information discussed. He was always ready to assist one on most any issue.

Cecil was benevolent. He enjoyed carrying a lot of money around with him, and he was very generous to those who had any need. Several could bear better testimony than could I.

Cecil was evangelistic. He conducted many meetings. He made two trips to the Philippines. He financed the purchase of Vacation Bible School materials in the Philippines, often securing older song books and mailing them. He sup-ported preachers, he published a paper in the Philippines. There was work he was doing while others wondered what to do!

Cecil honored his father and mother. He gave many years of his life to enable Dad and Mom to remain at the old home place. He stocked a pond near the house so Dad and Mom (and many of the family) could fish. The needs for his parents were ascertained, and all the children attempted to satisfy those needs; but, Cecil cared for them lovingly … until he almost wore out. Now, my sister Ouida and her husband (Billy Stover) have assumed the arduous responsibility.

One funny. Dad never took vacations! However, once he took all of us to Oklahoma City to visit kin. Cecil and I were young, very young. Dad purchased us lariat ropes and a chalk pig. I recall the pictures. We had a lot of fun with the ropes, playing cowboys and Indians, tying one an-other up (I have the scar). We lived in Carmona, Texas. There was a vacant lot between our company house and our neighbor (later he was our principal). We came home and found some wild hogs in the vacant lot. Cecil decided we ought to rope a pig. We chased and chased; but could not get the rope on any. Cecil told me (little brother) to go to the other side of the lot and drive the hogs back around our lot. Cecil got on top our picket fence at the corner, made a large loop and put it on the ground. To be sure that he would catch the pig, he tied the rope around his waist. When I drove the pigs through, Cecil pulled his rope and got the mama sow, or better, she got him. Immediately she pulled him off the fence and down the road. Every now and then, she would slow up, and he could get up and run. Neither of us recall how he ever got loose. Cecil loved to tell those stories.

Oh, how he will be missed!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 15 p. 13-14
August 7, 1997

Cecil Willis: A Friend to Preacher

By O. C. Birdwell

Before Cecil Willis was thirty years of age, he became editor of a widely distributed and highly respected religious journal called Truth Magazine. He knew what it meant to him to have the support of men like Luther Blackmon, Roy Cogdill, and a host of other older preachers. The encouragement and help they gave him, he tried to pass on to others, and especially to young preachers.

If my information is correct, in 1966, Cecil was given “The Friend of Youth” award by Florida College. His interest in and work with young people, especially young preachers, was not unnoticed. His primary interest in FC was the opportunity the school gave young men to study Bible and related subjects and to develop their skills as proclaimers of the gospel.

As editor of Truth Magazine, Cecil constantly encouraged young preachers to submit articles for publication in the paper. In the November 7, 1974, issue he announced a host of young staff writers. He gave them opportunity to teach multitudes and to be known by brethren throughout the world. Jerry McDaniel, Cecil’s good friend of Kansas City, reported that he and Cecil counted over one hundred men Cecil had influenced to begin preaching. I could take pages to discuss the many recommendations to churches on behalf of gospel preachers, hours of phone calls, thousands of letters, and much travel to assist preachers with doctrinal controversies or with local church problems. He loved the truth and loved preachers who taught the truth. He was instrumental in teaching many preachers the truth on institutionalism and encouraging them to stand. He was, indeed, a friend to preachers.

From 1959 I had a close personal friendship with Cecil that did more for my work as a gospel preacher than any other one thing. He contacted me and said the elders at Brown Street in Akron wanted me to speak on “The Mission of the Church” during their ten day meeting with different speakers. I was preaching on a lecture program with Frank Puckett, George Lemasters, and several other outstanding gospel preachers of that time. If I were out of place with such preachers, and I probably was, Cecil did not let me know it, but instead he commended my sermon and expressed sincere and warm appreciation for my efforts in discussing my subject. I later worked with churches in Kansas City, Missouri and Barberton, Ohio prima-rily because of his recommendation. Cecil was a friend to this preacher.

A Personal Letter From Cecil

The following letter is a very personal one, and I would never make it public except to let people see a side of Cecil that many did not know. Even Ann, one of Cecil’s daughters, ex-pressed to me a desire to have a copy of the letter because she felt there was a part of her father that she did not know. The letter was written when our son Gary, at nineteen years of age, was killed in a work accident.

June 5, 1972

Dear O. C. and Frances and Family,

Every since I received word early yesterday morning about the death of Gary, you have been constantly upon my mind and many times mentioned in my prayers. Sympathy, as I understand it, is entering into the feeling of another. I certainly have, so far as I am able, shared the bur-den of your grief in these recent hours. I think the fact that I have two boys so near the age of Gary has made me feel like I could better understand the burden of your grief.

I am sorry that I could not say more to you yesterday by way of expression of my feelings, but my feelings and emotions were such that I could hardly say anything at all. Perhaps had I borne your sorrow with you since Thursday night I would then have been better able to express myself.

Like George Lemasters said, I felt honored that you thought you would like for me to have some part in Gary’s service. O.C., I knew that I could not say what I really felt in my heart on that occasion, so I thought it best that I read Scripture and lead a prayer. My heart ached until I could not have said more, at the time. Through the years of our work together, particularly through our nearly daily contact in Akron, I came to love you two and your family. The thing that hurts me most about funerals is to witness the grief of people whom I love. I think I know enough about what the Bible teaches that I can stifle pretty well my grief at the passing of nearly anyone, but I have never learned to control the emotion I feel when I see people whom I love so crushed.

Both of you, as well as your entire family, certainly earned by highest esteem by the noble way that you bore your heavy sorrow. I sat and marveled at your composure. I know that I could not have done one-tenth as well. Perhaps by then, you had exhausted the means to express your grief further. I admire both of you so, as you sat there and were able to enter into the singing of those touching and meaningful songs. I was amazed as you so resolutely could sing, “Be not dismayed what ere betide, God will take care of you,” even as we proceeded out of the church building with Gary’s body being borne immediately in front of you. I am certain that your composed and faithful demeanor are bound to have had a salutary effect upon everyone present. During such a time, one’s faith is being severely tested, and you really showed you could apply, in a most difficult time, the Faith which you have preached.

I called home immediately after services last night to report the tragedy to Ioma and my children. Steve was not at home, but I know he will be terribly distraught when he learns of the accident. Ioma certainly joins with me in sending her sincerest consolations. I am sorry that I could not continue with you to the cemetery. I so much wanted to do so, and would like to have been able to spend some time with you afterward. However, I imagine by that time you were about worn out with people, and needed to be alone. We only got back eight minutes before time for services.

An incident like this is one that you really never get over. There is no point in kidding ourselves about that. There will be a certain blight over your life for the remainder of your days. Probably the experience will so affect your heart that you will be able to reach out to people in a way that you never quite could do so before. I believe that a lot of brethren have severely misapplied Romans 8:28 and try to make what-ever occurs as “good” whereas Paul specifically was talking about suffering for Christ being for our good. Such an accident is one of the misfortunes of life. I know you had such high hopes for Gary and the usage he would make of his life. No doubt in my mind, he would have followed in your steps and preached the gospel, which intention itself is a noble tribute to both of you. So many preachers have murmured and complained about their suffering as preachers until preaching is the last thing their sons would want to do.

My primary impression of Gary was that he was such a happy and cheerful boy. Whenever I saw him at Florida College, he always was smiling so, and appeared to have such a wholesome outlook on life. The large attendance of people, and particularly preachers, at the funeral service to me speaks volumes as to what brethren think of you and your life of service to God. This morning when I woke up, the first thing I thought is that I wish it were just a bad dream, and I know that such a thought must be what hits your mind every morning.

I wish so badly there were some how some way I could lift a part of your burden and bear it for you, but as we both know, there is no real way that such can be done. I can only weep with you as you weep. Beyond this we seem to be unable to go. There are apt to be days when the burden may tempt you to become bitter and cynical, but resist that temptation as much as possible.

The admirable way that you conducted yourself during the funeral service makes me even hesitate to mention that admonition. Perhaps I am only thinking as I might think, in similar circumstances.

Frankly, I nearly am glad that you were unable to get me to ask me to preach the funeral service, if that were your intention. Even that fact that you even once entertained such a thought makes me humble to know that you hold me in that esteem. George did such a beautiful job that I think it would have been unfortunate if you had gotten me and asked me to preach the funeral. I just could not have had the composure to deal with the personal matters that George so masterfully covered in his lovely speech. I would have had to have steeled myself to the occasion and merely preached a gospel sermon. My feelings would have been so wrapped up in yours that I could not have spoken as intimately as did George.

While the whole incident was crushing to me, both of you stood ten feet tall in my sight as you so nobly bore your grief. I am sure that in years to come, when I get where I can talk about the occasion, I will have occasion to use you as an ex-ample of what faith can do for persons. I shall continue to mention all of you very frequently in my prayers. I wish there were somehow some means wherebyI could vicariously bear some of your burden, but his I cannot do. However, be assured that I shall be mourning with you even as you mourn. Neither will I soon forget.

For months to come, I will so frequently pray for you, even as I know that hundreds of your brethren will be doing. Gary probably was too young to have begun to think of life as those of us who have reached maturity think of it. People often advise me to slow down, and tell me that my life could end so suddenly. The prospect of a shortened life does not dismay me or deter me in the least. I have no desire to live to be an old man. I would like to “check out” going full blast. To me, to do so would be no tragedy at all, but would be the answer of my specific prayers. I regret that what Gary could have accomplished with his life, some-one else will have to do. However, I doubt not that his passing will affect you and Johnny in such a way that you might yourselves redouble your efforts so as to accomplish what Gary might have accomplished had he lived.

Certainly this mutual loss will draw you and Frances, as well as your entire family, closer together. You now have something more in common. The passing of one so young is bound to have a beneficial effect upon everyone who seriously contemplates the incident. I grieve also for your other little ones who are so deeply hurt. I wish there were some way I could lift the weight of sorrow from young hearts. But all of you have inspired those of us who have witnessed the admirable way in which you stood up through an unbelievably trying experience. Even this occurrence has done us all good. I shall seek to imitate this honorable aspect of your faith. You have set a high goal before us who observed you struggling under a heavy load, and I shall not soon forget this wonderful example of faith.

Please pardon this reference to mundane matters, but I know that the accident and funeral services have subjected you to unexpected sizable expenses. Perhaps you had some kind of insurance that will enable you to meet the expense. But if for any reason, you are short of cash right now and need some money to meet these unexpected bills, I would count it an honor to be able to help you financially at this time. I think you know that most of us preachers do not have any backlog of cash, and neither do I. However, I would be most honored to secure for you a few hundred dollars which could be repaid whenever you wish to do so, if you need money at this time. I carry all my insurance on myself, so such an event in my family would severely press me. I would most gladly help you, to whatever degree is needed, in order to meet your bills and to pay them in full promptly. Please do not be bashful or embarrassed to take me up on this proposal. If I did not sincerely mean it, I would not propose it. Whatever you need, to the limit of my capability is at your immediate command.

If in the immediate days to come, there is any way that I can serve you, even if it is only by a brief visit with you to talk, please let me know, and I would be wonderfully happy to come on a moment’s notice, no matter if you do not think the get-together to be that important. Any thing that I can do to lighten your load right now to me is tremendously important, and I would be honored to serve you in any way!

Meanwhile, my tears shall mingle with yours until this short life shall end. I send my most fervent brotherly love and sympathetic concern to both of you and to your other dear ones. Perhaps I can only weep with you, but weep with you, I shall! I send to you my tenderest emotions and highest admiration. Please use me in any way that I can render any service to you and yours.

Brotherly, Cecil

This letter is one of the many reasons that I have said, “Cecil was a friend to preachers.” It is also one of the many reasons I had a deep and abiding love for him. I thank God that I knew him.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 15 p. 10-12
August 7, 1997


From a brother’s memories Granville Washington Tyler

By Leonard Tyler

Granville answered death’s summons April 13, 1996. We, in our evaluation of his life, confidently feel that he is safely moored in the harbor of God’s eternal loving peace. Granville wanted to live for both his physical and spiritual families. He loved us all so joyfully and affectionately that he craved to remain with us and offer his abilities to help guide, sustain, and maintain the purity of faith in our lives. Notwithstanding, he truly concurred with Paul’s statement, “We are confident I say, and well-pleased rather to be absent from the body and be present with the Lord.” Nevertheless, he was moved at the thought of dying, the sting of death, leaving his family and all his friends, but comforted in the hope of being at home with the Lord.

We feel that all is well with Granville, but miss him so and long for his presence; yet reality predominates and we must submit. However, we have and treasure his words of wisdom and example of life which pervades our hearts and influences our lives in the way of righteousness.

Granville was strong in character, considerate in disposition, compassionate at heart, but stubbornly firm in faith, sacrificial in life, and unquestionably confident in hope. However, he understood the need and effectiveness of prayer and freely requested the prayers of the saints.

To him, there was no compromise, substitute, or alternative for God, his word, ‘the faith” and hope it produced. It was  accept-the message of faith  or reject the God, the hope and every spiritual blessing to which “the faith” so firmly secures one. There is no God  but the one true and living God. There is no saving faith  but the faith “once for all delivered unto the saints.” God promises through this one faith, working by love the salvation for “whosoever will” come to him. Granville firmly believed this and preached it for some seventy years.

He completely depended upon the “one faith” and said to me, just a few days before surrendering to death, “Leonard, all that I have now is my faith.” He understood that his health condition was terminal. I tremblingly repeated the words spoken to our sister, Hattie, a few days before she answered death’s call. “We understand that the time will come when we can-not do or even know what can be done, and no one else on earth has the answer nor can help. But being a child of God, we “by faith” take hold of our Lord’s hand  who can and will sup-ply affectionately our every need: peace, comfort, happiness  even eternal life, in a new incorruptible body and a heavenly home with him forever and ever. Just think of that and “what must it be to be there?” We cannot imagine what God has prepared for those who love him. But we can be sure  “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” Think on these things and hold fast to the hand of him who can and will help when all others fail.

Family Life  How Important

I cannot tell the story of Granville’s faithful, preaching life without mentioning a little family background. It may seem redundant to you but, believe me, it was relative to his life and is to ours. The powerful influence of a true mother and father upon the lives of their boys and girls is inestimable. I hope that relating this will help impress the true value that a Christian mother and father, poor economically or materially, but rich in faith, can and will help mold their children’s lives when they bring them up in the “training and admonition of the Lord.” This is not just vain thinking, family pride, nor simply a glorification of our parents. It is stating the true value of parents who fill their place in God’s divine arrangement and responsibility placed upon mothers and fathers to their own children. As to our parents some facts follow and you judge. But we know what it means to us.

The Fourth Sunday in July 1907

James Edward Tyler and Mattie Derinda McGahey were on their way to worship, riding in a buggy, at Beech Valley, Hickman County, Tennessee. The meeting was to begin that Sun-day. They met the preacher on their way and were married, sitting in the buggy. This was to be a surprise, but turned out a surprise to them. The preacher reached the pulpit, he smilingly turned and announced, “Brother and sister Jim Tyler are to be congratulated. They were married by me on their way to church this morning.”

This was the beginning of their happy, harmonious, but brief lives together of sixteen years. To this union eight children were born: four boys; Granville, Gilbert, Leonard, and Ellis, and four girls; Hattie, Florida, Mary Alice (died at birth), and Florence (Glenda) about two years apart.

Papa and Mama made a paradoxical claim, “We never had a real fuss.” No, it was not Papa’s dictating to Mama. They discussed their choices and made decisions. It is true Papa made the final judgment, but Mama’s voice was heard before the decision was made. He, on going to town (we lived in the rural community), would not even buy an apple without bringing her one and later sharing with us. You may question the statement, but they confidently affirmed it and we had no reason to doubt it. They should have planted this disposition a little deeper into our hearts.

Mama liked to cook and was a good one. She endeavored to keep a cookie jar with cookies in it most of the time, even though most of them were sorghum molasses cookies. But they were delicious and our buddies (playmates) would try to trade us out of them. Al-though Mama had taught us to share, we somehow learned to protect our cookies. If the trade was not a little in our favor, there was no trade.

Mama was more fortunate than Papa educationally. She was a great help to Papa in studying the Bible. It was hard for him to read comprehensively; however, in due time he was a pretty good Bible student and later in life was able to preach some. He enjoyed preaching (Mama never got to hear him). She deeply loved and respected him and taught us to do the same. We were taught to appreciate and obey our parents, or as Papa would say, “If you do not, you will suffer for it.” He didn’t mean just his discipline but throughout life. They believed that respecting parental authority was basic to any and all authority in life.

Mama often reminded us that we were poor financially. We wore home-made jeans and patched clothes “but there is one thing for sure, you don’t have to go dirty.” She made it her business to see that we didn’t. She especially wanted us to have a good education and advised us to use it wisely. She warned us against taking advantage of others’ physical handicaps or weaknesses, “They cannot help these, so be understanding and helpful. Always treat others with respect, for we need the respect of others. But we want to be respectful, regardless. If you will respect yourself, you’ll have respect for others. Remember that God loves and respects you and you should always love and respect him for his ways and judgments are true and eternal. Seek him in your life for his ways are always right and lead to eternal blessings.”

Mother knew that her health was rapidly failing and would soon terminate. One night she was discussing the children with Papa. Granville over-heard their conversation. She explained each of us to him. (Her expressions are not direct quotes. I have repeated them as they were given to me, however I use quotation marks to identify them.) “Granville can be a great help with the other children. He is the oldest and very sober minded. Gilbert is high-strung, quick-tempered, hard-headed and determined. Leonard is light-hearted, talkative, and playful. Ellis is still just a little boy. The girls are so young. Hattie is growing fast and thinks well for her age. Florida is more dependent, emotional, and sensitive. Florence is only a baby and needs so much care. They are all good children but need someone to share with them. Jim, I believe that you can depend on Granville  with God’s help  you all can make it.”

I wondered why we were respected as we were, being as poor economically as any of the rest. Yet, we were accepted and treated as if we had more. Gilbert asked some of his friends this question. His report was, “They said, your family does not act, look, or talk like the others.” Why was that? My answer: Our parents were trying to make an honest living working, respecting others, being Christians, and rearing us to be good citizens and Christians. Another thing, Papa al-ways found some work sufficient to put bread on the table and clothes on our backs. He believed in work and was busy doing something most of the time.

Mama was sick about eighteen months before death claimed her. Granville, being the oldest, naturally became the leader in helping care for us. Most families were large, at this period in history, and the older would help care for the younger. Granville was serious-minded, tender-hearted, and very protective. We, the other boys, were not too cooperative. We felt that we were able to take care of ourselves and once in a while we tried to enforce it. It was at this period that Granville got one of his favorite stories about my crying to go with Gilbert and him. He delighted in telling it after we began to conduct meetings together. It went like this:

“Leonard was the third boy and Gilbert and I, being older, felt that we should be able to go places and do things with-out Leonard tagging along. We would get permission to do so sometimes; but when Leonard saw us leaving, he would call out, ‘I wanta go.’ We would object and he would appeal to Mama. If she agreed with us, he would start crying and finally Mama would call to us, `You boys let Leonard go with you.’ We did, but the welcome was not too gracious. We walked faster than he could or would. He would holler `Wait fer me,’ and start crying. One day it started to rain, and we took off running. Leonard began to cry and call out, `Wait fer me  wait fer me!’ I looked back and yelled, `Stop that bawling and come on! We are getting wet too.’ Naturally, when he told the story, he colored it up to suit his purpose. He drew it out and, I thought, put too much emphasis on crying. Notwithstanding, when problems or challenges came our way, we turned to Granville. He responded, most times, in our favor but gave us a stem warning, ‘Never, and I mean never again.’ But it happened over and over again.”

Mama passed from this life about 4 a.m. March 24, 1924, making her stay upon the earth thirty-five years, four months and nine days. Her funeral was conducted in the Little Rock meeting house, Hickman County, Tennessee, a rural community about fifteen miles north of Centerville, just off of 100 Highway where she attended the services of the church when a small girl and her daddy preached sometimes. Granville confessed his faith in Christ in this same building (it still stands with a little addition) and was baptized in Mill Creek which continues to flow just behind it.

After the burial, we were sitting together by the grave side while friends passed offering their condolences and sympathy. Mrs. Anna Rice, an old friend of the family (we called her “cousin Anna”), leaned over Papa’s shoulders patting him on the back and wonderingly asked, “Jim, what in the world are you going to do with the children?” Papa looked up, then dropped his head, shaking it and stammeringly answered, “I don’t know, Anna, but we are going to stay together.” How? He had not thought about the “how.” Neither had any of us, so far as I ever knew. We all knew that we belonged and that this was some-thing that we must bear together. But hearing Papasay, “I don’t know, Anna, but we are going to stay together,” were the most comforting words he could have spoken.

The marks of Mama’s death we still bear, and the decision, “I don’t know, Anna, but we are going to stay together” we treasure. That is what we all wanted to do and these words still echo in my heart: “I don’t know, Anna, but we are going to stay together.”

The cemetery is on a sloping hill overlooking the building where Mama’s funeral was conducted and Granville confessed his faith in Christ. Mill Creek still flows gently along at the foot of the bluff where he was baptized into Christ. In this beautiful historic landscape Mama was laid to rest on March 26, 1924. Some forty years later Papa was placed by her side where he often requested to be placed at death. Side by side they lie in death’s slumber and we affectionately say, “Mama, you and Papa sleep on in God’s peaceful care until the trumpet sounds and we will meet you with the Lord in the air.”

After Mama’s funeral, we returned home on “Hunter’s Hill,” to begin, it seemed, our lives all over. This tragedy bound us closer together bearing and sharing the responsibilities, successes and joys of life with its disappointments, burdens, and sorrows when reality suddenly bore upon us. Notwithstanding, and factually speaking, we stayed together but our lives were never the same. Yet, the older children had an advantage over the younger. The younger never enjoyed the warm influencing, stabilizing security that we had for a very seasoning, powerful and loving part of the family was lost. However, they accepted Papa and the older ones became advisors, examples, and leaders. But as time passed, one by one, we accepted the responsibilities of life and left home. Granville was the first  the next in age became the leader. One can understand the younger had a rougher road to travel. We commend them for maintaining the purity of attitude and disposition in building beautiful characters. We greatly appreciate and love them dearly and they reciprocate freely with an open heart.

Papa was working at the rock quarry ten hours per day, six days a week to provide a living while parenting seven children. Yes, it was troublesome times but we were together. One of Papa’s old friends asked him, “Uncle Jimmy” (as most of his old acquaintances called him), “does all this cause you to doubt your faith?” He unhesitatingly responded, “No, I had to give up Mattie! But my faith is what holds me up and gives me reason to live with a steadfast hope that after a while we shall meet again.” May I insert, “So far as any of us ever knew Papa never questioned his faith, much less doubted it.”

How Our Family Adjusted

Granville continued watching after us in Papa’s absence after Mama’s death. He accepted the responsibility seriously and, all considered, did a commendable job. However, it was needful that more help be obtained since Florida and Geda were under school age. Uncle Mort and Aunt Bessie, Mama’s brother and his wife, were of great help; and with some acquired help, we (with time  the two girls reached school age) made it through. During this period, we moved into Wrigley, a little village of company-owned houses for the employees. The environment was not the best. There were a large number of unkept, undisciplined boys and girls just running loose. We joined them and came up with head lice.

Papa’s mother, “Grand Mammy” we called her, came to visit and was sorely grieved at our situation. One day after delivering my Grit Papers, I came home to find Grand Mammy with Geda kneeling on the porch with her head in her lap, a fine tooth comb, combing her hair, weeping. She was talking to herself, “This poor little girl has no mother to care for her and just look what I have found  head lice.” She reported it to Papa and he went to Centerville, the nearest drugstore, and got the prescribed remedy. We all saturated our heads with it. It worked. This became al-most a common practice through the years because we got just about every catchable thing that came to school. Papa followed the same procedure  go get the remedy, apply it and we were well again. On one occasion, several years later, Papa brought enough medication for the itch to share with our neighbors, took it over to them and requested that they use it. He told them that there was no need curing the itch on his children and theirs giving it right back to them. They accepted it, used it and all was well for awhile.

The summer after Mama’s death Granville’s first job was a water boy at the rock quarry for $1.25 per day. We kids managed ourselves while Papa and Granville were working. It was not as glamorous as we thought it would be, but we pulled through. That fall he returned to school and finished the eighth grade. He then went to work as oil boy at the main plant. After reaching seventeen, he was promoted to engineer over the pumps, large turbines, and blowing engine of the blast furnace. His pay was $3.60 per day, the hours were from six to six, seven days or nights per week, shift work  two weeks days and two weeks nights.

Papa transferred to the main plant as fireman in the boiler room on shift work just as Granville. We were still walking to Little Rock for worship, a little over a mile. Several had joined us in the walk. Among the group, a young lady, Nannie Hethcoat, caught Papa’s eye. She was much younger than he; nevertheless, they became very close friends. Their interest grew in each other very rapidly. Soon Papa concluded that she would fit right into our family. They were married in 1925.

Soon after the wedding we moved to the Baker Hollow, about a mile and a half northwest of Lyle. We worshiped at Lyle while living here. Papa remembered the cliché, “An idle brain is the devil’s workshop,” only he substituted the word “boy” for “brains.” His thinking was to keep us out of evil’s temptations, “keep us busy working and the farm would do that.” It did keep us busy. After two years we moved into Lyle about halfway between Dickson and Centerville. Papa rented some land near Lyle for us to work.

The boys who attended “Sunday School” formed the habit of going to town after Bible class. We kind of liked that so we asked Papa about our doing the same. He suggested that we came to worship God and thought that we should stay for the worship. We stayed.

At home this same spirit prevailed. Papa had prayer every night, except when we attended church services and had prayer there. He also gave thanks before each meal. On some occasions, humorous happenings occurred. One noon when Papa was saying thanks, Junior, the youngest, had formed the habit of repeating the “amen” with Papa at the close of the thanks, so he said, “amen.” Papa continued right on with his prayer. Junior said, “hush Papa, Papa hush, I’ve done said `amen.”‘ Papa stopped and we all laughed.

One night it was time for the prayer, but Papa was a little late. The girls were in another room studying or playing; Geda, the youngest girl, had gone to sleep. The custom was for all of us to come into one room for the prayer. Papa called for all to come in for our prayer. We all gathered, except Geda. Papa noticed her absence and inquired, “Where is Geda?” One of the girls answered, “She is down in yonder.” Geda was so sleepy that she had just rolled off the bed and kneeled. Papa said, “Tell her to come in here.” She came in and the prayer was said.

Papa’s sincerity was shown at the church services just as it was at home. For instance, we were engaged in a series of gospel meetings one fall. The weather was extra cold and rainy, a good number had assembled for the service, but the preacher did not show. One of our standard-bearers stood up and said, “I guess we had just as well go home; the preacher is not here.” Papa spoke up, “Don’t you think that we should at least sing, read the scriptures, and have a prayer, since we came to worship God?” This gentleman stood up, looked around and asked, “Where is my old hat? I am going home.” His hat was hanging on the wall. He got it and stalked out.

We stayed, sang, read Scriptures, offered a few words of admonition, sang another song and dismissed. Papa asked us after we got home, “Boys, don’t you feel that we did the right thing? I know I feel better.” We all agreed.

This was typical of Papa’s life. He didn’t practice this only in the presence of others, but in any crisis or trouble-some problem he could be found reading the Bible and in his prayer, he would always ask God to help him make the right decision. He truly trusted the Lord. Mama’s faith was just as strong. She led us early in life, but her powerful influence in our home formation was a cornerstone in our spiritual life. Our parents appreciated, proclaimed, and practiced their faith in the Lord. What a blessing for the children!

This kind of practice and influence ingrained in us an appreciation of Biblical morality, self-respect, reliance, and virtue in all of life. Moral virtues were implanted mostly through conversation arising from some incident or occurrence which happened in our community. And many of various stripes were evident. They explained with feelings toward the guilty, but no mistake was ever “white-washed” or overlooked. The results were pointed out with emphasis. Then they would kindly but firmly suggest how much better the victim would have been had the wrong never been committed. If young people could grasp the tragic results of these flamboyant acts or deeds, surely they would never corrupt their bodies and destroy their lives by them.

During the moves and passing of time to this second marriage three children were born: one boy, Junior; two girls, Hazel and Evelyn. For a number of years everything moved smoothly with no evident problems. But time brings changes in environment, associations, and age which affect feelings, dispositions, and even lives. It seems that these life-affecting influences, as well as an adventurous spirit or attitude, bore upon this relationship until problems arose. The relationship continued until, it seems, that about the time the girls really needed a true mother for love and guidance, she found interest elsewhere and left Papa and the children. There was never a question, “with whom shall the children stay?” They stayed with Papa.

A Broken Home

A broken home is most injurious regardless of how passionately, soberly, and carefully handled. Scars are left in the hearts of all in the destroyed relationship, especially the children. It takes years of sober thinking and patient effort to even free oneself of guilt. Children are not responsible for separations. The responsibility rests upon the husband and wife, both, or the faltering one. The best solution to rebuild confidence in self and others is a strong faith in Almighty God. This will help to reestablish self-respect and even faith in others. There are weak people everywhere one looks. However, there are trustworthy, caring people who will lend a helping hand. One must never allow the failures of the weak and blundering to destroy his life. Yes, you can overcome through determination, patience, perseverance, and years of hard, expectant labor. The goal for which one seeks is peace at heart, self confidence, contentment, stabilization, and hope for the future. This may be attained by scrutinizing your situation and observing the paths of opportunities and start working. When one climbs out of the fog of blame and doubt, he can see the clear blue sky with the sun shining brightly. He can sing, “what once I sowed in tears, I can now reap in joy.” One must remember  faith is in God. “If God be for you, who can be against you?”

It is interesting to note that Papa with all the problems, adverse circumstances, unwise choices and misjudged decisions, led the ten children left with him, without a mother, to obey the gospel before leaving home. Papa was very human and made many mistakes (we recognized some of them), but he bore it all with faith and kept struggling. We may wonder, “why did he do some things?” But a greater question is, “How did he do what he did?” The only answer I can give, “He did it with faith in God and love toward all.”

Granville was innately endowed from his family relationship and association with a good mind, not a genius, but a workable, comprehensible intellect applicable to any occasion or situation. His reasoning power was evident and exemplified in his spirit-led physical life. His attitude enabled him to live in the world but not be of the world. His faith in and deep respect for both God and man gave him a moral consciousness of right and wrong with a passionate desire to advance in the right. These characterizing attributes motivated him to advance rapidly in whatever he chose to do. In his work at the Wrigley plant he enjoyed unexpected advancement from water boy in the engine room at the main plant to engineer over the large turbines and water pumps which supplied electricity and water to the Wrigley community, as well as the entire plant plus the big blowing engine for the blast furnace. Within two years from 16 to 18 years of age he went from a beginner’s salary of $1.20 to a top dollar of $3.60 per day. This proved true in his high school work. He completed his courses and graduated within three years.

His becoming a preacher of the gospel of Christ was no exception. He found support and magnified encouragement from the time he began to read, lead prayer, teach a class, make talks, and visit other churches. Their voices were al-most in unison, “You will make a great preacher.” Of course, there was the resounding echo, “Don’t let all this go to your head.” But remember, this was after the missionary society and instrumental music problems and before the institutional-centralization division. The church of our Lord was at peace. A faithful gospel preacher was welcomed wherever the saints met and encouraged to preach “the old Jerusalem gospel in its purity and power.” Oh yes, there were “soft and hard preachers,” but most congregations wanted good sound Bible-filled sermons and the church was growing. The members studied the Scriptures and could quote them to confirm their faith. They even taught others God’s saving power.

Within this setting and time, brother W.B. West, Jr., a young preacher, came to Lyle where we lived for a series of gospel meetings. He learned of Granville’s interests in the work of the Lord and invited him to speak at one of the day services. Granville accepted. Brother West was impressed and from that day on Granville had a dear friend. Brother West encouraged him to prepare himself better for preaching. He went with him to Nashville, Tennessee for a conference with brother H. Leo Boles, president of David Lipscomb College. Granville thought that he might take some special course and start preaching. However, brother Boles learned his age (20 years) and encouraged him to finish high school.

Granville preferred David Lipscomb High School, but the expense was more than he could afford. Brother West recommended the Tallahatchie Agricultural High School at Charleston, Mississippi, where he could work on the farm for his board and tuition. He accepted the proposition and resigned at Wrigley, packed his belongings and tearfully left home for Charleston, Mississippi. That September 11 he was 21 years of age. He said, “That is when I began my education and my life’s work as a preacher of the gospel.” Even here he found favor. The superintendent of the school, Mr. W.W. Gunn, although not a member of the church, learned that he wished to preach and gave him extra time off from farm work to study with no cut in pay. Several of the churches near Charles-ton invited him to preach for them. This helped him financially. He never received a penny from home all through school. During the depression he helped some of the younger ones.

During the summers, while other boys and girls were vacationing, Granville conducted gospel meetings. Hickman County had sixty-five churches with open doors and a welcome to him. He had all the meetings he was able to preach. This continued into the last year of his life. He declined invitations in 1995. No preacher was more appreciative and thankful for such confidence than he. He said to me, “Leonard, I hate to tell people I can’t come.”

These observations do not exalt Granville above human limitations. He was just a common country boy grasping every opportunity to advance in life. He was humble, deeply concerned for others, and emotionally and conscientiously devoted to preaching the gospel of Christ. However, he never forgot where he came from or who he was. This does not imply that Granville was special with God or above others in the favor of God. He was just a young man with a burning desire to live a useful life in the service of the Lord and to willingly work for it. This disposition was recognized by others  they freely gave their encouragement and help. I believe that such will be as true today as it was then for those who will dare to set their ambition on living a useful, beneficial, righteous life and are willing to work for it. God’s blessings will be upon them. Our society may have trodden underfoot many of our moral and virtuous standards, but never so low but what she will appreciate and encourage one who lives a virtuous, useful life.

Granville’s disposition made it a real challenge for him to point out differences when it seemed to hurt or stir ill feelings  notwithstanding, he would always plainly and positively state his understanding of biblical teaching. Yet, it was done with full consideration of his opponent’s feelings and understanding. Some of his lifelong friends view differently concerning the institutional and centralizational work for the church  they take a much more liberal stance. Granville felt that Paul’s question to the Galatians, “Have I therefore become your enemy because Hell you the truth?” applied to the speaker as well as to the hearer. His view, “You do not become my enemy because I tell you the truth. I love you and want you to understand  This is God’s truth, not my opinion.”

Could I humbly assert? “No two brothers were ever more closely bound together through blood and faith than Granville and I. We were at times separated for several months without contact, but the love and closeness were ever present and still fills my heart. I seriously doubt if any two preachers ever agreed more understandingly on any and all the “brotherhood questions” and difficult passages of the Bible than we. Yet, as stated before, we had many long and hard discussions on just about all the problems. When a new one would reach the papers, I wondered, will this one be the dividing of understanding between us. It was not. The last one was Jesus Christ  is he both divine and human while upon the earth? We both accepted Jesus the Christ as both Deity and human. He is both the Son of God and the son of man.

It seemed to me that he had a little more trouble getting a clear and firm understanding of the orphan problem than I. However, when he studied, he reached the firm conclusion that extra organizations had no right attaching themselves to church for support, claiming to be doing the work of the church. The church is sufficiently designed and equipped to accomplish whatsoever God commissioned her to do even as she did in the first century. The church is God’s divine creation to serve upon the earth his divine purpose  as created, de-signed and commissioned so shall we serve and “give glory to God throughout all ages, world without end,” even to the saving of the soul. We must keep “speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head  Christ.”

There was no preacher whom I ever knew more sincere and emotionally involved in the Lord’s service than Granville. He believed what he was doing was fulfilling the commission of the Lord for the salvation of the soul. Al-though, I have heard people say, “He cried too much,” that was his deep respect for the Lord, his message and concern for the lost. There was no false manifestation portrayed in Granville’s life to deceive  much less in his preaching. He recognized that an account would be made to the Lord for his life and preaching. He sought to make both accept-able to the Lord. He, again, accepted Paul’s statement as his: “Necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I preach not the gospel  I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more (KJV).

Yet, Granville cultivated a joyful heart. He loved and often illustrated his lessons with a good, clean, true, comical story. This, he thought, would help relieve the unnecessary tension and help to open their ears to his message. If he could touch their hearts with the word of truth, it would produce the faith and move them to accept the Lord. His illustrations must be subservient to the message, whether a one-liner or a true story.

Granville loved to visit brother Thad Henley, a faithful member of the church and an elder at Ettna, Tennessee. He and his brother, Dave, were born, reared, educated and lived country. They were happy with whom they were and every-body liked them. They had somewhat of a whine, unintentional but pronounced. Each of them had some very interesting happenings in their lives to tell that they could make a grouch laugh. Granville conducted several gospel meetings at Ettna and stayed with brother Thad. He loved the association and the stories brother Thad told. He also loved to repeat the stories to others and even illustrate his lessons by some of them. He would mimic brother Thad’s voice and actions so well that he was often asked to do so.

He was living at Russellville, Alabama when brother I.A. Douthitt conducted a meeting for them. Granville told some of the stories in brother Douthitt’s presence. He was living at Hohenwald, Tennessee, which was near Ettna and brother Thad visited there often. Brother I.A. saw him and related Granville’s imitating him. A few weeks later Granville came to Ettna for a meeting. After one of the services when most of the crowd was gone, brother Thad confronted Granville with: “Brother Granful, brother I.A. Douthitt tells me you can mock me as good as I can talk.” He said, “If you was in one room and I was in one room, side by side, and we was talking and he wanted to see me, he wonten’t know which room to go in.” Granville knew that brother Thad would not mind, but the sudden confrontation puzzled Granville. He responded, “I guess that is right. Would you like to hear me?” “Well, if you want to,” brother Thad replied. Granville started in on one of his stories. The people heard Granville and gathered around. They wondered about it  Granville talking like brother Thad and him standing, looking, not saying a word. Those gathered around almost fell out laughing. Brother Thad didn’t say a word. Granville was staying with him during the meeting. He had lunch with him that day and visited all afternoonnot a word was mentioned about the imitation. That night after the services, they were sitting out on the porch, in the dark, in the cane-bottomed chairs, leaning against the wall. They had talked out so they were silent, just kind of pondering. Brother Thad broke the silence, “Brother ‘Ganful’, don’t you think you whine a little bit mor’n I do?” Granville said, “I guess you are right. You know one has to exaggerate when imitating another to make it stand out.” “Well, I thought  shorely you did.”

Granville and brother Thad were very close and enjoyed one another as much as two could, I guess, although he had a story or two about brother Dave, Thad’s brother, alike in speech and thought. Granville loved good clean, non-reflective fun and had his share. He always kept a sense of humor and it bridged him over so many hard situations. The statement has been made, “His sermons could have you laughing and crying during his delivery but each emotional response impressed the value of his lesson.” He didn’t use them to entertain nor to attract attention to himself, but to illuminate the thoughts he was endeavoring to present.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 14 p. 16-22
July 17, 1997