God’s Plan

God in His wisdom devised a plan,

To save the soul of every man.

He sent his Son to earth one day,

To save mankind in His own way.

The church was built, commandments given,

To guide each soul in search of Heaven.

But oh this foolish creature man,

Thinks that he can change God’s plan.

So he sets about and changes makes,

A plan his own filled with mistakes.

Oh brother listen while you may,

For truly there’s no other way.

God’s way is perfect sure to save,

Man’s way will plunge you to the grave.

So follow after God my son,

And he will say my child, “well done.”

Rosalie Hobson Salem, Indiana

Guardian of Truth XLI: 17 p. 19
September 4, 1997

Godliness With Contentment

By Bobby Witherington

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content (1 Tim. 6:6-8).

We live in a world in which the population in general is interested in obtaining “great gain.” Throughout the history of man “get-rich-quick” schemes have always attracted great interest. Even today, in our so-called enlightened age, virtually anyone is assured of a large following if he can only convince the public that his “new and novel” idea will produce large revenues.

The faithful child of God is also concerned about “great gain.” However, the faithful Christian is aware that there are two kinds of gain  physical and spiritual. While great physical gain is not inherently sinful, its possession often comes at tremendous risk to spirituality. On the one hand, with the increase of material wealth, there is the accompanying danger that the possessor thereof might become “high-minded,” and prone to “trust in uncertain riches” in-stead of “in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:7). On the other hand, we often multiply our earthly cares as we in-crease our material wealth (Eccl. 5:10-12). Then, too, as a materially wealthy person nears the sunset of earthly life his tangible possessions may become a source of great concern as he begins to contemplate the hands into which they will fall; will the next owner “be a wise man or a fool” (Eccl. 2:19)? Also earthly riches are inherently “uncertain,” for there is always the possibility that they will be corrupted by “moth” or “rust,” or thieves might “break through and steal” (Matt. 6:19). Indeed, the pages of history are filled with the biographies of multi-millionaires who died penniless and friendless. Notwithstanding the fact that multitudes live their lives chasing the proverbial “goose that laid the golden egg,” real happiness and great riches are seldom joined together. Perhaps with regards to material wealth we would do well to develop the attitude of Agur who petitioned God, saying, “Two things I request of You (Deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies from me; Give me neither poverty nor riches . . . Lest I be full and deny You, and say, `Who is the Lord?’ Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God” (Prov. 30:7-9).

In view of the hidden dangers associated with earthly riches Paul warned against men “of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth” who suppose that “gain is godliness” (1 Tim. 6:5). He stated that those whose goal is to be rich “fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition” (1 Tim. 6:9). He affirmed that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). And he gave instructions to those “that are rich in this world” to trust in God, and to use their possessions to “do good.” It is one things to be possessed by your possessions and quite another to faithfully manage those possessions entrusted to you as a wise, God-fearing steward!

In a real sense, with respect to earthly wealth, 1 Timothy 6:5-19 speak of two distinct groups of people. Verses 5-10 address those who intend to be rich. Verses 17-19 address those who are rich.

Mindful of the unseen dangers facing both groups Paul gave practical instructions to those in each category. And it was with these factors in mind that Paul revealed the secret of true riches; he said “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6:6). You will please observe that inspiration joined together both godliness and contentment. It is one thing to have “godliness with contentment,” and something else to have godliness without contentment! Mindful that most readers of this paper are affected by their culture, and are therefore interested in “great gain,” we shall in this issue discuss each unit of the “great gain” formula, beginning with:


In a real sense “godliness” is “great gain” within itself. That this is true is indicated in 1 Timothy 4:8 wherein Paul said “godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” “But what,” we ask, “is godliness?”

Godliness (Greek, eusebeia) “denotes that piety which, characterized by a Godward attitude, does that which is well-pleasing to him” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W.E. Vine). Other Scriptures penned by Paul which stress the necessity of godliness are 1 Timothy 2:2; 3:16; 4:7, 8; 6:3, 5, 6, 11; 2 Timothy 3:5; Titus 1:1.

Godliness is one of the “Christian graces” which a Christian must continually develop in his effort to make his “calling and election sure” (2 Pet. 1:5-10). Godliness and “holy con-duct” should characterize responsible people as they contemplate the ultimate dissolution of the created universe (2 Pet. 3:11). The truth we acknowledge “is according to godliness” (Tit. 1:1).

Godliness is basic to a proper relationship with God. This is the character quality which enables one to say “hallowed be thy Name” (Matt. 6:9) with meaning and true reverence. This is the attitude which prompts a feeling of dependence on God, an attitude of reverence toward God, and a willingness to submit to the instructions of God. The godly know that God is indeed “in His holy temple,” and they are disposed to “keep silence before Him” (Hab. 2: 20), always mindful of their smallness and his greatness.

The godly are so mindful of the awe-inspiring majesty of the Father of spirits (Heb. 12:9) that they dare not use God’s holy name as a byword, or make jokes about things sacred. Their feeling of awe in the greatness of him who is the “Almighty” (Gen. 17:1), and infinitely “holy” God (Isa. 6:3), make it unthinkable for them to joke about heaven or hell, or to question the wisdom and integrity of God on any issue.


Contentment (Greek, autarkeia) “means sufficient in oneself, self-sufficient, adequate, needing no assistance; hence, content” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W.E. Vine). This same word is translated “sufficiency” in 2 Corinthians 9:8 wherein to certain generous, cheerful givers Paul said, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, having all sufficiency in all things, have an abundance for every good work.”

The “sufficiency” of real contentment is not determined by the size of one’s bank account, but by the size of his trust in God. It may be likened to the unworried confidence of a small child who, though he may possess nothing of his own, is care free  care free because he knows his parents won’t forsake him, nor ignore his material and emotional needs. Wasn’t that the secret behind the contentment of the apostle Paul who, while a prisoner in chains, wrote, saying, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be con-tent” (Phil. 4:11)?

Ironically, many materially rich people are never con-tent, whereas others (much poorer in purse), like the Corinthians unto whom God’s grace abounded, have “all sufficiency in all things.” When all is said and done, contentment is not based upon what a person has, nor is it determined by where he lives. Rather, contentment is based upon what a person is, and it is determined by his awareness of the nearness of a merciful and beneficent heavenly Father who exhorts his children, saying, “Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have, For . . . I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5; cf. Josh. 1:5).


As long as we spend ourselves poor trying to “keep up with the Jones’s,” and run ourselves ragged trying to catch that elusive goose that lays the golden eggs we will be deprived of the truly “great gain” that accompanies “godliness with contentment.” We must cease looking outward with envy, and start looking upward with gratitude.

If you get a well-deserved job promotion which does not interfere with your service to God, I’m glad. If you inherit a fortune and are able to maintain your spiritual equilibrium, I’m glad. If you are able to operate a successful business, while continuing to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33), I’m glad. But remember that these items are not where real happiness lies. Real happiness is determined by what you are and by whether or not you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17). If you must make a choice between pleasure with prosperity, and “godliness with contentment,” then choose the latter, for therein is the real basis for “great gain.” Consider ye well!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 18 p. 6-7
September 18, 1997

Thirteen Years of Work Completed in West Columbia, Texas

By Charley Alexander and James Moore

A true church of Christ must preach the original gospel of Christ and follow the original pattern given in the New Testament for its faith and practice. Such a church wears the name of Christ without any denominational name and teaches the doctrine of Christ without any denominational doctrines (Rom. 16:16; 2 John 9-11). That is exactly our aim.

As elders of the church of Christ here in West Columbia, we want to give a report marking thirteen years of work completed. A church of Christ began here in the early 1920s, moved to nearby Damon in 1928, and started again here in the early 1930s. The R.C. McKinney family was instrumental in this effort and the church met in their home at times. In 1940, Roy Stevens secured an old army barrack which was used to construct a meeting place. His son, R.J., would later marry one of the McKinney daughters, Pauline, and would become a gospel preacher and co-editor of a widely-used song book (Hymns for Worship). H.H. Norris was the first located preacher here. About 25 preachers have worked with us through the years, but none has continued his labors with us as long as Ron Halbrook. Together, we have completed thirteen years of work for the Lord.

The Halbrook family arrived in West Columbia on July 27, 1984 and moved on July 28, 1997. The Halbrooks and other Christians who meet here have many fond memories of our work together. As elders, we have tried very hard to fulfill the duties of overseeing the affairs of the church as outlined in Acts 20:28 and 1 Peter 5:2. As an evangelist, brother Halbrook has tried very hard to fulfill the duties of preaching the gospel as outlined in Titus 2:15 and 2 Timothy 4:1-5. There has always been a complete meeting of the minds on the truth of the gospel which was taught. There has never been a doctrinal disagreement between brother Halbrook and ourselves because we are united in “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph. 4:4-6).

Through the years, God’s people have faced controversies with denominationalism, premillennialism, liberalism, worldliness, and other devices of Satan. It has been no different during brother Halbrook’s stay with us and it will be the same in the future. He has held up our hands in these battles and we have held up his, because the Lord teaches us to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). Presently, God’s people are being tested by the marriage issue, the misuse of Romans 14 on fellowship with doctrinal error, and many forms of worldliness including immodest dress. We did not compromise with such error before brother Halbrook came, and the truth was upheld while he was here, and we do not plan to budge one inch from the strait and narrow way now that he is gone (Matt. 7:13-14).

Many have been baptized and others restored while brother Halbrook has been with us, and many have moved away or become unfaithful and have been withdrawn from (2 Thess. 3:6). This always has been the course of events among the people of God. God teaches us to be constant and consistent in preaching the truth and to trust in him for the results. As this church has worked together, “God gave the increase” according to his will during these thirteen years (1 Cor. 3:6). Rarely during the history of this church have we reached 180-200 in attendance, and one of those periods occurred while brother Halbrook was here. In recent years, about 80 people have died, fallen away, or moved their membership because of job changes, retirement, or other factors. In spite of that, we can still have 130-140 when everyone is well and present. Our small community numbers only about 4,500, yet the church is larger here than in many cities and we shall continue to spread the gospel in our area with confidence that God gives the increase.

Efforts have been made to improve our Bible classes during the last thirteen years. When brother Halbrook arrived in 1984, we had an unusually large group of young people, mostly pre-teenage. He began a short training class with songs and memory verses before Sunday evening services. Eventually, this program grew into four classes for different age groups. Brother Halbrook worked with one class teaching young men to prepare sermons. Also, our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes for young people have been better organized by using the Truth in Life and Walking With God series of workbooks. A pro-gram was devised offering three classes to the adults on Sundays and Wednesdays. During the three-year cycle, every book of the Bible was offered along with many topical subjects. The program has been revised as needed to accommodate new subjects and other factors. Wednesday morning classes have been a highlight for the men and women who have attended, having just completed a study of Genesis through Deuteronomy. In addition, brother Halbrook helped us to renew our Vacation Bible School work, which has been very successful.

During these years, the church has emphasized the importance of training men to faithfully preach the gospel of Christ (2 Tim. 2:2). Several of our own men have developed their talents through the years, and some of these are preaching regularly. Andy Alexander went into full-time preaching in 1988. While maintaining his secular job, Paul Krenek developed in a fine way and is helping the brethren nearby in Angleton at the Kiber St. Church of Christ, along with Rickey Moore. Five young men from other places spent several months with us gaining experience to preach. They were Carthel Thomas, Marc Gibson, Doug Lancaster, Steve Curtis, and Steve Deaton. So far as we know, all of them have remained faithful to the Lord.

Throughout the years, the West Columbia church has been evangelistic minded. During these thirteen years, we have supported ten to fifteen men on a regular basis in the U.S. and around the world. In foreign evangelism, we pro-vide regular support to men in Mexico, Italy, South Africa, and the Philippine Islands. U.S. preachers making trips to various places have been helped temporarily, such as helping brother Halbrook go to the Philippines and helping Steve Deaton go to Lithuania. We often have sent emergency help to brethren scattered around the world. Brother Halbrook’s sermons often emphasized the importance of spreading the gospel throughout the world and we hope to always press forward in that good work (Mark 16:15-16).

Much teaching has been done through sermons, newspaper articles, home Bible studies, gospel meetings, and other efforts during these years. Brother Halbrook will tell you that all of this work is not a one-man effort, and it cannot be done with the help of the elders and deacons alone, but it requires everyone doing his part. We have recently completed gospel meetings with Connie W. Adams of Brooks, Kentucky (March 16-21) and Tom Roberts of Ft. Worth, Texas (July 20-25) with good lessons for saints and sinners. Future meetings are scheduled with Mike Willis, W.R. Jones, Alex Caldwell, and Bill Cavender.

As these thirteen years are completed, we bid Godspeed to each other, but we plan to stay in close contact. When brother Halbrook first approached the elders in late 1996 about his plans to move, he made it clear that it was not because of any ill-will or doctrinal disagreements but was due to a new program of work he wanted to begin. He will be holding more gospel meetings and spending time preaching in the Philippines Islands each year. To accommodate this work, he will labor with Andy Alexander in a two-preacher arrangement with the Hebron Lane church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Andy (the son of Charley) grew up here in West Columbia and was in the lumber yard business. Shortly after Ron’s arrival, Andy studied and worked with Ron in preparing to preach. His first full-time work was with the El Bethel church in Shelbyville, Tennessee (Jan. 1988-Aug. 1993). Since then, he has preached at the Hebron Lane church.

When the Hebron Lane elders heard about the program of work Ron planned to do, they invited him to work with them there. Because of our common interest in spreading the gospel in the Philippines, the church here will help with brother Halbrook’s expenses in his travels. We recently sent another large shipment (30 boxes) of used song books, Bibles, Bible study literature, and clothes to our struggling brethren in the Philippines. As he enters his new work and travels, he goes forth with our blessing, prayers, and moral support in addition to any needed financial help. We recommend him to churches wanting book, chapter, and verse preaching in gospel meetings. His new address is 3505 Horse Run Court, Shepherdsville, KY 40165.

While thankful for the past thirteen years, we are not resting on the past. Our attitude is like that of Captain Paul Jones in 1779, who said to the British, “Sirs, I have not yet begun to fight.” There is always much work to do in God’s kingdom and we plan to do our part to the best of our ability. In all these labors, God and not ourselves must be glorified. “We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do” (Luke 17:10). Just as we have enjoyed a good relationship with brother Halbrook, we expect to have an equally good relationship with the new preacher.

We take this occasion to announce the arrival of David Weaks and his family as of August 11, 1997. Brother Weaks was converted from Roman Catholicism some years ago. He comes to us after spending five years working with the Fourth and Groesbeck church in Lufkin, Texas. He is an able student and effective preacher of God’s Word. Sound preachers highly recommend him and we welcome him along with his wife, Perry, and their daughter, Lindsey, to West Columbia.

We are confident brother Weaks will hold high the banner of Christ, preaching the whole counsel of God, like brother Halbrook and the preachers before him have done (Acts 20:27). Brother Weaks’ new address is 654 Gray St., West Columbia, TX 77486. When traveling in our area, visit the church meeting here on the corner of 15th and Jack-son Streets. A warm welcome awaits you!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 17 p. 16-18
September 4, 1997

The Test

By Lewis Willis

One of the great problems we face is, how do we know the difference between right and wrong; how can we know our relationship with God is what it must be; how can we tell the difference between those who serve God and those who don’t? Every generation struggles with these questions and the practical applications concerning them. Great exception is taken when a favored preacher or brother is identified as a false teacher because we do not seem to know how that determination is made. How can I know if Brother Whoever is in error or teaching error? That is the question.

Fortunately, God did not leave us without guidance regarding this problem. As a matter of fact, he addressed it directly. The question becomes: Will we accept what God said about the situation, or will we rebel against his will? There is a test prescribed in the Scriptures to determine who is teaching and practicing Truth and who is teaching and practicing error. Consider The Test with me.

The Apostle John spoke about the marvelous love of God bestowed upon his children. The full significance of that love has not be defined in the Scriptures; some aspects of his love await the second coming to be realized in their fullness. We know, however, that we shall be like the Lord through the love of God, when Jesus comes again (1 John 3:1-2).

Because of that love and these blessings, those who desire this hope, keep on purifying themselves, as he is pure (v. 3). We are then advised about sin and its effect upon that love, hope, and purity. “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law” (v. 4). Sin is the enemy and destroyer of God’s love, our hope, and our purity. If we allow sin into our lives, we forfeit these blessings and benefits. The Test is: Have we transgressed God’s Law? If we have transgressed the Law, and failed or refused to correct the transgression, we have lost salvation and our identity as faithful servants of God. The only alternative that remains is, we have become servants of the Devil.

Let’s follow John’s instruction further. He said that Jesus was manifested to take away our sins (v. 5), and those abiding in him do not keep on sinning. Those who keep on sinning have “not seen him, neither known him” (v. 6). In chapter 2, verse 3, John wrote: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.” Those who do not keep the commandments, do not know God! This is true if you are talking about an atheist, a denominationalist, or a brother who decides, for whatever reason, not to teach or stand for the Truth. Such an one has transgressed God’s law and is in sin, not righteousness. All we need do is compare what he teaches and/or practices with the Scriptures, to know whether or not he has passed The Test.

But, John is not through, yet. He warns that we not be deceived about this matter. He affirms: “He that doeth righteousness is righteous” (v. 7). Not “he who thinks or believes he is righteous,” but “he who doeth righteousness.” The Test is: Is this person we are concerned about doing righteousness? If not, he is guilty of unrighteousness, which the same author said is sin (1 John 5:17). Abiding in unrighteousness (sin), one has neither seen nor known the Lord (v. 6). The Test (the decision we must make) is, “Is this person in unrighteousness?” If so, he is lost, and if he is teaching unrighteousness to others, he is teaching them to be lost, thus making him a false teacher! This is true if he is teaching unrighteousness about the deity of Christ, the inspiration of the Scriptures, instrumental music, or marriage, divorce and remarriage. God gave us The Test for making these determinations, so we must use it. Otherwise, we are in danger of becoming partaker with them in their evil deeds by supporting and defending them in theft sin (2 John 9-11).

This gets easier and easier, if we will listen to the Apostle. He continues: “He that committeth sin is of the devil” (v. 8). Is there any among us who cannot understand that language? Not maybe … possibly … supposedly. Rather, if one is committing sin (teaching error) he is of the devil. We can make all the apologies for the false teacher we wish, but these apologies do not change the fact! We hear people saying, “He just lacks knowledge . . . is honest and sincere . . . is right about most other things … doesn’t have the spirit of the false teacher of 2 Peter 2 . . . etc.” However, he is committing sin by teaching error, and the Bible says he is of the devil. The question becomes: Do we believe the Bible?

Sometimes, once a person has spoken on a subject and then learns he did not say the truth, it is impossible to get him to admit he was wrong and repent. His pride and stubbornness come into play, and he refuses to do what the Bible tells him to do about his sin. What about that person? John tells us about him. W e know he is not of God f o r “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin … he cannot sin, because he is born of God” (v. 9). John is not teaching the impossibility of apostasy. He is saying that one who is of God does not and cannot keep on sinning! Ignorance and pride are swept away, as the child of God corrects his sin. If he does not correct it especially after the sin has been identified to him  he is no longer in fellowship with God, but is of the devil.

“Please, John, draw us an easy conclusion!” All right, here it is. This is the conclusion of The Test: “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother” (v. 10). We need help to misunderstand this statement. If one is in unrighteousness or sin, he is not of God. Whose servant is he, John? “The Devil’s.” “How dare you call our be-loved Brother Whoever the servant of the Devil,” we hear some say. We were not the ones who said that. The Holy Spirit, through John the Apostle, was the one who said it.

As the saying goes: God said it; I believe it, and, there-fore, I must accept it! Brethren, before it is too late, study 1 John 3:1-10. The peace and security of the Lord’s church is well worth the time and effort.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 17 p. 18-19
September 4, 1997