Did God Take The Life Of Princess Diana?

By Dick Blackford

No doubt most who are reading these lines watched at least a portion of the funeral of the late Princess of Wales. Diana’s brother, Charles, the ninth Earl of Spencer, delivered a passionate and pointed speech. I thought the speech was exceptionally good. There was a small portion of the speech with which I disagreed, which is what this article is about. That portion expressed a belief held by many. He said, “God gave Diana only half a life. I will always feel cheated that he took her away.”

This brought back memories of a funeral I preached several years ago for a seven-month old baby whose four-year old brother accidentally pulled a portable television over on top of him. On why the young, and often the evening before the funeral, family members were heard saying “It was God’s will. He took him away from us.”

What This Belief Does

This belief makes God an unloving tyrant who shows respect of persons (Rom.2:11). I do not believe that was the impression the princess’ brother intended to leave, but it is the logical conclusion. Why the young, and often innocent, are caused to die prematurely but the wicked are permitted to live is hard to reconcile with a loving, all powerful God. Why are the lives of those who are doing good for others snuffed out while the evil continue to prosper (Ps. 37)? This shortsighted view of God causes one to misjudge him. It leads to skepticism. The problem of suffering and death is the major and strongest argument used by atheists in debate.

Man’s Freedom To Choose

God gave man freedom to choose (Gen. 2; Josh. 24:15). Much of the Bible is taken up in trying to motivate and persuade men to make right choices. If he intervened every time someone made a wrong choice, that would cancel man’s freedom to choose. Freedom involves being able to make wrong choices as well as right ones. Man is free to act hatefully and “Princess Diana” continued from front page foolishly, as well as lovingly and wisely. If God intervened every time one made a wrong choice, what we know as laws of nature would not really be laws at all. In fact, God would have to intervene in everyone’s life, virtually non-stop.

If all choices, both good and bad, produced exactly the same effect, how would we ever learn to choose the good and reject the bad? Finite beings with personal will power must be allowed to suffer consequences of their wrong choices if they are to learn that good is to be valued over bad.

Where The Atheist Is Coming From

The atheist’s argument is that, if God is a loving God, he wouldn’t let bad things happen to people, especially good people. Take note that this argument does not prove any-thing about whether there is a supreme being. It only objects to his nature (or their misperception of it). All other arguments for a supreme being still stand. And if there is no supreme being, where did the atheist get his concept of a standard of good and evil, of loving and unloving?

Answering The Atheist

Our point in all this is that God cannot do two things that are mutually exclusive. Such is not in the realm of possibility. This is the case with an all powerful, loving God and a man who has free will. To give man free will, God chose to limit his power to intervene when man makes a wrong choice. If God intervened on every such occasion man would be no more than a robot or a computer, neither of which can make conscious choices. I have never met anyone who wished we did not have freedom to choose, for we would then be inanimate objects.

It is true that God made the world and set in order the laws of nature. But he didn’t intend that they be misused.

To blame God would be somewhat like blaming Henry Ford for all the car wrecks or the Wright brothers for all the plane crashes. Several wrong choices were made by various individuals on the night of Princess Di’s death. There is no reason to blame God. Most of what happens in the world is not God’s will. He allows it only because he gave freedom to choose. Because of this freedom he allows both good consequences and bad.

Why Some Suffering Comes

This article is not an attempt to study all the reasons why suffering is in the world but some suffering comes as a result of the sin and/or wrong choices of others. We can’t argue that we should be allowed freedom of choice but it should be denied everyone else. Because of that, we some-times pay a price so all can have this freedom. If we reap the good benefits of former generations (inventions, scientific discoveries, cures), can we avoid reaping the evil as well? This is the price we pay for freedom to choose. Innocent people may be killed by a drunk driver. A baby may be born with AIDS or addicted to drugs because of the wrong choices of its parents. We live in a world where others have free will too. Life is not always fair. We do not live in a perfect world yet, but a time is coming when God is going to set things right and balance the scales of justice (Acts 17:30, 31). That is the only way it can be in a world where man has this freedom.

It’s not a perfect world but it sure beats the other alter-native of a world without God.

Guardian of Truth XLI: 21 p. 1
November 6, 1997

Who Can Marry Lawfully?

By Don Miller

Several years ago a young woman came to me to ask if she had the right to remarry. After discussing why her first marriage broke up, we studied what Christ had to say in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9. After reading these passages she tearfully came to the conclusion that she was now living in adultery. She remained married to her new husband. Not long ago she came to visit me and informed me that she had found a “church of Christ preacher” who said that she was lawfully entitled to be married to her husband. Sadly, that didn’t surprise me. You can find someone to agree with you on almost any position you wish to believe. The important thing, however, is what does the Bible say concerning who can marry lawfully?

From a scriptural standpoint there are four situations in which a person can marry lawfully: (1) A single person who is marrying for the first time has the right to marry. Jesus said in Matthew 19:5 (and referring to Gen. 2:24) that a man leaving his father and mother can cleave to his wife; (2) A widow or widower has the right to remarry. The Bible says in Romans 7:2, 3 that a woman is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives, but if he dies she is free to marry another man; (3) A person who has put away his spouse for the cause of fornication has the right to re-marry (Matt. 19:9; 5:32). The Lord was asked on this occasion if a man could divorce his wife for any reason (Matt. 19:3); three times the answer was an emphatic no (verses 4-6, 7-8, 9). The Lord was very clear on this subject because the disciples said in verse 10 that if that was so it would be better not to marry. I fear that many people today are living in adultery by either abusing or refusing what the Lord taught in this passage. (4) I once thought I would never have to point out the fourth category of people who have the right to marry. In every passage that deals with marrying that we have looked at, it specifies that a male and female, man and woman, or husband and wife are to be married. Only people of the opposite sex can marry lawfully. That rules out any homosexual or “same sex” marriages.

Some try to put additional conditions on who you can marry lawfully. For example, 1 Corinthians 7:39 mentions that a woman who has lost her husband is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord. Does that mean she can only marry a Christian? If so, then that same phrase is found in Ephesians 6:1 telling children to obey their parents in the Lord. Does that mean that children are to obey their parents only if they are Christians? Or does it mean that children are to obey as long as what their parents teach is in harmony with God’s will, and that a widow can re-marry as long as the person she is marrying has a right to remarry?

Some also teach that a Christian must marry a Christian the first time. While God lawfully recognizes marriages between Christians and non-Christians (1 Cor. 7:12-15, 39), let me quickly point out the danger of such. God’s people of old were led down the path of destruction by marrying people who served other gods (1 Kings 11:4; Neh. 13:23-27). To-day, when a Christian marries an unbeliever or a person of another faith, it usually leads to the weakening of the Christian’s faith and subsequent departure from the Lord. A survey was done by a congregation several years ago and it revealed that less than 20 percent of Christians marrying non-Christians remained faithful, yet almost 90 percent of Christians marrying other Christians remained faithful. While it may be lawful to marry someone not a Christian, it almost always is spiritually fatal. What good is it if it is lawful, but you still lose your soul?

Guardian of Truth XLI: 21 p. 5
November 6, 1997

He That Troubleth His Own House

By Mike Willis

Long ago, Solomon observed the impact of one who brings trouble to his own house. “He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise” (Prov. 11:29). There are a number of things implied in this short statement which we need to understand.

Men still can bring trouble to their house by their misconduct. C.H. Toy states that the man who “by incapacity, negligence, or niggardliness, fails to nourish and build up his household will find his resources reduced to nothing” (ICC 238). Keil and Delitzsch wrote, “The proverb has, accordingly in the man who `troubles his own house’ (Luth.), a niggard and sordid person in view, one who does not give to his own, particularly to his own servants, a sufficiency of food and of necessary recreation. Far from raising himself by his household arrangement, he shall only inherit wind” (248).

Lawson adds, “A man is a plague to his family, when he is of a domineering and quarrelsome temper, bursting into passion at every trifling omission of his will and pleasure; when by covetousness he oppresses his servants and children with bondage and hard labour, scarcely allowing them to enjoy life; when by prodigality he wastes the bread and portion of his children; when, by his disregard to mercy and justice, he brings the curse of God on himself and his house; when, by irreligion, he neglects the spiritual welfare of his family, and encourages them in evil by a bad example” (Proverbs 220).

Ways In Which A Person Can Trouble His Own House

1. Covetousness. Solomon said, “He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live” (Prov. 15:27). Men who are filled with greed have the ambition of building up an estate so that their house will be established. However, their greedy ways frequently lead to their inheriting the wind.

Achan’s greed brought his house to destruction (Josh. 6-7; esp. 7:21). Achan thought that he would make himself and his house more wealthy by stealing. Instead, he caused the whole family to die. Nabal’s tight-fisted ways caused him to refuse payment to David for the protection that he provided in the wilderness. Abigail’s intervention is all that saved them from David’s revenge. Soon thereafter, Nabal died (1 Sam. 25). Nabal’s refusal to give David a portion for his protection was motivated by his greediness to have more for himself. Covetous men abuse their family. They deprive their family of companionship while they chase after success and wealth. They deprive their children of some of life’s enjoyments by their tight-fisted ways. They deprive their wives of some of life’s pleasures. Frequently, they are hoarding up large bank accounts, but refusing to enjoy the blessings of today. Such men create havoc in their home.

2. Wastefulness. “He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich” (Prov 21:17). One who buys things that the family does not need and cannot afford may think that he is making life more pleasant for his family. Instead, he is creating indebtedness that will burden the family for years. Sometimes women are guilty of mismanaging the affairs of the family by charging unnecessary items on their credit cards, until the family is straddled with debt.

3. Uncontrolled anger. “He that is slow to anger is bet-ter than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Prov 16:32). Some men are guilty of sinful wrath (Gal. 5:20; Eph. 4:26-27) and railing (Eph. 4:31). This wrath may be justified as “disciplining” of children or being “head” of the family. However, their anger creates trouble for the home. Some men abuse their wives by yelling, cursing, beating, and other forms of abuse. Some parents abuse their children the same way. The Bible virtue of self-control (temperance) is absent when anger is so uncontrolled (Gal. 5:23).

Related to this is the atheist’s argument that God is not all powerful, or he would intervene when someone makes a wrong choice. The proverbial illustrations that “prove” this are: God cannot make a four-sided triangle; he can’t make a square circle; etc. However, all things are possible with God that are in the realm of possibility. His power only relates to what can be done. Such illustrations prove nothing about God because they involve contradictions of terms and are nothing but nonsense. The word “triangle” means a three-sided figure and the word “square” means a four-sided figure with four corners (a circle has no corners). This is to speak absurdities. The terms are mutually exclusive of each other. Nonsense is nonsense even when we talk it about God. None of this has anything to do with the evidence that God could create a universe, create life, calm a storm, turn water to wine, heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. He has all the power he needs.

4. Domineering spirit. A husband sometimes creates havoc in the home by his domineering ways. He abuses the authority that God gave to him as head over the home (Eph. 5:23). His rule is tyrannical and harsh. He treats others in a way that he does not wish to be treated (Matt. 7:12). This engenders a spirit of rebellion in his wife and children. Some-times this “provokes” the children to wrath (Eph. 6:4). The word parorgizomai means “to bring one along to deep-seated anger.” You may have seen teen-aged children who are full of deep seated anger created by an abusive father and/or mother.

5. Unsubmissive spirit. A woman must voluntarily yield herself to the leadership of her husband. She is to submit to her husband just as she submits to Christ (Eph. 5:24). Christ does not beat his church into submission; its members voluntarily accept his authority and yield their spirits to his will. In a similar way, the wife must voluntarily submit to her husband’s authority. A woman who challenges her husband’s authority and refuses to submit to his oversight, troubles her house. The husband and wife are going in opposite directions, creating chaos and confusion. Sometimes this happens in such areas as finances and discipline.

6. Neglect of one’s loved ones. Sometimes a person will trouble the house by neglecting those whom he loves. He can become too involved in his work to have time for his wife and children. A wife can be involved in so many volunteer organizations that she neglects her own family. As a result, the family unit crumbles and heartaches and sorrow follow.

7. Fornication (Matt. 19:9). A person may allow his unrestrained desire for sexual gratification to cause him to commit adultery. When he does, he harms his wife. This may lead to a divorce, separating him from his wife and children. The pain his selfishness creates may affect two or three generations. Even when divorce does not occur, the lost confidence and trust are hard to rebuild.

Shall Inherit the Wind.

The phrase to “inherit the wind” means “to come to nothingness.” This calls one’s attention to the temporal consequences of foolish behavior. We can witness the “inheriting of the wind” in such cases as Achan (Josh. 6-7) and Nabal (1 Sam. 25). We have witnessed the impact that family problems have on the marriages of many couples.

The wasteful become bankrupt. The covetous may be-come rich but have no one with whom to share it. Some end up in divorce courts. Some end up emotionally separated but living under the same roof. Some have troubled children who bring sorrow to their lives. Some have killed the other or committed suicide. Some have no relationship with their family through neglect.

The Fool Shall Serve The Wise

The words “fool” and “wise” have moral overtones. The word fool is from 5’1t@, one “who despises wisdom and discipline” (BDB 17). The word has moral implications and is not merely referring to one who lacks common sense. He is the man who rejects the counsel of God for himself and chooses to walk according to the dictates of his own heart. The wordi27l means “wise.” It is used in this text to mean “ethically and religiously” wise; the idiom means “wise of mind.” Commenting on this word in their lexicon, Brown, Driver, and Briggs said, “As a wise learner in school of wisdom, he fears God and departs from evil Pr 14:16; is silent Pr 17:28; hearkens to counsel Pr 12:15; hears and increases in learning Pr 1:5; his ear seeketh knowledge Pr 18:15; he receives it Pr 21:11; and stores it up Pr 10:14; his ears hearken to the reproof which giveth life Pr 15:31; and he becomes wiser through it Pr 9:8, 9” (BDB 314-315).

What the proverb emphasizes is that fools do not pros-per in life, as they suppose that they will. Many who thought they had found a shortcut to becoming wealthy are now serving terms in jail. Others are poor, now working for the men who established their business on the principles of justice and righteousness. Those who thought they knew better than God about how to conduct their families go through divorce courts, divide their property, and both live at a lesser level because of their foolish conduct. The wise man is emphasizing to us the temporal benefits of service to God. Truly, living according to God’s commandments brings the best temporal life available to man.


Are you “troubling” your family by your sinful behavior? Can you be wise enough to learn from the Scriptures without experiencing for yourself the ill consequences of sinful behavior?

Guardian of Truth XLI: 21 p. 2
November 6, 1997

The Love Of The Brethren

By Bruce Reeves

The epistle of first Peter offers wonderful encouragement to the child of God in view of simply living the Christian life from day to day. Peter encourages us to strive toward our goal of heaven, which we do through developing holiness in our conduct and we are admonished to exhibit love for one another as brethren in Christ. Peter writes, “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently” (1 Pet. 1:22). He proceeds even further in his discussion of our attitude toward each other when he says, “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings …” (1 Pet. 2:1).

One good brother said, “That means we must love the brethren as unlovable as they ace sometimes.” One of the keys to living for the Lord is treating one another in a loving manner. In this article I want to examine some biblical principles that will help us to love one an-other more.

Brotherly Love Requires Purity and Fervency of

Spirit (1 Pet. 1:22)

The word pure denotes something that is unmixed. Many times we treat each other sinfully because we allow sinful attitudes to infiltrate our hearts (1 Tim. 1:5).

The word fervently in the original carries the idea of being stretched to the maximum. Therefore, our loving one an-other does not happen by accident, it is something we have to work to accomplish (Eph. 4:1-3).

Brotherly Love Requires the Laying Aside of

Certain Things (1 Pet. 2:1-3)

The answer is not to compromise the truth or take a lighter stand on doctrinal issues. All compromise does is please the sectarians and spoil the brethren. The unity of the Bible is based on God’s word (John 17:17-21). True brotherly love seeks the good of others in view of eternity, not just the here and now.

Peter uses the word wherefore in 1 Peter 2:1 to say the logical conclusion is since we are new creatures in Christ we should have put away sinful attitudes and dispositions. You control your attitude, the mentality that says, “I am the way I am” is not in accordance with the spirit of Christ.

The Greek word for laying aside is the word apotheosis and it indicates a decisive act with permanent results; literally to discard clothing. The action should have taken place in our conversion, but sadly some members of the church have kept such sinful attitudes and when exhibited they cause problems in the church.

There are five things Peter says we must put away or discard from our personality if we are to please the Master and promote brotherly love. First “wickedness” (kalian) means “an evil disposition, the desire to injure another.” The second word is “guile” (dolor) and it means to “catch with bait, craftiness.” The third word is “hypocrisies” which denotes “deceptive actions or attitudes.” The word “en-vies” carries the idea that one has “feelings of unhappiness because another has that which one desires for himself.” Finally, the word “evil speaking” means “slanderous and defamatory statements about others” (elsewhere translated backbiting). Brethren it is high time we put away such attitudes for the benefit of the cause of Christ.

Loving the Brethren Will Require Unselfishness

(Phil. 2:1-5)

In Philippians 2, Paul uses the word “but” as an adversative conjunction which means he is contrasting two things. He is contrasting strife and vainglory with lowliness of mind. In other words one cannot have both at the same time, we must give up our own interests for the benefit of others. The perfect example of Jesus’ sacrifice for us is given. The Lord was willing to put his own interests aside in order to redeem humanity and this he did by leaving the beauty, advantages, and glory of heaven behind to come to this earth to suffer and die for mankind (John 17:5).

Loving the Brethren Means I

Tell Them the Truth

Examine the example of Samuel, Nathan, Paul and even the Lord Jesus Christ. Love does not mean we tell people what they want to hear. It means because we love them we tell them what they need to hear so that their soul will be saved after this life is over! We cannot be saved without loving one another!

Guardian of Truth XLI: 20 p. 24-25
October 16, 1997