“What Is Wrong With Dancing?”

By Gene Taylor

There was an interesting article by Jennifer Lee in The Wall Street Journal Monday, August 11 (“Before the Fall: Small Church Seeks the Purity of Eden” 1). It told of a church that held “clothing-optional” services.

The one-room church with its lace curtains could be any other small-town church in America until the lay preacher, Harry Westcott, steps out from behind the pulpit naked except for white sneakers and a black watch. The accompanist, his fingers skimming the keyboard of the Wurlitzer, is similarly undressed.

Thus begins the services of a non-denominational church at Cedar Waters Village nudist resort in Nottingham, New Hampshire. This village “claims to be the first Christian nudist resort in the U.S.” It was founded in 1950.

The bulk of the article goes on to relate the argumentation and justification these nudists give for their practices. They include such things as “People were always baptized nude until the second or third century,” “Nude is natural. The philosophy is body acceptance,” and “If you believe that the human body is a creation of God in his own image, there is nothing shameful or harmful about being nude.” I have come to expect such typical rationalizations for such aberrant behavior. As a matter of fact, I heard these same arguments used by a minister of a denominational church in Texas some 25 years ago to justify using an exotic dancer in worship services. It seems that anyone who wants to engage in any practice can somehow justify it.

Some so-called “Christians” are that way. Those who claim to be members of the body of Christ but cling to worldly practices often seek such justification.

Those who claim to serve Christ but enjoy drinking alcoholic beverages try to justify their practice by saying such things as, “Well, Jesus drank wine”; “Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach’s sake”; or “You know, the Bible doesn’t condemn social drinking or just having a drink in the privacy of your home as long as it’s done in moderation.” The Bible does condemn “strong drink” (Prov. 20:1; 23:29-32) and drunkenness (Rom. 13:13; Gal. 5:21) and common sense ought to cause anyone in their right mind to realize where the use of alcohol leads. It leads to death from alcohol poisoning as with the LSU student who recently died after pledging a fraternity. It leads to impairment of faculties and death when driving as in the fatal automobile accident of Princess Diana. Be smart enough to abstain from alcohol completely. Even at Cedar Waters Village, a nudist resort, “alcohol isn’t allowed.”

Others who claim to be members of the church justify dancing in much the same way. Quoting again from the article in The Wall Street Journal, it said, “Sexual promiscuity and excessive physical contact aren’t tolerated. All dancing even square dancing — must be done clothed because, as Mr. Westcott explains, ‘Dancing is a vertical manifestation of a horizontal desire.’” Even nudists can see the dangers involved in dancing. Why can’t some of those who claim to be Christians? It is because it is something they want to do and, as we have already seen, when someone really wants to do something, he will go to great lengths to justify it in his own mind and the minds of others. The problem is, though, no matter how he may try, he cannot change the mind or will of Almighty God.

Max Lucado Espouses Baptist Doctrine

By Donald P. Ames

Max Lucado is supposedly a gospel preacher, and also a prolific writer. I fear his desires to be successful in the latter have colored his thinking so he can no longer espouse the former. From several sources quotes are appearing showing he is now openly espousing Baptist doctrine. Consider with me his comments taken from God’s Inspirational Promise Book (Word Publishing, 1996, 35). After Quoting Ephesians 2:8-9 and Hebrews 4:15, he adds the following note:

You may be decent. You may pay taxes and kiss your kids and sleep with a clean conscience. But apart from Christ you aren’t holy. So how can you go to heaven?

Only believe. Accept the work already done, the work of Jesus on the cross.

Accept the goodness of Jesus Christ. Abandon your own works and accept his. Abandon your own decency and accept his. Stand before God in his name, not yours.

It’s that easy? There was nothing easy about it at all. The cross was heavy, the blood was real, and the price was extravagant. It would have bankrupted you or me, so he paid it for us. Call it simple. Call it a gift. But don’t call it easy.

Call it what it is. Call it grace. That was all he had to say about what you must do to go to heaven. As a gospel preacher, he should be well aware of the fact salvation is to those who obey Christ (Heb. 5:9; Matt. 7:21-23). Jesus spelled out his terms very clearly in Mark 16:16, when he said, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” The same was taught by the apostles in Acts 2:38; 22:16; Romans 6: 3-7; 1 Peter 3:21; etc. Does he refer to any of these passages? No! Instead he calls for one to take on the personal righteousness of Christ in place of our own obedience. Christ made the perfect sacrifice in that it was without sin (Heb. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:22). And while that sacrifice takes away our sins upon obedience, we must still answer for unrepented sins we commit (2 Cor. 5:10; 1 John 1:5-10). Christ’s personal righteousness is not transferable! So where does he place baptism? Does he believe it is necessary? Not from the above quote he doesn’t. So let’s turn a little further into the book (49) and see what he has to say about obedience to God. He points out that we don’t have do much, but we have to do something. He then proceeds to list some suggestions of things we could do:

• Write a letter

• Ask forgiveness

• Call a counselor

• Confess

• Call mom

• Visit a doctor

• Be baptized

• Feed a hungry person

• Pray

• Teach

• Go

• Do something that demonstrates faith

In other words, he believes that being baptized is about essential as a visit to a doctor or writing a letter. It is something you do to let others know you are saved, not something essential for the remission of sins! What proof does he offer that it is unessential? None! Like Baptists, he practices the “pass over” on that topic!

Max Lucado is still widely used by liberals as a gospel preacher, and some are proud “we have such a prolific writer amongst us,” but from what he has written, and the deception he has spread, he needs to be exposed for what he is: a false teacher who has espoused Baptist doctrine. I do not claim him as a brother in Christ unless he turns back in repentance, and those buying his books are merely helping his cause. Instead, we need to “spread the word” so others may be pre-warned!

Does Character Matter?

By Harry Osborne

Does character matter anymore? Do you care whether one tells the truth, exemplifies fidelity, avoids intoxication or exhibits other factors consistent with good character? Some polls in recent weeks have suggested that many are willing to excuse a President with significant character flaws because they discount the importance of character to leadership, especially when they think he brings them economic advantages. It seems to me that the same tendency may be seen throughout our society.

One need not think very hard to come up with several cases of esteemed athletes widely used in advertising and other ways who have been caught in various unlawful or unethical actions. The defense of their continued use is that the athletes are not intended to be role models in character, even though they are taken as such by many young people. When disciplinary action is taken against offenders, it rarely amounts to more than a slap on the wrist.

This disregard of character is sometimes taught at an early age. Have you seen coaches of young children seek to win even if it meant cheating? It is a sad fact that youth sports are being marred by adults who bring foul language and alcohol usage into the presence of children. Is that a proper influence regarding character to be placed before our children or does such matter to us?

The same questions could be asked about the effect of teachers, governmental officials and others who have influence in our society. If their character is flawed, can they be trusted to lead in their given areas? The Bible declares that character issues should be carefully viewed and that one without good character should not be trusted for leadership. For example, notice these statements of Scripture about the importance of good character in leaders.

Regarding  the  need  for  righteousness  —  “It  is abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness. Righteous lips are the delight of kings, and they love him who speaks what is right” (Prov. 16:12-13).

Regarding the need to speak the truth — “Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool, much less lying lips to a prince” (Prov. 17:7). “The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment” (Prov.


Regarding the need to shun promiscuity — “Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings” (Prov. 31:3). “Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul. Wounds and dishonor he will get, and his reproach will not be wiped away” (Prov. 6:32-33).

Regarding the need to avoid intoxicants — “It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes to seek intoxicating drink; lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the afflicted” (Prov. 31:4-5).

If the need for character was seen by those guided by God’s inspiration, why is our society increasingly showing disregard for the importance of character? If a man’s words cannot be trusted, how can his leadership? If a man’s words are filled with fifth, why should we expect anything different with his actions? If he is given to drugs and alcohol, how can we be confident in his sobriety at times when wise judgment is needed?

Character does matter! In fact, one’s character is the best gauge we have by which to judge one’s fitness for leadership. If we disregard flaws in one’s character and put him or her in a place of leadership over our children or our country, we are inviting disaster upon ourselves. God has always blessed righteousness and punished evil. Remember  Sodom and Gomorrah?

The Ruthlessness of Satan

By Tom M. Roberts

Many do not like to watch “nature shows” on television wherein predators stalk, capture, and disembowel their prey even while they kick, struggle, and scream. The food chain has many links, but from the top down, each devours the other. As one commentator said, “There is neither vengeance nor remorse in the Kalahari.” Eating is simply a matter of survival and those high on the food chain are not angry or embittered at those whom they eat. Hunger motivates the chain, parents must feed their off-spring to survive, and so the life and death struggle continues day after day, ageless millennia, from Eden until now.

However timid some may feel about the process, there is a fascination about watching a lion single out a lone animal from a huge herd, stalk it until the prey is within reach of a quick charge, then spring out and, without conscience or guilt, dispatch it ruthlessly. Once the prey is chosen, neither pity from the devourer nor terror from the one to be devoured changes anything. Remorseless, merciless, pitiless and unforgiving, the hunter takes the game.

There is a lesson in this about Sa- tan that we often fail to appreciate.

Never once has Satan said, “Enough, no more, I am satisfied.” Not one time has the Devil wished for the salvation of a single individual. Not once has Satan allowed a sinner to go free out of pity.

“The Devil Is A Roaring Lion”

Among many of the descriptions of Satan, Peter spoke of him as a lion. We are the prey, and we are warned, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). When Peter uses an analogy to describe our enemy, it is for the very reason that Satan has features like a lion. But the analogy breaks down in that the real lion eats only to live while Satan destroys out of anger, vengeance, resentment, and bitterness. The Devil destroys for the sake of destruction.

The reason for this, the Scripture teaches, is because Satan has been cast down and seeks vengeance. “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Rev. 12:12). Knowing his doom, Satan seeks to drag us into eternal torment with him. He is a predator, seeking prey.

One of the more chilling things revealed in the Scripture is the statement that Jesus made to Peter just prior to Jesus’ arrest. During the Supper, while the disciples argued about who was greatest, shortly before Peter betrayed Jesus, Jesus turned to him and said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke

22:31). What a terrible thought! Satan knew Simon Peter’s name, his weaknesses, his closeness to Jesus and he wanted to “sift” Peter to see if he could withstand the test. This statement haunts me.

Does Satan know my name? Does he desire to sift me? You? Is Satan lying in wait and stalking us like a predator after prey? Who can deny it? Like the lion, Satan has no remorse nor conscience. There is no pity, no mercy, no fair rules of conduct. He is an “adversary” that is absolutely ruthless.

Do we need to be convinced as to Satan’s ruthlessness? Look at his history among men.

We can only imagine the beauty of the Garden of Eden and the fellowship that existed between God and man. Sin ruined Eden and man’s life has never been the same. Our lives have been corrupted, shameful sin has plagued us and death is our lot. Satan, knowing all this, lied without compassion and said, “You shalt not surely die” (Gen. 3:4). Did Satan care that we would loose fellowship with God, be exiled from the Garden, and die both physically and spiritually? No, he intended to do exactly what he did, to bring misery and destruction into the lives of mankind.

The broken trail of human error can be traced (due to Satan’s influence) through Abel’s death by the hand of his brother, the increase of sin until God sent the flood upon all the earth, the betrayal of Esau by Jacob, the sale of Joseph by his brothers, the cruel treatment of Israel in Egypt by Pharaohs, the cycle of sin among the Judges, the sins of the kings of Israel through idolatry, Israel’s captivities among the nations, the slaughter of infants at Bethlehem, Jesus’ death on the cross, the martyrdom of the saints, and, even to this present day, the turmoil of sin in society and our personal lives.

Never once has Satan said, “Enough, no more, I am satisfied.” Not one time has the Devil wished for the salvation of a single individual. Not once has Satan allowed a sinner to go free out of pity. The torment of the rich man in Hades (Luke 16) did not assuage his appetite for more victims. Eight million Jews sent to their deaths by Hitler did not satiate.

But let’s make this personal. Satan has no mercy, he is ruthless. Have you lost a dear relative to death unprepared for eternity? A son? A daughter? Do you know someone under the influence of alcohol or other, stronger drugs? The Devil devours the lost, even if it is your loved one. Are your grandchildren being led astray? Only the Devil rejoices, but he does rejoice. He has “asked to have them.” He has “asked to have you.” His hatred knows no limits.

Look at the havoc among churches by the evil action of Satan. Fellowship is destroyed, friendships are ruined, the cause of Christ is made a “hiss and a byword,” and the Devil is happy! Denominations are in the grip of error, sin abounds. While time remains, the work of evil continues.

I understand that nature has gone awry due to the curse of sin on the earth. The prey being taken by the predator is the result of Eden’s loss. We will never see the Garden again and Satan is loose among us. The worst horror films from Hollywood cannot match the reality of the Demon from Hell that lies in wait for each of us.

Modernism says that the fear of Satan described above is paranoia, mental sickness, and schizophrenia. That, dear friend, would be a relief. But Satan is real, altogether, and very much at work on planet Earth.

It is only in Christ that we have any hope of winning this battle. Each of us has felt the power of Satan each time we sin. We all have been “wretched” as Paul was, under the curse of sin (Rom. 7:24), wondering “Who shall deliver me from this body of death?” This “roaring lion” has claimed us all as victims (Rom. 3:23). But Paul rejoiced in victory: “I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord” (v. 25).

By God’s grace and man’s obedient faith (Eph. 2:8-9), by the remedial power of the blood of Christ, Satan can be, and has been, conquered. All our life we have feared the Devil because of sin and death. Jesus changed all that by coming in the flesh, enduring temptation, overcoming sin and death, and setting us free. “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb. 2:14-15).

The hapless gazelle has little chance against the prowling lion, but we have Jesus on our side. When he warned Peter about Satan “desiring to have you,” Jesus also said, “But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail, and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (v. 32).