Truth Magazine June 2019

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Neglecting God’s Law
by Mark Mayberry

by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Lessons from the Salmon Run
by Deborah Towles

DOCTRINE: The Sermon on the Mount: Choices
by David Flatt

FAMILY: Cultivating Manliness in Our Sons
by Robert Harkrider

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Is it right to say, ‘Rest In Peace’ (R.I.P.)?
by Bobby L. Graham

by Barry Britnell


Article 1: Christian Negligence
by Marc W. Gibson

Article 2: Neglecting Hospitality
by Chris Reeves

Article 3: Neglecting Encouragement
by Daniel Mayberry

Article 4: Neglecting the Purpose of the Commandment
by Joe R. Price

Article 5: Neglecting Personal Work
by Steve Wallace

Article 6: Neglecting Church Discipline
by Steve Monts

Truth Magazine May 2019

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Preach the Word!
by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Our Everlasting Home
by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Teaching Our Children: The Principle of the Lesson (Part V)
by Aleta Samford

DOCTRINE: The Sermon on the Mount: The Golden Rule
by David Flatt

FAMILY: A Tribute to My Grandmother
by Dale Mercer

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Is It Wrong to Use an Instrumental Tune in a Church Video?
by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Philistines Were Originally Greek—Just Look at Goliath
by Luke Chandler


Article 1: Helping Us Be True
by Mark Mayberry

Article 2: Helping Us Grow
by Daniel H. King, Sr.

Article 3: Helping Us Serve
by Gary Watt and Lance Taylor

Article 4: Helping Us Reach
by by Mark Mayberry, Phillip Stuckey, and Corey Willis

Article 5: Helping Us Worship
by Steve Wolfgang

Article 6: Helping Achieve Our Mission
by Scott Willis

Truth Magazine April 2019

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Balancing Concepts of Prayer and Sin
by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Father, Help Us Raise Our Children
by Sherelyn Mayberry

DOCTRINE: The Sermon on the Mount: Dogs, Pigs, and Pearls
by David Flatt

FAMILY: Tribute to Grandpa
by Caleb Towles

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Are the Church and the Kingdom the Same in the Bible?
by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Military Strongholds and the Judaean Wilderness
by Trent and Rebekah Dutton

THEME: Basic Bible Teaching

Article 1: Agreement in Meaning Despite Differences in Terms
by Steve Wallace

Article 2: What in the World?
by Chris Reeves

Article 3: Spiritual Growth
by Casey Tolzda

Article 4: Hope and Peace
by Aaron Linden

Article 5: Bible Authority
by Richie Thetford

Article 6: Book Reviews
by Chris Reeves

Truth Magazine March 2019

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Conflicting Worldviews
by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: The “Memoirs of the Apostles”
by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Lessons from the Trash Can
by Deborah Towles

DOCTRINE: The Sermon on the Mount: Judgment Without Mercy
by David Flatt

FAMILY: Wayward Children: Priceless Guidance for Broken Hearts
by Ron Halbrook

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: How Can We Become Better Servants?
by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Healing of the Demoniac
by Leon Mauldin

THEME: Current Isms

Article 1: Atheism
by Danny Linden

Article 2: Hedonism
by Phillip Shumake

Article 3: Determinism
by Michael Wallace

Article 4: Environmentalism
by Joe R. Price

Article 5: Sectarianism
by David Halbrook

Article 6: Modern Political Systems
by Kurt G. Jones