FC Lecture 2001

Donnie V. Rader’s Lecture At Florida College And Responses

What God Has Joined Together – Jesus on Marriage

What God Has Joined Together – Jesus on MarriageLecture given at Florida College (February 8, 2001).

(Matthew 5:31-32; 19:1-12)

Donnie V. Rader

Matthew’s record of Jesus’ teaching gives two of the three occasions that He taught on divorce and remarriage. The first is from the mountain sermon in Galilee recorded in Matthew 5-7. In it our Lord said,

It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery (5:31-32).

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What Happened at the Florida College Lectures

Harry Osborne

On Thursday, February 8, 2001, brother Donnie Rader had an excellent lecture on divorce and remarriage. I was both there to hear it personally and have a tape of the lesson. If you have not had an opportunity to hear the tape, please get a copy so that you can hear for yourself what was said. You may also read a copy of the manuscript put in the FC lecture book by going to What God Has Joined Together – Jesus on Marriage but please make the effort to hear the lecture on tape as well. When you hear the lecture, you will note that Donnie’s demeanor, tone, delivery and content were exemplary. Having attended the FC lectures and others around the country, I can honestly say it was the equal to any lecture I have ever heard. Since I have been repeatedly asked about the things which happened at that lecture, I am writing this to state the things which I saw and heard on that occasion.

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