Donnie’s Distortion

Earl Kimbrough

Donnie Rader, in the Florida College Annual Lectures for 2001, addresses the teaching of Matthew on divorce and remarriage. In the course of the lecture, he mentions my name, along with Ed Harrell, Bob Owen, and others, in a less than favorable light. For my part, I am somewhat like the man Abraham Lincoln told about who was tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail. The man said, "If it wasn’t for the honor of the thing, I had just as soon walk." Being named along with such men as Harrell and Owen, I feel about like the little ant that crossed an old wooden bridge, with an elephant. As they completed the journey, he said, "Boy, we sure made that thing rattle."

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A Reply to Ed Harrell’s Response

Donnie V. Rader

I find it interesting that brother Harrell responds to my printed lecture and in fact had asked the administration for time to give an oral response. The thing that makes this interesting is that he, as one of the editors of Christianity Magazine, practiced a closed door policy and would not allow any response to what he or others taught. He wants what he was not willing to give.

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A Response By Ed Harrell

With considerable reluctance, but at the urging of a number of friends, I have decided to write a few words responding to the lecture delivered by Donnie Rader. My beliefs on the matters under discussion are a matter of record and I some years ago decided not to try to respond to thedistortions of my writings that have been relentlessly published by certain, I think extremist, publications. I am somewhat troubled by the publication of these accusations in a Florida College Lecture book. These distortions have been documented with a type of referencing that would destroy forever the credibility of any honest scholar. Accusations and made which are in no way supported by the sources cited. Unfortunately, most people will not read the footnoted materials.

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