The Serpent That Was Not There

by Marc W. Gibson & Harry Osborne

Throughout history, the truth of God has been assaulted by those interpreting figurative symbols as literal history and by those interpreting literal history as figurative symbols. Premillennialists have advocated their theories by interpreting the figurative symbols of books like Daniel and Revelation as literal history. Those denying the literal, historical facts presented in the Bible have taken the opposite tack, interpreting literal facts as figurative symbols. Both have violated a simple and fundamental rule for interpreting Scripture:

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O’Neal’s Letter To Caldwell Concerning the 2002 Postscript


Dear Colly:

Donnie Rader sent me a copy of the note that you are going to put in the 2002 Florida College lecture book.

I knew last year that Donnie delivered an outstanding speech at the lectures but I did not realize how powerful it was until I got the note from him. It was so powerful that you are still trying to destroy its effect.

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My Apology To Colly Caldwell

Donnie V. Rader

The following is an e-mail note that I sent to Colly Caldwell on June 18, 2001.

Dear Colly,

It has come to my attention that in the June 7 issue of Truth Magazine I misapplied a quote from your article.

In my article (A Response To Brother Caldwell, page 336) I quote your statement, "Such would have been inappropriate in this setting and would not have been allowed" and applied it to the reason you would not let me respond to brother Owen. Actually, you were referring to the reason you would not have allowed brother Owen to respond to the scriptural arguments I made.

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