Religious Journalism in 1971

By Irvin Himmel

The history, of the church of Christ in America is closely linked to publications in which brethren have expressed thought, preached their convictions, waged battles, explored questions, reported the news, and left a fluent record of their actions and attitudes.

Hundreds of magazines and papers have come and gone. A few have had tremendous influence in shaping thought. In the early days of the Restoration Movement in this country, A. Campbell’s papers, the Christian Baptist and the Millennial Harbinger, along with B. W. Stone’s Christian Messenger, were unusually potent. In the next generation of journalism, Ben Franklin’s American Christian Review, Isaac Errett’s Christian Standard, and David Lipscomb’s Gospel Advocate wielded great power. Moses Lard’s Quarterly, though of short duration, made its mark.

Most religious publications have experienced financial problems. The few that are hoary with age have survived hard times, and most of the ones which have died were killed by the same plague-lack of money.

Only God knows how many periodicals were commenced to propagate someone’s it peculiar views. When a faction arises, a paper will soon be started to voice the heresy. Other papers may be started to counter the influence of that one. As long as brethren take up with false doctrines and promote parties, this trend will continue.

Some brethren are “down” on all religious papers because many of them are not worth the price of the ink with which they are printed. Such a reaction is not justifiable. Shall we downgrade all elders because some are not worthy to be called elders? Shall we refuse to hear anyone preach because some preachers are plain sorry? Shall we refuse to be associated with a local church because many congregations are digressive? Not all religious journals are bad. Like people, they have their faults. The best of papers cannot offer perfection in every issue. The men who write, edit, and publish the papers make them what they are. The folks who have “soured” on gospel papers are doing themselves a disservice by not reading at least some of the excellent material that is being offered.

Every year new periodicals make their appearance and others reach their demise. I think it will be of interest to the readers of this magazine to see a list of some of the papers circulated among members of churches of Christ during the past year, and to know, how widely (or narrowly) they were distributed.

Circulation figures were formerly a deep, dark secret carefully guarded by the publishers. Postal laws governing second class publications have changed that. Brethren who take it for granted that Goodpasture’s Gospel Advocate must have at least 100,000 subscribers are in for a surprise. It is a big and powerful paper, to be sure, but not really as powerful as some suppose.

A few years ago (1965) the Christian Chronicle was printing 37,883 copies each week. In 1971 it became a bi-weekly, printing 6,029 copies. Its circulation has dropped to one-sixth the 1965 level and it appears only half as often. We wonder if this represents a reaction to its more liberal stance?

Searching the Scriptures enjoyed the largest circulation of the papers published by conservative brethren during 1971. The combined circulation of Searching the Scriptures, Truth Magazine, Gospel Guardian, and the Preceptor was 16,787. It is obvious that many of us are much too “conservative” when it comes to spending money on subscriptions for good papers! That figure should be at least 50,000.

The circulation figures reported are the total number of copies printed on the average for a twelve-month period as published in the different papers in accordance with postal laws and regulations. Most of the figures were compiled and submitted in Oct. of 1971.


20th Century Christian

Gospel Advocate

Christian Bible Teacher

Firm Foundation

Voice of Freedom

Christian Woman

Mission Messenger

Searching the Scriptures Christian Chronicle

Truth Magazine

Gospel Tidings


Gospel Guardian

Minister’s Monthly Christian Worker


Word and Work


M. Norvel Young

B. C. Goodpasture

Bill Patterson

Reuel Lemmons

P. D. Wilmeth

Ona Belknap

W. Carl Ketcherside

H. E. Phillips

John Allen Chalk

Cecil Willis

Baxter Loe

Roy Bowen Ward

William E. Wallace

Frank L. Cox

Bill E. Freeze

Stanley J. Lovett

Gordon R. Linscott


Nashville, Tn.

Nashville, Tn

Abilene, Tex.

Austin, Tex.

Nashville, Tn.

Austin, Tex.

St. Louis, Mo.

Tampa, Fla.

Austin, Tex.

Marion, Ind.

S. Houston, Tx.

Abilene, Tex.

Lufkin, Tex.

Nashville, Tn.

Wichita, Kans.

Beaumont, Tex.

Louisville, Ky.








Monthly Monthly





























*1970 circulation


TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 19, pp. 5-6
March 16, 1972



A timid moon blushed behind a cloud

As somewhere a coyote wailed aloud

At the lonely loveliness tonight

Framed in its halo of hazy light

The plain spread its tablecloth of sand

At the feet of mountains old and grand

Stars like angels’ eyes blinked serenely

Viewing creation set supremely.

Teasing rocks, playful brooks brushed their banks

Sailing o’er their beds without care or thanks,

But in thanksgiving the blanket of sod

Lifted its red rose and Goldenrod

Stamped with the words, “Handiwork of God”

-Larry Ray Hafley

March 16, 1972

Some Strange Teachings

By Ray F. Dively

By the title of this article you might think these strange teachings are being taught by the Catholic or Protestant churches. But they are not. These are being taught by Christians. I wish to point out a few.

“Men do not have to have believing children (Christians) as a qualification to become an Elder.” In the King James version Titus 1:6 states, having “faithful children” but the Greek has “believing children.” The American Standard and some other have “children that believe.” Goodspeed and the Twentieth Century New Testament translate it “whose children are Christians.” Therefore the Bible teaches that a qualification for an Elder, the man must have children who are Christians.

“That Elders are not to make decisions but the whole church.” The Elders are to oversee and feed the flock (Acts 20: 28). 1 Peter 5: 2 says, “Tend the flock of God which is among you, exercising the oversight.” Elders are to direct spending of money (Acts 11:27-30), and are to make decisions (Acts 15:6). The Elders are to rule or exercise authority, we are to obey and submit to them (I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17). It is even falsely being taught that Hebrews 13:17 refers to the preacher. Elders make the spiritual decisions as long as they are in harmony with the scriptures and they make the material decisions with wisdom for the benefit of the congregation.

Exchange of pulpits with denominational churches. 2 John 10, 11 says, “If any one cometh unto you and bringeth not this teaching, receive him not into your house, and give him no greeting: for he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his evil works.” Therefore, how can we have a false preacher speaking to us? Also, we are to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:23, 24). We cannot worship in truth if we have a false preacher delivering the sermon.

We can have fellowship with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). There are those who are advocating that Christian church members can take part in our worship services and have fellowship in the Lord’s work. Jesus only built one church (Matthew 16:18). Christ is the only foundation (I Corinthians 3: 11) and chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:20). Other scriptures to prove there is only one church are: Romans 12:4, 5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; and Colossians 3:15. It was our Lord’s prayer that his followers be one (John 17:20-23). Therefore the Christian Church is not the Lord’s church and we are not to fellowship them. Of course we are to teach them as any other denominational church. We cannot fellowship with those who are in error. We cannot fellowship any denominational church. There are some churches of Christ and individual members who do.

The church should provide recreation for the youth. There are Churches of Christ today providing recreation for not only the youth but the adults also out of the church treasury. Churches are buying recreation buildings for the youth. Others have bought camps with cabins, lodge, swimming pool, etc. Families may use these camps where the main feature is fun and entertainment at the church expense.

Also, Student Centers (places of recreation) are being built by churches near the campuses of Universities. One such example of this is the Student Center at the University of Tennessee, sponsored by contributions from churches. They call it a home away from home complete with “television, piano, kitchen facilities, telephone, refreshments, ping-pong and various other games and sports.” Plus other activities such as suppers, parties, games, etc. Also, a “Christmas” party for underprivileged children is sponsored by the students each year. They do throw in some religious activity. They have regular devotionals four nights a week at the center. This gives it a religious flavor, enough to have the churches pay the bill.

Parents have the responsibilities to provide recreation for the youth and themselves, not the church. The work of the church is to teach the lost (Mark 16:15), teach and edify the members (Ephesians 4:11-16; Romans 4:9) and to do benevolence (Acts 4:34, 35; 6:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:16 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-3).

You can be saved without hearing the gospel. Where does the Lord save … in the church or out of it? Salvation is only in Christ (I Thessalonians 5:9; 1 Timothy 2:10; Acts 4:11, 12). “Neither is there salvation in any other.” The Bible then emphatically states that salvation is in Christ and in no other.

All spiritual blessings are in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Forgiveness is in Christ (Colossians 1: 14). Redemption is in Christ (Romans 3:24). One is a New creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Life is in Christ Q John 5:11, 12). One can not enjoy spiritual life and at the same time be outside that realm where it is found. One is reconciled in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:1820). One is reconciled in the One Body (Ephesians 2:16). Therefore, one must be in that one body to be reconciled to God.

The Bible explains that “one body” is the church (Ephesians 1:22, 23; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 1:24). Hence, one is reconciled in the church. Thus to be in Christ is to be in His church. Also, Christ is the Savior of the body, which is the church (Ephesians 5:23).

Since the church is the body of Christ and Christ is the Savior of the body, how can a person be saved and not be a member of that of which Christ is Savior?

It is true that the church does not save anyone, but Christ saves the church. Hence, salvation is promised only to those who are in the body of Christ. The church is not the Savior; it is the saved. All those who are saved are in the church (Acts 2:47).

To be in Christ is to be in His church, which is His spiritual body. Threfore, one cannot be “in Christ” and outside of His church, for the church is the body of Christ. There are no saved people outside the church of the New Testament.

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord (Revelation 14:13). One does not die into the Lord, but one may die in the Lord. A person cannot die in the Lord (or in Christ) for Christ is Lord (Acts 2:36) unless he first enters into Christ by being baptized in Him. Those who are out of Christ are lost in sin (Ephesians 2:12). There is no possibility that they will be saved so long as they remain out of Christ. The eternal blessings of God are pronounced only upon “the dead who die in the Lord,” not upon those who die out of the Lord. If you can be saved without hearing the gospel, we could save more people by staying home. Why spend our time, effort and money teaching others if they are already saved without the gospel?

Just to name a few other false teachings and practices: This is a Christian nation, churches can support colleges (because Bible is taught), churches sponsor Boy Scout troops, youth Sundays, and churches can support unwed mothers homes, orphan homes, Herald of Truth, ball teams, child care centers, hospitals, camps, and other such like human institutions.

Since I have been a member of the Lord’s church, I hear over and over, “We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent”; also, “We go only by the Bible.” How false this is. How far may a congregation depart from the truth before it is no longer the Lord’s church? We are departing from the truth as the early church did. I believe the church, as a whole, has departed so far that it may be impossible to bring them back to the truth. ‘

There are false preachers, elders and others in the church today. We must study the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15) to understand what is scriptural and what is unscriptural. These are perilous times for the church.

I am fully convinced that a new denomination has been formed. For the present it is called “Church of Christ.” Many churches have joined this new denomination. How much more error must others embrace in order to become part of it?

In conclusion, may I say, let us go back to the Bible as our guide, as our only rule of faith. For we tell others we do this. The church did not completely fall away after it was established, over night. Changes were made that were not noticeable at the time. The church of Christ is making departures from the Bible now as the early church did. The great apostasy within the Lord’s church that finally resulted in the Catholic Church slowly developed. It took 600 years for a Universal Bishop called a pope to develop.

I pray all we say and do is according to God’s written word. Let us speak as the oracles of God 0 Peter 4: 11). Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (Matthew 14:15). “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4).

Acts 17:30 says, “The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked; but now commandeth men that they should all everywhere repent.” Today ignorance of God’s word is no excuse. Those who do not know God shall suffer eternal destruction.

Let us be faithful unto death and he will give us a crown of life (Revelation 2: 10).

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 15, pp. 9-11
February 17, 1972

Sad News from the Philippines

By Connie W. Adams

Readers of Truth Magazine have been informed of progress in the work of the Lord in the Philippines. There has been much good news to report. Mail last week informed me of the death of two faithful brethren whose loss will be felt.

Bartolome Flores

On November 3, Bartolome Flores was riding a mini-bus with eleven others on the main road from Cotabato City to General Santos City in the province of South Cotabato, Mindanao when suddenly the bus was stopped and surrounded by outlaws who killed all aboard the bus. Brother Flores supported himself by serving as head master of a school while he preached the gospel. He was one of the two preachers who came forward just after the debate in M’1ang last May and renounced the liberal position. His body was returned to M’Iang where his parents live. Funeral services were conducted by Romulo B. Agduma. In addition to his parents, he leaves a wife and one adopted child. Our brethren in some areas of the Philippines face many perils in traveling and some have recently been the objects of religious persecution. Pray for these brethren.

Manuel Saez

Manuel Saez was one of the elders of the church at Makati, Rizal (Manila area). He passed away of a heart attack on November 21 at the age of 66. Though others had a part in helping the church at Makati to correct the errors into which it had fallen while associated with the Christian Church, the key man in bringing them all the way to the truth was Manuel Saez. But for him, J. T. Smith nor I would have been permitted to speak there last May. He had already realized the truth and was resolved to take action for himself, but he showed the attitude of a tender shepherd in wanting to try and bring the whole flock to the truth with him if possible. I have never heard a man plead with a congregation as he did after we had preached and then had an intense two hour open forum. He was up all night reasoning with some who yet had doubts on a point or two. Before that night was over he and others had convinced them all as to what they must do. Ile Makati church has a great potential. It contains a number of very capable and refined people. It is able to bear a part of its own financial burden in support of their preacher, Carlos Azearraga. Brother Saez had a key role in stabilizing things after the changes made in the congregation. His death is a great loss to the church. We mourn with his wife, children and the whole flock which he so lovingly served as shepherd. I consider him one of the most impressive men I ever met. Memorial services were conducted by Carlos Azcarraga, assisted by Victorio Tibayan, Isabella Hayuhay and Noli Villamor.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 14, pp. 11-12
February 10, 1972