More for Your Money

By Cecil Willis

With this issue of Truth Magazine, some minor changes are being made in the format of the paper in order to give you more for your money. It is possible that you would not even detect these changes, if we were not to call them to your attention.

I became the Editor of the paper in August, 1962. The paper already had been published six years, under the editorship of Bryan Vinson, Jr. Brother Vinson and his associates had designed what I thought was a very attractive format. Truth Magazine, in my opinion, was the most attractive paper published by any of the brethren, liberal or conservative.

Therefore, over the years, we have done very little to change the make-up of the paper. It has been our opinion that when you have a good thing, you should stick with it. Several times, during the approximately ten years that I have been associated with Truth Magazine, some economy-minded brethren have suggested that we eliminate the scenic photograph on the front cover and that we eliminate also the additional color in the paper. It has been my opinion that Truth Magazine has been somewhat stylized by the color printing and photograph on the cover, and by the more expensive materials in the make-up of the paper, such as the glossy paper stock. As designed, the paper has enjoyed some modest success. Since 1962, the subscription list has quadrupled. In 1969 the paper became a weekly publication.

One time I investigated the possibility of eliminating the photograph from the cover, and found out that doing so would only save $14 per week. It was my opinion then and now that if the $14 front page sank the paper, let her sink as is. I think most of our readers have appreciated the appearance and content of the paper.

Whether you have detected it or not, we mainly use advertisements to fill out a page. We do not publish Truth Magazine primarily as an advertising medium. Primarily we intend it to be a teaching medium. Since we usually lose the back cover for advertising, and since we lose the front page with a cover photograph, and especially since we have inaugurated the church ads on pages 14 and 15, we have felt pressed for space.

Consequently, our minor format changes are designed to try to give a little extra space for teaching materials. Here is what we are going to do: we are going to lengthen the fine of each column line slightly, and then add about two additional lines to the column. Our margins are such that we think we can do this without detracting from the appearance of the paper.

Presently our lines are 16 picas long. That means that the lines are slightly over 21h inches long. We are going to lengthen them to about two and three-fourths inches long. We have unnecessarily wide margins at the top and bottom of the page. So we plan to add about two lines of type per column.

You probably are thinking that these are infinitesimal changes, but really they are not. By making these minor alterations, we can give you about 10 per cent more reading material per year. At all times now, we have 600 or 800 pages of manuscripts on hand that we think deserve to be printed. Of course, some manuscripts we receive (and probably some we write) do not deserve publication. These find their way into the famous “File Thirteen.” But there is much deserving material that we simply have been unable to publish. By enlarging our printed page, we can gradually publish more of this good material. The trimmed size of paper will remain the same.

An increase of 10 per cent may not seem to a significant increase. However, we publish 800 pages of material a year. A 10 per cent increase in article content means that you will receive the equivalent of an additional 80 pages per year. Measured another way, it is equivalent to receiving an additional five sixteen pages per year, at no extra cost to you. An issue Truth Magazine now costs us well over $400 to publish. By getting the equivalent of five issues, you subscribers are receiving the equivalent of $2000 a year worth of additional teaching materials.

We continue to have as a primary objective to print an attractive and informative paper. If we should find that these very minor changes make the paper look cluttered and unattractive, will revert to our former format. But if we can get away with these minor changes without seriously impairing the appearance of the paper, we can significantly increase the amount teaching material we can bring into your home in a year. And after all, that is our primary purpose in publishing a paper like this.

If you find the paper to be profitable useful in your home, wouldn’t it also be good have it going into homes of other Christians whom you know? For just $5.00 a month, you can send Truth Magazine every week into the home of twelve of your friends. We will bill you monthly, quarterly, or however you prefer to be billed for the subscriptions. At all times, approximately one-third of our subscribers come through the generosity of a friend. Quite frankly, had it not been for the generosity of readers, Truth Magazine would have folded several years ago. Would you now like to help us further increase our subscription list?

If there are friends to whom you would like to give a sample copy or copies of Truth Magazine, write us for a free bundle of sample copies. We publish a few hundred extra copies every week for free distribution as sample copies. We would be glad to send you a free package of this sample copies.

We hope to make Truth Magazine bigger and better than ever. We want you to get substantially more than your money’s worth. We want to make it one of the few, remaining bargains that you get the privilege of purchasing. Would you now help us to share this bargain with some of your friends? If you would do so, it substantially would help us, and we think you also would be doing your Christian friend a favor.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 22, pp. 3-5
April 6, 1972

A Correction

By Connie W. Adams

In the October 14, 1971.Truth Magazine, I reported excerpts from a letter which Kenneth J. Wilkey, President of Philippine Bible College, wrote to a gospel preacher on the island of Palawan. Near the close of that article I stated that he “is bolder at a distance than he cares to be in person. He was in M’lang, Cotabato the week before the debate between J. T. Smith and Eusebio Lacuata and came back the day after we left, but for some strange reason could not be there the week of the debate to encourage his Filipino brother in the debate.”

It has been called to my attention by brother Lacuata that brother Wilkey was not with the American brethren who came to M’lang the week before the debate. My statement on this is therefore in error and I hereby offer my apologies to brother Wilkey. I should have verified the matter rather than relying on impressions which were not correct. Also, to set the record straight, the American missionaries from Luzon did not return to Mlang the day after we did as implied in this article and stated by me in two articles in other papers. I have sent corrections to both of them. Here is what happened. These men were in M’lang the week before the debate to preach in the plaza. They had obtained permission to conduct services there beginning the day after we left. It was common knowledge in M’lahg that they had such permission. Brother Lacuata writes that he suggested they return to Luzon because of the rain. There were there the weeks before the debate. They were not at the debate to encourage Lacuata. They did not use their permit to return and preach the day after we left. I have never intentionally misrepresented anyone. My apologies to all concerned. I hope this puts the record straight. My thanks to brother Lacuata for calling this to my attention

April 6, 1972

He That-Will See Good Days

By William C. Sexton

I feel that every sane person wants to be happy in this life. Most every one, I believe, desires also to contribute to the well-being of humanity. Yet, it is evident that 1114″ 4o not know how to be happy; they have no-t-16findthe formula, or, having found it lack the faith and courage to apply it.

No doubt many persons do not really know what happiness is. If asked to define happiness, they could not give an adequate answer. Is it contentment? Is it having every fleshly desire filled? Is it being without work to do? Is it being without responsibility?

Without leaving any misconceptions about having all the answers, I do want to consider a passage of scripture which I feel is important in this respect. (I Pet. 3:10-12). Peter ways: If a person would see “good days,” he must do certain things, or we might say follow certain rules.

Real happiness is no accident. It does not just come to some and evade others. If one expects to reap a corn crop, he must first prepare the ground, then plant good seed in the proper season, cultivate it and wait till harvest time. And with all this, the wise farmer will recognize that there are many other factors over which he has no control; God makes it all possible. The same is true, I affirm, for the person who desires to reap a harvest of happiness. It does not just happen by chance. Certain things must be done, if one expects to “see good days.”

Man alone, with his wisdom, cannot produce lasting happiness (Jer. 10:23). The Creator has set forth the formula; if man will follow, I am convinced he has the greatest chance possible of obtaining lasting happiness — here and now and it reaching into eternity.

The “good days” of which Peter speaks, means a fruitful and meaningful life. It is what we might call a “successful life,” judged in light of eternity and considering the whole of man. In order to accomplish this goal, seeing good days, one must:

1. Control his tongue and the mind behind it. “Let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.” It is out of “the abundance of the heart” that “the mouth speaketh” U. 6:45). The person who violates this rule cannot we “good days.” Look around and gee if this does not hold true in real life. Will you be persuaded? Quickly remove from your mind every suggestion of deceit  “speak no guile.” If it is not first in the heart, it cannot emerge from the mouth.

2. Be negative toward “evil” — that which is contrary to God’s will, and be positive toward that which is “good.” The Lord knows man in his entirety; and He also understands exactly what man needs to be satisfied; likewise, His directions are to that end. Man is tempted by a great amount of “evil” in the world. Often he endeavors to justify his acts by saying, “everybody is doing it.” So what? That does not make it right, beloved! One must do more than just avoid evil; he must be active in that which is “good,” according to God’s standard. No one can be genuinely happy “doing nothing.” Constructive activities — worshipping, serving, and living for God — are a necessity.

3. He must seek peace! Peace must be pursued; effort and time must be spent in this endeavor. Peace is being in harmony with God, doing His will and trying to move others to comply with the same. One must be a Christian to be at peace with God (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:16; Acts 11:26). Others, therefore, must be brought to a knowledge of His will, and they must be caused to render obedience to it, if they are to be at peace with God. Each person is to live peacefully with all men, if he possibly can (Rom. 12:18).

4. Be made righteous by the gospel (Rom. 1: 17). Only when one is made righteousness by complying with the good news of the covenant of Christ, does he have the right and privilege of talking with God and being sure that he is heard. However, when he carefully complies fully with the terms of pardon, he is forgiven and has the blessing of God. This is the person who has lasting happiness. Yes, he’ll have a heavy heart at times and be required to suffer hardship and endure pain, but in his heart he’ll have a peace of mind that can praise God while being bound with chains (Cf. Acts 16:25).

Beloved would you see good days? Are you familiar with the formula? Do you have the faith to apply it? I would to God that all men had a mind to see good days and were familiar with the formula and would apply it in their lives. However, I only have the power to express my concern and the words of God. You alone have the power to secure to yourself these good days. Won’t you, therefore, act immediately? I pray that you Will.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 19, pp. 11-12
March 16, 1972

Problems for the “Miracle Healers”

By Roland Worth, Jr.

Those who claim the power to perform miracles today are open to challenge on several grounds. For them to dismiss the objections in arrogant unconcern is always possible. The “True Believer” is blind to all things he dislikes; those not obsessed with their belief will be of a more open mind.

(1) “Miraculous Healers” seldom if ever meet the Biblical pre-requisite for the healing powers they claim to exercise. The pre-requisite for possession of the healing ability was belief (Mark 16:17) but the preceding verse indicates that belief must be expressed in baptism in order to be of spiritual value. Hence baptism must precede the healing power. The significance of this is two-fold. The text (Verse 16) indicates that the baptism is to be for rather than because of the remission of sins. Any other purpose for being baptized would not result in securing healing powers. Furthermore, the word “baptize” means immersion, as even the non-Greek student can see in such passages as Colossians 2:12 and Acts 8:38. Any other act than immersion could not qualify a man for the gift of healing power. Since both the right motive and the right act (immersion) are required, a fatal stumbling block is thrown in the path of “healing” advocates.

(2) Healers emphasize the healing rather than the preaching. What is advertised in the paper and what message is spread by word of mouth when a “healer” comes to town? “A faith healing meeting.” That preaching will go with it is little mentioned; it is almost an irrelevancy. Yet in the first century the emphasis was considerably different. Miracles were used to vindicate the message being taught (John -4:48; 11:39-44). Indeed, John wrote his gospel out of the conviction that even a written account of Christ’s miracles could convert (John 20:30-3 1). But in today’s society, the healings have seemingly become an end in themselves.

(3) Healers emphasize monetary contributions rather than the service they are providing. It may not be true of all of them, but haven’t you noticed a tremendous “push” to have their listeners contribute? If passing the plate once doesn’t yield a satisfactory amount, they’ll pass it a few more times. Then there are the “healing” pens, handkerchiefs, and such like-all of which (let us be honest) are little more than gimmicks.

In their preoccupation with money, they seem more like the corrupt elements of the medieval Catholic clergy than like the apostles of Christ.

To support a man who is providing you the service of preaching is approved (I Corinthians 9:3-12) as is supporting destitute Christians (Romans 15:25, 31). But giving support for men to travel “healing” is something unknown to the New Testament. Peter’s first post-resurrection healing found him without a cent to his name (Acts 3:6) and there is no evidence that his healings ever earned him a penny.

(4) Healers often fail. In the New Testament we find only two cases where healings were anything but spontaneous. In one case the apostles could not heal an epileptic. Christ promptly pointed out that it was their lack of faith, not that of the epileptic, that made the healing impossible (Matthew 17:20). Modern “healers” are the opposite: they place the blame for their failure on the person they are trying to help.

In the other instance (Mark 8:22-26) a blind man’s eye-sight was restored. Although he could now see, he still could not focus his eyes right; Christ touched the man’s eyes again and the problem immediately corrected itself. The delay was a mere matter of seconds. Even if the eyes had never been able to focus rightly the healing was such that no modern healer could imitate it.

Contrast these two “difficult” healings (both of which resulted in a complete recovery) with the ignoble record of modern “healers.” When we compare the thousands who come for healing with the few who are “healed,” we can only conclude that the successful “healing” is the exception not the norm. Medical doctors have a far better “track record.”

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 19, pp. 11-12
March 16, 1972