“The Model Church of Christ, or the Modern Church of Christ, Which?”

By C. D. Plum

1. What do we mean by the model Church of Christ?

(1) We mean that one body, the church Jesus established, the pattern (Ps. 127: 1, Matt. 16:18, Eph. 4:4, Col. 3:15).

(2) We mean the God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, New Testament style church, without human frills or fancies added by men, which corrupt its worship, work, and the lives of its members. (2 Jno. 9-11, Rev. 22:18-19, Tit. 2:11-12). This “true -tabernacle” of our Lord (Heb. 8:2) does not object to being fenced in by gospel limitations.

IL What do we mean by the modern Church of Christ?

(1) We mean the human, the man style church, with all her “tacked on affairs” which the New Testament does not authorize.

(2) The modern church no longer follows the “model,” the pattern, the copy. She has “departed” from the faith (I Tim. 4:1-3), apostatized, fallen from grace, refuses to respect gospel boundaries, and sings her song regarding this: “Don’t Fence Me In. ” This modern church drinks “liberally” from the cups of Catholicism and Protestantism, thus quenching her thirst for liberalism. There never was a modern church of Christ (a liberal church of Christ) until after there had been a “departure” from the faith.

III. The model Church of Christ, and the modern Church of Christ, contrasted: What is the practice of the model Church of Christ?

(1) Singing in church worship is the praise practice. “In the midst of the church will I ‘sing’ praise.” (Heb. 2:12). Jesus and the apostles ‘sang’ when they praised. (Matt. 26:30). Christians are commanded to sing (Eph. 5.19, Col. 3:16).

But in contrast to this, the modern church has “tacked on playing” in church worship. The chart says “MM” (mechanical music).

(2) Preaching the gospel to the world through the church is the practice of the model church in evangelism. The church is said to be the “pillar and ground” (support) of the truth. (I Tim. 3:15). Take, for instance, the “local” model church of Christ at Philippi sending directly to Paul at Thessalonica to support him in preaching the gospel there. (Phil. 4:15-17). Paul received this evangelistic support “direct.” And Paul said, “What ye have seen in me, do; and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Phil. 4:9) It gets the work done safely. You cannot beat this. In about 31 year’s time, this direct handling of the Lord’s money in preaching the gospel “preached the gospel to every creature under heaven. (Col. 1:23). Every cent out of every dollar goes for preaching.

In contrast to this the modern church of Christ has tacked “MS” (missionary society) on the church, to preach the gospel through it. On the right side of the chart we show two such societies: “UCMS” (United Christian Missionary Society); and “HoT” (Herald of Truth). These are both “human organizations”, and each has a “salaried personnel” to pay for the support of men in a human organization which God did not organize, did not authorize — and does not recognize. Both of these societies collect from the churches (keep MUCH of what they collect) and preach a little gospel to the world, of what little is left. The Herald of Truth collects from about 3000 churches. Truly, brethren, which suits you best — the model or modern style? The God or the man style?

(3) Giving as prospered on the first day (I Cor. 16:1-2) is the model church practice for collecting revenue to run the church.

In contrast to this the modern church shows its displeasure to the divine plan by “tacking on (SSS) suppers, sales, and shows to raise money for the church. Some have gone even further and tacked on parking lots to the Lord’s treasury, also resorted to “rentals.”

(4) Communing, the Lord’s Supper, breaking bread (whichever term you wish to use) is the divine practice of the model church on the first day (Acts 20:7).

Displeased with this, the modern church of Christ has in some places tacked on TNC (Thursday Night Communion).

(5) Helping the “needy poor” who scripturally qualify is the practice of the model church of Christ. Widows, for instance, if they be Christians, and are old enough, followed every good work, and no relatives able to support them may be helped by the church. (1 Tim. 5:4, 16; Acts 6:1-4; 1 Tim. 5:8-10). Poor saints may be helped. (Rom. 15:26) Individual Christians may help both saint and sinners (Gal. 6: 10, Jas. 1: 27). But to use the Lord’s treasury to help sinners is something we do not read in the word of God. No sinners were helped in 2 Cor. 9:1, 12-14 as liberals teach, for the ones that were helped were “glorifying God and praying.” Christians do that in the church. (Eph. 3: 21)

Notwithstanding all this, and contrary to this, the modern church has tacked on a human organization called call “BS” (Benevolent Society), and the modern church supports this human society.

(6) Godly Exercise is practiced and urged by the model church of Christ (I Tim. 4:7-8). The model church does not oppose bodily exercise, but teaches that parents should look after this matter.

But in contrast to this the modern church has tacked on “C S R” (church supported recreation). Some modern (liberal) churches spend thousands and thousands of dollars of the Lord’s money, from the church treasury to build gymnasiums (play houses for the liberal brethren’s children to play in). This may be considered nice, but it is not Scriptural. I’ll stay with the model church.

(7) Self edifying is a practice of the model church of Christ. This church contends for “the effectual working in the measure of every part, unto the edifying of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16). “Faithful men who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2: 2). The model church does not condemn colleges as such, or a college education, but we do oppose making a college education a “must” to be qualified to preach. We do not believe that the church could not exist without the college.

We oppose the efforts made by the modern church to put the college in the church budget. Personal gifts to colleges, the paying of tuition to colleges, yes, gifts from the church treasury to colleges, “no”! “Never”! But the modern church of Christ, with her liberal members, stands in a bold contrast to the model church respecting church support of colleges. But our liberal brethren seem to be determined to tack the “BU (Bible College) to the church treasury.

(8) “T” speaking, that is (tongue speaking in a miraculous way) as is being claimed by some liberals in the modern church today. Ever since “T” (tongues) has been tacked to the church, the model church opposes this fallacy. The contrast here is strong and clear.

(9) Not only does the model church stand in opposition to all these tacked on affairs of the modern church that we have already named, but the interrogation mark M in the chart indicates that all the other questionable things that may yet be tacked on to the modern church will likewise be opposed. The modern church is not yet through adding. The departure from the faith will continue.

What should each individual Christian’s attitude be toward this departure from the faith, this leaving the old parts — APOSTASY?

The Scriptures say:

(1) “Come out from among them … touch not the unclean thing.” (2 Cor. 6:17).

(2) “Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine … and avoid them.” (Rom. 16:17).

(3) “Not to think of men above that which is written.” (I Cor. 4:6).

(4) “He that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deed.” (2 Jno. 9-11)

(5) “There be some that trouble you, and would pervert (change) the gospel of Christ … let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:6-9).

(6) God said of such like people: “They have rejected me.” (I Sam. 8:5-147).

Which do you choose the model or modern church? Do your friends mean more to you than does Christ? Would you prefer to break with Christ than with friends? Have you associated so long with evil practices that they actually look good in worship and work? Remember the words of the poet.

“Vice is a monster of such dreadful mien,

To be hated needs but to be seen:

When seen too oft, familiar with her face;

We first endure, then pity, then embrace!”

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 26, pp. 7-9
May 4, 1972

Concepts of God

By Hoyt H. Houchen

In a recent column of the Denver Post, there was an account of a Daytona Beach, Florida couple who had interviewed some children 5-7 years of age about their religious concepts, namely, who God is. Some of their replies are most interesting, some fantastical, others reasonable. Such responses about God were: “He gives parties,” “a ghost, a millionaire,” “a magician,” “the smartest person in the world,” and “me.” Although these concepts of God, formed in the imaginative minds of small children have the humorous aspect, most of them also reflect an obvious lack of teaching upon the part of their parents or guardians. The child is only left to his own little dream world of fantasy to “make believe” what he can about God.

One little boy who was being interviewed was asked if he went to Sunday school and if his parents went to church. His reply was “nope.” When asked if he had heard of God, he said that he had heard of Him from some of the “kids.” What he heard from the “kids” was the use of Gods name in such language that should not be repeated here or elsewhere.

Homes are legion that are without a consciousness that God even exists, much less a teaching upon His attributes and a respect for His divine authority. It is no wonder that we have a society that is corrupt with drug addiction, alcoholism, mob violence, and every vile deed. “As the twig is bent, so is the tree.”

Following the death of Joshua, “There arose another generation after them that knew not Jehovah . . .” (Judges 1:10). The children of Israel forsook Jehovah and followed other gods; they served Baal and the Ashtaroth (vv. 11-13). It should well be remembered that God does not leave man but man leaves God, and when he does he is left to his own reasoning, which results in every imagination of the heart-the identical condition which existed in the time of Noah (Gen. 6: 5).

Paul enumerated the pernicious sins of the Gentiles in Romans 1. They had once known God, but they “glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened” (vs. 21). Having left God, they 16 refused to have God in their knowledge” (vs. 28). A. T. Robertson comments on this last phrase: “Like an old abandoned building, the home of bats and snakes, like the night clubs of modern cities, the dives and dens of the underworld, without God and in the darkness of unrestrained animal impulses” (Word Pictures in the N. T., Vol. 4, p. 331). When men do not have God in their knowledge, they are left to “do their own thing” without restraint and man becomes a senseless being with no goal but to satisfy his every sinful lust.

On the more optimistic side, all the answers from the children interviewed were not fanciful. A little girl said that she was like God because she was made in His image. Another said that God is “a Spirit” and that he does “everything. – – He runs the world … He makes it work.” When asked what about making things die, she responded: “Thats not really bad because people dont die forever.” These answers are not bad from anybody and they indicate some idea of what is revealed about God in the Bible.

Unless people learn that God exists and mans proper relationship to Him, we are destined to become a society of criminals, characterized by bate, plunder, and abuse. Children must be taught that God is, that He must be respected, that the Bible is His inspired and revealed word, and that His laws must be obeyed.

Parents, what do your children know about God?

May 4, 1972

EDITORIAL — Two Decades of Digression, Dissension, and Division

By Cecil Willis

The “Herald of Truth” just had its 20th birthday. The liberal brethren would have one to believe that evangelistic work always has been done through the sponsoring church arrangement. But such is mere historical wishful thinking on the part of our digressive brethren of the 20th Century.

From time to time, brethren who may not see all the promotional literature need to be brought up to date on the latest information on this twenty year old digressive monster among us. Future historians are going to have a sordid chapter in church history to write when they come to write of the digression, dissension, and division perpetrated by the fledgling Herald of Truth. This money-eating monster has split hundreds of churches, caused untold heart-ache, caused buckets of tears to be shed, caused preachers to be fired, been the occasion of the stealing of scores of meeting houses, and has become the label by which one identifies himself as liberal, yet it is barely older than my teenage son. But it has made for itself an ignoble record in its mere score of years.

The Highland church in Abilene just published a “Special 20th Anniversary Report” in its publication entitled Between Broadcasts. They feature on the cover the lifespan of the Herald of Truth — 1952-1972! It might be a little eye-opening to some brethren to think a little regarding the statistics cited by the mother-church of the liberal churches. The liberal brethren gave up a good many years ago on finding anything in the New Testament that even remotely parallels the Herald of Truth operation. If someone has found an instance of brotherhood elders overseeing brotherhood funds to do brotherhood work, the citation has missed my notice.

Highland elder, Art Haddox, is featured as “Traveling Emissary of Expansion.” It is related that during 1970 and 1971 Brother Haddox traveled over 85,000 miles promoting further digression and division by his expansive efforts for the Herald of Truth. Yet just this morning I read a copy of a letter from this “Traveling Emissary” written to a brother in Ohio who wanted to see a discussion between the Highland brethren and some of those of us who oppose the Herald of Truth. Brother Haddox said, “We simply do not have the personnel or the finances to drive or fly to all sections of the country continually talking to brethren about cooperation when we have already spent so many, many hours doing this.” Yet they have plenty of time, personnel, and finances to fly or drive all over the country if they think a few more bucks can be raised for their pet project.

The “Special 20th Anniversary Report” details that the Highland church has raised over $15,000,000.00 for the brotherhoods national broadcast and telecast program in the past 20 years. Of course, they did not total up the actual money spent. I had to do that for them, but their figures show that they have begged about 95 percent or more of the $15,000,000.00 they have spent in the past score of years.

They did not give a detailed breakdown of expenses for the entire 20 year period. However, they did tell us “How Each Dollar was Divided in 197 1,” and I will have something more to say about that hereafter. The Herald of Truth has raised an average Of $750,000.00 a year for the past 20 years. I had for years thought the 35 year begging program of the Manhattan church was the Grand Champion Beggar. But Highland has laid them in the shade in just 20 years.

The brotherhood now spends, through the Highland Avenue church, more money annually than the American Christian Missionary Society handled in the first 50 years of its existence (The Reformation of the Nineteenth Century, p. 347). Talk about imitating the Christian Church. Our Highland brethren have outdone them, measuring eachs first 20 years.

The Highland brethren, and their cohorts, have through the years argued that the sponsoring church arrangement is an expedient way to preach the gospel. Of course, nothing can be expedient that is unscriptural, and the sponsoring church is unscriptural. However, even if it were scriptural, would it be expedient? Let us see.

Highland tells us that in 1971 their “Administrative” costs were 6 percent of the $1,567,118.00 which they collected and spent. Apply that 6 percent “Administrative” cost to their 20 year operation, and see what kind of an astronomical figure you come up with for “Administrative” costs. Six percent of $15,000,000.00 is $900,000.00 spent for “Administrative” costs. That simply means that the brotherhood has paid Highland church nearly a million dollars to “administer” the brotherhoods work. Administrative costs only have averaged about $1000.00 a week for the entire 20 years period! And yet they want to talk about expediency. Did you ever stop to think about how many churches contributions would be consumed by these exorbitant “Administrative” expenses? It would take contributions of $100.00 a month from nearly fifty churches just to pay the “Administrative” costs, and think of that over a 20 year period.

A sizable portion of the money sent to Highland has always been spent to beg more money. They never get enough. Whether they receive $232,000.00 as they did in 1957 (while they were willing to debate the issue), or $1,567,118.00 as they did in 1971 (and while they will not debate the issue), Highland has never had enough. They also have learned debating the issue has not helped their cause, so they have about quit debating. Have you ever heard of one of these perpetually begging sponsoring churches that ever got enough money? I have never heard of one that was ever content with its annual begging. There was a time in this country when begging was shameful, but the welfare state has fixed that. The largest and wealthiest churches in the brotherhood unabashedly beg year after year after year. They have an insatiable appetite for other peoples money.

How much do they spend on begging money? Well, in 1971 they only spent 12 cents out of every dollar to beg more money. They are quite proud of their “Support Solicitation” (a nicer term than begging, hence they prefer it) percentage. How much did they spend begging money in 1971? Just a little over $180,000.00! Highland does not even contribute enough money to pay for the money begging. Other churches have to subsidize poor Highland Avenue so she can beg more money. Highland only has about 1700 members, and their contributions only average about $8000.00 per week. Yet they do not even pay the money begging bill. Talk about audacity! Brother, they have it. They will beg churches to contribute money to preach the gospel, and then turn around and spend the contributed money to beg more money. And our gullible brethren continue to supply them nearly $200,000.00 a year for money begging.

How much has been spent on money begging in their 20 years? Hold your seat now! About $1,800,000-00, if their 1971 “Support Solicitation” figure is representative. Around $2,500,000.00 have been spent by Highland for “Administrative” and “Support Solicitation” costs in the 2 0 years of their babys life. Wonder what it will take to support this money-eating creature when it becomes full-grown? And some of the liberal brethren still use the old threadbare digressive argument, “Expediency!” It would take the audacity of the proverbial government mule to spend $2,500,000.00 of the Lords money for administrative costs and support solicitation, and then still argue “Expediency.” But audacity our Highland brethren have, in abundant supply. And gullibility our other brethren have, also in abundant supply, or they would have shut off this perpetual begging pipeline in a whole lot less than 20 years.

The lack of scripture for a sponsoring church seemingly has never bothered our liberal brethren very much. Why should one expect the exposure of their sinful waste of the Lords money now to upset them? They will continue to beg, as long as gullible brethren continue to feed the pipeline to Abilene. And the flow rate in recent years has increased, rather than subsiding. Some view their continued existence and evident prosperity as proof of the Lords approval, but they have not surpassed the United Christian Missionary Society in current annual income, so far as I know. But they are running the UCMS a close second. Rome had better watch out. Abilene will be taking sight on them next.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 26, pp. 3-5
May 4, 1972

World Evangelism: Rags to Riches

By Leslie Diestelkamp

Fifty years ago most faithful churches were rural groups. Only a few cities in America had more than one or two congregations and many big cities had none at all. Most churches had simple, frame meeting houses with plain plank floors, often unvarnished, and with no class rooms at all. But things have changed. Many cities now have dozens of congregations and almost no cities of any size have any at all. Rural churches may have diminished in number and in strength, but there are now hundreds of towns that have large congregations. Churches all over the country meet in lovely masonry buildings, carpeted throughout, with padded pews and with plenty of class rooms and other rather lavish facilities. Yes, weve come a long way — all the way from rags to riches.

In the last twenty-five years work in new fields has been increased tremendously. We can truthfully say that the gospel has been preached on every continent and even in most countries. Yet I do not believe our efforts in remote fields have kept pace with our affluence. In other words, our great numerical strength and financial ability have not yet been utilized in accord with our responsibilities and in view of our opportunities. We here in America are not only the richest people in the world, but we are the richest that ever lived. God may not expect us to become poor for the sake of the gospel, but he surely expects us to act like the rich people we really are.

As we cherish our $20.00 and $30.00 leather-bound Bibles, what about the two billion people in the world that have no Bible at all? As we, banter and beg our neighbors to respond to the gospel which they have heard and rejected again .and again, what of the hundreds of millions of people who have never heard once? As we spend millions of dollars for more buildings here buildings which are really used so little each week-what of the scores of nations in which not even the price of one such building has ever been spent in proclaiming truth?

Bridges Built and Chasms to Span

In very recent months it has been gratifying to see that a number of capable preachers have determined to cross some borders, open some doors, launch some new work and help in some already established but weak outposts. Plans for such work have been announced for Canada, Norway, Australia, India, the Philippines, and others that I may have forgotten just now. Of course, these are in addition to the many faithful men now preaching in other distant and destitute fields around the world. Every good man who plans to enter such work should be immediately and generously supported. Those of us who cannot go are not unfaithful because we stay at home, but we demonstrate self-centered selfishness and a minimum love for God and for the gospel if we fail to send and support those noble ones who sacrifice so much of that which we hold so dear.

But more and more young men need to be preparing themselves for greater usefulness. Who will learn the languages of Russia, China, etc. so that they may go when the doors finally do open? Even now there is a desperate need for preachers who speak French, German Japanese and Spanish so that they could go into fields that are now ready to be sown with gospel seed. “The field is the world” said Jesus, and it is still true that “the laborers are few.”

May 4, 1972