Philippine Report

By Wallace H. Little


The work in the Philippine Islands has been especially heartening with a large harvest of souls as indicated by this sampling of my correspondence since my last report. On Mindanao, Virgilio Villaneuva reported two baptisms in Lambayong and Linghanan Sendil seven by Disocoro G. Miparanum in Zamboanaga del sur. Sendil himself converted four including an eighty-three year old woman who strongly desires to serve Christ in the time she has left. Also from the same province, Rufo Samodal reported six baptisms. In still another part of that area, Antonio Gunot wrote of fifteen baptized in a gospel meeting in which a number of preachers participated. Wilfredo Samodal told of a conversion by Brother Jimenez. Philip Gon of Luanan sent a picture of some being baptized in a river, showing several standing on the shore, dripping, several more standing in the river, waiting, and one being immersed. Virgilio Galarn in Tacurong, Cotabato and Felix Abero in the northern port of this province reported on and two baptized respectively.

On the island of Palawan, Alfredo Agbisit wrote of two baptized in Narra, and Jose Ganan reported three in Bongabon, Oriental Mindoro. On the island of Luzon, Noli Villamor baptized five in Quezon, and Carlos Valenzuela another in Olongapo, the city just outside the United States Naval Base at Subic Bay. Sinforoso Pinote baptized one in Quezon City and Victorio Tibayan three in a meeting at Dian, Manila. Antonio Magbanua summarized his work in 1971 citing seventeen baptized while Castorio Gamit for the same year listed eighteen in Angeles City, just outside the United States Air Force Clark Air Base. I was stationed there from July, 1966 through July, 1968 and know well the conditions under which Brother Gamit labors. His results are spectacular.


Castorio Gamit also wrote of six restorations in Angeles City in 1971 and his brother in the flesh, David, in Nueva EciJa reported one in early 1972. Sinforoso Pinote in Quezon City mentioned two liberal preachers restored. They ceased worshipping with apostate churches and renounced their support from liberal U. S. churches saying they did not want to be guilty under 2 John 9-11. Out of his own support, one of these is being assisted by Julian C. Felix of Tarlac, Moncada. Linghanan Sendil wrote of another liberal preacher leaving his error because of the Smith-Lacuata debate in 1971 and that harvest is not yet over. Brother Smith has, or is planning to send several hundred printed copies of this debate to brethren there. A number will switch their allegiance to the truth. Manuel Villaneuva in Manila wrote of seven, including two former liberal preachers, returning to their first love.

Truth and Courage

Brother Julian C. Felix wrote, . ..In Quezon City the PBC (branch) which was organized by Brother Gunselman is also getting weaker. There are orgy two (2) boys and several girls who are studying. But most of these are utilizing the school as dormitory for they are studying at the nearby secular colleges and university, hence they are taking advantage of the opportunity. . . .” Our institutionally-minded brethren have touted “Christian Colleges” as the way of spreading the gospel overseas by training native preachers. Question: is the PBC going to endorse “Womens Lib” by using female preachers?

The Philippine Bible College is in trouble. A number of its students and graduates, learning the truth, have deserted. Ken Wilkie, the president, published a plea for money to paint the buildings (judging form accompanying photo, they needed it, too). Moreover, there are faithful saints in the PBCs home town of Baguio under the very nose of the school. To the lovers of that idol, this must be a source of public shame.

Bob Buchanan, a one time member of the PBC staff and now at ACC, is a moral coward. Months ago I mailed him sixteen propositions for debate, that lie might have opportunity to defend the PBC. Cecil Willis and Connie Adams as well as I are willing to meet him in a fair debate on these. He is not even man enough to reply. These are the same propositions I sent him registered, on March 25, 1967 while we were both still in that nation. He gave them the same attention on both occasions-none! It is

characteristic of those in error and who know the Bible does not support their practices, to avoid a public confrontation with truth, especially when this might lead some of their sheep out of their error. In this contest for souls, error has never limited itself to ethical means. Bob Buchanan exactly fits this pattern of cowardice. Nor is he alone in this.

Philippine Preaching Trip

By the time you read this, brethren James P. Needham and Dudley R. Spears will be in the Philippines. I anticipate considerable good from this. Much of their teaching will be aimed at upgrading the capability of young and inexperienced preachers which should prove particularly fruitful in the years to come. They will report their trip in detail after their return to the U. S.

For the past several years, faithful Christians there have asked that several American preachers visit that nation yearly. They want our exhortation, fellowship in spreading Gods Word and to maintain the contact with conservative churches. In 1970 Roy E. Cogdill and Cecil Willis made the trip. Last year it was I Connie W. Adams and J. T. Smith. This year Dudley R. Spears and James P. Needham continue the effort. God willing, Frank Butler and I will make the trip in 1973 and Earl Robertson and Larry Hafley in 1974. These last two groups will need considerable financial assistance. The estimated expenses are $2500. 00 per man, most of which will go for the airline fare to and from, and air travel within that country. We solicit the help of churches and individuals. Please contact us.

Final Note

Especially gratifying to me is the progress in locating support for faithful native preachers. While there, I knew of only three who had support from the United States. Today there are more than sixty. Due to the extremely poor economy of that nation, the churches there are incapable of supporting their preachers. Outside help is necessary. For the same reason, it is virtually impossible for men to support themselves while preaching. As fine as it is to have this number supported, yet there are at least that many more still needing fellowship in this if the full potential of the Philippines is to be realized for the Lord. My experience indicates the Philippine Republic is one of the most fruitful places on the earth today in bringing souls to Christ. While the opportunity lasts, let me hear from you on this. I have detailed information on these men and will put you in contact with them.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 28, pp. 5-7
May 18, 1972

EDITORIAL — Seers, Sorcerers, and Séances (1)

By Cecil Willis

With all the information and enlightenment now at our fingertips, it is astonishing to detect that astrology and black magic should have such a hold upon the people of our land. Astrologers are known by many different names, such as witches, mediators, Satanists, fortune-tellers, magicians (not to be confused with sleight of hand artists), conjurers, sorcerers, demonologists, palmists, card readers, divinationists, soothsayers, voodooists, augurers, charmers, wizards, spiritualists, gypsies, or necromancers. Several of these terms are to be found in the condemnation of this sin in Dent. 18:9-12. Astrology probably is the most commonly used term in our country today for this witchcraft.

Astrology had its beginning almost five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. From Babylonia and Assyria, the idea that the stars and their formations somehow foretell, and sometimes predetermine, the future traveled to Greece, Egypt, and finally to the East.

The Babylonians invented the concept of the zodiac, “an imaginary orbit of fixed stars that occurs in the course of a year.” The zodiac is divided into twelve sections which are called “houses,” and each “house” is supposedly ruled by a planet, with the sun considered one of the planets. The days of the years are assigned to various “houses,” and one can determine his horoscope for a particular day by viewing the various relations and positions of stars and planets.

The twelve constellations of the zodiac are Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19); Aquarius (Jan. 10-Feb. 18); Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20); Aries Mar. 21-Apr. 19); Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20); Gemini (May 21-June 21); Cancer (June 22-July 22); Leo (July 23-Aug. 22); Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22); Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23); Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov. 21); and Sagittarius (Nov. 22Dec. 2 1).

Various stars, such as Sirius, Antaras, and Vega, are used by astrologists in their computations. The working tools of an astrologist are the twelve houses, seven planets, other stars, and their relative positions. As the heavenly bodies move about from day to day, astrologists attempt to predict your future by the relative positions of stars and planets. Indeed, astrology not only believes it can predict your future by such heavenly bodies, but that your future is determined by the sun, stars, and planets.


The Bible specifically condemns such “stargazing” in many, many different passages. Perhaps I should here recite some of these passages in order to show the relevance of articles on this subject in a journal of this kind. In Deut. 18:9-12 God said: “When thou art come into the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be. found with thee any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one that useth divination, one that practiceth augury, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto Jehovah”

In Isa. 47:11-14 God showed the futility in trusting in those who claimed familiarity with the spirit world. Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know the dawning thereof: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not he able to put it away: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou knowest not. Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: it shall not be a coal to warm at, or a fire to sit before. Thus shall the things be unto thee wherein thou hast labored: they that have trafficked with thee from thy youth shall wander every one to his quarter; there shall be none to save thee.”

Jeremiah added: “But as for you, hearken ye not to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreams, nor to your soothsayers, nor to your sorcerers, that speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon: for they prophesy a lie unto you…(Jer. 27:9, 10). There are many other such warnings in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, we can read of the conversion of one sorcerer (Acts 8:9-11), and of the striking blind of another one (Acts 13:611). The eternal destiny of those who traffic in such black magic is explicitly stated: “But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death” (Rev. 21:8). After having spoken of those who may enter into the eternal city, John said: “Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.” (Rev. 22:15)

All of these spiritualists claim to be mediums with the spirit world, but not with the Spirit of God! However, there are false prophets who claim new revelations from God, but I do not now have these under consideration; the workers of “black” magic claim to have contact with the evil spirits of the spirit world. Joseph Bayly said: “What is the source of the power a witch claims to foretell the future, to establish contact with the dead? The one person this is not is God. Witches do not claim to mediate between a seeking person and the divine being; if they did they would be priests rather than witches.” (What About Horoscopes?, p. 27)

Sorcery or witchcraft is a false religion, and this is why it is so stringently condemned in the Bible. A Mrs. Leek, a self-confessed witch, said: “Witchcraft, like any other religion, must be accepted consciously. It is a decision that requires maturity.” (As reported in the Chicago Daily News)

They even have their own bible, called The Book of Shadows, which contains charms, rituals, chants, and curses. There are even churches of Satan established over our country by these false religionists. They have priests and high priests.

Yet some members of the church read their horoscope in the daily newspaper with greater regularity and enthusiasm than they read the Word of God. (More to Follow)

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 28, pp. 3-5
May 18, 1972


By Donald Willis

One of the most severe commands that has issued from the mouth of God is the command to repent. This is the most difficult of all the instruction that God has given … due to the arrogance of man. It is extremely hard to admit error, especially when it denotes the secret actions of the heart. Man possesses pride in the moral stature attained. Man is able to completely hide many of the wrong actions of past behavior until forgotten by man. Thinking God to be like man, he wrongly reasons that God has forgotten these actions too.

Man attempts to live down a former wrong. Man reasons that it is possible for moral credits (good deeds performed) to nullify moral deficiencies (past wrongs). Such cannot be done! Sin is a violation of the will of God (I Jno. 3:4). Sin separates a being from God (Isa. 59:1-2). One cannot undo this separation, saving through the medium that the Lord has authorized. In this, God requires that a man repent of the past actions of life.

Christ said that “. . . repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations” (Lk. 24:47). Repentance means to change one’s mind or purpose, always, in the N.T., involving a change for the better…” (Vine) Thayer adds, “. . . to change one’s mind for the better; heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins.” Repentance is not merely a change of mind, but is also the hating of the errors of the past, and a resolution to live better (fruits meet for repentance). One, after repentance, would not long for the former actions of life.

Christ taught that repentance is to be preached under the new dispensation. Peter told believers to “… repent and be baptized . . . for the remission of sins. . . .” (Acts 2:38) This is positive preaching of the commission as given to the apostles. Paul told idolaters God had “winked at” their sin, but “… now commandeth all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).

It takes gallantry to admit past wrongs and current conviction in Christ. Obeying the laws of Christ leads to the remission of sins (Heb. 5:9). How courageous are you, neighbor? Will you repent of your sins that life might be given to you (Acts 11:18)?

May 18, 1972


By Mike Willis

Inasmuch as several periodicals have recently reported some cases of Pentecostalism in the church, each of us who preach need to begin a series of sermons grounding our members on the subject of spiritual gifts.

Most Pentecostals believe that hyper-emotionalism and ecstatic utterances are signs of the work of the Holy Spirit. Nowhere do the scriptures indicate that these actions are indicative of God’s work through the Holy Spirit.

However, the scriptures do indicate that actions similar to Pentecostalism were current in heathen religions in the first century. Paul and Silas, for instance, healed a girl having a spirit of divination while preaching in Philippi. The girl had brought her masters large profits from her “soothsaying” or “fortune-telling” prior to the time when she was miraculously healed.

The word translated “soothsaying” is manteuomene. The word is never applied to anything practiced by Christians. Rather, it is applied exclusively to heathen religious practices. In Synonyms of the New Testament (pp. 21-22), Trench said with regard to this word, “It will follow from this, that it contains a reference to the tumult of the mind, the fury, the temporary madness, under which those were, who were supposed to be possessed by the god, during the time that they delivered their oracles; this mantic fury of theirs displaying itself in the eyes rolling, the lips foaming, the hair flying, as in other tokens of a more than natural agitation.”

Although the word was never applied to Christian activities involving miraculous spiritual gifts, manteuomene would be a very accurate word to be used in describing modern Pentecostalism.

Several references in classical Greek writings such as Plato’s Phaedrus and Virgil’s Aenid are reported to contain references to ecstatic, unintelligible utterances among those practicing heathen religions (The Modern Tongues Movement, Robert G. Gromacki, pp. 6-7).

Whatever might be the source of the actions of Pentecostalism, it is more nearly described by the Greek word manteuomene than charismata (the Greek word used for spiritual gifts in I Cor. 12:4).

May 11, 1972