“… Until Shiloh Come”

By R. C. Smart, Sr.

“And Shiloh is coming to Natick on Sunday evening, April 30, at six p.m. At least a couple of representatives of Camp Shiloh in New Jersey will be coming—coming to share something of the plans, the work and the future of the Christian Camp that ministers to many children of the Mid-Atlantic inner cities. Representatives of Camp Shiloh will be speaking at the Brookline congregation on Sunday morning and here in the evening.”

The above is a quotation from the bulletin of Church of Christ, 324 N. Main St., Natick, Mass., April 26, 1972. There is nothing personal in this article as I have never met anyone from the Natick church. I have received their bulletin for some time. It has often contained items that were of a liberal nature but this seems to be the extreme example of their liberal attitude towards the scriptures. I almost said blasphemy.

The quotation from Genesis 49:10 “until Shiloh come” is given the following exegesis by various commentaries.

A. Clark, Vol. 1, p. 269: “Judah shall continue a distinct tribe till the Messiah shall come.”

Pulpit Comm. Vol. 1, p. 526: “Believing Shiloh to be the name of a person, the majority of commentators both Jewish and Christian and ancient as well as modern agree that the Messiah is the person referred to, and understand Jacob as fore-announcing that the time of his appearance would not be till the staff of regal power had dropped from the hand of Judah.”

Hippolytus, A.D. 170-236, (quoted from Ante Nicene Fathers, Vol. 5, Pg. 206): “Now the blessed Jacob speaks to the following effect in his benedictions, testifying prophetically of our Lord and Saviour . . . a ruler shall not depart from Judah, nor a leader from between his thighs, until be come for whom it is reserved; and he shall be the expectation of the nations.”

We could fill pages with such quotations but we feel we have established the meaning of the verse. It seems that it has been left to the modern day distorter to garble such prophetic statements which should be held in the greatest of respect by the lover of Gods word. Whether it is done in ignorance, jest, or carnality, the effect can be conducive of no good to the cause of Christ.

With such an attitude toward God and his word we understand more clearly the actions of some of our liberal brethren. We doubt very much that Shiloh came to Natick, Mass., April 30. If he ever does, it may well be to fulfill Revelation 2:5: “Remember therefore whence thou are fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I come to thee, and will remove thy candlestick out of its place, except thou repent.”

September 7, 1972

For the Want of a Nail!

By Hershel Patton

Sidney J. Harris wrote an article in his syndicated column (Nashville Banner, August 4, 1971) entitled “Catastrophes Begin with a Nail.” Because what he says is so true, I want to copy here the major portion of his column, and then make a few applications of the principle set forth to spiritual matters.

“Most looming crisis, when they come, has had their origin for want of a nail.

“You remember how it goes: For want of a nail, a shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; for want of a horse, a message was lost; for want of a message, a battle was lost, for want of a battle, a war was lost; for want of war, a kingdom was lost; and all for the loss of a nail.

“Corny as that sounds, the fact of the matter is that history does hang on such little things as much as on any grand design. So do most large tragedies, which have their origins in tiny flaws unperceived at the time. What we, call a catastrophe usually starts with a nail.

“A crack so tiny it could not be seen was responsible for the collapse of the Silver Bridge over the Ohio River a few years ago, killing 46 persons. The crack led to the breaking of a crucial steel eye bar, which plunged the 1,700foot suspension bridge into the river.

“Not long afterwards, investigating a plane crash in which almost 100 were killed, the CAB found that the mechanical difficulty leading to the crash originated in a small metal part it would have cost a dime to replace. But nobody had bothered to check it out.

“These examples could be multiplied scores of times. It is hardly ever that some gross malfunction is responsible for a disaster — for gross malfunctions can usually be caught before they do much damage. It is almost invariably some little defect that passes hasty or negligent inspection (Emphasis mine H.P.) Think of this the next time you are sitting in a plane, at the ramp, waiting to take off, and silently cursing the mechanics for being so tediously thorough.”

And, we would do well to think of this the next time we want to do something religiously and are anxious to “take off,” but held back while others are being tediously thorough in checking for Bible authority. Apostasies and divisions — great catastrophes — of the past have occurred when men rushed into actions and arrangements because they “looked good” and “accomplished good” instead of measuring for Bible authority. The Missionary Society and Instruments of Music in worship are examples of attractive endeavors that men hastened to embrace about a century ago, “fussing and fuming” at those who tediously searched and asked for scriptural authority and which resulted in a great cleavage among professors of New Testament Christianity and the establishment of the First Christian Church (another denomination). It all happened “for the want of a nail.” Just one nail Scriptural of authority would have been all that was necessary to bring about acceptance of these things by all Bible loving people. Recognizing the need for such authority, with a diligent search revealing none, the catastrophe could have been avoided. But the “nail” was not found and many determined to “take off” without it, so, there was disaster.

Todays Spiritual Catastrophes

Today, professors of New Testament Christianity are again experiencing a catastrophic rupture of fellowship-a “looming crisis–and, all “for the want of a nail.” Liberal promoters “whistle in the dark” saying the “Antis” are dying on the vine, and we have very little opposition, However new congregations, made up of saints who reject modern innovations (churches functioning through human societies and institutions; centralizing the work of many churches under one church-eldership) – the Sponsoring Church; churches engaging in secular and social endeavors are springing up daily, older congregations boldly announcing their opposition to such liberalism, and these churches are growing. This distinction is not only being recognized everywhere all across the United States, but in Africa, Australia, Philippines, Japan, and wherever the Bible is taught, believed, and followed.

Promoters of the above mentioned practices are not only aghast at what their practices have brought about, but are now expressing alarm at further liberalism in their ranks — a looming crisis. At a workshop conducted by and at Abilene Christian College in Abilene, Texas, preachers and teachers in the church of Christ openly advocated (to the astonishment even of some liberals) (1) adopting the church of this century to the surrounding of the world by -brethren involving themselves in the same worldliness as found around them-like adapting hippy-type music in the church to attract the hippy crowd. The speaker called it “holy worldliness”; (2) tongue speaking should be practiced today and brethren should not oppose those who do speak in tongues; and (3) the Bible as a whole is not the inspired word of God. Indeed, there is a crisis of liberalism-and, all “for the want of a nail” – the nail of authority!

Brethren who desired to centralize the functioning of many churches through human institutions or a Sponsoring Church, and have the churches function in secular and social endeavors, were so thrilled over the good prospects of their devices that they did not tediously check for the nail of authority, and when it war, pointed out to them that it was lacking, they said it does not matter. If is not needed. We can build without it. Once this attitude was accepted, it is no wonder that others reached out for other things-tongue speaking, holy worldliness, Bible not an inspired standard, etc. Truly, ignoring this first little break-“no authority needed for some things” leaving out this nail), has brought on tile present crisis. The whole idea of New Testament Christianity is threatened.

The Basic Cause

In a recent correspondence with Brother Batsell Barrett Baxter, he wrote, “Herschel, the difference between us is not, as you think, a loyalty to God, Christ, the inspired scriptures and the church, but rather an interpretation of the scriptures. You have, now I shall speak frankly, bound where the scriptures do not bind. Your unnecessarily limited interpretation of the way congregations can cooperate with each other is a twentieth century reenactment of the Pharisees teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men (Matt. 15:9).” Involved in this statement is the idea that there are matters wherein we are not bound by scripture. I am accused of binding something belonging to this realm. But, what practice have I bound? Actually, I simply question a practice that Brother Baxter advocates. Churches cooperating is a realm he mentions where the scriptures do not bind. Now, I do find instances of churches cooperating in the scriptures. Churches sent wages to Paul while he preached at Corinth (2 Cor. 11:8). These churches cooperated in supporting Paul by each one sending to the same place-preacher. Churches of Macedonia and Achaia cooperated by each one raising funds, selecting her own messenger, and sending to the poor saints in Jerusalem. This is scriptural cooperating by churches. I have not bound this type of cooperation; the scriptures do, if we admit what the scriptures say as binding. Brother Baxter advocates one church ~group of elders) setting itself up as a “Sponsoring Church,” or some brethren forming a corporation or institution of some kind to receive funds from the churches and then dispense those funds in whatever work (evangelism, benevolence, etc.) is planned. This is not only different from the Bible “pattern,” but it also violates the responsibility of elders and the independence and autonomy of the local church as set forth in the scriptures. Brother Baxter says the scriptures do not have to be followed here… the nail of authority for his action is not needed. Really! Who is making a law where there is none? Who is “teaching as doctrine the precepts of men”?

I am aware of general and specific authority, of the realm of the “generic,” but before anything is permissible in this realm, as a “how,” “means,” or “method,” the thing itself must be authorized, be lawful (I Cor. 10: 23). Before “church” camps and recreational halls can be justified as a “how” of meeting mans social needs, it must first be shown scriptural for churches to meet this need that is a part of its mission. The Sponsoring Church, Societies, Institutions, etc. are not “hows” of evangelism and benevolence, but organizations (other than a local church) that must use means 1hows) in doing tile work. Churches have scriptural authority to engage in evangelism and limited benevolence, using means that are commensurate with Bible instruction, but churches contributing funds to an organization that selects and uses means and methods of functioning is without Bible authority.

The difference between brethren today therefore is indeed a loyalty to God, Christ, the inspired scripture, and the church, and not just a matter of “judgment” or “how” the Lords evangelistic or benevolent or edification work is to be done.

The divisions, heart-aches, alienations, and extreme apostasies that have taken place, and are still taking place, all go back to “the want of a nail.” Once the nail of authority is omitted (“We dont need Bible authority for a lot of things we do”, “There is no pattern”), the great crisis (catastrophic apostasy with its alienations) is inevitable — And “All for the Want of a Nail.”

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 43, pp. 10-12
September 7, 1972

Archaeology and the New Testament (III)

By Mike Willis


At most of the diggings, the archaeologist finds coins which are a great help in classifying the information which comes to light through his work. Coins offer several helps. They are primarily important because they help to date the diggings being one on the site (this was illustrated by the use of the coins in dating occupation periods of the Essene sect at Khirbet Qumran). At the same time, these coins become irrefutable evidence that the ruler whose image or name appears on the coin was a historical figure. Finally, they show to us the monetary system of the era discussed.

Today there is a surprising variety of coins available for the student of the New Testament. Commencing with the Maccabean rulers, we have a range extending through the second Jewish revolt of A.D. 132 to 135, and including coins (if Jewish rulers, procurators, emperors, and even of the free. cities in the general area of Palestine.”1

Here is a list of some of the coinage of the Gospels:

Coins of Greek Origin

Talent: weight of silver worth about $960.

Pound (Mina): weight of silver worth about $16. Drachma: l6″

Didrachma: 32″.

Tetradrachma: 64″.

Roman Coins

Denarius: a silver coin worth 20″.

Farthing: a bronze coin worth a fraction of a cent.

Assarion: 1 < “.

Mite (lepton): worth a small fraction of a cent.2

Among inscriptions found on these coins were the following rulers: Tiberius Caesar, Herod the Great, Herod Agrippa I, Herod Agrippa II, and Pontius Pilate. On several occasions, each of these coins is mentioned by gospel writers. These coins and their inscriptions depict the political situation in Palestine during the first century. They serve then as an attestation to the accuracy of the political situation described in the New Testament.


1. James A. Thompson: The Bible and Archaeology, (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1968), p. 304.

2- Ibid., pp. 304-05.

September 7, 1972

The Name of the Church

By Robert L. McDonald

Over the past few months, I have heard and read where some are preparing (intentionally or,” otherwise) the hearts of the brethren for a change of designation of the church. I am not calling into question the motives of brethren who write and speak of the church of our Lord as being “nameless,” but I do state that such loose thinking land preaching), which denies the church of our Lord has a “name,” will eventually lead the unlearned to the conclusion that the church can be called by almost any designation, for -whats in a name!”

A bulletin came to my desk with an entire article attempting to prove the church has no name. After citing Romans 16:16 as a proof text which has been offered for the scriptural designation for the church, the author said: “But this oft-quoted passage does not say the name of the church is church of Christ. All that maybe fairly deduced from it is that a plurality of local congregations is spoken of as churches of Christ. They are referred to as churches of Christ because such they were. They were of Christ, or belonged to Christ. This is all the passage says. It is no proof that the name of the Lords church is Church of Christ.” In the article the author goes on to say the New Testament also refers to the church as “the church of God,” “church of the Lord,” “church of the first born” and “churches of the gentiles.” Then, in the last paragraph, he said: “The Lord gave no name to his church. It is merely the church. Since it belongs to Christ, is his body (Eph 1:23) it is most proper to refer to it as the church of Christ. And so we do.”

Since the author stated “it is most proper to refer to it as the church of Christ, ” I wonder why all of the double-talk about the church without a name and then turn around and say -it is most proper” to refer to the church as the church of Christ.” If the church has no name, as the author contended, why is it most proper to refer to the church as “Church of Christ?” I dont quite understand this reasoning. Why would it be more proper to give that designation than “church of the gentiles?” I havent heard of any contending we should start designating the congregation with which we worship as “church of the gentiles!”

Every Bible student realizes the church was identified by different appellatives and in every instance such distinguished the church of Jesus Christ from religions of human origin. For example, Paul, writing to those who had been in Christ Jesus was, collectively, called “church of God” (I Cor 1:2). This designation was especially apropos since Corinth was so near the pagan center of the world, Athens. These people sanctified in Christ Jesus, belonged- to and served the true and living God. They were the “church of God.” For them to worship, work, organize and serve in an unlawful way would result in their losing their identity (even though they continued to refer to themselves as “church of God”) as belonging to Christ. And, to employ some designation which removes the name of Christ, or deity, from use, equally loses identity as the church one reads of in the New Testament.

When the apostle Paul wrote, “churches of Christ salute you” (Rom 16:16, it is necessarily inferred that such designation was universally employed by Christians of the first century. Since a number of congregations saluted the church at Rome and such was reported by the inspired writer as he did, how would the same act by one congregation be expressed? It does not take an “Einstein” to understand when speaking of one congregation of many could only be “church of Christ.”

A basic role of Bible interpretation is to understand the use of words in the context in which they are found. And so it is when endeavoring to understand Pauls use of the expression of “churches of the gentiles” (Rom 16:4f. The text states that Priscilla and Aquila had undergone great peril so as to save the life of Paul. As a result, Paul and churches composed of gentiles offered thanks for the two saints. Williams translates the text in question as: “Remember me to Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow-workers in the work of Christ Jesus, who once risked their very necks for my life. I am so thankful to them; not only I but also all the churches among the heathen thank them.” (The New Testament, Charles B. Williams) The congregations (among the gentiles) established by Paul would specialty offer thanks for the deeds of Priscilla and Aquila. To take this verse of scripture to try to establish the idea that the church was “nameless” is to wrest it from the intention of the Holy Spirit.

In Hebrews 12:23, we read of the “church of the first-born.” The context plainly shows that the inspired writer was identifying the units of the church, the members, as “first-born.” To the Jew, the first-born man or beast was reckoned more excellent than subsequent births and were allotted to God. This expression was employed by the Holy Spirit to impress the minds of the Hebrews that the church of our Lord is composed of those who were truly the “first-born” and in the end heirs of the eternal blessings by the Father.

Does the use of other designations (names) escape the prejudice that people are supposed to have against the church of Christ? I suspect this was the deciding factor which prompted the liberals of a hundred years ago to use the designation, “Christian Church.” And, when unthinking brethren today delude themselves into believing they should not attach the name of Christ to the church so as to escape the stigma and prejudice (according to some), they have taken mother step into digression and complete apostasy.

I am not ashamed of Christ or his church. I am not ashamed to wear the name Christian. I am so thankful to God that I am a member of the church of Christ, for in the church I am at peace with God and with the redeemed. (Eph. 2:14-10)

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 43, pp. 6-7
September 7, 1972