The Beginning of Sorrows

By William B. Wright

An ounce of prevention, goes an old adage, is worth a pound of cures. The meaning of this truism, any sensible person knows, is to correct a situation at the first evidence something is wrong rather than to allow it to continue until too late. We are urged to fight cancer with a checkup (and a check) meaning that early diagnosis of cancer will make it possible for physicians to treat the malady before it is out of hand and not controllable. Experience has taught us that a regular trip to the dentist will normally prevent the loss of teeth by early detection and correction of cavities. Men applaud the wisdom of people who practice good habits designed to lengthen physical life. The diseases cited represent “the beginning of sorrows” for us unless we do something to correct these beginnings in time.

Unfortunately, many of the people who apply this wisdom to their bodies do not apply this same wisdom, in principle, to other matters. A classic example of this kind of short-sightedness is to be found in the attitude of many people toward marriage. To avoid some of these mistakes, the Christian looks to the New Testament to learn what wisdom from above is available for his learning. A careful reading of the New Testament suggests these things concerning marriage: (1) it is a gift of God and was created by Him for mans good. It was intended by God to be monogamous. (Matt. 19:4-6) (2) It is an honorable estate. (Heb. 13: 4) (3) Christians are to marry Christians (I Co. 7:39; 9:5). (4) Divorce is to be avoided like the plague. (Matt. 5:31-32; 19:7-9)

It would seem, then, that any thoughtful person who realizes marriage is a very binding arrangement under any circumstances would be very careful about what person he (or she) chooses for a marriage partner.- Even more, it would seem, Christians would be concerned about this matter. Yet, as I look about at the church of Christ, I see many members of the church (especially the young) being married to and regularly dating those who are not members of the church. When I question this arrangement, I receive such answers as: (1) “Shes a good girl even if she isnt a member of the church.” (2) “You dont trust my judgment.”; (3) “Some of the members of the church are no good.”, (4) “It is just puppy love and wont last.”; and, so on, ad infinitum. In answer to these I say: (1) Not every person who is not a member of the church is immoral or a basically bad person as the world judges them, but the fact remains they are not members of Christs church and do not share with the 11 common faith.” (2) Of course I do not trust a person I s judgment when that person shows little judgment to trust. Furthermore, a seventeen year old boys judgment is a seventeen year old boys judgment, not a forty or fifty year old mans judgment. (3) There is no question that some members of the church are hypocrites and thoroughly bad people (4) “Puppy love” (so-called) may not last and then, again, it just might last at least long enough to incorporate a marriage ceremony later regretted by the parties to it.

But really this is all mere prattle when we get down to it. We may argue these questions all we wish, but the Bible still teaches: (1) Marriage is a gift of God, (2) it is an honorable estate, (3) Christians are to marry Christians and (4) divorce is to be avoided like the plague.

In order to insure these things in ones own life, it is vitally important that Christians form no romantic attachments except with those who are eligible marriage partners for Christians. But you may say, “I dont intend to marry her!” This well may be true, the first time! But what about the fifth time or twenty-fifth time? Is it still true then? Furthermore, is it still true when presents are exchanged on holidays, parents are being introduced” telephone calls of thirty minutes or more occur every day, and… ?????? Exactly what is the intent at these points in time? Just a friendship? At this point it soon becomes a question of the Christian entering into a marriage that violates some of the truths stated in the Bible he solemnly af firms to believe or “breaking up” with a young woman he loves. The occasion for his choice ought never to arise. It has happened to many a young man before now to find himself beginning to fall in love with someone he ought not to fall in love with. “This is the moment of critical decision,” and the right decision is that he should cease his romantic association before he faces an agonizing choice between love and duty.

You may say, “Isnt that stretching it a little to assert that Christians should marry Christian (only)?” Thats a good question and worthy of careful consideration. So lets have a look at it.

An Important Principle

Insofar as I have knowledge, God has always willed that His people marry their own. I know believing student who of no fundamental Bible-believing student who challenges this point. Even the old patriarchs, Abraham and Isaac, were very determined that their heirs marry “their own” and that they not marry the Canaanite women about them. (Gen. 24:1-4; 28:1-2)

The people of Israel were strictly forbidden to contract marriages with inhabitants of the land of Caanan. (Dent. 7:1-3) The Israelites were told: “For they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods” (v. 4) Joshua further reinforced this precept and added that if they did make marriages with the inhabitants of the land “they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land” (Josh. 23: 12-13)

Nehemiah was very vehement about mixed marriages and insisted that foreign wives be put away. A telling argument used by Nehemiah was that Solomon, that great king, was caused to sin by “outlandish” women. (Heb. 13:23-27)

But you may say, “You are citing the Old Testament and we are not under it.” This is true, but remember, I am merely pointing to a principle, at this point. Dont forget that Paul suggested that things written before were written for our learning. (Rom. 15:4)

New Testament Teaching

Now, let us look at what the New Testament says on these matters. Paul said: “Have we no right to lead about a wife that is a believer, even as the rest of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?” (I Cor. 9:5) Please note that Paul specifically stated that his right was to have a Christian wife (“believer”) and he said that this is what other of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Peter had. Now if we are to be instructed by precept, example, and necessary inference, what do you make of this verse? I see Christians marrying Christians, dont you? To the widows Paul said they are to marry “only in the Lord.” (I Cor. 7:39) He also admonished the Corinthian Christians to avoid being “unequally yoked with unbelievers.” (2 Cor. 6:14) Now in what condition is a person more “unequally yoked” to an unbeliever than in the marriage relationship?

Are Mixed Marriages Invalid?

Some may think I am saying mixed marriages are not valid before God. This is not true. Insofar as I have knowledge, God recognizes marriage as valid as long as those contracting it are eligible to be married according to His law. (Read Matt. 19:1-9). What I am pointing out is the danger to the Christian partner and the Bible principles that should guide him in contracting marriage.

How Shall We Treat The Mixed Marriage?

We must treat both the Christian and the non-Christian the same way we should treat any other Christian and non-Christian and that definitely excludes treating them as though they had leprosy. Our duty to both is to so act toward them and to teach them that they will be united in Christ by the conversion of the non-Christian.

But, remember, unmarried Christian, if you can not convert your fiancé before you are married, the likelihood of accomplishing it later is not very great.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 46, pp. 12-13
September 28, 1972

Concern or Misplaced Emphasis

By A. C. Grider

On a recent Sunday night my wife and I had occasion to drive to Louisville after services. As we drove past Bernheim Forest our attention was attracted to some helicopters circling overhead with bright spot lights playing on the ground below. As we drew nearer, we were startled by seeing many cars parked along the edge of the highway and three fire engines approaching with lights flashing and sirens screaming. It was apparent that something was wrong.

We learned that a seven year old boy had wandered away from other members of his family and was lost in the dense underbrush or woods. The search was on. Hundreds of people gathered and searched. Several officials were on hand to help. Service men were pressed into service. Friends, members of the family, and many who were strangers to each other all joined in to find this young lad. Was that too much interest to manifest? Of course not! Here was a young boy, a human being, lost in the woods and it was damp and dark and cold. Less interest would have been too little!!!

The search continued all night long. The next day the search went on. They were determined to find that boy and save him if at all possible. At two oclock on Monday afternoon – twenty five hours after he became lost – he was found and sound except for some scratches and bruises picked up during his ordeal in the forest.

But you know, this happened several years after, but not too far from where another terrific effort was put forth in behalf of one who needed some assistance. I am speaking of Floyd Collins who became lost and then found but fastened in Sand Stone cave. That was an exciting time. Floyd Collins went out to explore a cave and became lodged between some boulders and could not extricate himself. When he was located, the real battle began. The rescue parties labored hour after hour to remove the mighty barrier that held Floyd Collins prisoner in lonely Sand Stone Cave. They sought desperately to free Floyd Collins. Hundreds of people gathered to assist. Many came for excitement. Engineers from all across the country came to offer suggestions. Various pieces of equipment were brought to the scene and used in the all-out effort to free this man. Was that too much emphasis? Of course not. Here was a man who was trapped in the bowels of the earth with every moment holding the possibility of further caving and that he be literally buried alive. And so they worked and toiled night and day. It was impossible to remove the boulder that held Floyd Collins prisoner in the heart of the earth. While they labored and worked, Floyd Collins slipped into eternity while still fastened between large rocks in that cave.

No, there was not too much interest shown in that futile effort to set Floyd Collins free. A human life was at stake. The battle was lost; nor was too much interest shown in that successful search for that little boy. The battle was won. But I am thinking about interest (or lack of it) in another matter, another battle, another effort. All around us are men and women and boys and girls who are lost in the forest of sin, who are buried in the cave of iniquity. And what of the interest shown? Are we showing too much interest in rescuing them from these forests and caves? Perhaps we are showing far too little interest!!

We applaud the efforts (unsuccessful as they were) to free young Floyd Collins from that cave. We applaud the successful efforts to locate that lad and save him alive. But we deplore the lack of interest and the lack of effort on behalf of those in the wilderness of sin. Let us strive to show interest in material things, including physical lives, as in the cases cited. But let us be more concerned and show more interest in the souls of men and women who are lost and headed for a Devils hell. God is holding us responsible and has made us a searching party to find and rescue these people. Are we interested? Are we working? Will we be able to save several? Heaven help us to at least try.

September 28, 1972

Whoopee — Here We Go in 73!

By Raymond E. Harris

What brings on this outburst of excitement? Well, after reading a Newsletter from the San Jose church of Christ in Jacksonville, Fla., I suppose we are expected to be breathless with excitement!

The Newsletter commences with the assertion that “The greatest opportunity of this century to reach the citizens of North America with the Gospel of Christ,” will come in 1973. They continue by saying that “1973 will present Churches of Christ with unequaled opportunities for evangelism (emph. mine R.E.H.)

Well, whats going to happen? KEY 73! Well, what in the world is KEY 73? It is the name given to a nationwide evangelistic effort of over 100 religious groups. Yes, these 100+ religious groups, including virtually every denomination in America, are “targeting” in on 1973 as a special year of evangelism. Their Objective: To reach every person in North America with the claims of Christ. Their Theme: Calling a Continent to Christ.

A National Key 1973 Central Committee will supplement local group efforts with “massive national publicity and promotion.” These include prime-time TV, prayer and study groups in over a million homes and the use of 100,000 billboards.

In their own words, “what does this have to do with the church of Christ?” The San Jose church admits there is NO way that churches of Christ can join hands with the denominations in a mutual effort. However, they suggest we develop our own SUPER-DUPER program and call it “EVANGELISM 73.” In other words, to put it in plain English, they suggest that we can take advantage of the religious promotion of “KEY 73” and ride their coat tails to success. They theorize that the TV and Billboard advertising will create a “favorable climate for evangelism.”

And now, we have saved the best for last. Perhaps you are already ahead of me. “The San Jose congregation in Jacksonville, Fla. has taken the oversight (emph. mine R.E.H.) of the EVANGELISM 73 project to inform and motivate our brethren . . .” Soooo another liberal church, desperate for recognition and immortality, reaches for the stars of national prominence. And what are sister churches to do? You guessed it brother – PRAY AND PAY!

September 28, 1972

Archaeology and the New Testament (VI)

By Mike Willis

Examples of Specific Corroboration in Acts

Turning to the book of Acts, one finds proportionately a good deal more material able to be checked by the archaeologist. The proof of Lukes accuracy as a historian will be evidenced repeatedly.

One of the events happening in Jerusalem was the conflict between Stephen and the Jews of the “Synagogue of the Freemen.”1 An inscription found in Jerusalem in 1920 by Raymond Weil most probably refers to this very synagogue. Here is a translation of that inscription:

“Theodotus son of Vettenus priest and synagogue president, son of a synagogue president, has built the synagogue for the reading of the Law and teaching of the commandments and (he has built) the hostelry and the chambers and the cisterns of water in order to provide the lodgings for those from abroad who need them — (the synagogue) which his fathers and the elders and Simionides had founded.” 2

“The father of Theodotus had a Latin name, Vettenos . . ., which probably means that the father was one of the Jews captured by Pompey .. ., and later liberated, becoming a libertine or freedman. Thus it seems likely that this inscription, bearing a name appropriate for a freedman, or libertine, may come from this very synagogue of the libertines which initiated the persecution against Stephen.” 3

Shortly after Lukes reference to Stephens death, he refers to a famine which occurred in Palestine during the reign of Claudius. The church at Antioch then sent funds to relieve the suffering of the churches of Judea.4 “Suetonius speaks of assiduae sterilitates, causing famine prices under Claudius; and Dion Cassius and Tacitus refer to two famines in Rome, which imply famines in the Mediterranean area, for Rome received her grain from overseas. Eusebius speaks of famine in Greece, and an inscription points to famine in Asia Minor. It seems clear that the region of Claudius (A.D. 41-54) was marked by a succession of bad harvests which caused serious famines in various parts of the empire.” 5

Beginning next the missionary journeys of Paul, Luke records Paul, Barnabas, and John Marks visit to the island of Cyprus where they had opportunity in Paphos to preach the gospel to a certain proconsul named Sergius Paulus.6 “An inscription, discovered by the American consul, Louis P. di Cesnola, during his explorations between 1865 and 1877, mentions Paulus as proconsul. It was found at Soli, north of Paphos, is dated about A. D. 55, but describes one incident which took place earlier during Paulus tenure of office (about 46-8). It is the one reference we have to this proconsul outside the Bible and it is interesting that Luke gives us correctly his name and title.” 7

After leaving the island of Cyprus, Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark moved north to Perga in Pamphylia where John Mark returned to Jerusalem. After preaching in Perga, Antioch of Pisidia, and Iconium, Paul and Barnabas, moved to Lystra. At Lystra, Paul healed a man impotent in his feet and all Lystra worshipped Paul and Barnabas as Zeus and Hermes. “One of Sir William Ramsays latest discoveries, made in 1909, throws light on the conduct of the natives of Lystra who called Paul, Mercury and Barnabas, Jupiter (Acts 14:29) for he found in a nearby ruin an inscription by native Lycaonians recording the dedication of a statue to Zeus (Jupiter) and Hermes (Mercury). This shows that these two gods were classed together in the local cult, and again illustrates the accurate local knowledge of St. Luke.” 8


1. Acts 6:9.

2. R. K. Harrison, Archaeology of the New Testament, (New York: Association Press, 19641, p. 5.

3. Joseph P. Free, Archaeology and Bible History, (Wheaton, Van Kampen Press, 1952), p. 310.

4. Acts 11:27-30.

5. James A. Thompson, The Bible and Archaeology (Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1968), p. 379.

6. Acts 13:6, 7.

7. G. Ernest Wright: Biblical Archaeology, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1957), p. 249.

8. Camden M. Cobern: The New Archaeological Discoveries, (New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1917), p. 526.

TRUTH MAGAZINE, XVI: 46, pp. 9-10
September 28, 1972