Things Written Aforetime – A Faith That Grows

By Joe Neil Clayton

When Paul wanted to define the faith that saves, he resorted to illustration. He said, “. . . Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. Know therefore that they that are of faith, the same are sons of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand unto Abraham, saying, In Thee shall all the nations be blessed. So then they that are of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham.” (Galatians 3:6-9). The fact that Abraham had faith in a promise that seemed impossible to fulfill marks him as an excellent example for believers in every age.

In order to bless all the nations through his seed, Abraham first needed seed. He was old, and his wife was barren. To believe in contradiction to such circumstances must have seemed futile, but faith leaps over circumstances, because it trusts in the power of God.

However, Abraham had to make some progress before he could believe so readily. His faith had to grow. At his first contact with the promises of God (Genesis 12), he did not accept fully the conditions connected with the receiving of the promise. God said, “Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house . . .” One condition was not fully obeyed. Abraham left his country, and his father’s house, but not all of his kindred. He took Lot with him to Canaan. Until he was separated even from his nephew, God did not begin to fulfill his promises, and nothing happened to alter the state of Abraham.

God had also promised security to Abraham. He said, “I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse.” But, we learn that there was a famine in the land of Canaan, and Abraham removed his household to Egypt. While there, he fell into fear for his life, and planned to lie about his relationship with his wife. This would secure him against being murdered by someone who coveted his wife for her beauty. The Pharaoh of Egypt was infatuated with Sarah, and took her into his house, thinking she was free to be claimed. Abraham did nothing, but God sent plagues on the house of Pharaoh, because of this abomination. Pharaoh came to realize his mistake, and sent Abraham away. God fulfilled his promise of security. Even though the lie was known, Abraham did not lose his life. He must have realized more than ever that the power of God would protect him.

After Lot left Abraham, God renewed his promises to Abraham in detail (Genesis 13:14-15), except for the promise that his seed would bless all nations. As yet, however, Abraham had no heir. Later, still, God heard Abraham say, “0 Lord Jehovah, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and he that shall be possessor of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” (Gen. 15:2) In His sympathy for the anxiety of Abraham, God showed him the numberless stars, and promised that his seed should be as numberless. Then, the scripture says, “And he believed in Jehovah; and He reckoned it to him for righteousness.” Abraham, from this point on, had no doubt in his ability to father children, but he stumbled again by accepting from faithless Sarah her handmaid, Hagar, as his wife. When Ishmael was born to this union, Abraham offered him as the “seed” of the promise. He said, “Oh that Ishmael might live before thee!”

God rejected Ishmael. Had he not made his promise to Abraham, when he only had Sarah as his wife? God said, “Nay, but Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son, and … In Isaac shall thy seed be called.” (Genesis 17:19, 21:12). With this rebuke, God finally disciplined the faith of Abraham, so that he patiently waited for the faith of Sarah to be aroused, so that Isaac could be conceived and born. When the boy was growing up, even God’s command to sacrifice the boy could not shake the faith of Abraham in the promises of God, because he ” accounted that God was able to raise up (Isaac), even from the dead.” (Hebrews 11: 19).

God would have us to develop the faith of Abraham. Apparently, that faith cannot be instantaneous, it must grow. It must grow in the light of seeing God’s power to fulfill, as Abraham’s did.

We will be inclined to make the same mistakes that Abraham did. We will accept the command, but will not quite obey it to the letter. We will hear God’s promise to secure us against our enemies, but we will resort to human devices to hedge against the failure of that promise. We will believe God, but we will try to help him out by shortcuts. Until we are disciplined in our faith, as Abraham was, and until we have the patience to know that the “Lord is not slack concerning His promises,” we will go on making these mistakes. But, once true faith is established in our hearts, God will be able to command nothing that will dismay us, or disillusion us. His power will be manifest, His will supreme. We cannot be satisfied with partial faith. We must not simply be satisfied to identify with the faith of Abraham in Egypt. That would be as disastrous to us as it was to him. If we have not yet identified with the faith of Abraham at the offering of Isaac, we must strive to reach that goal, and to serve God unflinchingly in every detail.

TRUTH MAGAZINE XVII: 48, pp. 12-13
October 11, 1973

What Good Is Advertising?

By Jack Gibbert

I confess to moments when I wonder what possible good advertising on the back pages of Truth Magazine and other papers does. I find myself mumbling to myself, “who reads them?” or for that matter, who cares?”

In more enjoyable moments I find myself reflecting on the numerous blessings the Haygood congregation in Virginia Beach has received as a direct result of them. We have had many visitors in the summer months because of them. We have had young Christians sent to its by preachers who were concerned enough about them when they left home to take time to direct them to us. Last month a sister in Christ whom I had never met, called me and told me of a young couple coming our way that very day. Seems they were new converts and knew nothing about the issues. We had to locate them before they began at a liberal church or we would lose them. Many are the letters from concerned parents whose children have moved into this area. All of these attest to the good these ads do.

However, it’s a sad commentary, but non-the less true, that many of our preaching brethren make no effort to steer Christians to faithful churches when they leave their areas. I would hate to recount all the cases of brethren in this area from “faithful” churches who are attending with the liberals because they did not receive any instruction on institutionalism when at home, or they did not get any information about faithful churches in this area when they left home.

Brethren, do you read these ads? Do you have a copy of Brother Wallace’s “Directory?” If not, why not? Do not tell me you are sending out well-taught people who have too much conviction to go to a liberal church. I see the fruit of many a “big name” (conservative type) preacher in & liberal churches of Tidewater. If you cannot give them conviction, at least give them an address.

Let us look at just two cases that indicate that for some, these ads do no good. Just this month I received a call from a preacher at the other end of the state. Seems he got a letter from a well-known preacher asking him to get in touch with the nearest sound church to Norfolk, as there was a lady in that area who should be contacted. Well, I contacted her and she and her husband came out to services the next night. But.. . Why did this brother have to contact a preacher at the other end of the state? Does anyone not understand that a town with the name of Virginia Beach will not be located in the mountains of Western Virginia? Are preachers who can read Bible maps and find such places as Corinth and Ephesus unable to find Norfolk on a map? It’s a port city, on the coast, and even if one did not know that Norfolk and Virginia Beach are adjoining cities and part of the same metropolitian area, surely they would conclude that Virginia Beach is closer to Norfolk than Richmond or Martinsville. Hence the question, “What good is advertising?”

The other case relates back to last summer when an article was printed in Truth Magazine. It was written from a town where I had preached and the brethren know me (at least I thought they did). The article named every congregation in the state standing for the truth except two, and here is what it said about the area where those two churches are, “One of the most neglected areas is Tidewater containing such major cities as Norfolk, Newport News, Hampton and Portsmouth, an area with well over one million people.” Now I do not believe for one minute this brother was being unkind toward me or toward brother Milton Smotherman who preaches for the New Port News congregation, but I do believe it was a careless oversight on his part. The “Haygood” congregation was formed over five years ago and we believe it is holding forth the truth faithfully as well as boldly. These two examples go to show why I ask the question, what good is advertising?” We have at times grown and been blessed by ads, but I truly believe there are far too many examples of this not being the case simply because preachers have failed to take a little time to research them and direct Christians to faithful churches when they leave their area.

What good is advertising? For me, it’s a vital part of my ministry. No one leaves “Haygood” without being directed to the nearest sound church. In some cases, where special handling is necessary, I will call ahead and prepare the other end. It you are the type whose responsibility to Christians ends when they walk out of your door, advertising is a waste of time and money, but if you feel responsible for where folks go when they leave you, it’s a vital part of your ministry.

October 11, 1973

Does the Atonement Include Healing of the Body?

By Larry Ray Hafley

Most of the sects that believe miraculous divine healing is still performed today teach that the death of Christ provided both physical and spiritual healing.

“Since Calvary was the fulfillment of every type which depicted it, Christ has also included healing for our diseases in His atonement!

“The most complete Old Testament picture of Christ’s atonement unquestionably is found in Isaiah 53. An examination of verses 4 and 5 will indeed be faith building: ‘Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastismen of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.’ A more exact translation of verse 4 is: ‘Surely he hath lifted up and carried away our diseases and our pains.’

“The word ‘borne’as used here is applicable to the scapegoat which bore away the Jewish people’s sins. The same picture is found in John 1:29 which speaks of Christ as a Lamb which taketh (beareth) away the sins of the world. Hallelujah! He hath lifted up and carried away all our diseases and our pains.

“Matthew confirms this rendering in 8:16, 17: ‘They brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.’

“The atonement of Christ is complete and adequate for the whole man and all his needs. The announcement by the Sufferer on the cross was, ‘It is finished!’ Thank God He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, chastised for our peace, and beaten with stripes for our healing! ” (Bartlett Peterson, General Secretary, Assemblies of God, “The Lord Our Healer,” The Pentecostal Evangel, Feb. 10, 1972.)

Significance Of This Doctrine

If this doctrine were true, one significant fact is abruptly brought to our attention. One could not fully or truly preach the cross of Christ if he denied that bodily healing was a part of it. Thus, all who reject this doctrine are perverters of the truth and subverters of souls. They are preaching another gospel, “which is not another,” hence they must stand accused and accursed. This is therefore, a critical and crucial issue of difference.


Atonement – Reconciliation

The term “atonement” is proper and scriptural. Romans 5: 10, 11 defines this word as meaning reconciliation. “For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement.” By the death of Christ we have now received redemption and reconciliation, the atonement.

Isaiah 53 indeed deals with the atonement, but it also considers items other than and apart from the atonement. Isaiah 53 discusses facts not directly related to the reconciliation. With this in mind, note Matthew’s quote. Bartlett quoted from verse 4. This part of the prophecy was fulfilled before the atonement. The statement “with his stripes we are healed” is in verse 5. It was not applied by Matthew to physical healing. To what then? Peter’s application should be worth something! He teaches that the healing of Isa. 53:5 is spiritual and not physical (1 Pet. 2:24, 25).

Isaiah writes of details in the life of Christ, which do not form an integral part of the atonement brought about on the cross. Matthew quotes Isa. 53:4 and shows that Jesus’s miracles of healing fulfilled prophecy. This fulfillment was before the atonement, before the death on the cross. Hence, it was not a part of the atonement. The “healing” of verse 5 was not quoted by Matthew. It was cited by Peter as proof of forgiveness of sins, spiritual healing.

Why Did Christ Die?

If bodily healing is part of the atonement, then Christ was slain for our sicknesses. Isa. 53: 10 says God made his soul “an offering for sin,” but it should read, if bodily healing is involved and included, “He made his soul an offering for sin and sickness.” Romans 4:25 say Jesus was “delivered for our offences.” It should read, “He was delivered for our diseases!” Why did Christ die? The answer to that question will abolish and demolish any body-healing doctrine. Christ gave himself for our sins (I Cor. 15:3; Gal. 1:4) that he might 11 redeem us from all iniquity” (Titus 2:14), not for our sicknesses that he might deliver us from all diseases.

“Is Any Sick Among You?”

If anyone who considers himself forgiven by the atonement becomes ill, if the bodily healing fails, how can he be assured that he has been cured of every spiritual ill? If the atonement encompassed bodily affliction, no Christian could have a “terminal” disease. The very fact that Christians do have uncured and incurable ills is proof that the atonement made no provisions for such matters. Dorcas was “sick, and she died” (Acts 9:37). Did the reconciliation of Christ fail her? If it failed physically, can we know that it did not fail spiritually? Why did the atonement not heal Paul, Timothy, and Trophimus (2 Cor. 12:7; 1 Tim. 5:23; 2 Tim. 4:20)? All of these men suffered physically while they were faithful-where was the “medicare” of the atonement in these cases?

October 11, 1973

Who Wrote The Bible?

By Keith Sharp

Paul the Apostle declared, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). What is the meaning of this bold declaration? The word “scripture” means a “writing, thing written.” It is used fifty-one times in the New Testament and always refers to the writings, which make up the Bible. The Apostle affirms, therefore, that all of the Bible, every word of it, is given by inspiration of God. The term “inspiration ” means, “God-breathed. ” So Paul here declares that all of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is “God-breathed.” This is the same as saying it is the word of God (cf. Psalm 33:6). Who wrote the Bible? Around forty men were the penmen who transcribed the various books, which make up the Scriptures. But the ultimate author of the entire collection is God Himself. God wrote the Bible.

October 11, 1973