Setting The Record Straight

By O.C. Birdwell

My faithful brother, co-worker, and good friend, Cecil Willis, has been accused of being a politician, forming a conspiracy, and going beyond “principles of discretion and propriety” in his operating Truth Magazine and a book business. Because he asked Ed Fudge and the Gospel Guardian Editor for a clarification of their stand on vital doctrinal issues he is thought of as a “vicious beast” by one who claims to have by nature a quiet spirit.

I must hesitate long enough to make a confession. Are you ready for it? I am not by nature one of a quiet and even tempered spirit! This is not brag; just fact. I wish it were different. I have been complimented on occasions for keeping my cool under trying circumstances, but such is done by much determination and effort. I have a constant battle conquering self that I might be “angry, and sin not.” And I must also admit that when accusations, such as those above, are made against a faithful brother, and I know such to be false to the core, my self-control gets a severe test.

I am in position to know the history of Truth Magazine Book Store and Brother Willis’ attitude toward it, and the book business in general. I was manager of Truth Magazine Book Store and my wife bookkeeper for the magazine for two and one-half years (July 1, 1965 until January 1, 1968). When I took over as manager, Truth Magazine had been contracting the book business and we did not have any books except bound volumes of the paper. As I recall, three of four of us connected with the paper got together about $2,000 and loaned it to the book store for a start. Neither Brother Wallace nor Brother Willis wanted the paper to operate a book business. Brother Willis, however, having the financial responsibility of the paper, felt it was a must in order to pay the printing bill. He told me on numerous occasions that the book business was a headache and a burden, but the only way he knew to keep going and print the tracts and booklets we needed to print. Yet, he was considering completely giving up the book business when I agreed to take the responsibility of managing and operating the store. Knowing what I do about Truth Magazine business, I say without hesitation that it is a shame and disgrace on anyone who would accuse Brother Willis of being motivated in his writing by such business interests. This is doubly so when it comes from one associated with a publishing firm and book sales company that has probably had more than ten times the business Truth Magazine has had over the past ten years!

The following is a brief history of Truth Magazine Book Store and a few statements from brethren Wallace and Willis about it.

In the November, 1962 issue, some four months after Brother Willis became Editor of Truth Magazine, a book trade was announced. Brother Willis said, “A periodical cannot long exist or continue without some income other than subscriptions . . . . All profits from the book business will go directly into the publishing of Truth Magazine.” Books were to be ordered from Akron, Ohio.

Then in July, 1963, Brother Wallace moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, and with him the book business. In an article discussing the move, William said, “Why not `switch brands’ and buy tracts from brethren who won’t use your money against you.” This is as strong a promotion for the book store as I ever heard from Cecil. But the book store stayed in Indianapolis only a few months. In October, 1963 the move to Louisville was announced and Brother James Needham became manager. William said at this time, “we hope our regular customers will continue with us, and we look forward to new customers who want good service and who seek to patronize sound brethren.”

Then, in September, 1964, the store business was moved to Dickinson, Texas and contracted to brethren who printed “Know the Truth” tracts and class material. At this time Brother Willis said, “The successful operation of a Book Store seems to be a necessity to the maintenance of any religious paper . . .” This arrangement lasted until July 1, 1965, when the Book Store was moved back to Akron, Ohio under my management. My wife already was keeping the files for Truth Magazine, mailing the paper, and doing the bookkeeping. For two and one-half years, until January, 1968, when I moved to Columbia, Tennessee, we did this work and I had complete management of the Book Store. I consulted with Brother Willis only when I needed his help, and even then he often insisted that my judgment prevail. Not one time have I ever known him to go “beyond principles of discretion and propriety.” I recall that one year he and I roomed together at the Florida College Lectures, planning to promote the paper and the Book Store. We passed out sample papers, and showed tracts. But while we heard the lectures and attended other activities, other book store operators were set up to actually sell and deliver books on the campus, and were pushing for subscriptions much more aggressively than were we.

In January, 1968, announcement was made of the move back to Louisville with the Book Store and the paper mailing. Brother Willis had, a year before, moved from Akron to Marion, Indiana, and since I was leaving the Akron area, there was no way the paper could stay in Akron. Brother Needham again managed the store, moving it to Orlando, Florida with him, where it remained until May 1971. Having already merged with the Cogdill Foundation, Truth Magazine was at this date moved to Marion, Indiana where the Editor lives. Brother Robert Whitehead was employed on a full-time basis to operate the business. With this management the bookstore is rendering a valuable service to both the paper and our customers.

On April 18, 1968, Brother Wallace mailed out invitations to eighteen brethren, asking them to meet in Memphis, Tennessee on August 12-13, to discuss the need for a new series of class literature and ways of bringing it about. I was one of those invited, and I did attend the meeting. If I remember correctly, about twelve or fourteen of those invited attended. Groundwork was laid for the new material that is now a reality. It is called “Truth in Life” and is being printed by the Cogdill Foundation. About the material, Brother Roy Cogdill said, “We have labored to find the finances, plan the material, get it written, and put into print that it might be available to the churches that have felt the need for such a series.” Among the many who worked on this material was Cecil, who spent exceptionally long hours at the task. Not only did he write, but he arranged for the printing, and along with Brother Cogdill, the main part of the financing. I seriously doubt that it would ever have been printed had it not been for these efforts of Brother Willis. Is an effort to get good literature and wholesome doctrine in print an indication of an “aggressive disposition” that needs to be condemned? I think not. It needs to be applauded and upheld. May God bless you, brother! May your tribe increase. Continue your good work for truth. I like what you say, and, furthermore, I like the way you say it!

Truth Magazine, XVIII:21, pp. 3-4
March 28, 1974

Do You Have The Proper Motive?

By William C. Sexton

Have you read of the events that have been recorded in John 6:5-27? If you have not, then I suggest that you stop and read it. Then having read it, think, meditate, and state in your own words just what the lesson is! Jesus says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye seek me, not because of the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give you: for him hath God the Father sealed.” Why did Jesus rebuke them? What was the fault He was seeking to have corrected in them?

So much of what is done in religion today falls into the same category as that with which the Lord was displeased! Much is done to feed and entertain the “fleshly man,” the “outward man,” while little or nothing is done to feed, nourish, and ,strengthen the “spiritual man,” the “inward man” (1 Pet. 3:4; 2 Cor. 4:16; Rom. 7:22). Often men label as “fellowship” activities that only support and entertain the physical man. Such is called “religious services.”

Jesus fed the people in John 6:5-27 because there was a necessity! They were in a place where they could not obtain food. He possessed the power to perform miracles and He employed that power to feed them. However, they should have seen Him as He was the Son of God and they should have been impressed with His power. Having made the proper summation, recognizing His deity, they should have hurried to Him that they might receive a supply of spiritual food. They were suffering from spiritual malnutrition. However, even though they were spiritually starved nearly to death, they had no appetite for spiritual food. Such was indicative of their spiritual unconciousness and mental dullness. Nevertheless, they manifested a symptom that pervades many “Christians” of our day, and perhaps that symptom is evident in all ages; history seems to support that proposition. That being true, it adds to the idea that we need to examine our motives with great scrutiny and frequency, the aim of this article. Are we able to see the real point of Jesus’ advice? Or, are we so oriented, so preconditioned, so dull in our .spiritual perception that we miss the point of His teaching? Do we think that we can go stubbornly on our way, feeding on the chaff of Satan and drinking his wine, and have the Lord?

If one’s citizenship is contingent on the fun and frolic, meat and drink, then beloved, he is in the wrong kingdom (Rom. 11:17). The citizenship of the child of God is based on righteousness-being right with God; peace-being at peace with God, having been justified and walking by faith (Rom. 5:1; 2 Cor. 5:7, 17). The third factor in this citizenship is Joy in the Holy Spirit-being happy doing what the Spirit of God teaches, being lead on to do the will of God as it is expressed on the pages of the New Testament. Being moved and guided by the word of God is being a child of God. Conversely, he who will not be moved and guided by the word of God is not a child of God on whom the grace of God is extended (Rom. 8:14-18; Eph. 6:17; Col. 3:16-17; 2 John 9). If we are not producing the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26), we have not the Spirit dwelling in us, regardless of our claims to high heaven that we do. Also, if we are not happy and finding joy as we produce the fruits of the Spirit, then some re-examining, some resolving, some re-dedication is in order (2 Cor. 13:5).

Beloved, are you aware of the lesson Christ was proclaiming in John 6:26-27? Are you seeking Him for the proper or improper motive? Is your life as it should be? Are you placing the wrong thing first? What is it that you are seeking from your religion? Are you engaged in those activities which yield their “reward” now? (Cf. Matt. 6:2). Some people invest their funds in those securities which yield short-run profits. Likewise, some religious people are interested in rewards that are given here and now. Evidently, some brethren are doing that which brings immediate “reward.” Some people lay up treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21) and they are not so worried about what is happening now, as far as the reward is concerned. Their reward will come latter, and it will be the “crown of life,” the crown of righteousness (James 1:12; Rev. 2:10). To the people whose treasury is in heaven, the words of Paul has great significance: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:1-2). Do not be satisfied, beloved, with the Social Gospel. There is something much more valuable than the reward that is available here and now.

Do not be satisfied with a congregation either, beloved, whose doctrine is for the “fleshly” man, the physical person. Look around you, and you will see many congregations whose work consists largely of “education facilities,” “fellowship-halls,” etc., “cloth closets,” “food bins,” and the like. Appeals are made to come and let us “eat” together and have fun. Are these people really motivated properly to “seek the Lord?” Do not be deceived by the master deceiver, Satan, whose aim is to condition you to be satisfied with your “reward” here and now. Consider his first recorded successful effort of deception (Gen. 3:4-6) and know that he has continued to build a successful record. He works constantly, effectively, and very deceptively. Do not be taken in by him. What, in fact, is your motive in seeking the Lord?

Truth Magazine, XVIII:20, pp. 13-14
March 21, 1974

The Church and Salvation

By Larry Ray Hafley

Some denominations teach that one may be saved from his sins without being a member of any church. Does the Bible teach this doctrine? Can one be saved before he becomes a member of the New Testament church? In this article, we shall notice one scriptural argument to show that one is not saved, not reconciled unto God, unless he is a member of the church of the Lord.

In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul discusses the salvation of the Jews and Gentiles. He describes their common unity and salvation “by the blood of Christ.” He teaches in verses 14-16 that there is now no distinction or difference between Jew and Gentile, for Christ has broken down the barrier of alienation and separation. By his death, Christ made the two (Jew and Gentile) “one new man” (v. 15).

Question: “What is the purpose of this peace, of this oneness?” Answer: “And that (Here is the purpose.) he might reconcile both (Jew and Gentile) unto God in one body” (v. 16). The remainder of the passage shows how this unity was accomplished; “by the cross,” Christ united or reconciled Jew and Gentile in one body. Observe, please, where this reconciliation unto God is effected. They are reconciled unto God (Where?) “in one body” (v. 16). If one is not in the one body, he is not reconciled unto God since Christ brings men unto God “in one body.”

Next, then, we must determine what this “one body” is. In Eph. I :22, 23, Paul says it is “the church, which is his body,” and in Col. 1:18 he writes that Christ “is the head of the body, the church.” The church is the body; the body is the church, and “There is one body” (Eph. 4:4). Conclusion: The one body is the church. One is “reconciled unto God in one body.” If one is not in the one body, the church, he is not saved, not reconciled unto God.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:20, p. 13
March 21, 1974

Hate Your Father and Mother!

By Keith Sharp

Why do you attend the church of which you are a member? Is it because your father and mother before you were members of that church? Is it because your husband or wife belongs to that particular religious body? What if Christ, through His Word, the New Testament, demanded one thing, and the church of your family said to do something else? Whom would you follow? Jesus declared: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 74:26). Does this mean I must literally despise the father who provided my needs when I was helpless and gave me the teaching and guidance to become a Christian? Must I turn against my mother who endangered her own life to bring me into this world and selflessly nursed and cared for me in childhood? Must I forsake my own wife who left a secure home to be my companion and bear my children? Must I loathe my little ones, any one of whom I would readily lay down my own life to protect? Must I hate my very own brother in the flesh who was my constant companion as a child? Of course the Bible demands the exact opposite attitude toward my own family. In fact, no son ever demonstrated greater love for his mother than did the Son of Mary, Who, while in the agony of impending death, made provision for the care of His mother after He was gone (John 19:26, 27).

What, then, is the meaning of this condition of discipleship? In Genesis 29:30 the inspired writer Moses observed of Jacob, “he loved also Rachel more than Leah.” Moses then declared, “the Lord saw that Leah was hated” (verse 31). Leah was “hated” in that she was loved less than was Rachel. This is precisely the sense in which we are to hate our families. As Jesus warned: “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:3. When John F. Kennedy was running for President, he stated that his religion was a part of his family heritage and that he could no more give up Roman Catholicism than he could his Irish ancestry. But Jesus Christ warned that if you do not love Him more than you love father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, you cannot be His disciple. One proves his love for Christ by obeying Him (John 14:15). If you follow the religion of your family in disregard to the Word of Christ, you are not a disciple of Christ.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:20, p. 12
March 21, 1974