A “Hang-over”: Described and Explained

By Cecil Willis

Alcohol consumption probably is at an all-time high. The last figures that I have immediately available show that Americans consume yearly an average of 28 gallons of beer per man, woman, and child. The whiskey, rum, and brandy upon which taxes are paid amount to four gallons per year per man, woman, and child in the United States. No doubt considerable additional amounts of alcoholic beverages are made, but upon which payment of taxes by one means or another is avoided. The reports in most reference books are about two years old, and I do not even have before me at this moment the latest reference sources. But in 1969 the stupendous sum of 985,000,000 gallons of whiskey, rum, or brandy were consumed in this country. Also in 1969, 122,657,000 barrels of beer were consumed. About $12,000,000,000.00 (that is 12,000 million! !)are spent yearly in this country on alcohol.

Reports show that 80,000,000 Americans are “fairly regular drinkers.” By the time you eliminate the small children from our 200,000,000 people, that leaves a large percentage of Americans as “fairly regular drinkers.” In -fact, statistics show that 69% of all men in America are “fairly regular drinkers.” The women are not far behind in this statistic; 54% of all women are “fairly regular drinkers.” Perhaps the most shocking statistic is the one which shows that the heaviest drinkers are those between 18 and 24 years of age. Though judging from the young people I know personally, the following statistics seem impossible to be correct, nevertheless it remains a fact that studies show that 71 % of all college students are “fairly regular drinkers,” and 67% of all High School students fall into this ignoble category.

Our affluent nation has the dubious distinction of having more alcoholics than any other nation in the world. There are at least 25,000,000 alcoholics in the world, and one fourth of all these live in our fair land. America is followed by France, and Sweden in number of alcoholics. The figures also show that one person out of twelve who drinks becomes an alcoholic.

There are some in the church who join nearly the whole of society in an effort to justify social drinking. It would be very interesting to know just what percentage of people who are members of the church do some drinking of alcoholic beverages. Many in the church who would categorically condemn drinking whiskey or brandy would still try to justify just an occasional beer. Quite a few brethren can see nothing wrong in drinking a glass of wine now and then. I have even known of an elder in the church who served champagne at his son’s wedding supper. Several brethren whom I have known have sold various forms of alcoholic beverages in their business establishments. One leading and very active member in my home congregation, when I was a boy, was County Distributor for the Falstaff Beer Company. He stayed in this business until retirement age, and retired in the good graces of both the Falstaff Beer Company and the brethren. I feel quite sure, in the light of what he has said, that he did not live or retire in the good graces of the Lord.

What some brethren seem to forget is that a man can get enough alcohol to make him drunk by any of several different means. In fact, it has been stated that the “average drink” of the various kinds of alcoholic beverages contains approximately the same amount of alcohol. A report from the International Narcotic Research Foundation states: “The average `drink’ of beer, wine, or whiskey contains about the same quantity of alcohol (by weight) although the amounts of liquid differ. So the drinker can get practically the same effect from a 10 ounce bottle of 4 1/2 % beer, or 2 1/2 ounce glass of 20% wine, or a 1 ounce glass of whiskey.” And the same report adds, “And if he drives, the pedestrian he hits will be just as dead.”

Many sociologists and many preachers do not wish to come out plainly and to state that drinking is sinful. They seek to give those who drink a defense, so they state that the alcoholic is simply sick, and cannot help himself. Thus he should not be blamed if he gets drunk, and should not be severely punished if he causes a serious automobile accident, or kills a man in his alcoholic fury. Somewhere, several years ago, I picked up the following good points to reply to those sentimental tear-jerkers who want to apologize for the beer guzzlers, or wineos, or alcoholics. One writer said, if alcoholism is a disease:

1. It is the only disease that is contracted by an act of the will.

2. It is the only disease that requires a license to propagate it.

3. It is the only disease that is bottled and sold.

4. It is the only disease that requires a half-million outlets to spread it.

5. It is the only disease that provides a revenue for the government.

6. It is the only disease that provokes crime.

7. It is the only disease that is spread by advertising.

8. It is the only disease that is habit forming.


    1. It is the only disease without a germ or virus cause, and for which there is no corrective medicine.


10. It is the only disease that bars the patient from heaven.

The Bible is replete with teaching against the usage of alcoholic beverages. Though this article is not intended to prove the point, I think it can be shown from Scripture that what man today would consider to be a mild alcoholic drink would be under the Biblical condemnation as “strong drink.” The sage of the Old Testament, Solomon, stated that in his quest to find out “what it was good for the sons of men that they .should do under heaven all the days of their life” (Ecclesiastes 2:4), he discovered when he tried wine that it “is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; And whosoever erreth thereby is not wise” (Prov. 20:1).

Few things are more repulsive than a drunk person. One of the methods used to try to get some to break the alcohol habit is to make movies of the person while he was drunk, and to let him see after he has sobered how stupid and repulsive he was while drunk. Solomon said that the wine drinker is “not wise.” That is to say, he is a fool. A drunk person will do all kinds of stupid things. One of the best descriptions of a foolish drunk man is that one given by Solomon in Prov. 23:29-35, which reads as follows:

“Who hath woe’ who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath complaining? who hath wounds without cause.” who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; They that go to seek out mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, When it sparkleth in the cup, When it goeth down smoothly: At the last it biteth like a .serpent. And stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold .strange things, And thy heart shall utter perverse things. Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, Or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. They have sticken me, and I felt it not: When shall I awake? I will seek it yet again.”

A man who would lie down in the midst of the sea, or upon the mast of a ship would be acting crazily, but this is the depiction of a drunk man. Solomon’s description of the wine while “it sparkleth in the cup” sounds as though he had the glamorous, television-alcohol-industry commercials in mind. But after the wine has done its dastardly work, the man or woman suffers the pain and sickness of a hang-over, and wonders when the painful and sickening effects of the hang-over will cease. One would think that one who has gone through the sickness of one hang-over would thereafter avoid drinks that drunken. The saddest words in Solomon’s entire sordid picture are these, AI will seek it yet again.”

Solomon gives some descriptions of the irrational actions of a drunk man, and of the aftermath of a big spree or “night on the town.” A medical doctor recently stated precisely from a medical and chemical point of view what happens physiologically when a person gets drunk. Perhaps you would like to know precisely what occurs within the person who becomes drunk, so I am printing a medical question and answer column that appeared in the Marion, Indiana Chronicle-Tribune, March 28, 1974. in a column entitled “The Doctor Says” written by Dr. Lawrence Lamb.

“Dear Dr. Lamb – I think it would be of interest to many of’ us if you would explain just what happens to a person when he has a hangover.

“What causes those awful eye pains and headache? Is it the alcohol’s reaction on veins or muscles or both? Some people’s hands shake so bad they can’t hold a cup of coffee? Why? How about being thirsty all the time? What organs are affected to cause both vomiting and diarrhea? Are all organs of the body affected by alcohol?

“DEAR READER – Alcohol is a cellular toxin. It seeps directly into any cell it comes in contact with. It coagulates protein, and you know that our cells contain lots of protein vital to their function. Our food and many other substances are transported into the cells through complex chemical processes, but alcohol goes right through.

“In the bloodstream it causes the red blood cells to tend to stick together. In this way they can clump and plug up small arteries. This in turn interferes with getting oxygen to vital cells.

“The headache and the eye ache, which can be a part of a hangover. are caused by the over dilatation of the arteries in the brain region and around the skull. These arteries have small nerve /fibers in their walls. The over-stretched arteries stimulate the tiny nerves too much and set up the pain pattern. Coffee contains caffeine, and this drug causes the arteries to constrict. By this action coffee sometimes helps to relieve the hangover headache.

“The problem with using coffee is that the caffeine also stimulates the stomach to pour out a lot of acid pepsin juice. This is hard on a stomach already irritated by alcohol. The alcohol tends to dissolve away the protective mucus coating over the lining of the stomach, and the cells are exposed directly to the action of alcohol. This leads to inflammation c~/’ the stomach, pain, sometimes nausea and vomiting. A similar action is irritating to the intestines that disturbs their /unction which can lead to diarrhea.

“Alcohol also causes the kidneys to eliminate a lot of water. This is brought about by a complex endocrine reflex mechanism. The end result is that the body loses a lot of water that it needs. That causes the thirst after the drinking episode. The thirst stimulates you to replace the needed body water.

“With each alcoholic episode some brain cells are damaged, possibly from the alcohol action and possibly indirectly because of plugging up the small arteries with clumped red blood cells, decreasing oxygen delivery. In any case the person who drinks a lot loses the normal ability to learn, and after death the damaged areas of the brain can be observed.”

With this divine description and medical explanation of what occurs when a person becomes drunk, one would like to think the time-worn aphorism “A word to the wise is sufficient” would indeed now be sufficient.

Truth Magazine,XVIII:24, p. 3-5
April 18, 1974

Obeying God On His Own Terms

By Roland Worth, Jr.

Though men can go to Hell on any terms they wish to set for themselves (the Devil is a very flexible negotiator), they can go to Heaven only on the terms set by God and revealed through His Son, Jesus. We have all heard the song “everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die.” Equally true would be a song, “everybody wants to go to Heaven . . . if they can do it their own way.”

We do not have that kind of flexibility. God does not ratify the foolish inventions of men, conjured up by mortals more interested in the illusion of progress than in obedience to the Divine will. Rather, He reveals how men should act and expects men to live up to that standard, not in violation of it or in subversion of it through hair-splitting distinctions that preserve a verbal image of obedience while gutting the substance. God wants man to be fully obedient to His will, both in act and in intention.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Truth Magazine, XVIII:23, p. 14
April 11, 1974

Why The Conscience?

By William V. Beasley

For years the people of God have exposed, from God’s word, the false standard of those who say, “Just let your conscience by your guide!” We have pointed out that Saul of Tarsus (Paul) “lived before God in all good conscience”

(Acts 23:1) while he was “breathing threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord” (Acts 9:1). We read Jer. 10:23; Prov. 12:15; 16:25; 28:26; 1 Tim. 4:2 to show that man cannot guide himself. We turn to Psa. 119:105; John 17:17; 2 John 9 and show the word of God is the proper standard for our lives. We do all of these things but to no avail. Men still cry “Just let your conscience be your guide.” Why? Why are men so insistent the conscience is the standard we should follow?

One reason for such, apart from the obvious ignorance of God’s word, is that letting one’s conscience be one’s guide would in most cases be an improvement. Man does not live as good as he knows to live. He knows it is wrong to speed on the highway, cheat on his income tax, steal from his employer, etc., but does it anyway saying, “Well, everyone else does too.”

Most Christians would be improved if they “Just let your Biblically educated conscience be your guide.” We know we should be giving liberally (2 Cor. 9:6), studying God’s word more (2 Tim. 2:15), telling our friends and neighbors the good news (Mark 16:15; Acts 8:4; 2 Tim. 2:2), be with the saints every time they assemble (Heb. 10:25), etc., but we want a new tape deck for the car, the T.V. is almost five years old, there is a football game we want to see, we are tired, etc. Yes, “Just let your conscience be your guide” would be an improvement for most of us.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:23, p. 13-14
April 11, 1974

Cults: An Introduction

By Ronald D. Howes

When was the last time you opened your door to find a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon spouting scriptures 90 miles an hour and keeping your mind in a tail-spin? You stood there red-faced with no other answer than “we don’t believe it that way” or “no, I’m not interested.” There he was, confident, commanding, and intelligent. A real smooth operator. Have you ever wanted to give him a few scriptures to chew on? This study is written with the purpose of helping you to stand firm for the faith and perhaps to save his soul.

Knowing The Opposition

In considering this series of studies, I almost decided to delete an introduction because of the overwhelmingly obvious need for at least an elementary grasp of this material by all Christians. However, this understanding should not be taken for granted. People need to know why they ought to spend a few hours of their time studying the cults. Therefore a defense is in order.

What Are We Talking About?

Whenever we use the Term “cult” in this series, the term will refer to those religious groups which base their system of belief on the so-called revelation of some latter-day, prophet. These include such groups as: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Scientists, Bahai’s, and others too numerous to mention. Rather than write all year long, this series will be limited to those which claim some direct link to true Christianity.

These groups have some common factors which set them apart from the protestant world. These are:

 1. A belief that their founder was a true prophet of God.

 2. Associated with this, a belief that the writings of their prophet are every bit as much the word of God as our Bible.

3. Each cult believes that it is the one true Church.

4. All are intensely evangelistic and growing.

It is only fair to say that the cults themselves might not accept this list of definitions, and that any specific cult might vary slightly from this pattern. Generally, though, all share these common characteristics.

Why Should I Spend My Time Studying Them?

Many members of the Lord’s Church view the cults as harmless fanatics. And, because of that view, could literally care less what they teach, or spend time themselves learning how to refute their arguments. We all ought to remember that there is no such thing as a harmless fanatic. These zealots with their pamphlets, prophets, and provocation, provide us with the greatest challenge of the age. The Christian with his Ostrich-head stuck in the sand in a “see no evil” position is in for a rude awakening.

These cult religions have experienced phenomenal growth. In 1918 there were 746 full-time ministers or publishers spreading the Watchtower Gospel. In 1962 the number reached to 286,000. These figures are printed up each year in their yearbooks which are obtainable for a modest fee from any Kingdom Hall. Are there 286,000 evangelists in the Lord’s Church in the U.S.? Do we have 286,000 congregations in the U.S.? Certainly not. The watchtower has experienced a nearly 2000 percent growth in the last 50 years. The very least we could say about that is that it is impressive. A better word would be frightening. What has been our growth? 50 % , 75% , 100% ? Does that shake you up a little? It ought to. Mormons publish figures also. Their claimed membership in 1900 was 268,331. Recently that figure was 1,965,786. Call any Stake center and ask. That should put them at somewhere near 600% or 700% growth.

To us these figures mean that thousands of dedicated men and women with an inferior product, equipped with superior “Bible knowledge,” greater zeal, and better selling knowhow than the great majority of our members have, are beating us to the punch for the souls of the men and women of this generation.

Our lack of growth is due to the fact that the average member of the Lord’s church is uninformed, non-aggressive about the faith, and could not give you 20 scriptures on authority and salvation if he had to. Paul told Timothy to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). The idea is that God’s word is a tool given to us for the conversion of the world. This tool is to be learned and handled correctly. It is not an ornament for our bookshelves.

It is disheartening to know that preachers have their hands full just getting 75% of the Sunday morning attendance back to the services in .the evening and on Wednesday. There is no excuse for tardiness, absence, or ignorance in the Lord’s Church. The opposition is outstripping us by leaps and bounds. The handful of preachers in the Lord’s church cannot do all the work of stemming the tide and beating back the gainsayer. It is up to you Brother and Sister Christian to do the work.

Why should I study the cults? Be assured they are studying you and would like to add your soul to the list of the lost. They are aggressive, knowledgeable, and above all successful. Last but not least, they are damned (Gal. 1:6-9). (Next: The Watchtower Gospel)

Truth Magazine, XVIII:23, p. 8
April 11, 1974