“Train Up A Child”

By Terry L. Sumerlin

Solomon said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6). There have been, as most recognize, the following two views taken on this passage: (1) there are exceptions to the statement; (2) there are no exceptions to the statement. Of the two views, I accept the first. In order to establish this position, I direct your attention to two lines of reasoning.

If it is impossible for one to depart from “the way” once he is brought up in it, then: 1. How is it possible that the strange woman of Prov. 2:17 is spoken of as having departed “from the guide of her youth”? 2. How would one account for the conversion of the Jews on the day of Pentecost? They left the law under which they had been reared for a better one – the gospel. 3. The Baptist doctrine of “impossibility of apostasy” is true. If a child is reared properly, according to this theory, he is heaven bound and always in grace! 4. One is forced to conclude that it would be possible for a parent to be condemned for things which occurred after his own death. By this I mean, if a child who was faithful while his parent lived became wicked after the parent died, to be consistent with the theory, fault in rearing the child would be placed to the parent’s account after his death 5. It must be equally true that those who have not been trained up in the way they should go, can never go in that way.

If there are no exceptions to Prov. 22:6, it seems we must interpret, the following verses similarly: (1) “None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life” (Prov. 2:19). Is this the sin unto death of are there exceptions to this? Is it possible for one to regain spirituality after patronizing the strange woman? (2) “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord” (Prov. 18:22). Solomon also said that it is better to dwell on the housetop than with a contentious woman (Prov. 21:9; 25:24). Would a person say one who had found a contentious wife had found a good thing? (3) “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly” (Prov. 18:24). Have you not known people who were not particularly friendly who had friends? I have! (4) “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread” (Prov. 28:19). There are those tilling land all over the world that are starving.

The point which I am trying to establish is this: Truth is not violated when there is an exception to a proverb. A proverb is such that it allows exceptions – for it is merely setting forth a general truth. This seems to be the idea in the passage before us as well as in the ones from which I have illustrated. Yet, while I believe my position on the passage relating to training a child is correct, let me hasten to say that such does nothing to change the parents’ responsibility to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4).

Truth Magazine, XVIII:34, p. 12
June 27, 1974

Abraham’s Altar

By Bill Moseley

“And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: And there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him” (Gen. 12:6-7).

The foregoing passage records one reason why Abraham has been called the “father of the faithful.” We see that the Lord had made a promise to Abraham, both in this passage, and in verses 1-3 of this same chapter. Upon receiving these promises, Abraham immediately “builded an altar unto the Lord.” This expresses Abraham’s confidence that the Lord would do exactly as He had promised. An altar was necessary to worship God in Abraham’s day. We are not to worship God with a physical altar with its animal sacrifices today, but the principles which governed the worship of Abraham should regulate our worship to God even now.

It is interesting to note that his altar was built entirely to honor God. It was not constructed for self-glorification. Any works that he did, were works of God (Romans 4:14). In contrast to this, we may note the rearing of a structure in Genesis 11, namely, the tower of Babel. This tower was built so the builders could make a name for themselves (Gen. 11:4). It was not to glorify God, and for this reason their work was brought to naught, and they were scattered abroad over the face of the earth. There are too many builders like this around today. Even among our brethren, we find those trying “to make a name.” They do this at the expense of magnifying God’s name. They want elaborate and ornate buildings to compete with the sects. They are not satisfied with a modest, yet satisfactory meeting place without “all the trimmings.” These things tend to magnify the builders, and entirely too much stress is placed on the material and physical. Thus, any work undertaken is to be for God’s glory, and not to exalt the builder. Such was the purpose of Abraham’s altar.

The altar of Abraham expressed his desire to acknowledge the divine guidance of his past life. He appreciated and found great joy under God’s guiding hand. He gladly obeyed the Lord’s commands. It has been said “where Abraham had his tent, there God had His altar.” In how many congregations today is the “altar” in need of repair? In how many homes does it need to be rebuilt? In how many . homes has it never even been erected? The means whereby we may serve the Lord acceptably ought to be the first concern of every congregation, every family and every Christian. Do we really appreciate the Lord’s influence in our lives as Abraham did? God has revealed himself to us through His word. We need to diligently, constantly and prayerfully study it. We can show our gratitude to God in this way.

Abraham’s altar expressed dependence upon God. It was used to offer sacrifices upon. Abraham believed in atonement. Too many folks today evidently have no confidence in our atonement. We read in Gen. 15:9, that Abraham’s offering was designated by God, and was complied with by Abraham. We read in Genesis 22:1-13 the supreme sacrifice in the life of Abraham. He depended upon God to the extent that his only son of promise was about to be slain. Yet he never wavered. He knew he was nearer to God by his sacrifices. By our sacrifice, Christ on Calvary, we can some closer to God. In fact, Christ is the only way in which God can be approached (John 14:6; 1 Tim. 2:5). His atoning blood cleanses us (I John 1:7). Let us depend upon this atonement that was sacrificed on the altar of’the cross, just as. Abraham had confidence in his sacrifices.

Abraham’s altar expressed his readiness to consecrate himself entirely to God. An altar that failed to express this would be mockery and blasphemy. To show consecration to God’s cause does not require a great outward show of reverence. God is not flattered by such hypocritical acts. Such was the attitude of some Pharisees in Jesus’ day (Matt. 6:1-7). He demands a spiritual service – one that shows inner, complete and absolute consecration and total commitment. Too many people want to “consecrate” themselves to God based upon conditions which they themselves institute. In order for our devotion to be acceptable, it must be unconditional and absolute.

Finally we see that Abraham’s altar expressed his faith in the fulfillment of God’s promises. Why would he sacrifice to God and worship Him if he had no confidence in God’s ability to carry out His predictions? The Lord had promised to make of him a great nation. He had been promised a son in his old age. He had been the recipient of the land promise. Abraham was willing to leave the future part of these promises to God. The same Lord that made these great promises to Abraham, has made promises to us. He has promised a better land than that which Abraham’s posterity received. We have the promise of eternal life (I John 2:25). Do we have Abraham’s confidence in God that this promise will be carried out? If so, what are we doing to show our faith in that promise? Abraham did something. Do our actions indicate absolute faith that God is able to deliver as promised?

In this great man of God, we find a good example of what our worship ought to mean and what it should express. Friend, if your “altar” is broken down, build it up. If you are lacking one, construct one. All that is needed is obedience to God’s will, and then “worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

Truth Magazine, XVIII:34, pp. 11-12
June 27, 1974

The Great Piltdown Hoax

By Roy E. Stephens

That all things came into existence by chance, is the doctrine. basically, of evolution. How the twisted intelligence of modern man can accept the doctrine is beyond belief. The electric light hanging from the ceiling was made by some ~intelligent being, but the evolutionist says the greatest light of all, the sun, came into existence by chance. The wax flower decorating the desk was made. but the evolutionist says the flower of the field came into being by chance. The brass instrument of the band was made, but the human voice, the greatest instrument of all, was an accident! The figurehead on the ship was made by some being with a mind, but the designer of the ship was an accident, without design and without law! We cannot accept such absurdities. Believers of the Bible cling to the testimony of Jesus, who was in the beginning with God Who said, “He which made (created) them at the beginning, made them male and female” (Matt. 19:4). Rev. 10:5-6 speaks of Him who “created the heaven and the earth and the things that there in are.

Go into museums over the country and see the evolutionist’s Story Of Life demonstrated in replicas, from the earliest forms of life (according to him) to his imagined later life forms demonstrated as the life forms changed from one form to another, through lizard, bird, animal and man. That his work is nothing but a hoax of anthropology and an adroit use, of plaster of Paris, is well known to all informed people. How tragic that the one million people who pass through the museum of Natural History in New York each year do not know of the evolutionist’s deceit.

Outstanding among the links which the evolutionist says tie man to the lower animals, through a process of mutation, are the Nebraska Man, the Neanderthal Man, and, at one time, the Piltdown Man. The untaught are led to believe that actual skeletal remains of these life forms were found, and placed in the museum. Not so! The case of the Piltdown Man, for, example, has been proven to be a hoax from beginning to end. For more than 40 years Piltdown Man was a member in more or less good standing with the society of “earliest humans,” rubbing mandibles with such distinguished, though lowbrow, company as Neanderthal Man, and others. The discovery that he was a humbug out and out, terminated his membership in December, 1953. Here is the story: Charles Dawson, of Piltdown Sussex, England, in 1912 brought a piece of a jaw bone and two molar teeth to an anthropologist with the observation, “it isn’t an animal, because its molars are flattened like human teeth.” So, Piltdown mail was constructed. Did Dawson find skeletal remains of a man? No. He found a piece of a jaw bone and two teeth!

The whole deceitful scheme was exposed in 1953. In 1956 Oxford University press published the Piltdown Forgery, pointing out that the jawbone found was that of an ape that had died 50 years before, and that Dawson had filed the two teeth down to disguise their original design and shape; both teeth and bone had ‘been artificially colored with bichromate of potash, to attain the appearance of antiquity. Readers Digest has reprinted the Piltdown Hoax and the writer has obtained copies of it. Here is the plainest of evidence that the evolutionist depends upon lies, misrepresentations, and deceit to sustain his theory. If the Piltdown Man is a hoax, how does anyone know that the other “links” in the chain of evolution are authentic? High school teachers need to know these facts. Elders and Bible teachers should acquaint members of the church with them. Readers Digest covered the entire forgery in their reprint. If you would like a free copy of the reprint, write me. Send 254 just to cover cost of mailing.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:34, p. 11
June 27, 1974

A Message For Daddies

By Billy W Moore

Some time ago I noticed an ad in Reader’s Digest entitled, “A Message For Daddies,” so naturally I read it. It was by the American Cancer Society and had some good advice:

“Get yourself a good, thorough examination once a year. Once a year, let your doctor really look you over. It’ll take a little time, and a little patience. And maybe he’ll poke around a little more than you’d really like. And so he should.

“The whole idea is to keep you healthy. If nothing’s wrong (and more than likely there isn’t), hooray! Come back next year. But if anything’s suspicious, then you’ve gained the most important thing of all: time.

“We can save 1 out of 2 persons when cancer is caught in time, caught early. That’s a good thing to know. All Daddies should know how to take care of themselves so that they can have the fun of taking care of their kids. Don’t be afraid. It’s what you don’t know that can hurt you.”

Yes, I think that’s good advice. In more recent years I have begun having regular physical examinations. (I saw my Mother suffer and die with cancer.) If I have cancer I want to learn about it in time to be one of those “1 out of 2 persons” who can be saved from it. I want the fun of raising my kids and my grandchildren.

When I read that article I thought how gospel preachers have a message for daddies and our message may be far more important than that of the American Cancer Society. Our message has to do with saving your soul. There are several similarities between our message for daddies and that of the American Cancer Society. It is personal. Indeed, each must examine himself whether he be in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). Each one must look into his own heart to determine whether he has obeyed the gospel of Christ, to see if he is saved. A friend may encourage you to take an honest look at yourself, but only you can do it. It will take a little time. It is true, a good thorough self-examination will take a little time. You will have to read what the Lord teaches one must do to be saved from sin and determine whether you have obeyed Him (Matt. 7:21-23), This will require a little patience. You will have to compare what you have believed and done in religion with what the Bible teaches you to do. This will not be easy, and will demand that you be patient in your searching and be honest with yourself. (Read-Acts 17:11). It may require more poking around in your conscience than you like, but it will be for your own good. The whole idea is to keep you healthy spiritually. Some are “weak and sickly” spiritually (I Cor. 11:30), while others are asleep or dead (Eph. 2:1). So, examine yourself by the teaching of the Lord; if nothing is wrong – hooray! But if you learn that you are lost then you have gained the most important thing of all: time. Time to do something about it before it destroys you for all eternity.

Modem medical science enables doctors to save “1 out of 2 persons” when cancer is caught in time. The Lord is able to save every person who learns of his sin and comes to God by Him (Heb. 7:25). The sad fact is that not even “1 out of 2 persons” who learns of his sinful and lost condition will even come to Christ that he may be saved. We believe that all daddies should know what to do to be saved. Jesus said, “Preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). We further believe that all Daddies should have the pleasure of teaching their kids and grandchildren how to be saved and obtain the hope of eternal life.

Do not be afraid to take the examination. If you are “in the faith” (saved), You will be happy to know it. An examination of your relationship with God will only strengthen you. However, if when you examine yourself you learn that you are lost, you will be glad that you discovered it while there is time to do something about it; many do not make this discovery in time. They go through life thinking they are alright, but in the end learn that they are lost. (Read Matt. 7:21-23.) Do not be in that number!

The Lord’s message for daddies is: “Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Heb. 3:7, 8). “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). We could talk about many other messages for Daddies such as, “ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4), but that would be another lesson. Many Daddies seem to think that being a Christian is just for the wife and kids. They need to get the message that salvation is for all! Daddies need it as much as anyone else.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:34, p. 10
June 27, 1974