“19 Reasons Refuted@ (2)

By Larry Ray Hafley

“7. The Temple of the Holy Spirit”

“Every Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19). He is sealed by the Spirit until the day, of redemption (Eph. 4:30). He is not sealed until he backslides, but ‘unto the day of redemption.’ The Holy Spirit abides in the Christian forever (John 14:16). If a Christian can be lost again, the Holy Spirit is lost also for He abides in the Christian forever. John 14:16 clearly teaches us that the Holy Spirit will never leave the Christian. It is in. place to ask, ‘Could the temple of the Holy Spirit go to hell.=@

Reply: One trusts that Dr. Schroeder is not always so careless in his handling of the word of God. Observe how unobstrusively he changes “unto” into “until.” Eph. 4:30 does not say “until the day of redemption” as the “Dr.” avers and errs. It says “unto” meaning, as some translators say, “for the day of redemption.”

The Spirit does not come into or remain in our bodies unconditionally. In the very passage, Paul says, “Grieve not the holy Spirit of God.” What if we do so continually? One may lie to and tempt the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3, 4, 9). One may resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). One may quench the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19). One may do despite unto the Spirit of grace (Heb. 10:29). Will one be saved who does these things unto the Spirit? God will remove His Spirit from such persons (Cf. I Sam. 16:14; Psa. 51:11).

Christians must be “filled with the Spirit” and “walk in the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18; Gal. 5:16); that is, they are to be led and directed by the word of the Spirit. John 14:16 does not teach that the Holy Spirit dwells unconditionally in the Christian. The promise of the Spirit in this passage was made to the apostles Qn. 13: 1; Matt. 26:20), but even if that were not so, the Spirit’s presence would not be unconditional. “If ye love me, keep my commandments …. If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him (Jn. 14:15-24).

The temple of the Holy Spirit is our body. Does Dr. Schroeder believe our physical bodies will be in heaven? “It is in place to ask, ‘Could the temple of the Holy Spirit go to heaven?’ ” Finally, 1 Cor. 6:20 says, “Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” “It is in place to ask,” Could the temple of the Holy Spirit go to heaven if it failed to glorify God? “It is in place” for Mr. Schroeder to answer.

“8. In God’s Sight Every Christian Is Now In Heaven”

“God has raised us ‘with Christ,’ that is, when Christ was raised from the grave we were also raised. Our position as Christians is seated together with Him in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:5, 6). We are now, as far as God is concerned, in heaven. If a Christian can be lost again, then he must be put out of heaven since he now occupies that place (Col.,3:3).”

Reply: Our citizenship is indeed in heaven (Phil. 3,20), but Christians are not now in heaven “in God’s sight” – In Mr. Schroeder’s sight, perhaps, but not in God’s. The phrase “in heavenly places” is found in Eph. 1:3, 20; 2:6; 6:12. Its meaning in Eph. 1:3 and 2:6 is that spiritual blessings emanate from heaven and are brought from there to us, We sit together in Christ “in heavenly places” by reason of the fact that we are “fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God” (Eph. 2:19). Our “inheritance” is “reserved in heaven” 0 Pet. 1:4). Our hope is laid up for us “in heaven” (Col. 1:5), but we are not yet there. However, if we are now in heaven, what did Paul mean when he said, “Set your affections on things above” (Col. 3:2)? “Above” where? “Above” heaven? “When Christ, who is our life shall appear, then (not before) shall ye also appear with him in glory” (Col. 3:4). If we were in heaven, we would be already “with him in glory.”

Think it not strange, Dr. Schroeder, that one should be “put out of” an exalted position. We could grant your contention and feel no pangs to admit that Christians may be “put out of heaven.” Dr., “Have ye never read” that “God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to’ be reserved unto judgment” (2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)? If God “spared not” angels but “cast them down to hell,” why should it be so amazing that He would not spare an erring Christian? Finally, the wrath of God now “abideth” on unbelievers (Jn. 3:36). “They are now, as far as God is concerned, in hell. If an unbeliever can become a believer and be saved, then he must be put out of hell since he now occupies that place.” That is according to Schroeder’s argument. Can he answer himself?

“9. Part of Christ’s Body”

“We, as Christian, are members of Christ’s body–flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone (Eph. 5:30). If a Christian can be lost again, then Christ is lost with him since He made the Christian part of His own body. If he can be lost again, the body will not be complete, and if this is true, the plan and work of Christ is lost and useless-the Word of God speaks of Christ’s body being ‘without spot or wrinkle’ (Eph. 5:25-27).

Reply: Again, Dr. Schroeder carries a figure of speech too far and creates an absurdity. What Mr. Schroeder says is true with respect to a fleshly body, but Paul was discussing a spiritual body, the church. In another figure, we learn that if one falls away, Christ is not lost with him. “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned” (Jn. 15:6). If our friend Schroeder had been there, he, could have told the Lord, “No, if a Christian can be lost again, then you, Lord, will be lost with him since You made the Christian a branch in the vine. If he can be lost again, the vine will not be complete, and if this is true, Your plan and work is lost and useless.”

The church will be presented “not having spot, or wrinkle,” for all who do not continue in the faith will be “spued out,” and “cast forth” (Col. 1: 18-22 .3; Rev. 3:16).

“10. Complete In Christ”

“Every Christian is now complete in Him (Col. 2:10). Can the complete work of Christ be lost again? If it can be lost, was it complete? How can a Christian be complete and lost again? Would not then the complete work of Christ go to hell?”

Reply: Christian are “complete in Him.” Where? “In Christ,” but a man may choose not to abide in Christ-“If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth” (Jn. 15:6). A man is “complete” in Christ, but one may not continue in Christ”If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the father” (I Jn. 2:24). “If” it does not remain in you, you shall not 66 continue in the Son.” Outside of Christ we are not complete and, thus, cannot be saved. Baptist doctrine says we are complete and saved whether we abide in Christ or not.

“11. Saved By Grace”

“‘For by grace are ye saved’ (Eph. 2:8, 9; Acts 15:11). If a man is saved by grace, and grace is unmerited favor and wholly undeserved, how can he be lost? If he can be lost through some sin, or by not holding out, can it be said of him, ‘by grace are ye saved’? If our reaching heaven depends upon our good work, then our salvation would have no element of grace in it.”

Reply: One cannot earn or merit his salvation by perfect keeping of law. God’s system of grace teaches us works of God to perform in order to be saved by his grace (Rom. 4-6; Jas. 2). By mixing works of man and works of God, Mr. Schroeder reaches his position. Works of men are excluded, yet in judgment Jesus shall “reward every man according to his works” (Matt. 16:27). Is there discord here? No, on one hand, there is reference to keeping of law for justification and, on the other, there is reference to “faith which worketh by love. “

Faith is a “work” (Jn. 6:28, 29). I suppose Mr. Schroeder would call believing Christ a “good work.” Further, it can be agreed that salvation “depends” upon faith in Christ. So, faith is a work, a good work, upon which salvation “depends.” With respect to the possibility of apostasy, Mr. Schroeder has said, “If our reaching heaven depends upon our good work, then our salvation would have no element of grace in it.” Does salvation by faith have any “element of grace” in it? When one explains how that it does, though he knows faith is a “work,” then he should be able to understand how conditions do not eliminate grace.

“12. He Will Not Be Cast Out Again”

“John 6:37 teaches very clearly that it is the Christian who will never be cast out. The Christian is the Father’s love gift to the Son, and Christ dare not discard those whom the Father gives Him.”

Reply: John 6:37 is conditional. “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” No one who comes to God will be cast out, but Baptist doctrine says a man is not cast out even if he ceases to come to Christ! Christ will not “discard” those whom the Father gives him, but “if we deny him, he also will deny us” (2 Tim. 2:12). Christ will not “cast out” the faithful, but He will “cast forth” and “spue out” those who do not continue coming to Him (Jn. 15:6; Rev. 3:16). It is the one who comes to Christ “who will never be cast out,” “but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you” (2 Chron. 15:2).

“13. No Condemnation”

“The child of God, according to Rom. 8:1, will never come into condemnation or judgment. Since His sins were judged at the cross of Calvary, we are assured in John 3:18 and John 5:24 that the believer is freed from condemnation. Christ bore the punishment for our sins. God cannot pour His Judgment upon the believer if Christ bore the penalty of ,@all our sins.”

Reply: The “children of God, according to Rom. 8:1 (who) will never come into condemnation or judgment” are those “who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Rom. 8:4,12,13). We are “assured in John 3:18 and … 5:24 that the believer is freed from condemnation,” but a believer may become an unbeliever; a believer may develop “an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God” (Heb. 3:1, 12; Psa. 106:12, 24).

Eleven verses down from Romans 8:1, we find this, “Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after th6 flesh. For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall five” (Rom. 8:12, 13). The “ye” in verse 13 are the “brethren” (Christians) of verse 12. “Die,” or death, in verse 13 is spiritual death, for all will die physically whether they live after the flesh or not. This death is conditional, hence, physical. Living “after the Spirit” will result in life, eternal fife through the Spirit.

Finally, James tells his “brethren” to “sware not … lest ye fall into condemnation” (Jas. 5:12). But Dr. Schroeder says children of God “will never come into condemnation.” James said his brethren would “fall into condemnation” if they swore. That proves Schroeder’s brethren are not James brethren!

“14. Incorruptible Seed”

“Since the Christian has been born incorruptible seed 0 Pet. 1:23), can it corrupt? It is impossible. How can that which is incorruptible ever corrupt?

Reply: The tract leaves out the word “of” in the phrase “born of incorruptible seed.” The saints are not the seed. “The seed is the word of God” (Lk. 8:11). It-the seed, not the saints, is incorruptible.

That which is incorruptible can never corrupt or spoil. The word of God will never corrode nor corrupt, but the mind of the Christian may “be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3). In the Old Testament, children of God “corrupted themselves” (Deut. 9:12). Baptist doctrine says Christians cannot be corrupted. The Bible says they can. But Baptist doctrine says, “No matter if they are corrupted, they will be saved, for it is impossible to be lost.” That is a “corrupt” doctrine.

(To Be Concluded Next Week)

Truth Magazine, XVIII:40, p. 5-7
August 15, 1974

Site for Jenkins-Willis Debate Arranged

By Cecil Willis

In order that as many as want to do so may attend, we are trying to announce as early as possible all the particulars regarding the debate on whether schools like Florida College have the right to teach the Bible. Brother Jesse Jenkins of Denton, Texas and I have agreed to discuss this subject four nights, Sept. 23, 24, 26, and 27. The debate will be held in the High School Auditorium in Pasadena, Texas. Pasadena is a suburb of the metropolitan Houston area, and I am told that its location is ideal for anyone coming East from Houston, or from the North.

The Pasadena High School Auditorium is just off the Pasadena-LaPorte freeway (Hwy. 225), which comes off the Gulf freeway, as one leaves Houston headed South-east. Take the first Pasadena exit (Shaver Street) from the Pasadena-LaPorte freeway, and the High School and auditorium are right next to the feeder street, and are clearly visible from both the freeway and the feeder street. One would turn right on Shaver street and the auditorium and High School would be immediately on his right.

The location of this auditorium was so ideal that those making arrangements for it have waited longer than they wanted to wait, but did so in order to procure the right to use this particular auditorium. The auditorium will seat over 1,000. Rent on this auditorium is $100 per night, and I have personally paid $200 of the rental fee, and Brother Curtis Torno and some others are going to pay the other $200.

The brethren in the Pasadena area will try to provide as many places to stay as possible, for out of towners who wish to stay for the entire debate. Brother Don Carter, one of the Elders of the Red Bluff church in Pasadena, has agreed to take the responsibility to coordinate the number needing a place to stay with those who are offering to provide free lodging. Brother Don Carter’s address is 1807 Patricia Lane, Pasadena, Texas 77502, if you wish to write regarding the availability of a place to stay. Or, you may call him at home at 713-473-4456. This could turn out to be a sizable job for Brother Carter, so give him as much advance notice as possible, if you need a place to stay.

The delay in arranging the usage of the auditorium was occasioned by the fact that we had to wait until the school calendar was finalized. But everything now appears to be in readiness, and we hope a goodly number will plan to attend. The last debate that I can remember at this moment that was conducted on this subject must have been around twenty years ago. So perhaps a goodly number of brethren will be interested in such a discussion.

Having met Brother Jesse Jenkins only one time personally, I of course do not know him well. But everyone who ‘ has spoken to me of Brother Jenkins has commented that he will be very honorable in such a discussion (I would have expected this anyway, since he is a brother in Christ), but that he will be a formidable opponent. Several has advised me that I should not under-estimate Jesse Jenkins’ ability. That advice was unnecessary, for I do not underestimate any debate opponent’s ability. I am highly respectful of them all, and enter every debate with fear and trembling. But I will come to Pasadena, the Lord willing, ready to do my best in discussing honorably and fairly the propositions which we have signed. Paul stated that he planned to preach the gospel in Rome, “as much as in me is” (Rom. 1:15). That passage always has had much meaning to me. It tells me that I do not have to preach or debate as ably as someone else, or better than someone else, but I must do my best! That I fully plan to do, not only in Pasadena, but so long as the, Lord shall permit me to continue to have a little share in His Work being done upon the earth.

Brother Jenkins and I have every intention of entering and ending this debate in a good humor with one another. We hope that all the listeners will come so disposed. Of course, we each will press the points in our arguments, but that does not mean we have any ill-feeling toward each other. So far as I know, neither has any earthly reason for having an ill feeling toward each other, and we fully intend to behave ourselves in this four night debate study period in a manner that becometh Christians; indeed, as brethren in the Lord. We hope you will make your plans to come.

POSTSCRIPT: A letter dated July 1, 1974 received from Leroy Garrett, also of Denton, Texas, indicates that he has every intention of carrying through our before mentioned plan to discuss the fellowship question in Port Arthur, Texas sometime in January, 1975. We want to avoid as many schedule conflicts as possible, and thus plan to have the discussion before the Abilene Christian College Preacher Workshop, and before the Florida College Lecture program. That probably means that this debate will be held during one of the first two weeks of January. This debate would be a very important one, and we will give as much advance notice as possible, when final arrangements as to date and location have been made.

The debate scheduled for December with Nathan Urshan, National Radio Speaker for the United Pentecostal Church, cannot be held in December of this year, as we before had indicated it would be. However, a telephone conversation this past week with Mr. Urshan indicated that he has every intention of honoring his agreement to meet me in a public discussion in Indianapolis, but that his schedule is such that it would have to be late Spring, or in the Summer. With my trip to the Philippines planned for April, 1975, it probably would fit my plans better also to have it in the Summer. So keep that approximate time in mind, and try to save some vacation time so that you can come for that discussion.

Meanwhile, the brethren in Glen Burnie, Maryland have been challenged to a debate by Dr, Eugene Perry, President of the Israel Tract Society. The Glen Burnie brethren have asked that I represent them in the discussion, and I have agreed to do so. No exact time has been chosen as yet, but we just might be able to work it into the early part of December 1974. If not, it then will have to be scheduled for early spring 1975.

Having participated in only four debates in my entire life, four rather important ones within a six months time is a rather frightening contemplation. Brother Jenkins will not have to worry about me coming over-confident! Frankly, I have more to do than I can do well, and I must just do the best I can in each engagement. All these other men probably have equally burdensome schedules to keep, so a busy schedule for me is not cited as an excuse to get out of any commitment. I know of no honorable way to avoid defending what I believe and teach, when it is challenged by a worthy opponent, and I have no disposition to try to avoid such a responsibility. My only desire is that the truth never suffer due to ineptness or unpreparedness on my part. So, if you like debates, here are a few you can make you plans to take in.

Truth Magazine, XVIII:40, p. 3-4
August 15, 1974

Book Briefs

By Mike Willis

Practically any work by Bernard Ramm is worth its price and this one is no exception. This 117-page paperback develops a pattern of religious authority which demonstrates the place of imperial, delegated, stipulative and veracious authority. Believing the Bible to be inspired, Ramm’s authority position is basically sound; accepting Calvinism, Ramm’s position is vulnerable at certain points. The following quotations regarding the Spirit’s illumination of the written word demonstrate the most obvious error propounded in this book:

“It is the Spirit who inspired the New Testament, it is the Spirit who witnesses to Christ in the heart, and it is the Spirit who quickens the heart to see the truth of God in the pages of the New Testament” (p. 55).

“Paralleling this objective revelation is the operation of the Spirit of God. He is the Inspirer of revelation; He is the Mover in writing of revelation; He is the Illuminator in the heart of the believer, giving him the grace to recognize revelation and the strength to appropriate it”(p. 62).

‘Furthermore, the Spirit can never do the work of the Word. The Word contains the revelation. The function of the Spirit is to illumine the heart of the believer to see the divinity of the revelation. The Word cannot do the work of the Spirit. The Word rests helpless in the hand till the Spirit quickens the heart to perceive its divinity” (pp. 103-104).

Surely, each can see how important this doctrine is to the Calvinistic doctrines of election and irresistible grace.

However, the book has excellent criticisms of the following systems of authority: Catholicism, Modernism, the Kerygmatic School, and Neo-orthodoxy. In addition to giving a rather concise summary of each school of thought, Ramm shows how each school destroys or makes vague God’s authority as displayed in the Scriptures. Some of the fundamental presuppositions of the systems are exposed an~ destroyed. These chapters in the book were by far the most useful to ni~ and the reason why I now recommend this book to you.

(All books reviewed in this department are available at Truth Magazine Bookstore, Box 403, Marion, Indiana 46952.)

Truth Magazine, XVIII:40, p. 2
August 15, 1974

So You Think Pot Is Harmless!

By Raymond E. Harris

Advocates of legalizing marijuana have gone all out to convince the general public that “pot” when smoked in moderation, is really no worse than a few glasses of beer. Until now the usual reaction to the foregoing claim has been belief and relief. People are prone to believe what they want to believe and are always relieved to learn that a supposed danger did not really exist.

However, the “Eastland Committee” of the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security has rolled up a vast body of testimony on the subject that needs to be publicized far and wide. Drs. Harold Kolansky and Win. T. Moore testified that a study done over a nine year period involving hundreds of patients indicated that almost 60% of the patients examined who used marijuana looked older than their true age and they were incapable of completing thoughts during verbal questioning. This seemed to imply some form of sickness or derangement of the brain.

Dr. W. D. Paton, Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford testified that administration of hashish during pregnancy has caused fetal death and fetal abnormality (including lack of limbs) in 3 species of animals. Further a Dr. Nahas reported that hashish affects the genetic material and new born children can be respiratory cripples. He further indicates that emphysema which is normally a disease of later life will now cripple and kill hashish smokers and their offspring in their 40’s and 50’s. Also, Dr. R. C. Kolodny of the Reproductive Biology Research Foundation, St. Louis, Mo., reports that when hashish resin was injected into pregnant rats, their offspring were born web footed, they had hernia of the brain and often were born without legs or with sealf1ke flippers in place of legs.

You may say that such experimentations with rats and monkeys does not prove it will happen to you. However, keep in mind that the reason certain animals are chosen for specific experiments is because scientists have learned which animals respond most nearly like a human. Why take a chance of brain damage, emphysema at 40 and deformed children? Leave the marijuana and all drugs alone. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (I Cor. 6:19-20-R.S.V.)

Truth Magazine, XVIII:40, p. 2
August 15, 1974