By Larry Ray Hafley


From Indiana: “Is it scriptural to change a mid-week meeting service from group singing to Bible study or a Preacher Training Class under a stumbling block objection? The stumbling block consists of a family that feels their presence is not bound at the monthly singing service on Wednesday or Thursday night but is bound for Bible study or a Preacher Training Class scheduled instead. Since this is a stumbling block to them, is it scriptural to change the service under this pretense after studying with the family and showing them they are bound to attend the assembly unless providentially hindered? I realize the mid-week service could be changed to all preaching or studying, but can the above stumbling block objection be scripturally used as “the reason?”


What? Is “group singing” not “teaching and admonishing one another” (Col. 3:16)? It is a spiritual service because it consists of “spiritual songs.” This family’s feeling is capricious, arbitrary and self-serving. Truly, their reasoning, if not their sincerity, is suspect at best and weird at worst! There is nothing in the Bible nor in a “stumbling block objection” that says one household’s excuse for forsaking an assembly is to dictate the worship program of the church. Continue to study with them. Do not waste your time in endless wrangling that tends toward strife. Live an example before, them.

Stumbling Block Scriptures”

“Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way” (Rom. 14:13). This passage is probably one our querist had in mind. It tells brethren who differ over a matter of indifference not to condemn one another (Rom. 14:5, 6, 13). Both are received and accepted of God (Rom. 14:3, 4). But singing is not comparable to the eating of meats or the esteeming of days. It is not something which a church may regard or disregard. It is necessary for a church to develop its talents and abilities in praising God in song.

“It is good neither to eat flesh or drink wine nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak” (Rom. 14:21). Remember, Paul is discussing matters of personal insignificance in the context. He is not saying brethren must succumb to the whims of every brother. He says, if necessary, abstain and refrain from those contextual inconsequential items that trip, offend, or weaken a brother. He does not say, “Put away an authorized function of the church if some brother decides to use it as a pretense not to do what God has commanded.” Will attending a special singing service cause one to stumble?

“Wherefore if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend” (1 Cor. 8:13). This text is dealing with “things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols” (1 Cor. 8:4). If a brother is “emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols” while he considers it to be in honor of a god, he sins and so do you by leading him to do it against his weak conscience (1 Cor. 8:7-12). If this family in question is “emboldened” to attend a singing service, will they sin when they do? No, hence, the text is not applicable.


If every scruple of every saint had to be bowed to, the church could not function. Suppose a family argued they were not preachers, therefore, they did not have to attend a “Preacher Training Class.” Should we disband the class for them? I know brethren who feel that no Sunday evening or mid-week service is essential to attend, and they do not attend. Shall we do away with those worship periods lest they sin by not attending? On and on we could go. Teach such people. Pray for them, but do not engage in contentious shouting matches that demean the gospel and embitter the soul. They are babes. Be patient with little babies, but do, not pet them. Too much acquiescent petting spoils babies, both the physical and the spiritual kind.

Truth Magazine XVIII: 7, p. 103
December 19, 1974

On Twisting Passages

By John McCort

Brethren sometimes fall into the trap of taking passages out of context and misapplying them in a zealous attempt to disprove false doctrines. When trying to disprove false doctrines, we should use our utmost discretion not to twist passages and draw conclusions that are not there. One misapplied passage exposed can seriously damage an attempt to teach an individual the truth.

Brethren have misapplied 1 Pet. 3:4 in an attempt to prove that the spirit of man is immortal. Although I firmly believe in the immortal nature of man, 1 Pet. 3:4 is not the passage to use in trying to establish that point. This passage has been widely used by brethren both in written and public debate. A close examination of the passage reveals nothing about the immortality of man’s spirit.

I Pet. 3:4 states, “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” (KJV) The American Standard translation states; “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in the incorruptible apparel of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” Some brethren have made the argument that the word “incorruptible” (aphtharto) literally means “immortal.” This word is used to describe God in 1 Tim. 1:17, “Now unto the King eternal, immortal (aphtharto) . . . .” They then draw the conclusion that since God is immortal and Peter says that woman are to have the immortal apparel of a meek and quiet spirit, that it logically follows that man possesses an immortal spirit.

The key to understanding this passage is determining what gives the spirit the immortal quality in this passage. Is Peter saying in this passage that all mankind possesses this much to be desired incorruptible spirit? No!! In the previous verse (vs. 3) Peter states, “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, or wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel.” Peter is contrasting the outward man with the inward man. The emphasis of the woman when she becomes a Christian should not be on adorning a body which will soon be wrinkled and ugly. The Christian woman is to emphasize the adorning of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of a meek and quiet spirit. Peter is not saying that all men have an incorruptible spirit, but that the meekness and quietness are what give the spirit the imperishable (immortal) quality; a quality which only Christian women possess. Certainly a loud and aggressive spirit in a woman would not be described as “incorruptible” or “immortal.” Since a meek and quiet spirit is incorruptible (immortal), then a loud and aggressive spirit (in a woman) would likewise be corruptible (mortal). The Phillips translation of the Bible expresses the thought very lucidly, “. . . in the imperishable quality of a quiet and gentle spirit . . . .”

The word spirit in 1 Pet. 3:4, according to the scholars, has no reference to the immortal part of man but rather refers to the disposition or temperament of man. A. T. Robertson states, “Pneuma (spirit) is here disposition or temper (Bigg), unlike any other use in the N.T.” (A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures In The New Testament, Vol. 6, p. 109) Lenski comments, “Without the incorruption of a meek and quiet spirit the hidden man of the heart would be filled with a vain, proud, self-assertive spirit, the mark of an unregenerate heart. Pneuma is to be understood in the ethical sense of temperament or character.” (R. C. H. Lenski, The Interpretation of Peter, John, And Jude, p. 131)

Lest I be misunderstood, I want categorically to state that I believe in the immortality of the soul. I believe there is a host of passages to establish that doctrine. I do not believe, though, this passage should be used in defense of this position.

Truth Magazine XVIII: 7, p. 102
December 19, 1974

Volume Eighteen in Retrospect

By Cecil Willis

Brother W. W. Otey told me once that in seventy years of gospel preaching, he had never preached a sermon with which he was completely pleased one hour afterward. He could always think of some things that he should have said, but that had been left out. Or, he could think of some things that were said that should have been said differently, if said at all. Each sermon lacked something; head-power, or heart-power, as he put it. Which merely is to say that nearly all of us have 20/20 vision hindsight-wise.

In the last issue of Volume Eighteen we carried our usual Author-Subject Index. But it was suggested in a staff meeting of Truth Magazine personnel in Memphis in July that a Topical Index would be tremendously helpful to those who made it a practice to preserve their issues of Truth Magazine, or to those who purchase Bound Volumes. Furthermore, any research to be done in such bound volumes in years to come would be made much easier, if we published a Topical Index. Brother Jeffery Kingry volunteered to prepare the detailed Topical Index, which involved a tremendous amount of work on his part, and considerable extra expense on our part. Your reaction to the Topical Index will help us to assess its value, and to determine whether it should be prepared and published each year.

Our Critics

Constructive criticism is helpful to any person, who will receive it in the right way. Some of our severest critics also are some of our best friends. It always is good to listen to criticism, for it just might be the case that one’s critic is correct. On the other hand, trying to please every critic would not only bring one to complete frustration; it would drive him insane! So we know that Truth Magazine is not going to please everyone.

Critics often generalize, and make such broad criticisms that one hardly knows where to begin, if he were disposed to try to implement any of the recommendations made by his critics. As most preachers already have learned, one’s critics frequently hear only what they want to hear. To the super-sensitive liberal, every admonition to follow closely the instructions of the Lord is counted as one more sermon “on the issues.”

Luther Blackmon told me once that the .fellow who “got under his skin” the most was that fellow who gets up close in your face, turns red with anger, shakes his finger under your nose, calls you a liar, and then proves it! So with the thought in mind that our critics who so persistently (and yet so inconsistently) criticize us for criticizing just might be right, we have carefully reviewed the contents of Volume Eighteen.

Some have charged that ours is an unbalanced paper, and that about all we do is to criticize someone else. We have been accused of riding, one issue to death, which is not in itself such a bad idea if that issue happens to entail the teaching of false doctrine. We would like to stamp out error, if we could do so. We would like to do all within our power to eradicate error. Some have even charged that a few people do all the writing in Truth Magazine. Some others write to criticize us for publishing so much material from brethren who are not generally well-known. With just these few criticisms listed, one already can see the impossibility of pleasing everywhere. A good many years ago I resolved in my mind Who it was that I was trying to please, and thereafter have not been unduly upset if my efforts to please Him did not please some of my family, brethren, or neighbors.

Contents of Volume Eighteen

With both Indexes readily at hand, it was quite easy generally to summarize the contents of Volume Eighteen. For instance, I discovered that articles had been published from 141 different brethren during the year. I think that nearly any editor would tell you that he could produce a better quality paper, if he confined his writers to those on his staff. If he could not, he is a rather poor chooser of staff personnel. But a paper written exclusively by a few carefully selected staff personnel will not draw the wider reader interest that one seeks. Furthermore, if no one will give an inexperienced writer a chance to write, how do we think younger men ever will become abler writers? We deliberately publish some articles primarily to encourage inexperienced writers to write more that their literary abilities, if any, may be enhanced.

Approximately 475 articles were published in Volume Eighteen. They covered a wide range of subjects. In fact, Brother Kingry found it necessary to list articles under 115 different topical headings. A careful examination of the number of listings under each heading easily will enable one to tell .which subjects were being given the most attention during the year. At the same time, an examination of the Topical Index even surprised me. I was not conscious of the fact that the 824 pages published last year had touched upon so many different subjects. In many instances, one article would deal with several sub-headings, and thus may have been listed under more than one topical heading. But following are some of the topics covered in Volume Eighteen, and the number following each Topical heading is indicative of the number of articles appearing that touch upon that subject.

Alcohol 3
Apostles 4
Atheism 3
Attendance 4
Biblical Authority 23
Baptism 17
Baptist Church Doctrine 19
Benevolence 5
Book Reviews 22
Calvinism 14
Children 7
Christian Living 36
Church 38
Church News reports (and cover pictures of meeting houses of churches from 21 States and foreign countries) 49
Current Events on the Religious Scene 15
Debates (Articles and Reports) 12
Denominationalism 25
Discipline 4
Drugs 5
Evidences 9
Evolution 4
Fellowship 43
Civil Government 6
Grace 14
Happiness 5
Hypocrisy 7
Influence 9
Inspiration 4
Instrumental Music 10
Interpretation (Biblical) 10
Jehovah’s Witnesses 5
Kingdom 9
Liberalism 19
Materialism 4
Millennialism 3
Miracles 7
Modesty 6
News Briefs 29
Obedience 24
Old Testament 15
Parents 6
Personal Work 5
Pornography 3
Prayer 5
Preachers 9
Reactions (to all forms of false doctrines) 60
Salvation 12
Scripture Exegesis 39
Sin 16
Subjectivism 5
Teaching Methods 15
Truth (not referring to Truth Magazine) 15
Unity 5
Word Studies 6
Worldliness 19

These are by no means all the listings in the Topical Index, but I think these are enough to show you that Truth Magazine does carry a wider variety of material than you might otherwise have supposed. No doubt there are several Biblical areas that we did overlook, or at least slight. If so, those overlooked areas would be good ones upon which, you might prepare carefully studied and well-written manuscripts. There is not a single word of divine Truth that will be excluded from the pages of Truth Magazine. As in our preaching, so is it in our writing: we intend fully to preach the gospel of Christ (Rom. 15:19); to declare the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Whatever our short-comings may be, perhaps you can help us to correct them.

Articles By Staff Members

In the first issue of Volume Nineteen (November 7th), we announced the addition of several new staff writers. Following is a listing of the staff members and the number of articles written by each one:

James W. Adams 5
Donald P. Ames 8
O.C. Birdwell 3
Luther Blackmon 9
Roy E. Cogdill 6
Karl Diestelkamp 30
Bruce Edwards, Jr. 12
George T. Eldridge 4
Larry Hafley 38
Ron Halbrook 14
Irvin Himmel 10
Ferrell Jenkins 1
Jeffrey Kingry 25
John McCort 5
Harry Ozment 5
Earl Robertson 2
Jimmy Tuten 19
Mike Willis 27
Steve Wolfgang 4
Cecil Willis 49


Our new Topical Index is not quite complete. Brother Kingry did a splendid job on the first 44 issues, but a less thorough job was done on the last 7 issues. Very likely there are some mistakes in these Indexes, though I went over it three times, and even checked out every listing and page number. All in all, Volume Eighteen to me looks like a fairly well rounded religious journal. It appears to me that it would not be entirely out of place for it to be in the home of nearly any Christian. Perhaps we have inadvertently, indeed have, produced that nebulous something frequently referred to kts a “family magazine” about which some of the brethren have had so much to say.

But Volume Eighteen is now past history. We must work on the present number, Volume Nineteen. We hope to keep the paper fairly well balanced, but still tilted. just enough that it is not hesitant to fire away at any digressive teaching that begins to surface among us. If a magazine such as Truth Magazine does not appeal to you, we are sorry that is the case. But we think there is a need for just such a paper, and we intend to continue basically in the manner in which we have proceeded thus far.

If you feel that Truth Magazine serves a useful purpose among brethren, we would appreciate a kind word from you about the paper to some friend who is a Christian who needs to be reading a paper like this one. Unfortunately, the people who need to read a paper like Truth Magazine the most are the ones who are the least likely to buy it. Perhaps a worthy gesture on your part would be to send such a friend a free subscription to Truth Magazine. We certainly would appreciate your partnership in this work, demonstrated by your willingness to spend your hard-earned money to send this paper, to someone else who can afford it, but who has so little interest in spiritual matters that he is unwilling to spend a few dollars a year on such a publication. If you were to do as suggested and send a free subscription, or a group of free subscriptions purchased on our reduced group-subscription rate, in all probability the brethren to whom you send this paper will someday come to appreciate your interest in their spiritual growth, and certainly their Bible knowledge would be enhanced by considering the writings of 141 gospel preachers, writing on 115 different Bible topics, and consisting of nearly 500 different articles. Where else can you get so much for just $7.50 per year? We think Truth Magazine subscriptions are a bargain. A Truth Magazine subscription, as we often have said (since we borrowed, the idea from someone else), is a gift that can be opened 50 times a year.

Truth Magazine XVIII: 7, pp. 99-102
December 19, 1974

Is Regeneration a Miracle?

By James E. Cooper

Those who defend miraculous healing for today often insist that regeneration is a miracle. A. J. Gordon quotes with approval another man who said, “You ask God to perform a real miracle when you ask Him to cure your soul of sin as you do when you ask Him to cure your body of fever” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 193). The assumption here is that when one is convinced that regeneration itself is a miracle, a major obstacle to belief in miraculous healing is overcome. We deny that regeneration is by miraculous means.

Webster defines miracle in part as “An event or effect in the physical world deviating from the known laws of nature, or transcending our knowledge of these laws.” Anything that happens contrary to the known laws of nature is called a miracle; it may not be a miracle at all. One may simply be unaware of what laws of nature are acting.

The latter part of Webster’s definition (“an extraordinary, anomalous, or abnormal event brought about by superhuman agency”) comes nearer to the realization that a proper definition of miracle must distinguish God’s special, supernatural manifestations from things which occur by natural force or law. The difference in a miracle and a natural occurrence is not that the power of God is at work, but that in a miracle God operates in an unusual manner. Gordon says, “a miracle is the immediate action of God, as distinguished from his mediate action through natural laws” (p. 193). We accept this definition with the provision that we remember that there are “natural laws” in the spiritual as well as the physical realm. Paul shows that the law, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” applies in the spiritual realm as well as in the physical realm (Galatians 6:7-8).

Regeneration refers to the new birth. To be regenerated is to be born again. As there is no miracle involved in being born the first time, there is no miracle involved in being born again. The child comes as the result of the operation of God’s natural laws. Conception takes place when sperm and egg are united. Following a period of gestation, delivery follows, and a new life begins. The “miracle” of birth is the result of God’s natural law of procreation at work.

In the process of regeneration, the new (or spiritual) birth, the seed must also be planted. In the parable of the sower, Jesus taught that the “seed of the kingdom” is the “word of God” (Luke 8:11). Peter declares that we have been “begotten again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of God, which liveth and abideth” (1 Peter 1:23). By the preaching of the gospel, which is “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16), we are “begotten” by the gospel (1 Corinthians 4:15) and thus receive the “implanted word, which is able to save our souls” (James 1:21). When the Word of God works on our hearts, we are brought to the completion of the new birth when we are “born of water and of the Spirit” (John 3:5) and enter into the church of Christ.

Regeneration is the normal spiritual effect of the working of God’s fixed spiritual law in the matter. The Scripture teaches us that God’s law concerning regeneration requires faith in Jesus as Christ (John 8:24) based on evidence in God’s word (Romans 10:17), repentance of sins (Acts 17:30), and baptism “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38; compare also Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16 and Galatians 3:26-27). One who thus enters “into Christ” becomes a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17), and walks in “newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4). There is no miracle in regeneration; it takes place in harmony with God’s fixed (and known) spiritual law of procreation!

Truth Magazine XVIII: 7, p. 98
December 19, 1974