The Bible Correspondence Course

By Norman Midgette

From personal experience I have learned that one of the better ways of reaching the lost with the gospel is through the use of Bible Correspondence Courses. If you will use a good course, advertise adequately, and correspond promptly with those who take the course, good results will come.

Here is one example of the kind of results you might expect. In March 1965, while I was working with the church in Jordan, Ontario, we began an extensive program of work with Bible Correspondence Courses. In addition to the work locally, we advertized the courses in weekly newspapers in other areas of Ontario. From the first series of ads, we received 68 requests. We used a short eight lesson course first and those who completed this course and requested another, received a longer course. Here are some interesting statistics from those 68 requests.

Within a week we mailed lesson one to each person. Of these sixty-eight receiving lesson one, twenty-three never returned it. That was about one out of three. There are always those who will send for anything free, but that is the last you will hear from them. Six returned lesson one only. We found that most of those who will send in the answers to the first two lessons will complete the course. Thirty-two finished the course. That is about one half the number sending in the initial request. Of these, eleven were converted to Christ.

In summary we found that two out of three began studying the course, and one out of two finished all eight lessons. Of those who completed the study, one out of three was baptized. One final figure: of the sixty-eight initial requests for the course, one out of seven was baptized.

Statistics will vary with different parts of the country and with the diligence shown in following up the students who finish the course. And it cannot be emphasized too strongly that follow-up is necessary. In all the years I have worked with people through Bible Correspondence Courses I have only had one lady write and want to be baptized as a result of her study through the course alone. All of the others have resulted from personal studies following our contact through the course.

Two Advantages

There are two major advantages of trying to teach through Bible Correspondence Courses. One relates to the nature of many people. They feel uncomfortable if not clearly “scared to death” at the thought of a face to face study with a preacher. They feel they likely will be pressured to “join his church” and they do not want to be backed into a corner or put on the spot. Yet, I believe today there are more people willing to read and study the Bible than at any time since World War II. Maybe it is because of the popularity given to the Premillennial Theories of an imminent “Rapture” and the return of Christ in the last quarter of the twentieth century. This is Armstrongism and the doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Lindsay, in his book, The Late Great Planet Earth, has popularized this expectation among the young people.

Another reason for interest in Bible study may be the chaotic condition that seems to exist in the country and world. But whether people are more interested in studying the Bible from fear and desperation or from some other reason, we should be glad they are willing to study. We should take advantage of the renewed interest. If the interest is there, many will be less likely to object to a home Bible course study which they can do on their own than would object to the preacher coming by.

A second major advantage for the church is that the program can be set up to include little of the preacher’s time with almost all of the work being done by members who can do little or nothing publicly. Many members ask, “What Can I Do?” Here it is! They can do all the mailing, grading, record keeping and some of the form correspondence. Personal responses to specific questions may need to be done by the elders or preacher. Any church or individual who teaches by Bible Correspondence Courses opens a door that might not be open to personal contact and includes actively in the work persons who otherwise might be doing very little if anything on their own.

Furthermore, by the time an individual has been in touch with you throughout a course of study like this, he feels he knows you better and generally has no objection to a visit and further discussion on the Bible.

Letting People Know

After you have selected a good course of study to use, and I will tell you about a new one in a moment, the next job is getting it into the hands of people for study. Here are seven ways you can do this.

1. The Newspaper-For the cost involved, you will receive more response for your money in a weekly newspaper rather than from a daily. Most everyone in the family will read through a weekly newspaper completely while a daily is often scanned for the highlights, knowing another is coming tomorrow.

2. Radio-If you have a radio program, advertise the course giving a description of some interesting chart or section in lesson one. Make it a major part of the announcements occasionally.

3. Canvas-Few churches seem to canvas for anything today and without discussing in detail the virtues or weaknesses of it, there is a place for it in Bible Correspondence Course work. One of the best ways is to canvas the neighborhood where the building is located with a packet of material such as a tract on “What To Expect” or “What Is The Church of Christ?”, a card informing the community of the times of services and other vital material on meetings. In the packet also have lesson one of a good Bible Course with a self addressed, stamped card for them to fill out and drop in the mail.

4. Visiting-Everyone has friends and acquaintances we often visit. If a discussion of the Bible or religion, or morality comes up, take the opportunity to mention the course and leave them a card or folder on it. Keep a few with you all the time.

5. Referrals-Most people will enjoy the course, once they start taking it. When they are about half way through it, and you feel confident they are going to continue it, let them help you. Chances are they have mentioned the course to several friends and have gotten a reaction. Some may have said, “That sounds interesting. I might enjoy taking a course like that.” In order to take advantage of this, send a brief letter to the student taking the course asking for the names and addresses of friends they know who might like to take the course. Leave several blanks at the bottom for them to fill in and return with the next answer and question sheet. We have had names sent to us by students before we had time to request them and some have been baptized.

6. Printed cards-I am speaking of cards printed with the “Guaranteed Postage” format. This is an advantage over cards with a stamp placed on them, because this way you do nest lose the stamp if the card is not returned. With the “Guaranteed Postage” format you pay the postage at the post office when you pick up the card. Have the card already addressed to you or the church, and on the back have an ad and description of the course and a place for them to fill in their name and address. They are inexpensive to print and any post office can show you how to prepare the address side of the card. When you get them, see that every member of the church has a supply to keep with him at home, in the car, in the pocketbook or purse or in the pocket.

7. Public Bulletin Boards-Around every city there are numerous bulletin boards for public announcements. Laundromats are a good example. Some stores have such places and in Marion there is one at the Public School Employees Federal Credit Union. Search them out and make these cards available. Once you get started you will think of other ways to spread the word, but the main key to a good beginning is to advertise well.

In the past you have seen mention of the church in Bancroft, Ontario in this magazine and recently it was featured with a picture and brief history. An interesting thing about this church is its beginning. The initial contact with the people in this northern Ontario community was from a lady who sent in a request for a Bible Correspondence Course advertized in the Peterborough Examiner. This was the Summer of 1965; it was just the beginning. To date almost 100 have been baptized in Bancroft and surrounding communities.

I personally know one of the better ways of reaching the lost is through the use of a good Bible Correspondence Course. Advertise it well and be prompt in corresponding with students. Good results will follow. In our effort to save others, this is one way that should not be overlooked.

A New Course

One of the newest courses to come on the market is one prepared by Gene Tope. It is primarily designed for non-Christians and is a good detailed study of first principle subjects. The first lesson covers the distinction between the covenants and the remaining five lessons discuss the nature of sin, the answer in Christ, with a special study given to baptism; the nature of the church, the answer to denominationalism, true worship and motivation to obey complete the study. The course can be reviewed by you or the church where you are a member by requesting returnable sample copies. Truth Magazine Bookstore has published the course. The cost to purchase is 75 cents per set.

If you are not at the present using a Bible Correspondence Course as a part of your work of teaching, it is well worth considering. It has proven itself effective.

Truth Magazine XIX: 14, pp. 214-215
February 13, 1975

A Great Question

By Carol R. Lumpkin

During the personal ministry of Jesus a great deal of his teaching was done with the use of questions. It is also interesting to observe that the enemies of Jesus often tried to trap Him by asking questions. Today many profitable religious discussions are engaged in with the use of questions.

One of the greatest questions ever asked by man was, “Men, and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). The story leading up to this question should show why the question was asked. There were Jews, devout men, out of every nation in Jerusalem when the day of Pentecost came. These men were devoted to the Law of Moses, thus believed in God. The apostles received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, after Jesus had returned to heaven. The Jews were able to hear in their own language the message that Peter presented.

Peter was the apostle selected by the Lord to open the door of the kingdom (church) of God to the Jews (Matt. 16:18-19). Peter delivered his discourse to the Jews, telling them of their sin in having put Jesus to death. This message was so effective that it cut the hearts of the Jews, leading them to ask the question, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Observe please that the Jews were already believers in God, and after hearing Peter preach Christ to them, became believers in Christ. These believers then had the right to become children of God (Jn. 1:12). Desiring to be children of God, they asked what they must do to be saved.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). The Jews were required to: (1) repent of their sins; and (2) be baptized. This was to be done in the name of Jesus Christ (by the authority of Christ). Those that believed, when they were penitent and were baptized, would (1) receive remission of sins and (2) receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Observe, remission of sins and gift of Holy Spirit would not be received until they had repented and were baptized.

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41). “Gladly receiving” is equivalent to saying, “those who repented of their sins and were baptized.” The 3000 who gladly received the word became Christians and the Lord added them to the church (Acts 2:47).

Some people (all should) will take the time to give thought and consideration to what they must do to be saved. God has promised to save each person who will obey Him as the Jews did on Pentecost.

There are many religious people who have not done what the gospel requires of them to be saved. When Acts chapter two is read and understood, then obeyed: the lost can be saved as the Jews were. My friend, the end of time and the judgment to follow are coming; let us not be found wanting (2 Cor. 6:2).

Truth Magazine XIX: 14, p. 213
February 13, 1975

Announcing our New Correspondence Course

By Cecil Willis

As time and financial resources permit, it is our intention to continue to add to the teaching aids which are published by the Cogdill Foundation. The organizing of such a foundation as Cogdill Foundation had but one purpose, and that was to provide the means for the publishing and distribution of materials that can be used in teaching the gospel. Presently we have well over two hundred different books, booklets, tracts, or class books that we publish and keep in print. When “Truth In Life” has been completed, we will have a total of about three hundred different items which we publish.

But we have made just a small beginning in the preparation of materials that we would like to see published. Last year we began the publishing of the Florida College Lectures in hard-back book form. These lectures contain the best material that the able men who speak from year to year can produce. Previously, only one year of the Florida College Lectures had been published, though outlines have been available each year. The only published lectures, the 1955 lectures entitled Ancient Faith in Conflict, have been of much use to me. I am sure that those who purchased the printed lectures last year (Biblical Authority: Its Meaning and Application) have found some valuable material therein. It is my judgment that young preachers fifty years from now will be searching to try to procure a copy of Biblical Authority: Its Meaning and Application. The 1975 Lectures entitled Great Bible Doctrines also will be a treasured possession for a generation not yet born, if our Lord tarries.

Consistent with our desire to continue to produce helpful teaching instruments, we have just completed the printing of a six-lesson correspondence course. Brother Norman Midgette has used various correspondence courses very effectively, both in this country and in Canada. For this reason, I have asked him to write the article which appears elsewhere in this issue. Brother Midgette suggests a number of ways whereby such a correspondence course can be used by you to get the gospel before those who need to know and obey it. Give careful consideration to his article.

In many portions of the world, the people are so poor that they do not have the money to purchase some of the monsters that consume too much of many Christians’ time: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. The printed page has proved to be one of the most effective ways to teach. Frequently one who is not a Christian will read a tract or study through a correspondence course, even though he might be reluctant to talk face to face with a gospel preacher.

Many denominational groups have exploited this wide-open field of teaching by means of the printed page. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have one paper that has an 8,000,000 circulation. Millions, yes, even hundreds of millions of their books have poured forth from their presses. Many thousands of people would as readily accept a piece of literature which teaches the truth, if they were given the opportunity to do so.

Brother Jimmie Lovell of California for many years has been an ardent promoter of correspondence courses. Brother Lovell has traveled around the world many times in order to visit gospel preachers and other saints in the other nations of this earth. Whether he has the statistics to verify his statement or not, I do not know, but if I remember correctly Brother Lovell says that 95% of the churches which have been established outside this country have been established as the result of Bible correspondence course work.

Reportedly, there are 80,000 Christians in Nigeria. In the December, 1974 issue of Brother Lovell’s paper called Action, he states: “Before the end of 1975 we will have over 100,000 students enrolled” in a correspondence course program which he promotes and which he calls “World Bible School.” He states that he has 30,000 people’s names and addresses who are wanting to take a correspondence course. He reports that one lady in Memphis is personally handling all the work connected with teaching over 2500 students who are studying the Bible with the help of a correspondence course. He says there are approximately 150,000 people in Thailand who are studying the Bible with the guidance of a correspondence course.

I am not proposing the usage of any sponsoring church system, or any one-man missionary society arrangement, but I am affirming that there evidently is a wide open door in many countries for the usage of a good correspondence course. If the churches which are supporting gospel preachers in other lands would provide the printed Bible lessons for preachers to use in connection with their preaching efforts, I feel quite sure that many thousands of people could be induced to study the Bible and to learn the truth who may never go hear the gospel proclaimed orally. But whether one learns the truth by oral teaching or by written teaching, nonetheless, every sinner must be taught, must learn the truths of the gospel, and render obedience to the Master’s commands in order to have his sins remitted.

The “Know Your Bible” correspondence course, which we have published in six colors, was developed and tested by Brother Gene Tope during his seventeen years of gospel preaching on the African continent. These six lessons contain basic truths, and contain enough information that one may learn what to do to be saved, and also to learn the difference between the Lord’s church and the denominations of men. My knowledge of God’s people throughout the world is quite limited, but from what little I know about the Philippine Islands alone, I am convinced that one would have no difficulty in enrolling many thousands of people in Bible correspondence courses.

Meanwhile, we have learned that even in this country, teaching through the printed page is one of the most effective and yet most economical means. Consider some of the possible ways suggested in Brother Midgette’s article to use a correspondence course in connection with your other teaching efforts, and I feel sure that you soon will become convinced that correspondence courses can be advantageously used. Different means of teaching have proved more effective in some areas than in others. A diligent and yet judicious usage of a correspondence course in connection with your local teaching efforts may open new avenues through which you can get the truth to those of your community.

If you would like to examine the new course which we have just printed, a sample copy of all six lessons may be purchased for just 75 cents. Brother Midgette probably would be glad to send you a copy of some of the newspaper ads that he has found to be effective in the places where he has worked. Since we know what the issues are which are involved in either obeying the gospel or in obeying it not, we dare not leave any stone unturned in our effort to take the Glad Tidings to lost souls throughout the earth. We fervently pray that this new correspondence course may be useful in leading many souls to Christ Jesus our Lord. But not one person will be taught the truth through these lessons so long as these lessons remain on our shelves. We trust that we might have the opportunity to prepare hundreds of thousands of these lessons for your usage as you seek to impart the Good News.

A good many thousands of tracts which I have written have been distributed. I cherish every letter which I have received from some person who feels compelled to write to let me know that the lessons contained in one or more of those tracts have been instrumental in teaching that person the gospel of God’s grace. Though someone else handed that tract to a person I have never met, and though we sometimes be separated by many thousands of miles, it gives me great joy to know that the truths in those tracts, written many years ago, are yet opening eyes and hearts that sinners may come to a saving knowledge of the Saviour. I am sure that the individual who handed that sinner that tract shares the satisfaction that I get from knowing another sinner has been led to Christ. We trust that you might come to know the great joy derived by becoming “fellow-workers for the truth.” Brother Gene Tope and you may work together to lead many to Him who takes away sin by one’s obedience to the gospel of God. Write for sample copies of the “Know Your Bible” correspondence course.

Truth Magazine XIX: 14, pp. 211-212
February 13, 1975


By Larry Ray Hafley


From Maryland: “Can one teach the truth so as to be eternally lost?”


It is a certainty, as our querist readily realizes, that (1) all who refuse to teach will be lost along with those (2) who teach error ( 2 Tim. 2:2; Heb. 5:12-14; Gal. 1:8, 9; 2 Jn. 9). However, this question is not related to either of these. Read it again.

Of course, if I were a Baptist or a Presbyterian, or some other who believes it is impossible to fall from grace, I would have to answer “no” without any further consideration or deliberation. Whether the question was about fornication, drunkenness, or any other sin, I would be forced to say “no” if I believed it is impossible to be lost after once being saved. Let all who believe that doctrine ponder its consequences with respect to a question of this nature. But I digress. Back to the question.

One cannot teach the truth without several factors being inherently involved and entwined. His attitude toward the truth and his hearers cannot be divorced from his teaching. One may preach the truth without love for it or for its audience. You tell me, could such an one be saved (2 Thess. 2:10; 1 Jn. 3:15)? When Paul said, “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; Continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee” (1 Tim. 4:16),,it appears that he recognized the above principle. One may teach the truth, but if he does it in hidden malice and contempt, out of an impure heart and a convicted conscience laden with feigned faith, he cannot be saved (Cf. 1 Tim. 1:5). “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those who oppose themselves” (2 Tim. 2:24, 25).

Bitterness, brought on by slights and persecutions received from brethren, may lead one to teach the truth so as to be lost. He does not abandon the truth, but he misuses it to reek vengeance upon his enemies. Without being specific, one may resort to ridiculing and slandering those whom he detests by impugning their motives and casting aspersions in secret and subtle innuendo. What he says may all be the truth, but his polluted heart may hide a poison pen or tongue behind a vague shield of generality. If I “go after” a Protestant preacher with Mark 16:16 or Acts 2:38 because I want to destroy him in some fiendish, carnal way, then will I not be lost even though I have taught the truth? Well did the Wiseman say, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).


From Arkansas: “Will an unmarried man commit adultery if he marries a woman who put away her husband for the cause of fornication?”


Questions on marriage are characteristically difficult and heart rending, but it appears this question can be succinctly answered by the words of Jesus, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery” (Matt. 19:9). The Lord’s words describe a man putting away his wife, but they are, of course, equally applicable to the situation above where a woman has put away her husband “for fornication.”

If there be no “unknowns,” the unmarried man will not commit adultery if he marries a woman who put away her husband for the cause of fornication and neither will the woman commit adultery by marrying again.

Parents, are you listening? Now is the time to teach and train your children concerning God’s marriage laws! Show them the bliss and blessedness of marriage in your life before them. , Instruct them in the rights and responsibilities of the marriage relationship. Much sin and sorrow could be avoided if children were informed about both the sweetness and the seriousness of marriage.

Truth Magazine XIX: 14, p. 210
February 13, 1975