Comments on Teaching

By Mike T. Rogacs

Teaching the gospel to every creature is the duty of each Christian. Some have more ability and knowledge than others, but all can do some teaching about Christ and His Kingdom. It is fine, and often expedient, that members of the church call upon elders and preachers to “talk to my friend” abort the gospel; indeed, these servants of God should welcome the opportunity. But let us not fail to realize that ideally, and in most cases, we should not really have to call upon anyone else to teach our friends the truth (1 Pet. 3:15). It is granted that many individuals feel that they lack the knowledge and ability at this present time, and in many instances such a statement is true (and, we might add, that in this case is it good to call upon one who is more learned). But it is also true that the scriptures teach that we all can attain a higher degree of ability and knowledge, even to such an extent that we can take over our teaching obligations whether they be public or private (Heb. 5:12-14; 2 Pet. 3:18).

How can we motivate ourselves to develop better ability and knowledge? Before we attempt to give an answer, let us observe that usually, if a person really would apply himself to the learning process needed, he would be able to teach something to someone a lot sooner than most people contemplate. Something holds many a Christian back from rapid growth. I have known far too many brethren who apparently have a defeatist attitude when it comes to Bible knowledge. Learning and/or teaching seems an impossible task for the “average Joe” (who ever that guy is). And it is from this subconscious (or at times, conscious admission) fear that some actually avoid any real attempt to learn or teach. This is why some never attend Bible study classes, and is why many who do attend Bible studies have a “mental block” and cannot grasp the meaning of the lesson or text.

I really cannot believe that many of my brethren cannot learn the scriptures better and learn to teach others. It can only be a lack of self-confidence which is also mixed with “little faith” in the power of the gospel which hinders spiritual growth. This reminds me of the time the twelve disciples were approached by a man whose son was “sore vexed” with a devil. It is recorded that the disciples made a sorry, half-hearted attempt at healing the boy, but failed. When Jesus was told of the failure of His disciples, He personally drove the devil our of the boy immediately and then turned His attention to the twelve. They asked the Lord, “Why could not we cast him (the devil) out?” Jesus replied “because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto .you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matt. 17:14-21). The twelve could have accomplished the healing. It was within their ability, by the Holy Spirit, to have driven the devil out of the boy, if they had the faith. This discourse is not to teach that we, too, can perform miracles from our faith. The age of miracle working is past (1 Cor. 13:8-13). But we are saying that every Christian can do more than what many say he can. Confidence in one’s self and confidence in the power of the gospel to work through our efforts are both important (1 Cor. 3:6-9). We have got to believe that or our faith is in vain.

But again, how do we motivate the “under-achiever” to pull up his boot straps and to “be. ye doers of the word, and not hearers only”? Though the application admittedly might be a little difficult, I do believe the answer is easy. It is a two fold answer: (1) Remind the Christian involved that he is a child of. God because he has obeyed the word of God and that at one time the gospel was profoundly precious to him (1 Pet. 1:22-23; 2 Pet. 1:8-9); (2) We who are the motivators must instill in minds of all Christians with whom we work with the very attitude expressed by Paul when he wrote to the Christians at Corinth: “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written; I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Cor. 4:13).

Whether you wish to call it a product of personal zeal, a divinely appointed obligation, or a blessed privilege of being a Christian, the action of teaching others to believe because we ourselves have believed is an inherent principle of Christianity. Possible success or failure in our teaching should not enter into whether we teach or not. We must simply grow in the faith, making an honest attempt in that growth to the point at which we can learn to teach others and thank God that we can teach them. This is all that God asks of us as we live and labor for a season in His Kingdom. If it is His will, He will supply any increase necessary from our humble but zealous efforts (1 Cor. 3:6, 13-15). “Let us go on to perfection. . .” (Hebrews 6:1).

Truth Magazine XIX: 48, p. 760
October 16, 1975

Grieved to Death

By Robert Wayne La Coste

As a young boy, my older brother and I raised pigeons. The first pair we ever had was a young female we had simply caught in a neighbor’s barn, and a much older male that we had had as a single pet for sometime. We really enjoyed watching them work, live and actually share life together. When the female laid three eggs, the male would take turns sitting on them as they both gathered straw in an effort to maintain a nest for their soon to be off-spring. Because of the male’s sire he had little trouble fighting off would be destroyers of the nest. No other pigeon was a match for him, and even the neighborhood cats thought twice before tangling wish this old fella.

One day upon returning from gathering straw the old bird entered the cage to only find the feathers of his mate scattered everywhere and the eggs drenched in blood. The eggs themselves were unharmed but the female was no where in sight. Some cat had enjoyed lunch. The old bird took his place on the ,three eggs and the next morning was found beak downward, motionless and still, not a mark on his body. He had literally grieved himself to death! Needless to say, this caused many a tear to flow from two young boy’s eyes, and it is an incident that shall not soon be forgotten by either of us.

These were just members of the animal kingdom which act solely upon instinct. They have no soul. They have no intellect. They have not the ability to reason, and yet in many instances they are wiser than those who posers these qualities. They care for their own, even unto death!

How it must grieve God to see those with whom he has given these qualities lost in sin. When Jesus was on earth, on one occasion he went and grieved over the city of Jerusalem saying, “Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou which killesi the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen doeth gather her brood under her wings and ye would not . . . ” (Luke 13:34-35).

The same Jesus hanging on the cross in great grief and anguish implored, “My God, My God, why host thou forsaken me” (Matt. 27:46), and “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). Being that Jesus’ body shed forth both “blood and water” (John 19:34), many physicians of true science comment that this is a biological change in the body which occurs when one dies in “great distress, anguish and mental grief.” In other words, we might conclude from this, that surely while Jesus was murdered, and his physical body suffered much, he too suffered inwardly. Suffered because God’s children the Jews would not hear his words; suffered because of the love which he had for them, but which they had not for him. Jesus died not only from great physical suffering but was actually grieved to death as well, grieved for the same ones for whom he had prayed, “Forgive them, they know not what they are doing.” How God the Father must have grieved that day, even as he did in the beginning when he had made man and man.was wicked and sinful, and “it repented the Lord that He had made man .and it grieved him at his heart” (Gen. 6:6). How it must grieve Him to see men today still wicked, and still in rebellion. Dear reader, let us not “grieve the Holy Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30) but rather pay heed to his teachings and show forth love for him who first loved us (1 John 4:10).

Truth Magazine XIX: 48, p. 759
October 16, 1975

Putting First Things First

By Gordon J. Pennock

I once read an amusing story about a farmer who told his wife, as he tumbled into bed, “I’ll plow tomorrow.” “The next morning,” as the story goes, “he started to lubricate the tractor. But he needed oil, so he went to the shop to get it. On the way, he noticed that the chickens had not been fed. He started for the crib to get some corn, but he found some sacks there which reminded him that the potatoes needed sprouting. He headed toward the potato-pit. En route, he spotted the woodpile and remembered the shortage of kindling at the house. But he had to chop it first, and he had left his axe in the chicken coop. As he went for his axe, he met his wife who was feeding the pigs. With surprise, she asked, “Have you finished the plowing already?” “Finished?” the farmer bellowed, “I haven’t got time to get started!”

This story illustrates what happens to too many of us on too many days-especially preachers. We plan a day’s work, but then, we get an unexpected telephone caller or visitor who wants to discuss with us some personal problem or Bible question. And of course it is important that we do so. So the work that we planned must be set aside for the present. Or, it may be that we are informed of someone who is sick or hospitalized, so the planned activities must be postponed in favor of such missions of kindness and helpfulness. These interruptions are of course gladly and cheerfully accepted, because we recognize that priorities must always play a part in every plan.

What we must avoid is the upsetting of meaningful and important plans by trivial incidents or matters which are mundane and of but momentary value. An interesting Biblical lesson along this line may be drawn from the record in Luke 10, verses 38 through 42. While visiting in the home of Mary and Martha of Bethany, Jesus saw contrasting dispositions in these two women. While Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and heard His word, . . . Martha was cumbered (distracted) about much serving.” Poor Martha! She was so concerned and preoccupied with the details of entertaining that she failed to take advantage of Jesus’ presence in her home by sitting down and listening to His word, like Mary did. And, thinking that what she was doing was so important, she felt unjustly treated by her sister and complained to Jesus about Mary’s indolence, as well as His apparent indifference toward it. He responded in words. which need to be heeded by all who are faced with the sometimes perplexing problem of priorities. He said, “Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful; for Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

Yes, it is also necessary for us to make careful evaluation and give proper priority to the many worthwhile demands upon our time. Surely, we will never have the time to do all the things which can and should be done. Consequently, we must use discrimination in choosing what we do. Like Martha, we need to be careful to choose “the good part” or that which is “needful.”

When we speak of priorities we refer to matters all of which may be proper but only of relative value when compared with others. It was in this vein that Jesus was speaking when He said: “Seek ye first his (God’s-GJP) kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things (food, drink and shelter) shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). Note, that Jesus did not say, seek ye only God’s kingdom and righteousness, but rather seek them first.

Jesus certainly knew as well as we do that man has certain physical needs which must be satisfied if he is to survive. Spending time and energy to provide for these needs is not only proper but a serious obligation, as spelled out in such passages as these: “If any (man) will not work, neither let him eat” (2 Thess. 3:10); again: “Let him (the Christian-GJP) labor, working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to give to him that hath need” (Eph. 4:28). Plans and provisions to supply these needs nevertheless become sinful whenever we allow them to subordinate and displace our obligations to God and the neglect of our spiritual needs.

Friend, let us keep our values unmixed and our priorities straight. Put God, His kingdom and His will, first in your life and everything else that is needful will be enjoyed as a bonus.

Truth Magazine XIX: 48, p. 757
October 16, 1975

The Witness of the Spirit

By William V. Beasley

It has often and rightly been preached that the Holy Spirit bears witness “with” and not “to” the spirits of God’s children (Rom. 8:16). The Holy Spirit has given us God’s commandments (telling men how to become and be children of God) and the spirit of man, upon man’s learning the truth, can answer “Yea,” or “Nay.” The Spirit, through the writings of inspiration, revealed the words of Jesus, “. . . except ye believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” (John 8:24). Our spirit can answer “Yes, I believe,” or “No, it is nothing to me.” The Holy Spirit has also revealed that man must repent (Luke 24:47; Acts 17:30), confess the name of Jesus (Matt. 1p:32; Rom. 10:10) and be baptized (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; Gal. 3:27) in order to be saved. The spirit of man can answer “Yes, I’ve done these things; Hallelujah, I’m a child of God,” or it may answer, “What nonsense!”

Suppose for a moment that the wording in Romans 8:16 was “The Spirit beareth witness to our spirit . . .” Would this really make a great difference in what the verse says? I think not. If it so read, we should next ask, “How does the Spirit bear witness “to” someone or something?” The Bible tells us how the Holy Spirit bears witness “to” man: “And the Holy Spirit also beareth witness to us; for after he said . . . ” (See Heb. 10:15-17). The Holy Spirit bears witness “to” man the same way we have been preaching He bears witness “with our spirits,” i.e., through the word.

Truth Magazine XIX: 48, p. 756
October 16, 1975