
By Dennis L. Shaver

Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Dictionary defines contentment as “1. The condition or fact of being content; satisfaction.” All men seek contentment. Every creature of God desires to be content, or satisfied, in the physical realm. Men seek contentment in their jobs, marriages, family relations, standard of living, etc. However, many fail to realize that at best this offers only temporary contentment. Many never really find the contentment they are looking for. They spend their life in search of satisfaction, but it is never theirs to grasp. The reason for this failure is simple. Men look for contentment in material things and possessions. Most of mankind never understands nor enjoys contentment, satisfaction, or peace of mind. Only when men seek after godliness and God’s will can they find real contentment.

The apostle Paul said: “Not that I speak in respect of want, for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:11-13). The teaching of Paul in this passage cannot be grasped by everyone. The contentment in Paul’s life did not rely on his physical conditions. Whether he was in need, or his needs were supplied, he was still content. As he stated to the Corinthians: ” . . . but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16). Far too many rely upon the things of this life for their contentment. When everything is going their way, they feel content. During this time they feel satisfied. But, let something happen which upsets them, and they are no longer content. Why? Because they were not really content in the first place. We are all happy (I hesitate to use the word content) when our bills are all paid, and we have a couple of dollars in a savings account. How happy are we when something unexpected happens? What happens to us when our financial situation takes a turn for the worse?

Again we look to the apostle Paul that we may learn how a man can be content, no matter what his physical state. Paul said that whatsoever his state he had learned to be content. It was not something that was born within him, but something he learned. How does one learn contentment? Again we beg you hear the teaching of the apostle Paul. “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content” (1 Tim. 6:6-8). Paul had just been talking about some who felt that physical gain was godliness. However he instructed the young Timothy that this was not so.

Contentment is accompanied by godliness. Paul instructed us to be content with such things as we have. Food and clothing are enough. Let each man shun worldly contentment, and seek higher contentment; that which comes only from doing God’s will. Only Christians can hope for and attain true contentment. It is said that many of God’s children have not learned this teaching and therefore availed themselves . of this blessing in Christ. Every Christian should be content just knowing that he/she, is a Christian. As Paul said, he learned to be content. Let us determine to learn to be content just being a Christian. I would pray that no child of God would allow this physical life dictate his/her contentment. If this is the case, t$en we need to learn well the real contentment that comes from God.

As Job answered, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). Yes, blessed be the name of the Lord, for no matter what may happen to me, I am a Christian!

Truth Magazine XIX: 56, pp. 886-887
December 11, 1975

L. L. Applegate called Home

By Jefferson David Tant

On July 23, a beloved brother and friend was called to his long awaited home. Lemuel Applegate would have been 84 years old in mid-August, and he and his good wife, Grace, were planning to come to Atlanta for his birthday, as had been their custom the past few years. But his spirit departed, and now we shall have to wait for that glad reunion until we shall all be gathered around that great white throne.

Two days later, it was this writer’s honor to speak at the funeral service in Chipley, Florida, honoring a request made by Brother Applegate some years ago. His earthly tabernacle was laid to rest beneath the bright skies in a country church-yard.

I know of none who better fit Christ’s words concerning the woman in Mark 14:8: “She hath done what she could.” I never knew the man when he and his wife were not working for the Lord. At 71, he called me to come and help establish a church in Vernon, Florida. When I arrived, he had erected a tent on the square, and we preached for nine days, leaving a band of six disciples meeting there, with L. L. Applegate preaching. In the ensuing year, he had secured an old house and had remodeled it into a meeting place.

At 75, they wrote to me offering to take two homeless girls into their own home. Around then they took an old lady whom no one else cared for, and kept her and loved her until she died. About three years ago we received a call from Panama City stating that Brother Applegate was near death-could we come? Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the motel owned by mutual friends, and we were told to wait there until the Applegates arrived! Sure enough, after a few minutes he came walking in, weakened, but very much alive. As we talked and visited, he was making plans for us to hold another tent meeting near his birthplace in far western Florida. In his 80’s, he went and worked with the church in Okeechobee, Florida. At the age of 80, when the Applegates were visiting our home in Atlanta, they walked through the Embry Hills neighborhood meeting people and passing out religious tracts.

He never wanted to quit, but of course death had the final say. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow with them” (Rev. 14:13).

This humble servant of God is survived by his wife, Grace, by his two daughters, Virgie Duncan and Mary Ellen Vandermolen, by grandchildren, and by a great number of brethren and friends whose lives have been enriched by having known this kind and gentle man.

Truth Magazine XIX: 56, p. 886
December 11, 1975


By Cecil Willis

Christians are vastly outnumbered by those not Christians. It is to no fault of the Bible that many are not converted to Christ. As one goes forth and endeavors to preach the Gospel in such a way to get people to obey, he confronts many of the excuses men give for remaining disobedient to the commandments of the Lord. In this article, we want to investigate the validity of the excuses men use in their attempt to justify their disobedience. If you should be one of those persons hiding behind an excuse, we hope to be able to remove your blindness so that there will be nothing standing between you and your Lord.

We read of some other people who offered excuses for not doing something they did not want to do. There is a great difference between an “excuse” and a “reason.” One can give no reasons for not obeying the Gospel, though thousands of excuses have been offered. Jesus said, “A certain man made a great supper; and he bade many: and he sent forth his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a field, and I must needs go out and see it; I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. And the servant came, and told his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor and maimed and blind and lame . . . For I say unto you, that none of those men that were bidden shall taste of my supper” (Luke 14:15-24).

These men had been invited to a supper, but obviously did not want to attend very badly, else they would not have offered the flimsy excuses they did. The first said, “I have bought a field, and must go and look at it.” Should we imagine that he bought this field without having first looked at it? Would a man buy a field he had never seen before? Not likely. But if he had, could he not have later looked over the field he had already bought? Would it not have still been there? Certainly. This man just did not want to attend the feast, and was looking for some excuse to justify his absence.

Notice the excuse given by the second man: “I have bought five yoke of oxen, and must go try them out.” Would a man buy oxen or horses without first trying them? We never did in my part of the country. But suppose a man were to have done so. If the man had already purchased the oxen, would not the next day have been as suitable a time to try them, if he had really wanted to attend the feast.

The next man’s excuse is amusing. He simply said, “I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.” He did not feel that he needed any other excuse.

There are millions of people that are just like these three men. They do not really state why they do not want to do what Jesus has commanded, but try to hide behind something else. So they fill the air with many excuses for their disobedience. We want to look at some of these excuses offered, and we will find that they are no better than the ones mentioned in this chapter.


There is a very great problem that confronts so many honest people; that problem is denominationalism. One church teaches one thing and another church teaches another. The person seeking to learn what God requires is told one thing by one person, and something else by another. So he does not do anything. Some do not obey the Gospel because there are so many different doctrines taught that they do not know which to obey. So they do nothing. The person seeking the truth reasons, “If men much wiser than I cannot agree upon the truth, how can I ever know what to do?” But my friends, do you think that God gave us a message that we cannot understand? Is He going to send us to hell for not obeying a message that is impossible for us to understand? God is not that kind of a God. A serious Bible student will never hide behind this excuse. The people of Berea were said to be more noble than those of Thessalonica “in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the scriptures daily, whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). If by an examination of the scriptures the Bereans were able to tell if Paul were preaching the truth, why cannot we also decide whether men today are telling the truth?

Many of these men who are anxious to guide us are blind leaders, and will cause us also to fall into the ditch. They are simply preaching what their parents believed, and only because their parents believed it. Let us not decide a certain doctrine is true just because a forceful speaker says it is. We should study the scriptures daily whether these things are so. God clothed His message in language which you can understand. The Bible plainly says we can. Jesus said, “If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from myself” (Jn. 7:17). And Paul said, “How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)” (Eph. 3:3,4). Paul said we can understand. There is no need for our being hesitant to obey the will of Christ. If we study our Bibles and do what it says, and we will be right. We should not accept any statement as the truth just because some reputable and well-liked person tells us it is. We should search the scriptures daily whether these things are so.

Condemning Ones Parents

Another thing that holds many back from obeying the Gospel is that they feel that if they should become Christians, they would be saying that their parents are lost. But my friends, we must be as good as we think our parents were. If your parents had learned that a certain thing were untrue, would they have continued to believe it and to practice it? I am quite sure they would not. And one should be willing to follow the truth as he finds it in the Bible, regardless of its implications. If in the next generation, my sons should find that I had been in error on some points, as they very likely will, I would be a very disappointed parent right now, if I, for a moment, thought they would continue to teach what they know to be erroneous just because I believed it and taught it. They would be going contrary to my sincerest wishes if they should not preach the whole counsel of God regardless of my shortcomings.

We do not like even to think about such things as this, but to face the facts we must. But if I knew that my parents were going to be lost because they did not obey the Gospel, knowing my parents as I think I do, I know that they would not want me to follow them to a like destruction.

So what “Mom” and “Dad” believed should not be my criterion. It should be, like Samuel of old, “Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:9). We should say, “Command, and I will obey.”

“Better Than Some In The Church”

We sometimes hear a person say, “I would become a member of the church, but I am better than some in the church already.” I am sorry to have to confess that there are some people outside the church who live more upright lives than some within the church. But if you, reader, should happen to be one of these persons voicing the excuse we have justmentioned, you choose the poorest example of Christianity, and then declare that you are better than the worst in the church. Do you really think you are paying any compliment to yourself? Why not choose the best person in the church and compare yourself to him. Are you better than the best within the church? Let me, without hesitation reply, “you are not.” You are living in open rebellion to God. You are unsaved. Peter commanded the household of Cornelius to be baptized (Acts 10:48). Jesus commanded that baptism be preached to every creature (Mk. 16:16). If you have not been baptized for the remission of your sins, you have not obeyed Christ. Now, is the person who refuses to obey Christ a better person than the one who obeys?

Paul said, “For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, being himself the Savior of .the body” (Eph. 5:23). If one has not obeyed the Gospel, he is not in the body, and therefore has not enjoyed the saving power of the blood of Christ. Now let me ask this: Is the person, who has obeyed Christ’s commandments and who has been saved, a more pleasing person in the sight of God than the person who stubbornly rebels, and therefore who is lost? Certainly so.

So, my friends, though one may be better than the sorriest in the church, be reminded that one can never he as good as the best in the church until he obeys Christ. And when that one obeys Christ, He adds him to His body which He purchased with His blood. Though he may be better than the worst of mankind, he still is not good enough to be saved unless he has obeyed the Gospel. And if he has any interest at all in the place Jesus has gone to prepare, he had better become a member of the body that Jesus saves. As long as he is outside the church built by Christ, he is unprepared to meet the Lord Jesus.

Cannot Remain Faithful

Many times I have been told by people, that they would become a Christian, but they were afraid they could not hold out faithful until death. People have told me that when they become a Christian, they want to live like one. But they feel that they could not live up to the high ideals of the Christian. Therefore they will not even profess the name of Christ.

In a way I can respect these people. The Lord wants people who take up the wearing of His name with a strong resolution that they will never drag it through the filthy pits of sin. He wants His people to be spotless and without blemish in His sight. In fact, His people, if they are to be saved eternally, must be like this.

But in another way I cannot respect these people. You know, there is a vast difference in saying that one cannot remain faithful, and in saying that one will not remain faithful. Most of these people who postpone becoming a Christian are people who know that they are not yet ready to quit sinning. It is not that they feel that it would be impossible for them to live a Christian life. It is simply that they are not yet ready to leave the pleasures of sin that they might enjoy affliction with the people of God. Sin is too enjoyable, too enticing for them to give it up. It has too strong a hold on them. They have sold themselves to the passions of sin, and are enjoying sin so much, they cannot see the beauties and the joys of righteous living. If you are one of these people, you have my sympathy.

But if there should be one who thinks he cannot remain faithful to Christ, he is indicating a lack of faith in the Lord. Did the Lord make him the kind of person that cannot cease from sin? If He made him this way, will He send him to hell for being what He made him? No, my friends. Jesus plainly teaches through Paul that “There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will, with the temptation, make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it” (1 Cor. 10:13). That is a sweet premise from the Lord, and it has never yet failed. There has never been one who has sinned, but that could have refrained from the sin. I have never committed a single sin that I could not have kept from committing. We are able, through the Lord’s strength, to endure. So, do not postpone your obedience to Christ because you think you lack strength to endure. The Lord will help you day by day. Do all you can, and trust Him.

Truth Magazine XIX: 56, pp. 883-885
December 11, 1975


By Larry Ray Hafley


From Alabama: “Would it be sinful to change the time, or even perhaps the day of the week, of the midweek Bible study so as not to conflict with an athletic contest, such as the Orange Bowl?”


This question is from an Alabama brother, and in case you have forgotten the Alabama Crimson Tide played Notre Dame in the Orange Bowl on a Wednesday night, January 1, 1975. I suspect there is more to this query than meets the eye. I have no way of knowing or judging the situation or circumstances of the questioner. Both he and his particular position are unknown to me.

There are indications in the Bible that the first disciples met frequently, but there is no binding precedent for a mid-week service. It is a matter for each local church to decide. Many American churches have mid-week study sessions on Wednesday. Some churches have their “Wednesday evening Bible study” on Thursday night! Scripture does not regulate this matter as to the day or the time of day the saints may meet during the week. There is no contention over what day a church may set aside for mid-week worship. It is left to the discretion of each congregation. Since it is true that the church is not scripturally obligated to meet during the week, as it is on the first day of the week, then each church must determine what day or days will be most suitable. Should the brethren elect to alter their usual practice, if it be done with consideration and without overbearing rule, I see no reason why they may not meet earlier or later than usual as circumstances may make expedient.

Some churches have changed their mid-week services so as not to conflict with graduation exercises. I do not think they did wrong. Their services are conducted a day earlier or later as they choose. It is more convenient for many in the church and others agree to live with the disruption of their normal routine for sake of others.

The Orange Bowl

(Unless you know a rabid Alabama football fan, you do not appreciate the pressure this question creates!) Two churches known to me altered their mid-week services on Christmas Day, 1974, .and New Year’s Day, 1975, because both fell on Wednesday. They did this because of many factors connected with such holidays. It was strictly a matter of judgment, convenience, and expedience on their part. They did not make the decision with regard to an “athletic contest.” But what if they had? Would it be sinful? Technically, it would not be a sin for a church to revise their usual schedule, but doing it on account of an athletic contest goes against my grain.

Once a church begins to change their services for the benefit of football fans, they will have to do so for the convenience of basketball and baseball fans. Where will it end? It does not appear to be wise to initiate such a practice. I recognize that what I have said may appear arbitrary and self-serving. However, we must be careful lest matters of liberty are used as a license to circumvent other principles. In all things the Lord comes first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,’ and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33). “Set your affection on things above and not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:2). God comes before graduation exercises and before football Bowl games. I cannot say it is a sin for a church to schedule its own worship to edify itself, but an attitude that puts carnival festivities before spiritual activities is a step to disorder, confusion, and strife.

Truth Magazine XIX: 56, p. 882
December 11, 1975