The First Church

By Johnie Edwards

Many have never been taught about The First Church. All that we can known about The First Church has been revealed in the Word of God. So, to the Bible we make our appeal to some needed teaching about The First Church.

The First Church Was Not

By knowing some things The First Church was not, we will be in better position to understand what The First Church Was. So, The First Church Was Not:

1. The Roman Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is never mentioned in the Word of God. In fact, it was not until A.D. 606 that the first Roman Pope was named. Yet, many think that all churches have their origin in the Roman Catholic Church. Most do, but not The First Church!

2. A Human Denomination. The word denomination means a division of. The First Church is not a division of anything. When we think of a denomination, we think of a Mother Church, and from the Mother Church, others spring out of that Mother Church. This may be true of most religious bodies today, but The First Church is not a denomination.

3. A Political Organization. God has ordained government. Paul told the Romans, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God” (Rom. 13:1-7). We might not always like the men in power, but we need to respect the office and “pray for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim. 2:1-2). Yet at the same time, the church is not a political body and must stay separate from such.

4. A Social Club. To many, the church is a glorified country club, with fun and frolic as their main agenda. You never read of the Lord’s church providing for, or engaging in, social activities. In fact, Paul, in trying to get the Roman Christians to see where things belonged, said, “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom. 14:17).

The First Church Was

Having seen some things The First Church was not, we should be in better position to see some things The First Church was.

1. The Church of Christ. Some seem to be timid about calling the Lord’s church the Church of Christ. The Apostle Paul said, “. . . The churches of Christ salute you” (Rom. 16:16). The church belongs to the Lord because he built it (Matt.

16:18), is its head (Col. 1:18), is the savior of it (Eph. 5:23), and is its foundation (1 Cor. 3:11). Paul said it is the Lord’s church. And that is good enough for me. How about you?

2. One In Number. Paul taught the Ephesians, “there is one body” (Eph. 4:4); and he wrote the Colossians, “for his body’s sake, which is the church” (Col. 1:24). The God of heaven never intended for there to be all of the religious bodies we now have, teaching all kinds of conflicting doctrines. In fact, the Lord expects us to be “one as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:21). We need to learn that whatever the Bible says to you, it says to me, and whatever it says to me, it says to you!

3. In The Mind Of God From Eternity. To many, the church is a substitute for the Kingdom of Christ due to Jewish rejection of Christ. There is just one thing wrong with such thinking. It is just not so! The Holy Spirit said, “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3:10- 11). The New Testament Church first existed in the mind of God, from eternity. The church has been made know by the wisdom of God.

The First Church Did Not Have

By studying some things The First Church did not have, we can better see what it does have. Some things The First Church did not have:

1. Any Reverends. Most preachers are not content to just be called by their name. They want to be called reverend, right reverend, father, rabbi, and the like. The word “reverend” is found only one time in the Bible and then it refers to God. “Holy and reverend is his name” (Ps. 111:9). Jesus said, “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” (Matt. 23:8-9). None of the apostles was ever called reverend —  just Peter, James, and John. Job got it right when he said, “Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away” (Job 32:21-22).

2. Mechanical Instruments Of Music. Mechanical instruments of music were used in the Old Testament, as commanded by God (2 Chron. 29:25; Ps. 81:1-4; 150). Since there has been a change in the law (Heb. 7:12) and we live under the New Testament (Gal. 6:2), we are commanded, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Heb. 2:12). The instrument, the music is to be made in, is the heart. To use instrumental music in the worship today, is to add a kind of music the Lord never authorized. The only reason The First Church did not use instrumental music in their worship was because the Lord never told them to and they respected the silence of the Scriptures on the subject!

3. Human Institutions Through Which To Work. Many churches today think they cannot do the Lord’s work of evangelism, benevolence, and edification without building and maintaining institutions of men or sponsoring church arrangements. Ever wonder how The First Church got along without such? In benevolence, the local church just did its own work (Acts 6:1-7). And if there were saints in other places which were in need, “. . . the disciples deter- mined to send relief . . . and sent it to the elders” (Acts 11:27-30). Their relief was sent to the elders of the needy churches. The local church was capable of “. . . edifying of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16). They did not build and maintain a school to edify the church. The First Church did evangelism as they sent “wages” (2 Cor. 11:8). Or, like the church at Philippi, “. . . sent once and again unto my necessity” (Phil. 4:15-16).

The First Church Had

Now we can learn some things The First Church had:

1. Elders in Every Church. I am amazed at the number of churches today who are without elders. In New Testament days, “they ordained them elders in every church” (Acts 14:23). For a church to be fully organized as God desires, they must be as the church at Philippi, “. . . the saints in Christ Jesus with the bishops and deacons” (Phil. 1:1). You will notice that there was a plurality of men serving as elders and deacons. Many of the problems facing the church are due to unqualified men trying to run the church in business meetings. We need some good training programs for elders.

2. Christ As the Head. Many churches have so little respect for the head that about anything goes. The church is the body of Christ and Christ is to be its head (Eph. 1:22-23). When we get back to having respect for the head, the church will only do and be as the head directs. The church being in subjection to Christ is absolutely necessary (Eph. 5:24).

3. One Means Of Raising Funds. Today, we find churches raising money by every means except the Lord’s way. New Testament churches were taught, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay be in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come” (1 Cor. 16:2). Each child of God is to give “bountifully as he purposeth in his heart” (2 Cor. 9:6-7), realizing that, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35), “for the Lord loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). Tithing belongs to the Old Testament system of giving, sales and car washes belong to the denominations, selling alcohol belongs to the Catholics, and we need to get back to giving the Lord’s way.

4. Gospel Preaching As Its Primary Mission. “Preach the word . . . in season and out, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:2), is the divine charge to every gospel preacher. “For from you sounded out the word of the Lord . . .” (1 Thess. 1:8). This must be the primary mission of every New Testament church. Most churches put gospel preaching on the back burner with funny stories, making folks feel good, whitewashing sin; little gospel preaching is being done today!

5. The Lord’s Supper Every First Day of the Week. The First Church met “upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread” (Acts 20:7). Churches observe the Communion, once a year, every six months, quarterly, monthly, or every other week under the guise that it doesn’t say every first day of the week. I saw a sign that says, “Lions meet here Tuesday, 6:00 P.M.” The sign does not say that the Lions meet here every Tuesday. It doesn’t have to. Lions know that every week has a Tuesday! Need I say more?

6. The Lord’s Plan Of Salvation. “Salvation belongeth unto the Lord” (Ps. 3:8). Since salvation is of the Lord, maybe we ought to let him tell us what he wants us to do to be saved. New Testament conversion was brought about by men hearing, believing, and being baptized (Acts 8:12; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:28). After primary obedience, men were taught to, “live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world” (Tit. 2:12).


May the Lord hasten the day when we get back to simple gospel preaching and just let the church be the church as God intended.

The Pitfalls of Public Education

By Randy S. Yerby

Did you follow the controversy that befell a Cleveland area high school? It seems as though two Lakewood high school physics teachers have dared to offer an alternative explanation for the existence of the world. Instead of towing the traditional academic line, these two teachers have suggested that this world we live in may have been created, as opposed to simply evolving. It’s worth noting that these educators didn’t just start teaching creationism (the belief that God created the heavens and the earth) this school year, but have been teaching it for the past five years, without incident, according to reports. As a result, this recent firestorm can be traced to just one source, a May 4 article appearing on the front page of The Plain Dealer, a Cleveland based newspaper. This single article has spawned numerous editorials and follow-up articles, all of which have polarized the Lakewood community and devastated the educational process at Lakewood High School.

At the center of this controversy is Cleveland area columnist Joe Dirck. Mr. Dirck has made several pointed at- tacks upon those of us who believe in God and his creation. He ridicules creationists for their lack of “hard evidence” that would support a belief in the biblical account of creation. Yet, Mr. Dirck fails to offer any “hard evidence” that would support his contention that this earth, and yes, you and I, somehow evolved over millions of years. As I told him when I talked to him directly, in the absence of “hard evidence” the only thing left is faith. In short, the only real issue where the creationist vs. evolutionist is concerned is where will you put your faith, in God or Darwin.

However, at the heart of this debate rests something much more significant to those of us who want nothing more than for our children to follow in our footsteps and faithfully serve God. Our desire is being hindered by the ever increasing influence we allow the public school systems to have on our young people. The public school system provides some troubling challenges to parents who want their children to receive the necessary tools to live in this society and at the same time develop strong ties to God and his institution the church. In addition to the theory of evolution, parents must worry about the effects of human- ism which manifests itself in the form of “self actualization” and subjective morality, the most modern term for situation ethics. Humanism, according to Webster, is any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values and dignity predominate; an ethical theory that often rejects the importance of a belief in God.

One can readily see, therefore, that the battle lines have clearly been drawn. Even before our children start bringing this humanist garbage home we must instill within them values that rest upon the foundation of God and his Word. Evolution should never be an issue for our children, they must be taught that it was God who created the “heavens and the earth.” We need to teach our children that, “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork” (Ps.19:1). The evidence is too compelling to ignore. Paul tells us; “His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, . . .” (Rom. 1:20). Don’t ever let the evolutionist put you in the position where he asks you to offer any more proof than what we can perceive with our senses or what the Bible provides. If the evolutionist asks that of you they’re asking you for more than they themselves are willing to provide. You see, the two science teachers from Lakewood recognized what many of us have seen for years, that the theory of evolution has become too problematic in the areas of systematic testing and proof. So, in the absence of evidence one is left with the dilemma of where will he place his faith.

I suspect it wouldn’t be hard for us to guess where the evolutionist would put his faith. Remember, humanism is a system of thought that rejects the importance of God. Sadly, however, evolution is not the only humanistic doctrine pervasive within our public school systems. We, as parents, must also grow to understand terms like “self-actualization,” which propagates the notion that we can realize our fullest potential by independence and self-reliance. The idea is that man does not need God. Everything that a man can be and would be is under his control. This ignorance of God’s role in our lives astounds many of us, yet it has become a powerful tool of Satan. We have to instruct our children that it was God who created man on the sixth day and we, as his creation, owe everything to him. As a result, the only way we can realize our true potential, and “be all that we can be,” and become “self-actualized” is through the Lord. The prophet, Jeremiah, proclaims, “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jer. 10:23). Complete independence can only be perceived, but never wholly realized.

Along with this viewpoint of “self-actualization,” our children are being told that morality is dependent upon the circumstances. They are being taught that morality is dynamic and always in a state of flux and a person’s values may change as the situation would dictate. Well, I’m sure this will please many a seventeen-year-old boy who needs to convince his date that what their doing re- ally doesn’t violate any objective code of morality, just one that changes according to the circumstances. Again we must tutor our children and let them know that God is consistent throughout time and nothing is ever subjective to him when it comes to morality. The author of Hebrews tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb.13:8). His character never changes. His expectations for our moral purity have never changed. We must not allow ourselves to “be carried about with various and strange doctrines”(Heb. 13:9). This world’s standards may change, and what is acceptable conduct may change, yet we as Christians must be on guard to never let our chaste behavior change with the world’s standards.

Yes, friends, we need to understand how the public school system is impacting our children. What our local school systems are teaching undermines the principles of God and his divine word. We need to remember that everyday our children are being taught some form of humanism, from the theory of evolution, and how to become “self actualized,” and what subjective morality is, to topics like, “safe sex,” “a tolerance for alternative lifestyles,” and “values clarification.” Parents, if we expect our children to carry on the cause of Jesus Christ into the twenty-first century, we had better start teaching our children the ways of God. Because if we don’t teach these young impression- able minds the way of the Lord, you can rest assured that some public school teacher is just waiting to teach them the ways of the world.

Jewish Feasts And Festivals (1)

By Kyle Campbell

In order to fully understand the Jewish religion and people, and to gain a greater perspective of a number of events in the New Testament, one needs to study the Jewish feasts and festivals. The Jewish feasts and festivals were scheduled at specific times in the annual calendar and they were both civil and religious in nature. Some marked the beginning or the end of the agricultural year, while others commemorated historic events in the Jewish nation. All of the feasts were marked by thanksgiving and joyous feasting.

The feasts and festivals of Israel were community observances. The poor, the widow, the orphan, the Levite and the sojourner or foreigner were invited to most of the feasts. The accounts of these feasts suggest a potluck type of meal, with some parts of the meal reserved for the priests and the rest given to those who gathered at the temple or the altar for worship. One of the feasts, Passover, originated in the home and later was transferred to the temple. The rest were apparently observed at specific times during the year and in designated places.

The Jews also had three great “pilgrimage” festivals: Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. They were very important in the Jewish faith, and every male was expected to observe them (Deut. 16:16). The religious pilgrimage from the various towns and cities to the temple became annual events. In all the feasts and festivals, the nation of Israel remembered its past and renewed its faith in the Lord who created and sustained his people. We will be examining these feasts and festivals in this article and the next. But before considering the feasts, it will be helpful to take a brief look at the Jewish calendar and how the Jews reckoned these events in their year. Following the discussion of the calendar, we will investigate a complete list of all the feasts and festivals observed by the Jewish people.

The Jewish Calendar

The Jewish calendar was based upon the lunar month; that is, the beginning of the month was marked by the new moon. The moon was carefully observed by the people of Bible times. When it appeared as a thin crescent at sunset, it marked the beginning of a new month. The lunar month was about 29 days long. Therefore, the first crescent of the new moon would appear 29 or 30 days after the previous new moon. The marking of time in Old Testament days revolved primarily around the months, seasonal religious festivals, and the year.

 The first month of the Hebrew calendar was in the spring, around March/April or the beginning of the spring equinox. In their early history the Israelites adopted Canaanite names for the months which were connected with agriculture and climate. Only four of these names are mentioned in the Old Testament. The month Abib (Exod. 13:4; 23:15) was the first month (March/ April), which was at the time of barley harvest. The word Abib means “ripening of grain” (Lev. 2:14). The month Ziv (1 Kings 6:1, 37) was the second month (April/May).

This word means “splendor,” and it refers to the beauty of flowers blooming at that time. Ethanim (1 Kings 8:2) was the seventh month (September/October), which occurred during the rainy season. Bul (2 Kings 6:38) was the eighth month (October/November). Its name may have reference to “rain,” since this month was between the early and latter rains. These four names for the months were associated with the most important agricultural times of the year.

In its later history the nation of Israel adopted all twelve months of the Babylonian calender as their civil calendar, but not all of the twelve months are listed in the Bible. The seven that occur are Nisan, the first month (Neh. 2:1); Sivan, the third month (Esth. 8:9), Elul, the sixth month (Neh. 6:15); Chislev, the ninth month (Zech. 7:1); Tebeth, the tenth month (Esth. 2:16); Shebat, the eleventh month (Zech. 1:7); and Adar, the twelfth month (Ezra 6:15). The beginning of this calender also coincided with the spring equinox.

Since the months were based on the lunar system and since each month averaged 29½ days, the year would be 354 days, or 11 days short of the solar year. In just three years the calender would be off more than a month. To reconcile the lunar month with the solar year, Babylon had a sophisticated system where seven months would be added to the calendar over a 19-year cycle, resulting in an error of only two hours and four minutes by the end of the cycle. Israel adjusted her calendar in a similar fashion by adding a thirteenth month, known as Adar Sheni, whenever necessary. The year in which such an intercalation should be made was for a while determined by an authoritative decision of the Sanhedrin, and ultimately fixed in a permanent manner by astronomical calculation. In a cycle of nineteen years the third, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth and nineteenth are made leap-years with an average length of 384 days. It is plain, therefore, that the Jewish year has long been, and still is, a lunisolar year. The Jewish year thus far described is one constituted in harmony with ritual requirements, and hence it is called the sacred Jewish year.


The Sabbath is discussed in Exodus 16:22-30; 20:8-11; 23:12; 31:12-16; 34:21; 35:21-3; Leviticus 23:3; 26:2; Numbers 15:32-36; 28:9-10; and Deuteronomy 5:12-15. The Hebrew word for Sabbath means “to cease or abstain.” Exodus 20:8-11 reminded the nation of Israel to remember that God rested on the seventh day (Gen. 2:2). This grounds the observance of the Sabbath in the creation of the world. Deuteronomy 5:12-15 reminded Israel to remember its bondage years when there was no rest. This passage fixed the origin of the Sabbath in the bondage of the Hebrews in Egypt.

The Israelites were instructed to include the family, the hired servants, the stranger and even their domestic animals in observance of this holy day. All were commanded to cease from normal labor. This included the command not to gather firewood (Num. 15:32-36) or to kindle a fire (Exod. 35:2-3). Later in Jewish history, the Jews were forbidden to travel more than 2,000 cubits or 7/8 of a mile on the Sabbath, based on Exodus 16:29. Those who violated the Sabbath would be cut off from among the people or could be put to death by stoning (Exod. 31:12-26).

Although the Sabbath was not intended as a day of worship, it did become a day of convocation to the Lord. A specific burnt sacrifice on the Sabbath was required in Numbers 28:9-10. In later periods of Jewish history, prayer and other rituals became the procedure for observing the Sabbath and just prior to the New Testament times, the Sabbath became a day of assembly when the principle synagogue service was conducted.

The Sabbath observance, which occurred every week, had two purposes. First, it symbolized that the nation of Israel had been set apart by the Lord as his special people. Second, it was also a celebration of the fact that the land belonged to God. This is seen in God’s provision of a Sabbatical year, which was one year out of every seven when the land would rest from cultivation in order to renew and replenish itself (Lev. 25:1-7). The law included the fields of grain and the vineyards. Even that which grew from the planting and pruning of the sixth year was not to be consumed by the owner. Eventually, the cancellation of debts was added to the land rest as a part of the Sabbatical year. Debts to fellow Jews were to be forgiven during this year, although debts of non-Jews might be collected. But the spirit of generosity was encouraged even toward non-Jews. Indentured servants were to be granted their freedom. Not only were they to be freed; they were also to be provided with grain, meat and drink in generous portions.

After every seven Sabbatical years, or 49 years, the 50th year was set aside as the year of Jubilee. Once the Israelites entered and possessed the land of Canaan, it became their obligation to observe this year (Lev. 23:15-16; 25:8-55; 27:14-24; Jer. 34:8, 14-17; Isa. 61:1-2). The Jubilee year began with the blowing of the ram’s horn. The year of Jubilee was a special year in family renewal. A man who was bound to another as a slave or indentured servant was set free and returned to his own family. If any members of his family were also bound, the entire family was set free. Houses and lands could also be redeemed in the year of Jubilee. If they were not redeemed within a year, however, they became the permanent possession of the previous owner. The land owned by Levites was exempted from this law; they could redeem their land at any time.

The Sabbath observances were rounded out by the observance of special Sabbaths where no servile work could be done. The Jews had 52 regular Sabbaths and seven special Sabbaths. These included the first and last days of Passover (Lev. 23:7-8), Pentecost (Lev. 23:21), New Year’s Day (Lev. 23:24-25), the day of Atonement (Lev. 23:28) and the first and last days of the feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:35-36).

New Moon

The new moon was reckoned by actual personal observation, not by astronomical calculation. The Sanhedrin required two or three independent witnesses as to the appearance of the New Moon. This was so important that the Sanhedrin permitted the witnesses to travel on the Sabbath and make use of a horse or a mule.

The references in the Bible to the New Moon celebration include Numbers 10:10; 28:11-15 and Psalm 81:3. The law specified that two bullocks, one ram, seven lambs and one kid were to be offered in connection with this celebration. Meal mixed with oil accompanied the offerings; a trumpet blast introduced this feast. The sins committed and not expiated during the previous month were covered by the offerings of the New Moon. Thus, sinners received atonement and were reconciled with the Lord.


Having laid a significant foundation concerning the Jewish calender, and the regular Sabbath and New Moon celebrations, the next article will examine all of the yearly Jewish feasts and festivals and their significance in Jew- ish life.

Preaching With Erasers or Markers?

By Stan Adams

Paul told Timothy to “preach the word, be urgent in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine” (1 Tim. 4: 1-3). As a gospel preacher and the son of a gospel preacher, I am well aware that gospel preachers will all have a style that is unique to them. All of us are individuals, and as such, have individual approaches. The prophets of old were chosen by God and they had varying personalities and dispositions. All of them were useful in the carrying out of God’s plan. In the Old Testament it is notable that there was an Elijah, who stood firmly and through inspiration withstood the false prophets of Baal. He used sarcasm and ridicule to show the contempt that God has for those who pretend there is another God. He is a favorite of mine. But I also realize that there were other prophets of old who were effective but not with the same brash demeanor. We understand that Jeremiah was more tender-hearted and spoke with a tenderness that even when read now, brings out our emotions.

We can also read in the New Testament and see that Jesus (the master teacher), dealt with folks in a tender manner when he delivered the Sermon on the Mount, but also showed courage in driving the money changers out of the Temple and pronouncing the woes on the Pharisees. For every Peter there was a corresponding Andrew, and for every Paul there was a corresponding Barnabas. Each of these men was useful in the plan of God for his kingdom and the salvation of mankind. One thing they all had in common was their devotion to the right ways of God. None of them was a compromiser. Though having different styles, they stood firmly for what was right, and also stood confidently against what was wrong. We need the same attitudes today.

I was talking with one of our elders, Sherrel Mercer, about our mutual concerns about the tone of some preachers and lessons today, and he commented: “It seems some are preaching with erasers and some are preaching with markers (chalk).” I told him then how much I appreciated his comment and how it expressed the concerns of so many today.

It is sad that many older preachers today are like the old prophet of 1 Kings. He had grown tired of the struggle and grown comfortable. He lied and cost a young prophet his life. It took this to bring him back to the reality of what his job really was. Why did the young prophet have to go? Why wasn’t the old prophet doing his job? It is evident that the young prophet had courage in delivering his message and that the old prophet admired him for doing so. God sent this young prophet and told him exactly how to act. He originally had a determination to obey, but grew weak and followed the unwise order of the older prophet. This young prophet should have been able to look up to the old prophet, but this was not the case. I am sad to say that many who I used to look up to have grown to be a disappointment and discouragement to me as a preacher. This is true both of younger and older preachers and brethren.

Let me illustrate, plainly, what I am saying. Many are preaching with erasers when they preach that it is all right to take one drink. This ignores the marked line God drew in 1 Peter 4:3. We must preach with God’s marker and not erase the line that God has drawn. It is eraser preaching when one teaches that the Old Testament examples can- not be used as principles to help us understand the New Testament and bring us unto Christ (Gal. 3:15). It is eraser preaching when one preaches that we must tolerate those in error and openly fellowship those who are doctrinally wrong (2 John 9, 10). Many engage in eraser preaching when they teach that there is no way for us to know what is modest and what is not. This violates the lines drawn by God when he told us to avoid the appearance of evil and to dress in modest apparel. Modesty has been a principle for godly people since the beginning. God made adequate clothing for Adam and Eve. Their excuse for clothes, did not pass God’s standards, so he made modest apparel for them. It is eraser preaching when one teaches that Matthew 19:9 and 5:32 do not mean what they say. It is also eraser preaching when men wish to throw every doctrinal issue into the realm of Romans 14 ( which deals with individual choices authorized by God).

Several years ago, a gospel preacher stated: “There are too many sermonettes being preached by preacherettes that are contributing to a rise in Christianettes.” Brethren, as one other preacher said, “We are drifting.” It is not uncommon to hear “speeches” today that are supposed to pass for sermons, which have one or two short passages, but are mostly punctuated by amusing or heart wrenching illustrations. It makes for “easy listening,” but we are not to be “FM Christians.” We are to insist on preaching that “storms the will.” Gospel preaching is designed to save people from sin, not in sin. Any preaching that seeks to “stroke the people” and scratch ears, is not gospel preaching and should not be tolerated. Many preachers have become little more than glorified PR directors, and have ignored personal study. Perhaps, some have stooped to allowing the extent of their sermon preparation to be a brief trip to the Internet on Saturday night, to copy someone’s chart and sermon.

If a preacher is not going to preach the “old paths,” he should find something else to do. If we as preachers are more interested in our “employment portfolio” than we are in saving souls and defending the Truth, we should repent or quit. If we take exception to having what we say in public reviewed in public, we need to examine our concept of what preaching is all about. When one stands in public and preaches or when one writes what he believes to be the truth, he should realize that 1 Peter 3:15 is as true for him as it is for any Christian. We are accountable for what we preach. Let’s not let our egos get in the way of our acceptance of honorable examination and debate.

Brethren need to rise up across this land and let the message go out clearly to every gospel preacher, that God has drawn lines. We want to know what those lines are. Elders should back up those who preach with the markers of God and should not tolerate unabashed disobedience.

One older Christian asked me recently, what had changed in the church. I know that many things have brought about apathy among brethren, but my feeling is that much of the apathy and worldliness among brethren is the result of too many preachers failing to stand up and draw the line exactly where God drew it. God knows how to draw lines, and he is clear when he tells us we can understand what his will is. God expects his servants to know how to fight. In Ephesians 6 he tells us what armor to put on. Speaking the truth in love does not mean compromising and coddling error. Jesus loved the Pharisees. One place he shows us that love is in Matthew 23, when he pronounces woes on them. Paul loved the brethren at Corinth — Read 1 Corinthians 5.

Preacher, ask yourself whether your type of preaching helps one to be stronger or encourages weakness. If you are an “eraser preacher” repent, and go back to the old paths. If you are a preacher who punctuates each lesson with the “marker of the Lord” (Scripture), keep up the good work and do not bend to the will of weak and worldly leaders and brethren. Read 1 and 2 Timothy at least every week, and preach the gospel. Leave the entertaining to those who do that for a living. As a gospel preacher remember you are not a “circus monkey” who is around to collect the money and keep everyone laughing. PREACH THE WORD, BROTHER!