Who Drew the “Line in Sand” Against Gays?

By Richie Thetford

In the Albuquerque Journal (August 13, 1998), a headline read: “Clerics’ Group Draws ‘Line in Sand’ Against Gays.” Before I read the article the first thing that came to mind was the fact that it was not any “cleric” group or any particular denomination that “drew the line” against homosexuality, but rather God himself. It is good that there are still many religious groups that will take a stand against homosexuality because God teaches that it is a sin. There are various passages of Scripture that teach against homosexuality. Notice the line that God has drawn: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Other passages of Scripture teaching against homosexuality are: Romans 1:26-32; 1 Timothy 1:9-10; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13.

God Called Them Homosexual

It is interesting to me that when the homosexual community raises its head to “come out of the closet” and “tell all” that we are supposed to listen to their concerns and be sympathetic to their cause. Yet when we that are opposed to homosexuality raise our head and cry out against the sin of homosexuality then we are accused of violating human rights. Let’s not forget that it was not me or any other man that determined that homosexuality is a sin, it was our creator, God himself!

This is the same God that made everyone of us. He made us with the ability to follow and practice his righteousness. Yet the homosexual community cries out against those that are trying to uphold the teaching of God as “a well-orchestrated political campaign directed against the ‘gay’ community!” One individual stated, “It’s simply wrong to use God as an excuse for name-calling.” But wait, it was God that called them “homosexual,” pronounced that it is a sin, and said that anyone engaging in this sin will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The homosexuals of the world don’t want to be labeled as sinners and called names and, as stated in this article, don’t appreciate “using God as an excuse for name-calling” but then the very next line of the article calls those ministers an “intolerant, homophobic chorus.” See what I mean? The homosexual community can take a stand and call names but when it gets thrown back their way they cry “foul!”

Calling It Like It Is

When Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., compared homosexuality to kleptomania and Green Bay Packers star Reggie White called homosexuality a sin during a speech to the Wisconsin legislature they drew immediate fire from the homosexual community. Brethren and friends, homosexuality is lawlessness and those engaging in this act and who do not repent will not be in heaven. God drew this “line in the sand” a long time ago. We can either accept his word or reject it.

Must Do All of the Word of God

By the way, I also find it interesting that all these religious denominations find it necessary to take a stand against homosexuality (that which is lawlessness), but will not take a stand on many, many other things that God has also condemned such as instrumental music in worship, partaking of the Lord’s supper only once or twice per year, raising money for the church treasury in ways not authorized and then using money from the church treasury in support of organizations or institutions not authorized in Scripture, sprinkling instead of immersion, teaching that baptism is not necessary for salvation, etc. The same God that condemned homosexuality is the very same God that instructed us how we must worship him (John 4:24). There is no such thing as a smorgasbord religion as far as God is concerned. We must eat that which has been set before us and that is the all of the Word of God. The “line in the sand” has been drawn by God since creation and he expects man to do all of his will (Matt. 7:21), and to teach his whole counsel (Acts 20:27). May we all do our very best to live and defend all of which God has taught us (Rev. 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:15).


Do The Simple Things

By Richard Boone

I took the car to have the tires rotated and balanced and the alignment checked and adjusted. There was the customary wait, but when I noticed that my car was being driven onto the alignment rack, I stepped outside to watch and chat as I usually do. I talked with the alignment technician.

His work was efficient and the conversation enjoyable. As he was finishing I asked, “What causes most of the problems that you have to correct?” His answer was interesting: “Failing to do the simple things (checking air pressure, regular rotation and alignment, etc.) consistently.” I saw immediate applications to faithfully serving God.

Too many times we are like Naaman or the Israelites of Ezra’s day. From a desire to do some great thing (2 Kings 5:13), we despise the little things we can do (Ezra 3:12; Hag. 2:3; Zech. 4:10). While faithfully serving God may call upon us to do great things from time to time, more frequently it is the day-to-day, routine acts of devotion and service which keep us faithful. In short, it is doing the simple things, consistently. Simple things like:

  • Studying God’s word each day. There is special emphasis on this in the Scriptures (see Deut. 6:6-9; Ps. 1:1-2; Acts 17:11; etc.). This is preventive in its nature (Ps. 119:11).
  • Praying to God each day. This is also emphasized in Scripture (Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10; Luke 18:1; Acts 3:1; 10:2-3, 30; 1 Thess. 5:17). We cannot cling to sin and pray acceptably at the same time (1 Tim. 2:8; 1 Pet. 3:10-12). Prayer will help to stop sin, or sin will stop prayer!
  • Speaking to others about God each day. We are God’s instruments for teaching his word (Eph. 4:15; 2 Cor. 4:7). We must use every opportunity we have, as Dorcas did “while she was with them” (Acts 9:39).
  • Doing what is right each day. What we do shines our lights as much as what we refrain from doing (Matt. 5:13-16). As Jesus did, we must go about “doing good” (Acts 10:38). “Good” works are revealed to us in God’s word (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

How can we faithfully serve God? By doing the simple things, consistently!


Walking In The Fear Of God (4)

By Donnie V. Rader

A Study Of Nehemiah

The story of Nehemiah is that of rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem following the Jews’ return from Babylonian captivity. In this book we see a people who feared God. Nehemiah described the people to God as those who “desire to fear Your name” (Neh. 1:11). Later in the book he rebuked some for not walking in the fear of God (Neh. 5:9). He also cited the fear of God as the cause for his own behavior (Neh. 5:15). Nehemiah describes Hanani (who was given charge of the city after the walls were completed) as “a faithful man and feared God more than many” (Neh. 7:2).

Remember, as we have studied in an earlier article, that fear involves: (1) awe and respect, and (2) being afraid of displeasing God. We shall see both of these concepts as we look at the book of Nehemiah.

With the above references as a backdrop, let’s consider what the fear of God would prompt these people to do. Likewise, if we are walking in the fear of God, we will do the same.

1. Concerned about the things of God. When Nehemiah learned that the walls were torn down and burned, he “wept and mourned for many days.” He said, “I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Neh. 1:4). Nehemiah was so bothered that the city of God was in total ruins that he cried. His concern was so great that he couldn’t eat.

Our concern about spiritual things (the church, a soul in danger, what is being taught, development of an apostasy and our worship) should cause us to be greatly disturbed when we see that things are not as they should be. Too often apathy allows the problems to go unchallenged (cf. 1 Cor. 5:2).

2. View God as great and awesome. As Nehemiah prayed, he addressed God as, “O great and awesome God” (Neh. 1:5). Later, when urging the people to resist their opposition, he reminded them that the “great and awesome God” would fight for them (Neh. 4:14).

3. See a need and act upon it. After Nehemiah was informed of the situation in Jerusalem, he went to see for himself (Neh. 2:1-10). He went out by night and surveyed the damage the city had suffered. It is interesting to note what Nehemiah didn’t do. He didn’t think, “Somebody ought to do something about this.” Rather, he immediately made a plea for the people of God to rise up and build (Neh. 2:17-18). His plea included himself in the plan.

When we see a need in the Lord’s work (someone to be visited, someone to be taught, a problem to be handled or encouragement to be offered), the fear of God will cause us to jump in and do what we can.

4. Diligently work. Chapter three shows who worked and where in the reconstruction of the wall. In this chapter we also see the attitude and manner with which they worked. Baruch “diligently repaired the other section” (Neh. 3:20). There was no time for workers who didn’t get with it (Neh. 3:5). Those who fear God will put their whole heart into their work.

5. Have a mind to work. The reason they finished the wall in such a short time (52 days, 6:15) was that the “people had a mind to work” (Neh. 4:6). They were willing to work. They responded to Nehemiah’s pleas by saying, “Let us rise up and build” (Neh. 2:18).This is a far cry from those who have to begged and coached and still don’t carry their load.

6. Press on in spite of trouble, opposition or the fear of man. Sanballat (from the north) and Tobiah (from the south) did all they could to hinder the work on the wall (Neh. 4). They ridiculed their work and tried to confuse the workers besides planning an attack. However, that didn’t stop those who feared God. They returned the their work (v. 15) while some stood guard with spears (v. 21). They didn’t buckle under pressure.

7. Work long and hard for the Lord’s cause. Under Ne- hemiah’s leadership the people worked on the wall “from daybreak until the stars appeared” (Neh. 4:21). They literally worked from sun-up to sun-down. What could explain their drive and motivation to give so much to their work? It must be their desire to fear God (1:11). Churches that have members that fear God, will have members who work long and hard for the cause of the Lord.

8. Treat one another right. When Nehemiah learned that some of the people were exacting usury (charging unreason- able interest) from their brethren, he rebuked them saying, “What you are doing is not good. Should you not walk in the fear of our God?” (Neh. 5:9).

The fear of God will cause us to treat others fair and right. That is the very motive cited by Nehemiah for his own conduct being different from the former governors (v. 15).

9. Respect for the word. In the eighth chapter Ezra reads the law before the people. Because of their respect for God (fear) they (a) listened with the intent of understanding (vv. 2, 3, 7, 8), (b) they took time for the hearing of the word (v. 3; 9:3), (c) when Ezra opened the book the people stood (v. 5), (d) they were willing to do what they found lacking in their own lives (vv. 13-18), and (e) as they listened, they viewed the speaker as a spokesman from God (9:26, 29).

10. Make great changes. After reading the law, the people confessed their sins (Neh. 9). The Feast of the Tabernacles was not being observed as the law commanded. So, they changed! They also separated themselves from the mixed multitude (13:1-3).

After all, that is the purpose of the preaching of God’s word (Neh. 9:26, 29). Those who fear God will make any changes necessary (no matter how painful) to fit their lives to the plan of God.

11. Recognize that God’s wrath is just. The confession that is recorded in Nehemiah 9 said to God, “You are just in all that has befallen us; for You have dealt faithfully, but we have done wickedly” (v. 33). This is a recognition that God’s wrath, rebuke and punishment are fair.

12. Promise to be faithful. Once the people confessed their sins, they make a covenant that they would “walk in God’s law . . . and do all the commandments of the Lord” (10:29). Those who fear God make a promise to the Lord by their confession and baptism that they will serve the Lord faithfully. Those who would think of doing otherwise do not fear God.

13. Exercise righteous indignation. There is such a thing as righteous indignation. There is a time to be upset and angry. While we must control ourselves properly at all times, there is a time and place to demonstrate our dis- pleasure over things that do not harmonize with the fear of God. Nehemiah did.

While Nehemiah had left Jerusalem to return to the king, Eliashib, the priest, had compromised with Tobiah “preparing a room for him in the courts of the house of God” (Neh. 13:7). Nehemiah said, “it grieved me bitterly; therefore I threw all the household goods of Tobiah out of the room” (v. 8).

Later, when Nehemiah learned that some of the people had married people of the land, he said, “So I contended with them and cursed them, struck some of them and pulled out their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, ‘You shall not give your daughters as wives to their sons, nor take their daughters for your sons or yourselves’” (Neh. 13:25).

When we fear God we will be upset when we see God’s will being transgressed.

14. Aware of danger. As Nehemiah dealt with the matter of their marriage to the strangers of the land, he cited Solomon as an example of what could happen. He said, “Nevertheless pagan women caused even him to sin” (Neh. 13:26). If that happened to Solomon, it could and would happen to those of Nehemiah’s day. The point is that those who fear God have their eyes open to the danger of things that could lead them away from the Lord.

It is my prayer that this short series of articles will challenge you to do more thinking and study on the concept of the fear of God.

A Silver Lining

By Joy Powers

In the midst of turmoil, there is a silver lining. The story goes like this . . .

The weather is beautiful; a perfect day for baseball. Players are dressed in their uniforms. Hot dogs are cooking. The popcorn has been popped. Fans have arrived. “Play ball,” cries the umpire. Players run on to the field. The first pitch is thrown. The Wednesday night game has begun.

The game progresses as usual. All is well at the Pony League ball park in Baytown. Suddenly, at 7:10 P.M., the right fielder has to leave the game — not for an injury, or for being disrespectful to the officials, but for another appointment. His brethren are meeting at Pruett & Lobit on this night, just as they always do.

Everyone asks, “Hey, where are you going?” The player simply answers, “church.” It is a simple, direct answer. It is given without a hint of embarrassment or resentment in his voice. It was a natural thing for this 14-year old to do. Playing baseball during church services was not an option to him.

At practice the next day, the manager, who himself had missed the previous nights’ game to attend a con- cert, pulled the 14-year old boy aside and questioned him about his early departure from the game. “What if the game is tied and there are no reserves left and your mother pulls you out for church? What are you going to do?” “Go to church,” the young man replied. “Even if we have to forfeit a game, you would let everyone down to go to church,” the manager asked. “Yes, sir,” was the young man’s respectful reply.

Obviously, the manager was not getting across to the player the importance of playing baseball, so he called for an appointment with the boy’s mother.

She met with the manager to discuss the situation. “He’s right,” the boy’s mother explained, “church comes first.”

“But if we have to forfeit a game, his teammates are not going to be happy,” said the manager. “He’ll get over it,” mom replied. “But he’ll let his team down if that happens,” the manager exclaimed. “But if he misses church for a ball game, he’ll also be letting down God,” mom said.

As the conversation continued, the manager saw he was not going to change the boy or his mother’s mind. Finally, he said, “We’ll try to work out a time for the next Wednesday game that will allow your son to be there, but I can’t make any promises.” “I understand and appreciate you for trying,” the mother said kindly.

Afterward, she walked away with a little more pride in her son. But where did a 14-year old get this inner, spiritual strength to stand up to those in authority and do what is right?

He got this strength from you, from all the brethren at Pruett & Lobit. Taylor, the right fielder, has grown up here and has been very involved in learning the truth at a young age. He could easily have said, “I have to be at the game, mom, or we’ll have to forfeit.” He could have pressured Sam and I, but he didn’t. Taylor knew what was right, even without his parents being there! Now you see why this is “a silver lining in the cloud of turbulence.”

(Elders’ Note: We are proud of young men like Taylor Powers who are letting their light shine [Matt. 5:16]. We are blessed here at Pruett & Lobit in Baytown, Texas to have many outstanding young boys and girls who are putting Christ first in their lives.)