“The Sower Went Forth . . .”

By Ron Halbrook

“The sower went forth to sow,” said Jesus in the parable, explaining, “The seed is the word of God.” In 1955 Brother Eugene Britnell began a , small mimeographed bulletin in Tuckerman, Arkansas, in an effort to sow the seed of the kingdom. The paper moved with him to the Arch Street church in Little Rock in 1961 and was put out for many years by that church. It had a wide circulation and a definite punch. With the exception of September, 1974, through September of 1975 (during which time Brother Britnell edited the Gospel Guardian), The Sower has been published without interruption for twenty years.

But in January of 1975, The Sower went forth under a new arrangement. No longer a work of Arch Street, it is owned by The Sower Publications, which consists of Brother Britnell and his son Olen (who is also business manager). It will appear monthly on a subscription basis, with a “variety in type, material, arrangement and illustrations.” Rather than specializing in any one subject, editor Britnell will deal with pressing problems of morality while teaching also “on Catholicism, denominationalism, communism, liberalism, institutionalism, and all other ‘isms.'” While seeking to propagate New Testament Christianity, The Sower promises to “teach and hope for the time when all ‘isms’ become ‘wasims.'” The paper will allow discussion of both sides on controversial issues, but will not be a bland hodge-podge of conflicting doctrines. “We shall never allow that which we consider to be doctrinal error to go unchallenged.”

There has been a proliferation of new papers in the last couple of -years. While one editor has spoken of plans to still be mailing out his paper in the year 2000, editor Willis of Truth Magazine says he feels fortunate to make it through a new year! There are problems for subscription papers appealing to the same basic reading audience, but in the case of papers teaching the gospel this should not be the case. As Benjamin Franklin said in the first number of the American Christian Review, which appeared in January of 1856, “There is not the least danger of our circulating too many publications, any more than of our sending out too many preachers. . . .” In terms of the need for teaching the truth in a world of darkness and sin, Franklin was 100 percent right! To the extent that any preacher or paper fills that need, it or he does good. Not only will Christians benefit from reading such papers, they will bless other people by having such papers sent to them. Brother Britnell in his opening editorial points out that “even the paper of the homosexuals, The Advocate, has a circulation of more than 60,000 copies, and that is far more than the total circulation of papers among conservative Christians.”

Those who wish to subscribe should send $4.00 per year in advance to The Sower, P.O. Box 5624, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205. The Sower is a 16-page monthly.

Truth Magazine XX: 42, p. 658
October 21, 1976

“Quitin’ the Church”

By Luther Blackmon

There are many excuses offered for quitting the church, but none that God will accept I am sure. Not many people are honest enough just to face up to reality and admit that they have quit. They are just femporarily absent for a few month or years (as if the Lord had given them a furlough or leave of absence) and they “are just as good Christians as ever-they just haven’t been coming.” If this were not so tragic it would be laughable. Such people have lied to themselves so long and blamed other people for their spiritual lethargy (hat they have actually come to believe these excuses (lies) themselves. But if you want to see such a person wake up to the fact that he has been lying about his unfaithfulness, just let him have a check-up and discover that he has a only a few months or weeks to live. Right away he forgets all about those time-worn, frazzled out and motheaten excuses he has been leaning on. And-most likely he will come to worship the next Sunday and make confession of unfaithfulness. He has forgotten the complaint that some member of the church didn’t treat him right or the church was not friendly or somebody criticized the way he (or she) was dressed or laughed at his accent or colloquialisms. These are not important any more. They never were really important. They just offered a smoke screen to a fellow who loved his pride and his job and his recreation and nearly everything else above the Lord. Now he can see these little hypocritical alibis for what they really are. But it may be too late. Now he can never be sure that he is coming back because he really wants to do right or because he is afraid o~’ what awaits unfaithful Christians. He knows down in his heart that if he had not discovered that he was going to die pretty soon, he would have gone on perhaps indefinitely, with his lame excuses.

There are things along the way that discourage all of us from time to time. Sometimes people can be very cruel in their remarks. I could name quite a few instances in my life as a Christian when things were said and done that hurt me deeply. But it wasn’t the Lord (hat hurt me, so why should I QUIT THE LORD because SOME MAN insulted me? Let us not kid ourselves as to why we are not attending worship. We are not deceiving the Lord, that’s certain.

Truth Magazine XX: 41, p. 653
October 14, 1976

The Changing Hypothesis

By Guthrie Dean

Psychology and psychiatry are changing their hypothesis with reference to homosexuality. At one time it was difficult to convict a criminal because some psychiatrist was trying to either prove him sick or insane. One caught stealing was not a thief, he was bothered with kleptomania, so the doctor affirmed, One was not a drunkard, he was somewhat of an alcoholic, however. A sex maniac was not really a criminal, he was just a little sick. But now the hypothesis is changing. With reference to homosexuality, Dr. Richard Green, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of California Medical School, is quoted as saying: “The current thinking of psychology and psychiatry, (is that) homosexuality is considered only a variant of sexual behavior and not a sickness.” (Arkansas Gazette, Thursday, November 15, 1973). Well, so they’ve changed again. It moved from sin, to sickness, to only a variant of sexual behavior. And already tons of books are being printed and circulated trying to prove that homosexuality is not a variant but only the normal way for a minority of the people to behave. So all of this psychology and psychiatry business proves nothing when it comes to sin. Drunkenness is sin, stealing is sin, murder is sin, and sexual immorality is sin. No label and no changing hypothesis can change that fact. Psychology makes its first mistake when it tries to treat man’s needs while leaving man’s soul out of the picture. Sin is a soul-damning practice and must be dealt with as such. And “the soul that sinneth it shall die” (Ezek. 18:4).

Truth Magazine XX: 41, p. 653
October 14, 1976

Women Teachers

By Arthur M. Ogden

The role of Christian women in the service of God has been one of concern to the people of God since the church began. We are still concerned today and I thank God for it, When the time comes that we cannot be aroused to study this issue, we will be in real trouble as far as other vital issues are concerned. A brother recently wrote, “I . . . note that this and related questions are being discussed more lately, and I believe it is a good thing.” I heartily agree. We should always be interested in this and all other Bible subjects and study them to the fullest.

I believe the interest in the subject of “women teachers” is the highest it has been for years. Perhaps the reasons for this are twofold: (1) A new generation of Christians need to have the long standing questions of yesteryear answered to their satisfaction as did past generations, and (2) an element of opposition to “women teachers” has arisen with strong voices challenging our liberty in Christ which permits women to be teachers within certain boundaries. Cries for answers and for help are coming from many quarters. These cries should be heeded.

. For the past thirteen years, I have lived in a section where the questions have been many and the opposition strong. Many long hours have been spent in search of the Truth on the subject, so that the questions could be answered and the opposition met. In this and coming issues of Truth Magazine, I shall discuss with you this issue as thoroughly as I possibly can. Attention is to be given to scriptural affirmations of women’s role in teaching, as well as to a full discussion of those passages which restrict them in teaching, You are asked to weigh carefully the views expressed in these articles by the scriptures. I believe them to be the Truth, and that they will stand the test of the fiercest storm. They have already been tested and tried by the meticulous scrutiny of the opposition’s strongest advocates, men who are capable of uncovering the slightest flaw in any argument, and they have stood the test without one single serious challenge being registered against them. The truth will always stand.

The Charge of the Great Commission

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19-20). This is the commission given by the Lord to the Apostles after His resurrection and before His ascension to heaven. There are three parts to the commission and women are included in all three:

(1) The Apostles were commanded to “Go teach all nations, baptizing them.” Women were baptized (Acts 8:12), so therefore, women are included on the first part of the great commission.

(2) The Apostles were commanded to teach those who were baptized. Since women were included on the first part, to be baptized, they are likewise included on the second part, to be taught after being baptized.

(3) The Apostles were to teach those baptized “to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” and since the Lord was in the process of giving them the commandment of the great commission, women were included on the third part, to “go teach all nations.” Women, therefore, by nature of their inclusion in the great commission are commanded to teach.

Paul’s Charge to Timothy

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). Though it be in reverse, this charge is the same as that of the great commission. It too may be divided into three parts:

(1) What to teach. “The things heard of me” (Paul). There should be no question but that Paul referred to the completeness of God’s revelation to him (cf. 2 Tim. 1: 13; 3:14-17).

(2) Who to teach. “Commit . . . to faithful anthr6pois (men),” human beings, whether males or females (J.H. Thayer, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 46). Timothy was to teach faithful christians to teach. Paul did not say, “Commit . , . to faithful andras (males).” If he had said males he would have excluded women from the charge, and I suggest that if he had intended to exclude women from the charge, he would have said andras (males). But instead he used anthropois (human beings) and by so doing, included women in the charge to be taught to teach.

(3) Why to teach. “Who shall be able to teach others also.” Isn’t this identical to the great commission? Faithful christians are to be taught to teach others.

A careful study of the scriptures will show that women can teach some others. She can teach by singing (Col. 3:16); be a teacher of good things (Tit. 2:3-5); teach her children (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14-15); and even teach men under some circumstances (Acts 18:26). Are we to conclude that women can, or cannot be taught to do this teaching? Some would have us believe that women are excluded from 2 Timothy 2:2. If they are excluded, we must of necessity exclude them from Matthew 28:1920, and Titus 2:3-5 also. It would also drive them from every place where teaching is done, lest they learn what to teach. This is the end to which error drives one.

Women are Limited

It should be observed that if women are not limited in their work of teaching, they could teach any body, anytime, and under any condition. They would have been included in the two above charges to the same degree that men were. But the word of God limits them. (1) They are to “keep silence in the churches” (1 Cor. 14:34-35), and (2) they are not “to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man” (1 Tim. 2:12). While these two restrictions limit her in teaching, they do not stop her. She can teach anybody, anytime, anywhere, and under any condition that does not place her in the position of addressing the assemblies described in 1 Corinthians 14, and that does not cause her to violate her submission to man as described in 1 Timothy 2:11-12.

The Charge Implemented

In Titus 2:1-10, the charge of Matthew 28:19-20, and 2 Timothy 2:2 is implemented by commandment to Titus. Read it carefully. You will notice that Paul identifies five classes of Christians, and makes provisions for them to be taught: aged men, aged women, young women, young men, and servants. It is right to classify people according to age status, etc. Titus was instructed to teach four of the five classes. Where? When? What method? What arrangement? Paul did not say, so therefore, these matters were left to human judgement. Who and what to teach were not matters of judgment however. They were commanded, but within the scope of the commands given, generic authority prevails and allows or permits the methods and arrangements, even the implementation of the principles of 2 Timothy 2:2.

The aged or older women were commanded to teach the younger women. Without question, women are commanded to teach. They are to be “teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women . . . ” (v. 3-4). When? Where? What method? What arrangement? Paul did not say, and therefore, these matters are again left to human judgment, and women may fulfill their commanded duty according to the fullness of their ability ai anytime, and in any place, and under any condition that does not place her in a position of violating either 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 or 1 Timothy 2:11-12.

Christian Women of the New Testament

A number of Christian women are mentioned in the New Testament and commended for their part in the spread of the gospel. It should be remembered that every one of these women were under the restrictions of the law of Christ, and if they so labored without violating the law of God, then Christian women today, at the same time, and in the same place, and under the same conditions can likewise work without violating the restrictions of God’s law.

(1) Christian women prophesied (Acts 2:17; 21:9; 1 Cor. 11:1-5). These women under the guidance of divine inspiration exhorted, edified, and comforted (1 Cor. 14:3), but they did not do it in the assemblies of the whole church (1 Cor. 14:34-35), but they did not do it where it caused them to violate their submission to man (1 Tim. 2:11-12). I maintain that christian women today can do the same things without violating any passage of scripture. You must conclude that, or be forced to the position that God endowed christian women to violate His law.

(2) Priscilla assisted her husband, Aquila, in teaching Apollos (Acts 18:26). She was not in the assembly of 1 Corinthians 14, and therefore was permitted to have a part in this teaching, as long as she did not ignore her place of submission as taught in 1 Timothy 2:11-12.

(3) Phoebe was appointed by the church at Cenchrea to do a work, and Paul gave his approval by encouraging the brethren at Rome “to receive her,” and “assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you” (Rom. 16:1-2). While we do not know what her business was, we do know that it was right for the church to appoint her to do this work, and that she could do it without sin.

(4) Rhoda, Dorcas, Syntyche, Euodias, and others could be mentioned, none of which were rebuked for the work performed. Women may therefore, work diligently in the service of God, even by teaching others, and do it within the framework of the law of Christ without violating the restrictions placed upon them. Do not neglect your duty to God, dear sisters, just because some false teacher keeps shouting, “women are forbidden to teach.” “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

In our next article, we shall discuss, “1 Corinthians 14:34-35: Is It Binding Today?”

Truth Magazine XX: 41, pp. 651-652
October 14, 1976