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Truth Magazine December 2019

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.
EDITORIAL: How Can Unity Be Achieved? by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: “The Two Shall Become One Flesh” by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Lessons from a Road Trip by Deborah Towles
DOCTRINE: Romans: An Introduction by David Flatt
FAMILY: Cultivating Discipleship in Our Children by Corey Willis
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What was the Urim and the Thummim? by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Capernaum: The Village of Jesus by Trent and Rebekah Dutton
THEME: Completing the Course
Article 1: Whole Motivation by Warren E. Berkley
Article 2: Tribute to Richard King by Jerry King
Article 3: The Dangers of Wordliness by Tim Matheny
Article 4: What in the World? by Chris Reeves
Article 5: Sheep that Are More than Conquerors by Constant Coulibaly
Article 6: Jesus and the Psalms: The Divine Son in the Psalms by Stephen Hutcheson
In my editorial for the December issue of Truth Magazine, I address the question, “How Can Unity Be Achieved?” The biblical Godhead includes a plurality of Beings (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) united in perfect Oneness. Believers should aspire to similar unity of aim, a collective recognition of authority, and comparable agreement in action. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!” (Ps.133:1).
In his meditations column, Kyle Pope focuses on the phrase, “The Two Shall Become One Flesh.” When asked about divorce, Jesus reaffirmed God’s original intent on marriage, as expressed in Genesis 2:24. Early Christians recognized in His teaching an explicit prohibition of polygamy.
In the Women’s Insights column, Deborah Towles looks at “Lessons from a Road Trip.” In addition to fielding the question, “Are we there yet,” parents are encouraged to use road trips as opportunities to explore and discuss parallel spiritual lessons of the Christian’s journey toward heaven.
In the Doctrine column, David Flatt offers an “Introduction to Romans.” As we begin a new series, this article gives background information on the apostle Paul, his writing style, and introduces his letter to the saints in Rome.
In the Family column, Corey Willis suggests ways of “Cultivating Discipleship in Our Children.” The concept of discipleship comes from the Greek root “math-” which is suggestive of the discipline required of all who would faithfully follow Christ, including both parents and children.
In the Q-n-A column, Bobby Graham contemplates the Urim and the Thummim, objects used by the high priest in providing a divine answer to inquiries.
In the Archaeology column, Trent and Rebekah Dutton visit Capernaum, a small fisherman’s village located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, which served as a temporary home for Jesus during His earthly ministry.
We did not have an assigned theme in this issue of Truth Magazine but offer an assortment of articles from brethren, grouped under the heading, “Completing the Course.”
Warren Berkley writes on “Whole Motivation.” When our principal goal is to fear God and keep His commandments, our motivations are multi-leveled and inner-connected.
Jerry King offers a tribute to his father, Richard King, who recently passed away. Brother King was a lover of the truth, which caused him to love preachers of the truth and small churches that struggled to support the truth.
Tim Matheny reflects on “The Dangers of Wordliness,” cautioning against over-reliance upon a single definition of a Bible word or phrase, without respect to its context.
Chris Reeves draws lessons from recent current events, including an astonishing statement by Richard Dawkins, and an unexpected slip-up by Chick-fil-A.
Constant Coulibaly, the evangelist for the Lord’s church in Brighton, England contemplates “Sheep that Are More than Conquerors.” Combining the imagery of sheep (docile followers) with conquerors (victorious warriors), brother Coulibaly reminds us of the great promise given to the faithful.
Finally, Stephen Hutcheson submitted an article on “Jesus and the Psalms: The Divine Son in the Psalms.” The Psalms, as expounded and expanded by the New Testament, offer an apostolically-approved pattern for Christian praise.
We trust that you will be instructed, and encouraged by reading this good material. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal, and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub and PDF versions, and readable through your web-browsers).
Virtual vs. Real Relationships, by Bruce Reeves
Bruce discusses his article, “Virtual vs. Real Relationships,” that appears in the November issue of Truth Magazine (2 minutes).
Influence and Influencers, by Shane Carrington
Shane discusses his article, “Influence and Influencers,” that appears in the November issue of Truth Magazine (5 ½ minutes).