MIRACLES: Old Testament Miracles

By Cecil Willis

When we speak of a miracle we do not mean by it what the Modernist means. He says a miracle is the religious name for any event. When we speak of a miracle, we mean an event which cannot be explained by natural causes. It is effected by a supernatural power. In this article I want to turn to the Old Testament to study some of the more noteworthy miracles in it. Our purpose in doing this is just to refresh our memory as to what the Bible teaches about the happening of miracles.


The first miracle that comes to one’s mind as he thinks of the Bible would, of course, be the miracle of creation. How did all these things we see about us come to be? Where did this universe come from? And where did life originate? The answer to all these questions as to origins is found in the Biblical account of creation. We find a record of the origin of the heavens and the earth stated in this language: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). No better explanation can be offered than this one as to the origin of the earth. Let it also be here noted that this creation was an absolute creation. It was a creation of something out of nothing. It was not a mere renovation or a reordering of the state of something already existent. The Hebrew word for create, bara, implies that it had no previous existence. Had the idea of reformation been implied, the word would not have been “create” (bara), but the word “made” (asah). So an absolute creation is implied. In accord with the definition of a miracle, this cannot be explained naturalistically. Men cannot make an absolute creation. They cannot create something from nothing. Only God can do this.

Probably, the first chapter of Genesis has been attacked more by critics than any other single chapter in all of the Bible. The tragedy is that the severest critics are those who profess to be children of God. Preachers and members of denominational bodies are ready to deny the Biblical account of creation. They unhesitatingly speak of the “creation myth”. They tell us that this universe and its contents were not fashioned in six days, but in hundreds of thousands of years. They believe that God set off the first spark of activity, and that all the rest of what we know came by a gradual and even process of evolution. They are theistic evolutionists. They believe that God began the cycles. Others are naturalistic evolutionists believing that nature is the parent of all there is; God had nothing to do with it.

They begin their argument against the Biblical account of creation by denying that the days of Gen. 1 are twenty-four hour days. They assume that each day spoken of in Gen. 1 refers to a geological era, often said to be about 250,000 years, rather than to an ordinary twenty-four hour day. How they arrive at this wonderful data we are not told. But if one will stop to think of this he will see the absurdity of it. These same individuals are quick to deny that people lived as long as the Bible declares they did. Methuselah, for example, lived to be 969 years old (Gen. 5:27). Yet they admit that Adam was created on the sixth day. Then God rested on the seventh day (remember, if they are correct, God had a 250,000-year rest). Later Adam and Eve sinned, so this must have been at least on another day after God’s rest, so man lived at least the eighth day. So, Adam lived a part of the sixth, seventh, and was yet alive on the eighth day. If a day is a geological era, then Adam lived at least 250,000 years. This would be as great an obstacle to the Modernist as the Biblical record of creation.

In like manner, they scoff at the idea of a fiat creation. Fiat creation means to speak something into existence. In Gen. 1:3, we have an example of fiat creation: “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.” This is too great a miracle for them to accept. So they reject it, thinking they can offer a better explanation by suggesting that evolution gave birth to all that there is. They claim that science has proven the theory of evolution to be true. But can science ever prove a theory of origins? Science is supposed to be based upon observation and experiment. But no one could observe the beginning, for there would be no one present to observe it. But the Bible gives us evidence of its supernatural origin by predicting events centuries before they occur; this is super-human. Man cannot accurately predict the future. Thus proving its inspiration, the Bible gives us an authentic account of the creation.

The Bible declares that the first life was created of God. Psuedo-scientists deny this to be true. But where did the first life come from? It either has to be eternal, or to have been created by God, or to have come from matter which scientists must assume to have been eternal. The problem of proving the origin of life is one most difficult for the evolutionist. He would much rather talk about what has happened since the first living cell originated. But they are morally obligated to give a more plausible explanation if they are to deny the Biblical origin of life. Either something has always lived, or something came from nothing. So they must say that matter is the parent of everything. So it resolves itself into a problem of whether it is more reasonable to believe that blind, insensate, unintelligible matter gave birth to everything, or to believe that an infinite all-wise God created the universe and its contents. For me, I will accept this great miracle of creation, and say with David, “Know ye that Jehovah, he is God: It is he that hath made us, and we are his” (Psa. 100:3) God is the Creator of the universe, of life, and of man.

The Flood

Another miracle of the Old Testament which has been the center of considerable discussion is the Flood. You will remember that God warned Noah of the Flood, and told him to prepare an ark to the saving of his house. Noah followed carefully and minutely the instructions of God, building the ark precisely according to the pattern given him by God. Finally, when the Flood came, only Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives were saved to repopulate the earth. The unbelieving critics of the Bible regard the account of the Flood as but another religious myth. They think it preposterous to believe that at one time the waters covered the entire earth, and destroyed all of mankind except eight souls.

While the New Testament also tells of the Flood, it would likely not be any more authentic to the unbeliever than the Old Testament account. But I am not willing to cease quoting the Bible as authoritative until these critics answer the arguments proving the Bible’s inspiration. In 1 Pet. 3:18-20, we have mention made of the Flood: “Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; in which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, that aforetime were disobedient, when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is eight souls, were saved through water.” Jesus also stamps the story of the Flood as a truth when He warns of the nature of His second coming. It will be suddenly and without warning. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only. And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. For in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall be the coming of the Son of man” (Mt. 24:35-39). So the New Testament and the Flood account stand or fall together. Modernists, or those who profess to believe the Bible, but deny miracles, want to accept the ethical and moral teachings in the Bible, but deny the miraculous happenings, but Jesus teaches that these Old Testament miracles, and the New Testament teachings stand or fall together.

Furthermore, virtually every ancient civilization has had an account of the Flood preserved. The Babylonian account of the Flood has been discovered and deciphered so that today we are able to compare the account of this ancient civilization with the Biblical account of the Flood. We could go through the different civilizations and study their versions of the Flood, but space will not permit. However, let us notice this statement from a five-volume set entitled, World’s Great Events: “The one tradition which is really universal among those bearing on the history of primitive man is that of the Deluge (Flood-CW).It would, perhaps, be too much to say that it is found among all people; but it occurs among all the great races of the human species, with one important exception, the black race, among whom no trace of the tradition has been found, either among the African tribes or the populations of Polynesia” (Vol. 1, p. 35). But this is the important point

of this whole discussion on the universality of the Flood nor in ancient accounts: How did these accounts come to be? Did a legend just simultaneously spring up within each civilization throughout the world, with no support in reality? Was there nothing in fact or reality to support the account of the Flood? Yet, there is remarkable similarity between these accounts. Virtually all of them declare that the population was destroyed by water, that only a few were saved, and they were saved

by being in a ship or an ark. These are the essential events of the Biblical accounts. The truth is, the Flood actually happened, and it was such a momentous occasion in the annals of human history that each civilization preserved a story of it.

Also great masses of sea shells are to be found in the tops of mountains, and on one occasion the skeleton of a great shark was found in the top of a high mountain. This find silenced the argument of the infidels that the sea shells happened to be in the mountains because the pilgrims carried them there on their journeys, for it was quite inconceivable that a pilgrim would carry an eighteen-foot shark into a high mountain. In like manner, and as an additional proof, some outstanding geologists, such as George McCready Price explained the phenomena of geology by the Flood, and offer good proof for such explanation.


One cannot just discredit the Old Testament miracles with a wave of the hand. Those who deny such miracles much rather choose to laugh at them and to ridicule those who believe that miracles actually happened than to come to the polemical platform to offer good proof in denial of miracles. Scoffing is cheaper than offering arguments.

Truth Magazine XXI: 3, pp. 35-37
January 20, 1977

Eternal Security

By Wayne S. Walker

One of the tenets of Reformed theology which John Calvin adopted and propagated was that of “the preseverance of the saints.” Often it is referred to as the doctrine of “once in grace, always in grace.” Or stated as a proposition, it reads, “A child of God cannot so sin as to lose ‘his soul eternally.” Much has recently been said, and needs to be, concerning the relation of Calvinism to modern heresies among our brethren, but it is my purpose to examine this particular doctrine as it would be presented by a sectarian preacher of the Calvinist persuasion.

The Arguments For

A primary argument made for this kind of teaching is an emotional one. It may be asked, “If your son did not do what you asked, would you completely reject him as you claim God will His unfaithful children?” The fact that many have been disinherited in times past does not seem to deter the inquirer. Nor does the fact that we cannot` determine what God will or will not do by what man thinks or does, since God is not to. be. limited by human feelings. By applying a little reason to the situation, I think we can see a point that is overlooked. Suppose I were to make a promise to my hypothetical son-say a new car upon graduation from college: But if he should drop out his junior year, am I still obligated to give him the car? The obvious answer is no, even though he is my son and I still love him. The reason he would not receive the promise is that he did not complete the stipulations on his part. A The application is that God has promised His children eternal life, if they remain faithful to Him and do His will. But if those conditions are not met, God is under no obligation to carry out His promise, even though it involves His own children.

Emotion is not the only basis for argument, however. Calvinists know well how to twist Bible passages in attempting to prove their doctrine, all the while wresting the scriptures to their own destruction. A favorite passage in 1 John 3:9, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” The word “commit” is not in the original language, and the present construction of the Greek verb indicates habitual and persistent sin. That is, a child of God no longer lives in sin. The word “cannot” does not necessarily imply absolute impossibility (see Gen. 19:19, 42:22) but rather conditional or permissive impossibility. Notice also that the one “born of God” is the one that “doeth righteousness” (1 John 2:29), that is, continues to do righteousness. Besides, if this verse taught the impossibility of apostasy, it would have John contradicting himself, for in 1 John 2:1, he said he wrote to his readers that they sin not. Why write this warning if it were not possible for them to sin, or be in danger of losing their souls through sin? John recognized the possibility of apostasy.

Other passages similarly perverted are John 3:16 and 5:24. We are told, “It says, `shall not perish’ and `shall not come into condemnation.’ ” But note the condition of believing in both verses, again in the present tense denoting continuative action. No one denied that the true and faithful believer will not perish, but the question is, can a believer become an unbeliever? Hebrews 3:12 answers the question, “Yes!” John 10;28 is also misused: “Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” But of whom is Jesus speaking? Verse 27 says it is His sheep who hear His voice and follow Him. The possibility exists . that some of His sheep will not follow. Another misapplied verse is 1 Corinthians 10:13, where Paul said that God will make a way of escape for the Christian in temptation. This is supposed to mean that since God has provided a means of escape, therefore a Christian cannot sin. However, the verse in no way intimates that a Christian must take the escape route. All it says is that there is a way out of temptation for the Christian to take if he will; many will not, though, and will yield as revealed in James 1:14-15.

Two more passages worthy of examination are Ephesians 1:13-14 and Romans 8:34-39. According to this false doctrine, the seal of the Spirit is set upon Christians to make it impossible for them to fall. While it is true that the Holy Spirit is given us as a seal to guard and protect us, it~does not discount the possibility of the seal being broken. Nowhere is it stated that the Holy Ghost must remain as a seal on someone who does not want to be sealed any longer. The Spirit can be grieved (Eph. 4:30). Then we are told, “Nothing can separate us from the love of Gold.”‘ Not even unfaithfulness on the part of a Christian, I suppose. Something did separate Demas from God, though-the love of the world (2 Tim. 4:10). Something separated the Ephesians from the Lord, too; they left their first love (Rev. 2:4). What Romans 8 actually teaches is that one who truly loves God (verse 28) and keeps his Word will not be separated from the love of God.

What Saith the Scriptures?

Turning from the defensive, we now present scriptural teaching concerning the possibility of Christians falling. 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns, “Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.” It is argued that the context concerns the Israelites before the cross who were not under the New Testament dispensation. This reasoning is a misuse of the context and unnecessarily restricts it. The point Paul is making is that those Israelites fell because of their sins; so you Corinthian’s take heed lest ye fall. In Galatians, Paul plainly tells some “children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (3:27) that “Ye are fallen from grace” (5:4): The reason they were fallen was that they were “removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel” (1:6). There is no doubt the Bible teaches a child of God can fall from grace. The question now is whether that fallen Christian will still be saved.

In Hebrews 6:4-6, the writer spoke of some !`who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of-the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come” who later fell away and became so hardened that it was impossible to renew’ them unto repentance. Their state was that they had crucified “to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.” Now, can one in that condition have a home in heaven, even though he was once enlightened? Again, we turn to 2 Peter 2:20-22 and read of some who had “escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” but had again become entangled in them. Peter said that “The latter end is worse than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.” If a person who has been born again yet falls in sin will still be saved, how is the latter end worse than the first? If one who has sinned in this manner is worse off than one who has never become a Christian, how can he go to heaven? Then in Galatians 6:1, Paul encourages his spiritual minded brethren to restore those who were overtaken in a fault. Why attempt to restore such people if they, as Christians, will be saved despite their sin?

Some Calvinist preachers have made statements to the effect that they could murder, rape, prostitute themselves, even commit idolatry, and it would still be impossible for them to go to hell because they are supposedly born again children of God and He could never go back on His promise to save them. Let us see what the Bible says. Can a Christian lie? Ananias and

Sapphira did in. Acts 5:3. Revelation 21:8 says, “All liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” No distinction is made between “regenerate” liars and unregenerate ones. Can a child of God get drunk? Evidently it is possible, for Paul warns the Ephesian saints against it in Ephesians 5:18. Yet of drunkenness it is said, `that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:21). There is no difference here between drunkards who are Christians and those who are not. Again, can one born again commit fornication? Yes, for a brother could be a fornicator (1 Cor. 5:11). But no fornicator “shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:10). Nothing is said about children of God who commit fornication as opposed to fornicators of the world. The Bible teaches that a Christian can commit sins that are worthy of eternal punishment, and if they do, they will lose their souls in hell.


The apostle Paul recognized the possibility of apostasy in 1 Corinthians 9:27. He realized that through his body, he could sin in such a way as to be rejected or cast away. The verse does not say he would be rejected by his listeners, as some claim. The word means “disqualified”. in the original language. Disqualified from what’?-from running the race and gaining the prize of verses 24-26. The parable of the sower also shows that a child of God can fall from grace. In Luke 8:13-14, Jesus told of some who heard and received the Word, yet in time of temptation, or through the cares and pleasures of this world, fell away. Will they be saved eternally?

Someone might ask, “Well, do you ‘ believe in eternal security or not?” Yes, I believe in eternal security, but I believe what the Bible says about it, and that is, that it is conditional. In 2 Peter 1:10, after listing the characteristics that one must possess to be a faithful, growing Christian, the apostle said, “For if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” Note that well-“if ye do these things.” “If” introduces a condition. Truly, Christ is “the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him” (Heb. 5:9). The true Christian who constantly seeks to manifest godly qualities in his life shall never fall. But his eternal security is conditional on his remaining faithful. On the other hand, one who fails to meet the conditions and does not continue to obey, forfeits his eternal security, for God is no longer bound to keep His promise.

The teaching that a child of God cannot so sin as to lose his soul in hell is a false teaching invented by the devil and is a cop-out: It allows a person to soothe his conscience and “feel saved” in spite of the sin he may allow in his life. Certainly not all who believe unconditional perseverance of the saints actually think this way, at least consciously; but anyone who accepts the doctrine does not have to be so careful with his life as one who knows that when he yields to the temptations of Satan, his sin may cause him to lose his eternal security. Then,’ do I doubt my salvation? Not a bit. I know that as long as I act in harmony with God’s will that I will be eternally saved. And the fact that if I get out of step I may be lost provides additional motivation to live as God would have me to. I would hope that all who teach impossibility of apostasy will come to recognize the teaching for what it is-a damnable departure from the teaching of God’s Word.

Truth Magazine XXI: 2, pp. 28-29
January 13, 1977

The Christian and Violence

By Jeffery Kingry

“President Killed By Sniper In Dallas”

“Kennedy Shot In Hotel By Arab Extremist”

“Wallace Gunned Down In Maryland Crowd”

“King Murdered In Memphis”

“Manson Cult Follower Attempts To Take Ford’s Life”

“Hijacking Ends In Three Deaths”

“Husband Kills Family And Self”

How long could we go on with this bloody litany from the front pages of our daily newspapers? Assassinations, race riots, looting, burning, college student revolts, bombed churches, airports, banks, homes, and public buildings. From 1963 to 1968 there were at least 370 civil rights demonstrations involving more than a million people, and more than 80 counter-demonstrations in opposition to civil rights and school integration. There have been riots and civil disorder in every major city in America. The demonstrations against the war in Asia touched every state campus in the U.S., and involved hundreds of thousands of students across the nation. Mass murders, senseless violent crime, and rape have increased at an alarming rate. The annual sale of hand guns is up by 500 9i since ten years ago. There have been more deaths from handguns in the U.S. in its history than all the combined deaths of all involved combatants in all of the wars the U.S. has ever fought. All major violent crimes: murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault etc. are rising out of all proportion to our population.

The number of subversive and extremist organizations that advocate violence has increased dramatically in the past ten years. These organizations strive in every way possible to disrupt law and order. They breed hatred and bigotry which feed violence. The left wing political violence groups, like the SDS, have led violence on college campuses and into our political processes. Extremist reactionary groups like the Klan, SNCC, RAM and others have advocated and used violence to further their bigotry.

People have lost respect for law and authority because of corruption, and prejudicial enforcement of the law. The media has encouraged violence by its glorification of violence and those who resort to violence. At times it seems as though we are surrounded by violence.

Some Responses Made by Christians

Christians have made some bad choices when it comes to dealing with violence. Many have purchased weapons and have full intent to use them if threatened in any way. The homes of some followers of the Prince of Peace look like armed camps, festooned with firearms of all descriptions, and sufficient ammunition to fuel a short war. Guns beside the bed, under the pillow, in the glove compartment in the car, in a rack in the truck, in the desk at work reflect brethren desperately afraid of what men may do to them. Some, driven to the point of paranoia, have installed elaborate burglar alarm systems costing thousands of dollars, barred windows, hired killer dogs, and erected high fences. This close contact with violence has prompted some to lose their spiritual bearings. Did you ever hear the comments made by some brethren at the assassination of Kennedy and King? These brethren actually gave “God-speed” to the bloody murder of these men with young families as if it were a deed approved by God. God does not approve murder-even of sinners.

What Can I Do?

We live in the midst of a wicked and perverse world. Violence will be a part of our reality as long as we remain on this earth. Violence did not start with the race riots of the sixties. The history of the U.S. has been checkered since its beginning with violence-since the first slaughter of the innocent Indians and their enforced slavery by Columbus and those who followed him. The wilderness was taken from the aborigines by force, the beginnings of the U.S. were bred in violence, civil war, riots, the wild west, are all part of a long history of violence. The world of man began with the violent murder of the righteous by the wicked (Gen. 4).

The presence of violence has always been a spectre upon creation. As long as there is a devil and wicked men, there will be bloody hands. We will not preserve ourselves by might and weaponry, but by the care and providence of God. We may decry men’s wicked deeds; notwithstanding, our faith must not stand in ourselves, but in God. “O Lord God of vengeance; O Lord to whom vengeance belongeth, shine forth! Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud. Lord, how long shall the wicked triumph? How long shall they utter and speak hard things? And all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? They break in pieces thy people, O Lord, and afflict throe heritage. They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. Yet they say, The Lord shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools when will ye be wise? He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see? He that chastiseth the heathen, shall he not correct? He that teachest man knowledge, shall he not know? The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. Blessed is the man whom thou chasteneth, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law; that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked. For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright of heart shall follow it. Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had quickly dwelt in silence. When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up. In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. But the Lord is my defense; and my God is the rock of my refuge. And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness, yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off” (Psa. 94).

To the Christian with little faith this answer does not provide an answer. But, it is the only answer God gives. The authority of law-its institution, interpretation, and application-belongs to government (Rom. 13). The government is God’s minister to us for good, to protect us from the evil-doer, and to reward our good behavior by permitting us to participate in the service government provides. But even if government fails-God is still faithful who promised us protection. God hasn’t promised complete freedom from violence, quite the contrary. As Christians we are told to expect persecution and unfair treatment, maybe even death (Matt. 10:16-28; Mk. 13:9-13; Luke 6:22, 23; Jno. 15:18,19). But, what has the Christian to fear from violence? “If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us… Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” (Rom. 8:17, 18, 35). Jesus was a victim of violence, as were His apostles and saints. Throughout history “they had trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword. . .being destitute, afflicted, and tormented” (Heb. 11:36-40). What was the conclusion of the Holy Spirit? If those in times past persevered in faith, without the end that is so evident and appealing to us, what should our attitude be towards the violent deeds of men? We must lay aside all the garbage of faith in worldly power and protection, and follow Jesus Christ and His example. Even the Son of God endured violence, trusting God to raise him up. He did not carry a weapon, nor would he look to violent means to preserve his life (Matt. 26:51, 52, 53). This does not mean that we give ourselves over to complete pacifism to evildoers. Government “carrieth not the sword in vain” and it exists as our protector from the evildoer. Paul appealed to law and the protection of law in his battle against the forces of bloody minded men (Acts 22:25ff; 23:12-35; 25:11). “But if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf” (1 Pet. 4:16).

Combatting Violence

Christians combat violence by striking at the roots of violence-the emotions that lead to violence. Jesus told us that the man who committed no violence was not justified before God if he harbored hatred and violent thoughts in his spirit (Matt. 5:21-26). Violence stems from anger, and hatred. As Christians we must put away wrath, evil speaking, gossip, and backbiting. We must demand the positive virtues of love, affection, humility, and regard among our brethren and in ourselves (Eph. 4:29-32). We must not permit the sun to go down upon our wrath but seek reconciliation with those we have wronged, and those who have wronged us (Matt. 5:23, 24; Matt. 18:15-17). We must stem violent words by conciliatory, loving, and tender conversation (Prov. 15:1; 25:15). We must set forth a personal example of a peaceful, law-keeping citizenship (1 Pet. 2:12-17). We must maintain a healthy home life, free from the hatred, violence, and corruption of the world. This means turning off the T.V. set once in awhile, choosing proper reading matter in the home, and directing the musical and literary tastes of our children (Eph. 6:4). We must speak out individually or in social groups against those parts of our society that breed violence. Taking the Gospel seriously in our lives means that we will use it to change the world. We need to become the reconcilers, the peacemakers, the crusaders against social injustice and corruption (Matt. 5:13-16). We must insist on fair and effective law enforcement. Equal penalty under law, with equity and mercy to all is not an American virtue of law-it is a divine principle (Rom. 2:6-11).

Truth Magazine XXI: 2, pp. 26-27
January 13, 1977

Regarding My Recent Article

By Jimmy Tuten

I recently received a note from Edgar Dye who feels that I misrepresented him in my recent article, “Withdrawing From the Withdrawn,” which appeared in the January 13th issue of Truth Magazine. I did not intend to do so and want to make it clear that he and I are in agreement on the issue discussed. As a matter of fact I used much of his material in my article. I hope this clears the matter up and no one else draws the same conclusion.

Note Appeared in Truth Magazine XXI: 12, p. 178 
March 24, 1977