‘Deep Throat’ or Florida College

By William R. John

While after reading this article one would like not to think so, it nevertheless must be admitted that the University of Wisconsin is a fair representation of most state colleges and universities. State schools of higher learning have for some time supported such things as the Theory of Evolution, and certain atheistic philosophy, while easing into the realm of support for immorality as is represented by their “co-ed dorms.” However let us understand that these fortresses of ungodliness not only tolerate immorality, but produce it to the satisfaction of all who may have attached themselves to these citadels of Satan.

The following is an editorial taken from the Racine Journal Times of Sunday, November 24, 1974. It is entitled “Deep Throat on UW campus” and I quote the entire article.

“Deep Throat”, one of the most pornographically graphic films of all time, recently was shown on the University of Wisconsin Madison campus.

Students cheered the film’s star, Linda Lovelace, applauded the racier scenes and shouted verbal encouragement to the actors as they engaged in extremely naughty sex acts.

The film was sponsored by the UW Lecture Society in the Social Science building classroom. About 2,500 adults of all ages saw “Deep Throat”, including students, faculty and clergymen.

It appears that the new morality (or immorality) has become so accepted on campus that practically anything goes.

One might have expected at least some objection about the showing of a porno film in a university classroom. But there wasn’t one protest. Not one.

As each day passes, the responsibility of bringing up my children becomes more and more difficult because of the worldly influence upon all of my family. As I am responsible for the “nurturing and admonishing of my children in the Lord” (Eph. 6:4), it is also my responsibility to provide and secure the alternate to the “Deep Throat” attitudes and atmospheres which prevails upon our society. In the area of higher learning, Florida College is an alternate. In fact, as far as I am concerned, the only alternate in this particular area of my children’s growth.

There are some who would contend that I have no need or right to help establish or support that alternative. Needless to say, their voice becomes softer and softer in my ears and they are drowned out by the wound of sin which would kill the souls of my children, although the voice of my responsibility as a parent is louder than any because it comes from God’s word.

Before we send our children off to die under the influence of the likes of “Deep Throat,” we had better think more seriously about our parental responsibility. You and I do have a choice. Florida College, I believe, is the only choice (in higher education) that we have. The choice is yours and mine. Will it be “Deep Throat” or Florida College? Surely we can make the right decision.

Truth Magazine XXI: 6, p. 85
February 10, 1977

To Americanize

By Mike Willis

The church at Corinth faced numerous problems because of the culture with which it had to contend. Corinth was an extremely immoral city. It was the capital of the Roman province of Achaia and was geographically located in such a place that it inevitably became a trade center of the ancient world. Because of this, people from all areas of the world and with different backgrounds and cultures moved to Corinth. “One factor which contributed to Corinth’s deep dive into the cesspool of immorality was the stream of commerce pouring through the city. Located on the isthmus which joined mainland Greece to the southern peninsula, it was a major seaport town . . . . The waterfront anywhere in the world is always a tough neighborhood. Corinth teemed with sailors of all nationalities far from home. When they landed in Corinth they were looking for a good time. The pagan Corinthians were more than ready to provide them everything they were seeking.”(1)

The culture in Corinth was sex-crazed. Corinth “had a reputation for commercial prosperity, but she was also a by-word for evil and immoral living. The very word korinthiazesthai, to live like a Corinthian, had become a part of the Greek language, and it meant to live with drunken and immoral debauchery.”(2) In his work entitled Flesh and Spirit, Barclay described the immorality of the ancient Graeco-Roman world. Here are some of the quotations from ancient writers used by Barclay to describe the condition of the ancient world:

Demosthenes: “We keep mistresses for pleasure, concubines for the day-today needs of the body, but we have wives in order to produce children legitimately and to have a trustworthy guardian of our homes.”

Seneca: “Roman women were married to be divorced and were divorced to be married.” “Innonence is not rare, it is nonexistent.”(3)

He went on to describe how prostitution was legalized and state brothels were opened with the profits from them being used to erect, temples to gods. Even Messalina, the wife of Claudius Caesar, slipped out of the royal palace at nights to serve in public brothels. Homosexuality, unnatural vice that it is, flourished as well; many of the high government officials openly practiced homosexuality. Nero married a castrated youth called Sporus and went in a marriage procession with him throughout the streets of Rome.

Even though the general morality of the Graeco Roman world was low, the morality at Corinth was below average. One evidence of this is the fact that the word korinthiazesthai had come to be associated with immorality. Another evidence of this fact was the presence of sacred temple prostitutes in Corinth. “Above the isthmus there towered the hill of Acropolis, and on it there stood the great temple of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. To that temple there were attached one thousand priestesses who were sacred prostitutes, and at evening time they descended from the Acropolis and plied their trade upon the streets of Corinth . . .”(4)

The emphasis on sex was one of the characteristics of Corinth; hence, to “corinthize” meant to be engaged in immorality. Since the Corinthian culture so greatly emphasized sexual immorality, that the church in that city had problems with fornication and adultery should not surprise us (cf. l Cor.5:1-3; 69-11,15-20).

To “Americanize”

Have you ever stopped to think what characteristics largely represent our American society? I was never very conscious of this until I read the newspaper accounts of the Communist takeover of South Viet Nam. The first thing the Communists wanted to do was to get rid of the vestiges of American culture. What did they get rid of? Cars, TV’s, electrical appliances, etc. ? No! Rather, the vestiges of American culture in South Viet Nam of which they wanted to rid themselves were things such as mini-skirts, drugs, brothels and prostitutes!

That America has become nearly as sex-crazed as ancient Corinth is becoming more obvious every day. Merchants sell everything from cars to shaving cream to gasoline and oil through an appeal to sex. If this were not working, you can rest assured that another approach to selling their products would be used. Our televisions are showing an increasing number of movies which are recommended for mature audiences. Christianity Today recently reported the following:

“More than one mlllion teenagers –10 per cent of all girls 15 to 19 in the United States–become pregnant each year according to a study published by Family Planning Perspectives magazine. More than one-third of the births are to unmarried mothers, the report says, and nearly one-third of the pregnancies end in abortion. Meanwhile, Playboy notes in a survey of students at twenty colleges that virginity is claimed by only 26 per cent of the women students this year (compared to 49 per cent In 1970) and by 26 per cent of the males (up from 18 per cent).”(5)

The Dayton Journal-Herald similarly reported the following:

“Interesting Data: Did you know that babies born out of wedlock accounted for 51 percent of all births in Washington, D.C. last year?

“It marked the first time, the National Center for Health Statistics reports, that a major U.S. city has had more children born to women who were not married than to women who were.

“Nationwide, only about 13 percent of all births were illegitimate.

“However, In Dayton last year, 33.6 percent (1,127) of all births (3,352) were illegitimate, according to Connie Martin, supervisor of data processing for the Montgomery County Health District. That’s an increase from the 31.9 percent illegitimate birth rate in 1974.”

Yes, my brethren, more and more the phrase “to Americanize” will become associated with the ideas of graft, corruption, and especially immorality.

Christians and Culture

Many contemporary theologians are teaching that ethical rules fluctuate with the society. One such example of this theology is that of John A. T. Robinson, an Anglican bishop; he said,

“For nothing can of itself be labelled as `wrong: One cannot, for instance, start from the position `sex relations before marriage’ or `divorce’ are wrong and sinful in themselves. They may be in 99 cases or even 100 cases out of 100, but they are not intrinsically so, for the only intrinsic evil is lack of love.”(6)

In a similar vein, Joseph Fletcher said,

“Is adultery wrong? . . . . One can only respond, ‘I don’t know. Maybe. Give me a case. Describe a real situation’ . . . . What is to be done in any situation depends on the case, and the moral issue is, therefore, quite relative.”?(7)

But are ethical commandments (or doctrinal beliefs, for that matter) relative?

If there were ever a situation in which ethical commandments were altered by the moral standards of the people, the situation at Corinth would have altered them. Yet, what did Paul teach Christians in Corinth? Did he say, “Since everyone else is engaging in pre- and extra-marital sexual relationships in your city, you can also engage in them with discretion”? Absolutely not! Instead, he wrote,

“It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father’s wife.. And you have become arrogant, and have not mourned instead, in order that the one who had done this deed might he removed from your midst. For 1, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus, I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Cor. 5:1-5).

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revflers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

“Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? May it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a harlot is one body with her? For He says, ‘The two will become one flesh.’ But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee Immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body” (1 Cor. 6:15-18).

My brethren, sin is not determined by the ethical norms of society or by one’s own personal conscience; sin is determined by God’s word. Anything which violates God’s word is sin, regardless of what society’s attitude toward it might be. Therefore, we Christians must dare to be different! We must walk by God’s commandments even when our contemporaries “are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excess of dissipation, and they malign you” ( 1 Pet. 4:4). God’s word, and not man’s ideas, should determine how we live.

Truth Magazine XXI: 6, pp. 83-85
February 10, 1977

Review of the New International Version

By Luther W Martin

As early as twenty years ago, denominational leaders concluded that an “up-to-date, faithful translation of the Scriptures” was needed. Actual steps were taken in 1965 toward implementing such a project. In 1966, “100 key leaders and Bible scholars and some- 200 interested laymen” met in conference in Chicago to lay a foundation for the effort. In 1967, the New York Bible Society International agreed to sponsor the project, and to raise funds for its execution., The first tentative name for the version was “A Contemporary Translation”; but it was later changed to “The New International Version.”

A Committee on Bible Translation composed of fifteen was ultimately agreed upon. It was said of them: “They are all committed to the full authority and complete trustworthiness of the Scriptures, which they believe to be God’s Word in written form.” The Committee also wrote in the Preface: “Like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect men, this one undoubtedly falls short of its aims.” These two quotations taken from the Preface of the New International Version, portray the good attitude expressed by the translators. How well they achieved their goal, must be weighed and evaluated by all who make a study of the Scriptures.

Group Translation VS. One-Man Translation

A version rendered by a plurality of translators is always to be desired over the work of a sole translator. The diverse views and conclusions reached by the several will tend to reduce the sometimes sectarian and “far-out” renderings of the single translator, who has no system of checks and balances to moderate or modify his single line of thought. Such was the advantage of the King James Version, the American Standard, and the New American Standard, as well as the New International. While Taylor’s “Living Bible,” “Moffatt’s,” “Goodspeed’s,” and many others that were the works of lone translators mirrored the thoughts, conclusions and prejudices of one man’s mind alone. So, from this viewpoint, the NIV has avoided the “one-mind” limitation.

It is to be regretted, that the NIV translators did not see fit to use Italics to indicate when an English word was added for which there was no actual Greek equivalent. For the serious reader of the Bible, such information is a must. The NIV included some very helpful footnotes. But, most of the English versions and editions published today, do the same. The use of archaic words common to the King James and American Standard Versions is avoided by the NIV. In fact, the NIV in its Preface expresses the thought: ” . . . the Greek text uses no special pronouns to express reverence for God and Christ.”

Calvinism Heavily Stressed

The NIV has numerous improved renderings over some of its predecessors. It also has some translation results that are less than desirable. But the most glaring flaw in the entire Version is the great emphasis placed upon the expression “sinful nature”! Notice the following examples:

Rom. 7:5 – “sinful nature.”

Rom. 7:18 – “in my sinful nature.”

Rom. 7:25 – “in my sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:3 – “by our sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:4 – “our sinful nature:”

Rom. 8:5 – “their sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:8 – “their sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:9 – “your sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:12 – “our sinful nature.”

Rom. 8:13 – “the sinful nature.”

1 Cor. 5:5 – “his sinful nature.”

Gal. 5:13 – “your sinful nature.”

Gal. 5:16 – “your sinful nature:”

Gal. 5:17 – “the sinful nature” (twice in this verse).

Gal. 5:19 – “the sinful nature.”

Gal. 5:24 – “their sinful nature:”

Gal. 6:8 – “his sinful nature.”

Eph. 2:3 – “our sinful nature.”

Col. 2:11 – “your sinful nature.”

Col. 2:13 – “your sinful nature.”

II Pet. 2:10 – “their sinful natures.”

II Pet. 3:18 -“sinful human nature.”

In reviewing a Version, the reviewer should try to be objective. Obviously, I have completely failed in objectivity in dealing with the NIV. The truth is, though, that this version goes overboard in pushing the old Calvinistic false doctrine of inherited sin. And, even though it contains some worthwhile renderings, its attempt to further this particular false religious theory, more than nullifies any of its good points.

Truth Magazine XXI: 6, p. 82
February 10, 1977

What is a Home Without a Bible?

By Dennis C. Abernathy

As I was reading the following poem, I was made to wonder just how many homes there are without Bibles.

What is a home without a Bible?

‘Tis a borne where day is night,

Starless night, for o’er life’s pathway,

Heaven can shed no kindly light.

What is a home without a Bible?

‘Tis a home where daily bread

For the body is provided,

But the soul is never fed.

What is a home without a Bible?

‘Tis a family out at sea;

Compass lost and rudder broken,

Drifting, drifting, thoughtlessly.

What is a home without a Bible?

List! and ponder while I speak;

‘Tis a home with Bibles in it,

But opened not once a week!

How well the poem says it. There are countless multitudes in the world who never read the Bible. Churches are made up of people who claim to follow the Bible as a guide, but who never bother to arouse the dust on the cover to open it. We hear it stated that the Bible tops the best seller lists (and this is good) but, I am afraid there are more Bibles sold than are read and studied! Christian, are you guilty also? For shame!

About all many know about the Bible is what they have been told, or picked up somewhere. This is why there is so much confusion in the religious world, and why there are so many people believing so many different doctrines.

The person that will not study the Bible is a lazy person. Hell will be filled with those claiming to be Christians, but who never studied the orders of the Captain of our salvation. If we could just realize that the Word of God will be the standard by which we will be judged in the last day (Jn. 12:48). Be not deceived into thinking, you can plead ignorance.

Do not trust the salvation of your soul to a “hit-and-miss” kind of knowledge of what God will have you to do. Be a man, stand on your own two feet, and study your Bible diligently and you can stand approved before God (2 Tim. 2:15). The Word is the truth (Jn. 17:17). It can make you free (Jn. 8:32). But, you must have the initiative to search it (Jn. 5:39; Acts 17:11). Is your home a “home with a Bible” or a “home without a Bible”? Think about it!

Truth Magazine XXI: 5, p. 77
February 3, 1977