Instrumental Music in Worship (IV)

By Earl E. Robertson

Defense of Mechanical Instruments

While space in this work will not permit a consideration of all defenses of instrumental music in worship to God, we will hear the efforts most commonly offered for apology.

Inherent. O. E. Payne, a champion for the instrument, says, “Henceforth we must unite in agreeing that if we forego musical instruments we cannot , conform to the divine injunction to psallein” (Instrumental Music Is Scriptural, p. 172). Payne is saying the divine command to “sing and make melody in your heart” cannot be done without mechanical instruments; that the verb “make melody” includes such an instrument as the organ. Having already shown that the object of the verb is not named within the verb (psallo, make melody) itself, but is specifically named in addition to it, we are, therefore, forced to reject Payne’s assertion. If the object of the verb is at times “to pluck the hair,” or “twang the bowstring,” or “vibrate the carpenter’s line,” or the human “heart” (Eph. 5:19), how is it possible for the verb to specify (inhere) only an instrument such as the organ? What proves too much proves nothing! The object of the verb psallo is no more inherent in it than the object of the verb inheres in baptizo. The element is not specified in the word baptizo. Additional passages tell one that baptism is in water. When Jesus gave the great commission promising salvation to the one that believes and is baptized (Mark 16:15, 16), He did not use a word (baptizo) that has the element or object built within it. Additional statements do, however, tell us it is water (Acts 8:36-39). Likewise it is true that the object of make melody is specified in addition to it-the heart (Eph. 5:19). Since the heart is named it will not permit another instrument!

Music in Heaven. The passage usually offered to teach that there is instrumental music in heaven and that it is therefore, scriptural to have such in the church is Revelation 14:2. The passage says: “And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and the voice which I heard was as the voice of harpers harping with their harps.” The passage says nothing about music in heaven, the church, or worship! John said, “I heard a voice.” The voice he heard he describes: it was as waters, as thunder, as harpers harping with their harps. John heard no water, thunder, or harps; John said he heard a voice!

Aids. Some affirm that instrumental music aids the singing, that the organ as an auxiliary device assists and expedites. But as earlier shown, instrumental music is another kind than that which God specified when he said “sing.” It being, therefore, another kind of music makes it, not a mere aid, but an addition. It being added makes two kinds of music; God specified only one; so, the kind added allegedly as a mere aid, has actually become an addition to what God authorizes!

The Prodigal Son. R. M. Bell, late president of Johnson Bible College said, “Jesus indicated that instrumental music would be used in the church” (What The Bible Teaches Concerning Instrumental Music In Worship, p. 11). When the straying profligate returned from a life of dissipation and licentiousness he was greeted by his father. They all began to be merry. When the elder brother returned from the field he “heard music and dancing” (Lk. 15:25). Bell tells us, “The Greek word here used is the one from which we get our word `symphony.’ The music, of course, was instrumental music.” It is true this word means “symphony;” it also means “harmony of sounds” (Harper’s Lexicon. p. 384). Vine said, “Literally, a sounding together.” The consonance of sounds is not limited to instrumental music; human voices have harmony or agreement among their components! To force a word or passage to teach something it does not necessarily teach is violence. But even if we grant this was instrumental music, how does such authorize churches of Christ to use such in their assemblies of worship? But we are told the Father’s house here in Luke 15 represents the church, and if it does not represent the church it then represents heaven! And Bell said, “In either case, the use of instrumental music in praise and thanksgiving is approved by both God and Christ.” Why does the language here merely represent (being figurative) when music is literal and actual? The lesson simply states the joy of a sinful child of God returning to God and right. If we shall literalize the music and make it an organ and put it in the church, we will then be forced to do the same with the dancing, the robe, the ring, the shoes, and the killing of the fatted calf! What proves too much doesn’t prove anything.

Didn’t Say Not To. One is often heard to say, “Well, the Bible doesn’t say, ‘Thou shalt not play.’ ” But, do all these negatives authorize the playing of the organ in worship? Earlier, we have shown that God’s people “walk by faith” and that “faith comes by hearing the word of God.” If God is silent in His word about playing the organ in worship, then to play it would be without faith. God’s people live by what God says, not presumptuously acting in His silence. When God does not include something in His word that something can never be done with God’s blessings. It is “at thy word” that God’s people serve him. If we offered unto God any worship we might wish simply upon the basis that we could not find a passage that specifically says, “thou shalt not offer” this or that, we could sacrifice a Cat! Let us get back to the Bible-back to Bible authority for all we do before God.

David Played Instrumental Music. Advocates of instrumental music in worship to God in Christ’s church smilingly say “David had it.” So, this is to mean that we today can use it too! Grant that David played before the Lord and was right in doing it. But how does that prove that it is scriptural today to play it as worship to God? David had many wives and concubines; he “shamelessly uncovered himself” before women and declared such “was before the Lord.” Suppose the Lord accepted it, does this prove it would be right to do such today?

David did not live under the law of Christ; we do. David enjoyed the benefit of animal sacrifice for sin, but we have the blood of Chris. The covenant of Christ does not authorize instrumental music; therefore, instrumental music in worship to God today is not dedicated with the blood of Christ. Any act not under his blood is without sanctification.


Satisfaction with God’s decisions is imperative for all God’s children. God knows best, and he has told us what he wants as worship. If we are not satisfied with what He says, immediately we should begin to change our attitude and convictions. When life for us in this world is all over, really all that will amount to anything is whether we have respected what God says. Make a determined effort to “seek the old paths and walk therein” (Jer. 6:16). Any action outside the teaching of Jesus is fatal. The early church “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine”,and so must every church of Christ today. Do not be a party to apostasy. Do not be a party to the dividing of the people of God by the introduction of unauthorized things. God will not hold you guiltless! The joy of walking in the truth not only gives present blessings and eternal life, but also has apostolic sanction (3 John 3, 4).

Truth Magazine XXI: 10, pp. 151-152
March 10, 1977

New Staff Writers Added

By Mike Willis

Those of us who are working to produce Truth Magazine are constantly looking for ways in which we can improve the quality of the Magazine. Hence, we sometimes produce special issues on current topics, make technical changes in the printing of the paper, etc. all of which are designed to make Truth Magazine a better journal through which the gospel of Jesus Christ is presented. Among the things which we have done to improve the paper is to secure the services of qualified writers to make sure that the content of this paper is worth the cost which our subscribers pay. We like to think that we have always presented a good staff of writers who regularly contribute articles to this paper which make this magazine among the very best in print.

Sometimes we lose writers for one reason or another. Some of our regular writers are growing old to the point that their years of service are very much limited. Some, because of health reasons, are no longer able to write regularly for us. Others have committed themselves to other fields of labor to such an extent that they are no longer contributing articles to Truth Magazine. Hence, we are losing staff writers from time to time. Even at this time, we are losing Ferrell Jenkins, Harry Ozment and Bruce Edwards. Hence, we find it necessary to enhance our staff of writers by adding some new staff writers at this time.

Before announcing the names of our new staff writers, there are some introductory remarks which I would like to make. It should go without saying that each writer is solely responsible for the material which he himself writes. We ask no writer to accept responsibility for the total content of this journal nor even request that he defend us in all matters of judgment. There will always be times when the manner in which another author writes is not pleasing to me and the manner in which I write will not be pleasing to someone else. Hence, we only ask that each writer be responsible for his own work. There will be times that various members of our staff will disagree with things which appear in this journal and may choose to express that disagreement. Sometimes, as editor, I even request that opposing viewpoints of different matters be presented. This is done in the belief that the presentation of both sides of an issue will help make the truth shine brighter.

We always request that each staff writer contribute at least six articles each year for publication. Our reason for this is that we have no intention of publishing a masthead filled with the names of venerable brethren who do not regularly write for this journal. Hence, if any of our staff writers decide that they do not want to write at least six articles per year for Truth Magazine, we request that they at least let us know of their intention to quit writing for us by resigning.

The men whom we have chosen to write for us are very well qualified men. One is a well-known, experienced preacher who has been serving our Lord for more years than I have been alive. Two others of our writers are rapidly approaching the ripe old age of thirty and the fourth has recently passed that age. I guess that we would have to list him as being in the prime of his life. All of those whom we are adding are known and respected for their faithfulness to God and His word. Their lives are impeccable and their abilities are well-known. We sincerely believe that Truth Magazine will be enhanced by their contributions.

In order that I might introduce these men to you, I have written a brief, biographical sketch of each of these men. By knowing a little of their background, perhaps you will appreciate their works a little more. In alphabetical order, our new staff writers are as follows:

Bill Cavender

On November 28, 1926, Bill Lavender was born in Bemis, Tennessee. The son of Methodist parents, Bill graduated from high school in 1944 and promptly joined the United States Navy serving until August, 1946. While in the Navy, he served as a pharmacist’s mate. Two years after his discharge from the armed forces, Bill married Miss Marinel Raines of Malesus, Tennessee.

Bill attended Union University in Jackson, Tennessee and David Lipscomb College in Nashville; he graduated from Lipscomb in 1950.

While in the Navy, Bill obeyed the gospel. He was stationed in San Francisco, California when he heard the gospel preached, believed it and obeyed it. Less than two years after he was baptized into Christ, Bill had preached his first gospel sermon in his hometown. While attending school, he preached for two years at the Deason church in Bedford County, Tennessee and then at the Philadelphia church in Maury County and the Fosterville church in Rutherford County by Sunday appointments.

Since then, Bill has done local work at Ashland City, Tennessee; Cooper, Texas (4 years); Dallas, Texas (3 years); Longview, Texas (5 years); and Port Arthur, Texas (14 years). He has preached for the Imhoff Avenue congregation for the last eleven years.

During his life, Bill has had the privilege of personally baptizing approximately 900 people. He has had one debate and that with a United Pentecostal preacher. At the present, while working with the brethren at Imhoff Avenue, he holds ten to fifteen gospel meetings every year and writes an eight-page monthly church bulletin which has a circulation of 4,500. Bill is known and loved by brethren all over these United States.

Bill and Marinel have four sons: Paul, Philip, Bradley and Bait. They are also the proud grandparents of one little girl. I know that you will enjoy the articles which Brother Bill Cavender writes for us.

Daniel Hayden King

Daniel was born on August 1, 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. Hayden King of Union City, Tennessee. His father was a “sharecropper.” To the King’s were born two other sons and one daughter. To make a living as a sharecropper in that area was extremely difficult; hence, in 1954 the King’s were forced to leave Tennessee in search of a better job. The family ended up in Detroit, Michigan where Hayden King worked in the construction trade.

Daniel’s father was reared as a Methodist; his mother was a member of the Lord’s church, as most of her family before her had been. Her family had been forced to disassociate themselves from the Christian Church when the division occurred over instrumental music and missionary societies. Because of strong gospel preaching and the influence of a god-fearing woman, Hayden King was converted to Christ and took the lead in raising his family to be Christians. Mr. and Mrs. King must have been rather effective at this since all four of their children are faithful Christians.

When the family moved to Michigan, they began to worship with the East Detroit church. Already, the battle was raging over whether or not the church could scripturally support benevolent institutions and the sponsoring church arrangement. Letters from home reported the Newbern, Tennessee debate between Roy E. Cogdill and Guy N. Woods. The aftermaths of this debate are the primary cause of the King’s stand against liberalism in the church today. Finally, when the church at East Detroit became too liberal for the King’s to tolerate, they left the congregation and identified with the saints at South Macomb in Roseville, Michigan.

In the meantime, Daniel was having some trouble deciding to be a Christian. The presentation of evolution as scientific fact had persuaded him that the biblical account of creation could not be true. He wrestled with this until, in the summer of 1965; he was baptized into Christ by the ‘young evangelist at the East Detroit church, Jimmy Carter (no relation to the President, I presume). Upon his conversion, Daniel decided to change his plans from majoring in Biology to become a gospel preacher. Soon, he preached his first gospel sermon on “Creation.”

During the period following his graduation from high school, Daniel met Miss Donna Jean Chapman, the young lady destined to become the wife of a young preacher. She had been a member of the Catholic Church but through their studies together, she became a Christian. On September 7, 1968, Donna and Daniel were united in marriage.

During the years that Daniel was getting his education, he worked part time with several congregations. From 1966 to 1968, he studied at Wayne State University in Detroit where he primarily studied Greek and public speaking. From there he went to David Lipscomb College where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible. His interest changed to the study of the Old Testament while at this college. Soon, he enrolled at Harding College Graduate School of Religion from which university he received the Master of Arts degree in Old Testament in 1973. While in Memphis, Daniel help to establish a new congregation in Millington, Tennessee. During this time, the church grew from twenty members to over eighty members in just two and one-half years. In 1973, he moved to work with the Gallatin, Tennessee church with which he labored until 1975. When he moved to Nashville to work with the Hillview church, he continued his education by attending Vanderbilt University where he has almost completed the classroom work for a Ph. D. degree in Old Testament Studies.

Daniel has written for several periodicals. He was a regular contributor for Facts For Faith, a periodical dealing with Christian evidences. In October, 1972, he engaged Dr. David Otis Fuller, author of Which Bible? in a written discussion on whether or not the King James Version was the best translation of the biblical texts. Too, Daniel has contributed several articles to Truth Magazine.

Daniel and Donna have one son, Daniel, Jr., who is now four years old. They are expecting their second child in March, 1977.

Keith Sharp

Keith is richly blessed by being the son of a faithful gospel preacher. He was born September 27, 1945 in Del Rio, Texas to H. F. and Pearl Sharp. H. F. Sharp, a native of Arkansas, has been preaching for nearly 35 years and was the first preacher in the state of Arkansas to publicly take a stand against church support of orphan homes. Through the years he has manifested a steadfast, unyielding and uncompromising loyalty to truth.

During Keith’s childhood, the Sharp’s were doing located work primarily in Conway, Arkansas. After completing high school in that city, Keith attended Florida College where he compiled quite a record as an outstanding student, holding several class and society offices and receiving several awards for outstanding work. While in Florida, Keith also met the woman who became his wife, Miss Sandra Diane Hawkins. They were married on September 4, 1965. Sandy is from Elgin, Illinois; her parents are faithful Christians and her father formerly served the Elgin church as an elder.

In May of 1965, Keith began his first full-time work by preaching in Quitman, Arkansas. While working with that congregation, he continued his education by attending Arkansas State Teachers College (now known as the University of Central Arkansas) in Conway. In 1966, he moved to El Dorado, Arkansas to preach for the Union Heights congregation. While there he received the BSE degree in social studies from Southern State College in Magnolia. After graduating, he taught one year of school at Parkers Chapel High School. That must have been a busy year for Keith because during that year he taught school, drove a school bus, attended to extra-curricular school activities, preached weekly, and wrote a bulletin. During this same year, Sandy gave birth to their firstborn son, Brent (now eight years old).

In 1969, Keith moved his family to Rogers, Arkansas. He continued his secular education by attending the University of Arkansas from which institution he received the Master of Arts degree in history. During their stay in Rogers, their twins, Michelle and Bryan, were born. Too, Keith engaged E. H. Miller of La Grange, Georgia in a debate on the “one cup” and classes issues.

In 1972, the family moved to Baytown, Texas where they are presently located laboring with the Pruett and Lobit church there. He is presently editing two bulletins published by that church, one which is handed out to the members and one which is mailed out to residents of Baytown. This past summer, Keith had his second debate, a debate with a Mormon.

During his years of preaching, Keith has contributed articles to the Gospel Guardian, Preceptor, Searching the Scriptures, Torch and Truth Magazine. The Preceptor Company is in the process of printing his first book, a class book on first principles entitled What Must I Do To Be Saved

Their fourth child, Timothy, was born in 1975. Hence, the Sharp’s are blessed with four children. This July, they will be moving to begin work with the church in Conway, Arkansas. You will be appreciating the articles which Keith will be writing on the Sermon on the Mount.

Johnny Stringer

Johnny Stringer was born August 2, 1947 in Lufkin, Texas. He was reared in East Texas, primarily in Longview. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Stringer, are faithful members of the Greggton church in Longview. They had one other son, a young man who was killed in an automobile accident at the age of 18 in 1963.

Since his parents attended the Greggton church, Johnny was privileged to grow up under the influence of the preaching of Brother Bill Cavender during the time that he worked there. At the age of 15, Johnny obeyed the gospel during a gospel meeting conducted by Luther Blackmon. Brother Cavender was a major influence on Johnny during these years. He was the one who contributed the most influence in Johnny’s decision to spend his life preaching the gospel. Of course, after Johnny had made this decision, his parents and home congregation encouraged him. Approximately one year after his baptism, he was given the opportunity to preach his first lesson during the morning service of the Greggton congregation. Too, his parents made many sacrifices in order to make it possible for him to attend Florida College.

In the fall of 1965, Johnny enrolled in Florida College. He completed the four-year program at Florida College and earned the certificate which they give to those who have completed that program. During these years, he was able to spend his summers working with various congregations. In 1967, he worked with the church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and in 1968 he worked with the 40th Street church in Tampa, Florida. During his last year at Florida College, Johnny preached for the church in Dunedin, Florida.

After leaving Florida College, Johnny began working with Bill Cavender in a two-preacher arrangement in Port Arthur, Texas. He, therefore, had the privilege of working under the oversight of godly elders and with an experienced preacher. This arrangement continued from June, 1969 through July, 1971. At that time, Johnny moved to Terre Haute, Indiana to work with the small, struggling church in that city. While there, Johnny and I had the occcasion to work together regularly in the publication of our bulletins. Through that association, I have grown acquainted with him to the point that I have nothing but the highest respect for his abilities, his dedication to God and loyalty to his friends. Needless to say, my family was saddened when Johnny announced his plans to move to Trumann, Arkansas in November of 1973. Being personally associated with Johnny, I am more intimately acquainted with some of the sacrifices that he has made to be able to preach the gospel. He has worked with churches which lacked the ability to pay him what other gospel preachers were making, yet I have never heard him complaining about it.

Johnny married Nanette Birdwell, the daughter of O. C. Birdwell who is one of our associate editors and a board member of Cogdill Foundation. Those acquainted with the Birdwell’s know of their faithfulness to God. The Stringers have a very intimate family association and are blessed with one daughter, Cynthia Marie who was born September 27, 1974. Their second child is expected to be born in May. Nanette has always been willing to share Johnny’s load of work and sacrifices; I have never heard her complain of the problems associated with being married to a preacher.

Johnny has written articles for The Gospel Guardian, Seraching the Scriptures, With All Boldness, and Truth Magazine. Recently, he published his first booklet entitled The Grace-Unity Heresy which was previously reviewed in this magazine.

Truth Magazine XXI: 10, pp. 147-151
March 10, 1977

On Being A Staff Writer

By Bill Cavender

Due to the entreaties of Brother Cecil Willis and the earlier invitation of Brother Mike Willis, and in “a moment of temporary dementia,” I have consented to obligate myself to be “a staff writer” for Truth Magazine. As I understand it, this agreement will in no wise increase my earthly wealth and what earthly fame may attach thereto will, no doubt, be fleeting and fanciful. It does increase my time with a typewriter, is supposed to challenge whatever -mental processes I am capable of generating, and is designed “to help the cause of Christ” (but in exactly what way Brother Cecil did not say!).

Thus I nave promised to do that which heretofore I had said I would not do and did not have time for. So chalk up one more change of mind and blot out one more of those generalizations made in the past when I said, “I won’t do that.” Life is teaching me that we do many things we say we would never do. Simon Peter learned that (Mark 14:29-31). All parents of children learn that lesson, and preachers who are asked to write and obligate themselves for at least six articles per year know that broad, general statements do not always mean what they say.

I obeyed the gospel in February, 1946, and immediately subscribed to The Bible Banner. Brother Foy E. Wallace, Jr. had held a meeting in San Francisco, California, in the fall of 1945. I was in the Navy there, boarding with Brother George W. Dickson and his family, the preacher of the Seventeenth Street church. Brother Wallace stayed with the Dickson’s during the meeting; I was with him every night, and heard him preach each evening. Even though I was a Methodist at the time, they were all very kind to me. Brother Wallace greatly impressed me with his Bible preaching, and early the next year I obeyed the gospel. Later that year I began taking the Gospel Advocate, the Firm Foundation, Eugene S. Smith’s Gospel Broadcast, E. C. Fuqua’s The Vindicator, and Brother James A. Allen’s Apostolic Times. The Bible Banner (later The Gospel Guardian) impressed me most and, more than any other one influence, helped to shape and solidify my convictions in the crucial years of the late forties, through the “fighting fifties,” and until the present time. I have not taken the Advocate and Foundation in years, and the other papers mentioned above ceased publication and their editor-owners are all deceased.

I say all that to convey my conviction that gospel papers serve a good purpose, hopefully with others as with me. Faithful brethren are presently publishing some good papers (Truth Magazine, Searching The Scriptures The Gospel Guardian, etc.). I do not subscribe to all papers our brethren publish as I just do not have the money for all nor the time to read all of them.

I have believed through the years that brethren have a personal, individual right to work together and cooperate individually in publishing gospel papers, owning publishing houses and book stores, operating schools which teach the Bible in classes, and conducting legitimate businesses in which they might teach the Bible to their employees. I have heard such men as Foy E. Wallace, Jr., G. C. Brewer, Carl Ketcherside, Leroy Garrett, G. K. Wallace, Flavil Colley, George DeHoff, Bill J. Humble, James R. Cope, etc. discuss these issues orally and in writing. Such papers, schools, publishing houses, businesses, etc., cannot scripturally have any organizational connection with local churches of our Lord. One is human, the other divine. So it is in good conscience that I enter into this relationship with others in publishing and writing Truth Magazine.

All my preaching life, now thirty years, I have wanted to avoid groups and cliques among brethren, not being identified with any paper, party, or political body among our brethren. I realize there are groups among conservative brethren, of more or less obvious or behind-the-scenes influence and power, which have used or will use brethren for their own purposes. None of this have I ever participated in, nor do I plan to do so in the future. I have intended to ever be “my own man,” the Lord’s servant, and to be faithful in the discharge of my duties as a Christian, a gospel preacher, a husband, father and brother in Christ. By writing for Truth Magazine, I intend to do just that-write. For any activities by others connected with the paper I will not be responsible, nor party to anything that I believe to be wrong or not in the best interests of truth and the church of our Lord.

My writings will represent my own understanding, knowledge and convictions of God’s truth. I have not always agreed with everything that has appeared on the pages of Truth Magazine. I will probably not do so in the future, just as others will probably not always agree with me. The general course pursued by Truth Magazine in the past of upholding truth and exposing error I have agreed with and appreciated, and it is on this basis that I am willing to participate in writing so as to maintain that course in whatever future God may grant to us.

Doing a full-time local work with a good church, holding 12-15 meetings a year, writing and printing an eight-page monthly paper, and other work regularly more than takes my time. But I plan to try to streamline my activities even further and find time for this endeavor also. So with some “fear and trembling,” and with a hope and prayer that these efforts shall be productive of some good some way, I embark upon the sea of journalism as “a staff writer.” Your prayers for me and others connected with this paper will be appreciated.

Truth Magazine XXI: 10, p. 146
March 10, 1977

Misappropriation of Funds

By Tarry L. CluffFort

What would you think of an organization that was set up for the study of cancer research (that was its charter and reason given for their pleas to solicit funds from the public), one day while they were on their way to the research laboratory they came upon a bridge that needed repairs, so having all the funds with them they decided to pay for the repairs needed on the bridge? Their reasoning went something like this: “If we don’t fix 1 his bridge someone might get killed and what good would cancer research do for a dead person? Besides fixing the bridge would be a good work, so that must make it alright.” Or what would you think of a man in charge of repairing bridges, given thousands of tax dollars to do so, but he decided cancer is such a bad thing that he would take the money and start a cancer research program? After all, cancer research would be a good work, so he tells himself: “Surely no one would object to using the money for such a good cause.”

It should be obvious to everyone that both the cancer research organization and the bridge repair man would be guilty of misappropriation of funds. It is not a matter of what would be a good work for these people to do, but simply a matter of appropriation. The same basic question should always be asked, what were the funds appropriated for?

When you and I give to a cancer research group, we expect them to use it for that purpose. If they spend the money for something else, they have deceived us and misappropriated the funds. Such would be a violation of their charter and against the law. Likewise for the man employed to repair bridges, he would be fired from his job if he took the funds given to him and used it for something other than what he was paid to do, no matter how good the other work may seem to him.

The Bible authorizes the church to spend the Lord’s money for certain things. To spend it for something not authorized by God’s Word would be a misappropriation of the Lord’s money. Jesus has authorized the -funds of His church to be used in three categories:

1. Evangelism-converting sinners to Christ by preaching the Gospel (1 Thess. 1:8).

2. Edification-teaching members of the church (Eph. 4:15-16).

3. Benevolence-relieving the needs of members, when such needs exist (Acts 11:29).

This is the work of the church; the funds of the church are authorized for these three works only. If the church uses its funds for anything other than evangelism, edification and benevolence to needy saints, it would be misappropriating the Lord’s money, because other things are not authorized by the Lord (see 2 John 9 and Colossians 3:17).

Churches today spend thousands of dollars for things you can not read about in God’s Word. The other day I read an article of a church buying a “youth camp” for almost one hundred thousand dollars. Where in the Bible do you read of the Lord’s money being used for such a thing? Remember it is not whether a youth camp may be a “good work,” but what is the church authorized to do? The church has no business being in the entertainment field. Let us not “saddle” the church with entertainment responsibilities which rightfully belong to the home!

If you belong to a church that is spending its money for things like this, please ask them where they get their authority? Ask them to show you where in the New Testament the church ever engaged in such things. I assure you such is not found in the Bible. If they will not stop this misappropriation of funds, get out of it and look for a church interested in doing the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way (see 1 Peter 4:11).

Truth Magazine XXI: 9, pp.141-142
March 3, 1977