Truth Magazine Changes Editors

By Earl E. Robertson

Fifteen years ago I was living in Indianapolis, Indiana and working with the Belmont Avenue church. Brother Cecil Willis was living in Akron, Ohio and preaching for the Brown Street church. He was at that time doing some writing through the pages of Truth Magazine and the Gospel Guardian. Truth Magazine then was only in its sixth year of existence. The circulation was small and the paper was behind schedule. The brethren then who were responsible for it desired to let someone else have it. Cecil visited my home and told me that he would be willing to assume the editorship of the paper if we thought it would survive. Bill Wallace and I told Cecil that we thought it would live and for him to take it.

From that time (the seventy-first issue of Truth Magazine) until a short time ago Cecil sat in the editorial chair and did a good job. He was loved by some and hated by others. He ably met the religious errors, both in the church and out, of his time. Some in the church apparently felt his treatment of error was too harsh, but it seems that they either did not know the issues involved or were themselves tainted with the same error. Time will prove this to any doubter. Cecil’s editorials were often read by many of us before they saw the light of the printed page, and were endorsed by us. One had no difficulty understanding what he wrote. Some, understanding what he wrote agreed with it, but disagreed with the way he said it. But what did they say about the same doctrinal errors?

In the early stages of Cecil’s editorial responsibilities he worked at a personal sacrifice and financial loss. As the paper grew and the book sales increased more demand was made upon his time. Eventually the Board recognized the need for all of his time and he was then hired so that his sole responsibility pertained to Cogdill Foundation business. The business grew with this arrangement. The working relationship between Cecil and the Board has always been the best. A number of meetings have been conducted through the years by the Board and not the slightest conflicts have ever been observed. No one could ever ask for or expect a more pleasant relationship to exist than has existed in this Foundation Board. Some preachers who know absolutely nothing about the Board meetings have peddled misinformation, lies and innuendo. Why? I do not know; only they, God and the devil know. It has been stated that the business is in poor condition and the paper might cease. The records loudly speak otherwise. We tell a loving and deserving brotherhood that the business is now larger than ever before and continues to grow each month. We have sought to serve with good merchandise and good service and we believe that brethren everywhere are aware of the fact that this has been and now is our aim. We thank each customer and subscriber for all past and present business and promise to give you the continued good service. Brother Robert Whitehead, Book Store Business Manager, is at his job. He will continue to see that you are a satisfied customer.

Elsewhere in this issue, you may find Cecil’s own statement of resignation. In his statement here, as in the one to the Board directly, he gives his own two reasons as to why, for conscience sake, he resigned. The Board realized that Cecil was not able to function in the capacity that his office demanded, and did, therefore, give him a leave of absence with full pay hoping that he would become able to assume fully the duties of his office. He realized his problems perhaps more fully than did we and tendered his resignation. He stated in his written resignation of March 14, 1977, “I will be perfectly willing to assist in any way that I am asked to assist in the transitional period with the person or persons who shall succeed me, provided of course that my assistance is desired. I ask that you please consider this decision of mine as final, and make no effort to convince me otherwise, for it has only been made after weeks and even months of deliberation by me. My mind has been fully settled about the decision for several weeks, but I have delayed in writing this letter that I might deliberate upon the matter further and thus make no decision hastily. This action now has been taken after due deliberation. My best wishes shall attend the endeavors of the Foundation, and I am sorry that circumstances are such in my life that I feel it necessary to tender my resignation.”

With the kingdom of God singularly on his mind, and diligent effort for years to promote the same, Cecil became unable, in conscience, to continue an employee of the Cogdill Foundation. He further said the basic reason of his leaving the Foundation “is the failure during a period of almost two years now for me to recapture a sufficient measure of my health and strength to enable me to carry the full work load that I have heretofore borne.”

The New Editor

With Cecil’s resignation the Board was acutely aware of the need for a new editor for Truth Magazine. Summarily, the Board met in Dallas, Texas on March 25, 1977 to discuss this matter-along with other business. Each member was aware of the work Mike Willis had done in Cecil’s absence. Mike is thirty years old and the youngest son of the O. J. Willis family — Cecil’s youngest brother. It was the feelings of each member of the Board that Mike accept the editorship of Truth Magazine. The editorial chair was offered to him in that meeting. He asked for time to consider it and the Board granted him several weeks to make up his mind. However, within a month he wrote: “I have decided to accept your offer to be the new editor of Truth Magazine. After much deliberation, I have decided to make this my life’s work.”

We all are very pleased with this decision. We believe that Mike is eminently qualified to do this work well. Mike is a graduate of Florida College, Butler University, and holds a Masters degree from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. He has written much in the last few years and read extensively. He has one of the better libraries to be found in any preacher’s study, and he uses it! He is sound in the faith! This was the first and foremost requirement by the Board for any who might be selected to be editor. ,Mike not only knows the truth but can easily detect error. He loves the truth and hates all error. He will advance all truth and oppose all error on the pages of Truth Magazine, as has been the policy of past editors. Mike has, in the present issue of this paper, made the same promise that Cecil made in the August 1962 issue, to keep the same policy and goal for the Magazine. We have reason to believe, therefore, that the same righteous objective aimed for in the past will be the constant end sought by Mike.

We ask all readers and customers of the Cogdill Foundation publications to give Mike an opportunity to serve you. Mike has stated his position and made his promises and we believe that he will not disappoint any in these regards. We ask you to carefully read his article “A Change In Editors” in this issue.

Being editor of Truth Magazine gives Mike an opportunity to teach and influence many. The good elders of the Knollwood church in Dayton, Ohio where Mike is now preaching are aware of this opportunity. Mike will continue to work part-time with that church. His influence with them will, we are confident, be for good. Those elders are awake; they know the difference between human foundations and the church of Christ. They love the truth and all who advance it; their actions now, as in the past, are known and respected by knowledgeable men of God.

Truth Magazine XXI: 20, pp. 311-312
May 19, 1977

Editor Resigns

By Cecil Willis

On March 15, 1977, I officially tendered by letter to the Board my resignation as President of the Cogdill Foundation and as Editor of Truth Magazine. I have had the pleasure and responsibility of editing Truth Magazine since August, 1962, a period of nearly fifteen yeas.

In the early Spring of 1975, Brother Connie Adams and I made a second preaching trip to the Philippine Islands. While there, I experienced great difficulty in coping with the heat and humidity that prevailed during their hottest season of the year. Once I collapsed and was taken to a nearby hospital and instructed to eliminate the remainder of my personal schedule of preaching in the Philippines, though I did preach another sermon or two while there.

Two days before I left for the Philippines, my family doctor had strongly advised me to cancel my part of the trip. But knowing that there was insufficient time for anyone else to obtain the necessary authorizations to go in my stead, I ignored his advice and went on the trip to the Philippines. From the Philippines, I went to Australia where I had intended to conduct three gospel meetings. While in Australia I experienced a more severe attack than the one that occurred to me in the Philippines.

After spending ten weeks preaching on that trip, shortly after returning home, I went for meetings in Salem, Ohio and in Cullman, Alabama. While in Cullman, I experienced another attack. So I closed the meeting early there, and spent several days in the Cullman hospital with what a local doctor had diagnosed as a stroke. Upon release from the hospital, I flew to St. Louis where I might be under the supervision of Dr. Levy Maravilla who is a diagnostician. After extensive testing, it was concluded that the attacks I had experienced were “strokes,” technically called hypertensive encephalapathy.

There was a decided weakness on the left side of my body, particularly in my arm and leg. This persisted for several months. The passing of time revealed that I was allergic to one of the medications that was being given to me. The allergic reaction resulted in a decided slurring and distortion in my speech. For several months I was fearful that the speech distortion was connected with the “strokes.”

In the Summer of 1975 my son, Steve, and his wife Shirley, moved to Marion in order that some of the paper work-load and correspondence might be lifted from me. We sought to accomplish two things by that change or addition to the work force. We sought to lighten my work load, and also provide me time to take on an additional writing project.

Since 1955 1 have been bothered by an unimportant heart irregularity, but more importantly by a chronic high blood pressure problem. Dr. Levy Maravilla put me on limited work schedule, and required that I take some rest during the day. At one time, in the Fall of 1975, I was compelled to stay in bed all the time with the diastolic portion of my blood pressure constantly so high that it was well into the “stroke zone” region.

Last Fall, my family doctor for the past ten years, advised that I immediately take a six month leave of absence from all of my work. The church in Honolulu did not then have a preacher and I thought I would be able to work with them and recuperate at the same time. But the congregation in Honolulu had serious internal problems and evidently my presence among them did not help to solve them. So I only stayed there a few weeks. But during that time I suffered the strongest “stroke” that I have had to date. As soon as possible, I came from Honolulu to Houston, Texas to go through the Dianostic clinic there. My work load was still very limited. During this time, my brother Mike of Dayton, Ohio fully edited the paper and has continued to do so until the present. With very few exceptions, all the articles that have appeared in Truth Magazine from me for the past two years have been radio sermon manuscripts which I prepared when I was 21-23 years of age.

One of the very discouraging aspects to me of my sickness has been the fact that I seem to be gaining virtually no additional strength, and the slightest amount of work wears me out. I had thought that six months off, or a few months of a lighter work load would solve most of my health problems. Also during the past three years, I have had to undergo three operations, two of which would be called major surgery. About the only thing that I did continue to do as usual was to hold a sizable number of meetings.

After the stroke which I suffered in Hawaii the day before Thanksgiving, 1976, at its next annual board meeting in January 1977, the Board of Directors of the Cogdill Foundation suggested that I go on a complete leave of absence. Six months leave of absence (until July 1st) was the duration mentioned, though no mandatory time for leave was set. After about three months had passed, I began to realize that I was not regaining my strength. Still the slightest amount of work was tiresome to me, and also worrisome. So I decided that it would not be fair to the Foundation to continue my leave of absence for a full six months period and then resign. So I made up my mind to terminate my relationship as an employee of the Cogdill Foundation, and did so on March 15th. Privately I had suggested that terminating my salary Arpil 1, 1977 was satisfactory with me.

Another major factor or two contributed to my making the decision to terminate my Cogdill Foundation relationship. A serious problem had existed in my family for several years and it came to a head in November. This factor rendered me infinitely less suited for the office as editor of Truth Magazine. I felt as the sincere brother does who decides that he no longer is qualified to serve as an elder, and resigns for conscience’ sake. The same compulsion said to me that I should resign as editor of Truth Magazine. Other contributing factors, I will not here relate, contributed to my decision to resign.

There is more work that goes into editing a paper than anyone who has never edited one can imagine. But I must say candidly that I enjoyed that work. I had thought that the remainder of my active life would be involved in editing and writing. For the first seven years that I edited Truth Magazine, I did so entirely without pay. Gradually, with the merger with the Cogdill Foundation and my added duties, I began to be paid. For the past several years the Cogdill Foundation has paid me a full-time wage for the work done with and for them.

No paper ever represents the work of one man. Hence I want to thank all of the members of the Board of Directors, who may have served at any time, for their loyalty and encouragement and help in the work being done. Being a member of the Board of Directors is about the most thankless job that one can have. Men are chosen because of their wisdom and evident dedication in their own fields. They become as members of the Board of Directors the strongest backers that the organization has. They invest their valuable time, and usually a sizable amount of their own money. I want every single one of them to know that I personally appreciate their effort, encouragement and sacrifice. At a very recent Board Meeting, the following motion made by James Adams, seconded by James Yates and passed unanimously regarding my resignation was appreciated: “The Board of Directors of Cogdill Foundation reluctantly accepts Cecil Willis’ letter of resignation as it is written. His salary will be terminated as of April 1, 1977. This is accepted with the hope that Cecil might be later re-instated as soon as he is able to associate with us once again.”

Over the years there have been many very close associates in the publication of Truth Magazine. I shall never forget a single one of them. With some of them, I have had some differences that might appear to the public completely to have estranged me from them. If such an estrangement exists, it exists on their part and not on mine. There is and ever has been a group of hard-core backers who steadfastly promoted the paper in every righteous way that they could. Perhaps they could not make a big contribution or send in a list of one hundred subscriptions, but their heart has been 100 percent with us, and not only did they always put in a good word for our efforts, but regularly a few subscriptions would come as a direct result of their efforts. With these close associates and strong backers, there has been built a strong tie. Some of them are among my closest friends on earth. These also I never can forget.

Throughout the years many hundreds of men have contributed articles to the pages of Truth Magazine. A typical year now contains the writings of about 200 different brethren. At the top of this list is our staff of writers who always have provided the bulk of what has gone into the pages of Truth Magazine. They have made it what it is. Writers in Truth Magazine have never been paid a cent for an article which they have written. Theirs strictly has been a labor of love. Some have written prolifically, which means that nearly each week they have poured a little bit of themselves into that which makes up Truth Magazine. Some men may have written only one article, and that may have been one to criticize something we had said or done. But every article printed represented someone’s interests and conscience, and such must never be over-looked. Especially to those who have been loyal and productive staff writers do I express my gratitude.

Then there are some others whom we must not forget. They are the readers of Truth Magazine! No matter how well written or printed, a paper that is published but not read has been in vain. There has been a loyal corps of subscribers who have been taking the paper from its very first issue. Many former regular readers have now passed from the scene of life. But I know we have readers! The volume of mail tells me that. So I also want to thank those of you who have read Truth Magazine and to thank those of you who have taken the time to write.

Speaking of letters, I feel I must also include an apology to those who have written to me, because of my long-delayed response or no response at all in some instances. I have felt keenly the duty to reply to someone who was interested enough to take the time to write a letter of commendation or disagreement with something which we had said publicly. Most of the years I have worked with no secretarial help at all. My volume of personal mail (not counting the Bookstore’s) has often been around 200 pieces per week. When I would be away from home several weeks in a row, I never could catch up on my mail. At times, I have had to prepare as many as ten issues of the paper in advance. At such times I became hopelessly behind with my correspondence. When I would devote a full day to answering mail, I never could exceed thirty letters by very much in a day. At times I have devoted four days straight to trying to answer all the mail that came. But to hundreds of you, I must just use this means of asking your forgiveness for failing to answer your letters. In my experience, attendance properly to the mail that came constituted fully one-half of the work load involved in editing the paper. To God, and to all of you who have helped to make this fifteen year stint as editor whatever it has been, I offer my fullest and sincere gratitude.

What of the future? At the moment, my personal future plans are most indefinite. But more importantly to you, what about Truth Magazine? Brethren Whitehead, Robertson, and Cogdill will continue to attend to the necessary business matters attendant to publishing such a paper, and the other publications such as the Cogdill Foundation has sought to publish.

My youngest brother, Mike Willis, unanimously was asked to become the regular editor of Truth Magazine. The fact is that he has been its editor for the past six months. Mike is fifteen years younger than me. So he now is precisely the age I was when I began to edit Truth Magazine. There are four brothers and three sisters in my family. I am the oldest of the clan. Mike is next to the youngest. He was only two years old when I went away to college, and hence he and I have had very little opportunity to enjoy the brother-to-brother relationship. After he got out of college, he moved to Alexandria, Indiana for his first local work. I lived then at Marion. Hence ours has been mostly a preacher-to-preacher relationship. In fact, he has helped me on most of the major projects which I have undertaken in the last ten years. He helped me to prepare the manuscript for the Inman-Willis debate, when he first moved to Indiana. In fact, he did nearly all of that work. Then he has been one of the most important assistants in any debate in which I have been involved in the last ten years. Larry Hafley has been my main helper. But Mike, John McCort, and Morris Hafley have been the ones who did much of the work in actually preparing charts, etc.

Of course, it was not my prerogative to choose my own successor. But had I been given that right, Mike would have been my choice. Of all the men who have in recent years been associated with Truth Magazine, Mike was in my judgment by far the best suited in every way to take over the task. This is not to say that no one else could have done the job. But the fact that the Board of Directors was unanimous in offering him the editorship is indicative that I was not alone in my thinking. Some others are prolific writers on our staff. But I did not think they would be disposed to take so much of their own time away from their own work, and to devote their energies to the writings of others. Much, much of an editor’s time is spent on working on other people’s material. So true is this that I sincerely felt that my own writing deteriorated when I began to edit a paper. What I wrote had to be written hurriedly so that I could correct, and often re-write the articles of others. Then there was the proofing, and paste-up to attend to.

All four of us Willis boys make an effort to preach the gospel. Each one of us is different in the area of his strength. For example, Don is the best man in doing local work and is expert in personal work. Lewis, from a speaker’s point of view, is the best speaker. But considering every factor, it has long been my honest judgment that Mike was the ablest, overall, of the four Willis brothers. He is possessed of a superior mind. He is a diligent student, and has an excellent library to help him in that work. He is an able man in controversy, and has kept himself informed on what was going on around him and prepared himself in the field where the heat of battle was raging. Furthermore, Mike is a work-horse and possessed of strong determination. He will not be intimidated. A few letters of criticism will not cause him to run off somewhere and hide in a hole. In short, he is a true soldier of the Lord.

Mike is only six years older than my oldest son, Steve, who also helped me extensively in editing the paper. Steve worked with me for a year. Bat I said that merely to say that anyone or everyone could consider me a prejudiced witness in the assessment of Mike’s ability. I did not attend the meeting at which the letter of my resignation was presented. But I thought a good deal about whom they might choose to edit the paper. To save my life, I could not think of another viable alternative to Mike. Hence, I rejoice in his selection as editor of Truth Magazine and trust that you friends of truth will hold up his hands as you have held up mine. My best wishes to one and all.

Truth Magazine XXI: 20, pp. 308-311
May 19, 1977

A Change in Editors

By Mike Willis

Elsewhere in this issue, you will find an article from my brother, Cecil Willis, in which he announces his resignation as Editor of Truth Magazine. It is with saddened countenance that I write these comments about his resignation inasmuch as his departure from this paper leaves a void which simply cannot be filled. Cecil assumed the job of editing Truth Magazine in August, 1962; he gives it up with this issue. He has served well in the fifteen years he has edited this paper.

Through these years, Cecil has frequently had to take the lead in fighting the thrusts of Satan against the church. He has been in the vanguard of the forces which worked to counteract the advances of institutionalism, the sponsoring church and, more recently, the “unity in diversity” movement. Each time, he has taken a firm position against the false doctrines being promoted by false brethren and has stood without wavering. Many people have not agreed with where Cecil stood, but they have never had to wonder where he stood! Sometimes, his editorials offended a good many brethren and some have questioned his judgment regarding whether certain articles should be printed. In none of his writings, however, have I seen anything in Cecil but that I was convinced that he wrote what he wrote to advance the cause of Christ. I have never seen in him the sinister motives which many brethren have attributed to him. Frankly, I feel that I know my brother well enough to have seen any such motives were they there. Although there have been times when I questioned his judgment, I have never questioned his motives.

But, now, Cecil has laid down the work of editing this paper. Truth Magazine will not be the same because of this great loss. Those of us who are associated with the paper wish that the things which caused Cecil to have to resign were not present. Yet, they are there and simply must now be faced. For two years, Cecil has been incapacitated to such an extent that he has been unable to exercise the editorial oversight which a paper needs. During this period, Truth Magazine has become a rather bland publication. Continuing as it has been for these two years would eventually be the death of the paper. Hence, a new editor had to be appointed.

The Board of Directors of Cogdill Foundation has asked me to edit this paper. After much consideration and thought, I have consented to accept the job. With fear and trembling, I am assuming the job of editing this paper. I have no conception of the Editor of any paper being the official spokesman for the acceptable doctrine of the Lord’s church. Hence, I shall not try to act in that fashion. I shall, however, have no scruples about commenting concerning things which I feel to be a departure from the faith.

The policy of this paper will continue as it has been in the past, namely, the “open forum” style. This simply means that the editor has not taken upon himself the shocking responsibility of becoming a brotherhood censor. This paper has rather freely permitted articles to be printed which expressed sentiments with which the editor did not agree. We shall continue to do likewise. Therefore, each writer shall be responsible only for those articles bearing his name. The simple fact that I shall insert an article in the paper shall not alone be taken as indication that I concur with every point expressed therein.

While we shall accept articles with which we are not in agreement, this is not to be taken to imply that Truth Magazine shall constitute a medium through which every “crackpot” or chronic “rabble-rouser” in the brotherhood shall have opportunity to let off steam. There is such a thing as editorial responsibility! I know that this policy will not please everyone but I think that it is fair.

New Plans for The Future

Whereas there are a number of things which will stay the same with this paper, there are some planned changes ahead for Truth Magazine. One of the things which has happened with this paper is that it has become a “preacher-paper,” as have several others among us. We desire to change the format of this paper sufficiently to make it useful to a greater number of brethren. Hence, we shall try to write articles pertaining to first principles, denominationalism, Christian living, etc. to try to make it more useful in the propagation of God’s word than it has been in the past. As a result of this change, we hope to build a larger subscription list as brethren begin to recommend this paper to a greater number of their friends.

One of the things which I personally have enjoyed most in the papers which are being printed are the special issues. For several years, I have been instrumental in getting together some special issues for publication in Truth Magazine. As Editor, I plan to make arrangements to have several specials in the works at all times with the intention of making them appear quarterly in the paper. The different subjects covered will vary; if you have a suggestion of a particular topic which you would like to see covered in one of these specials, feel free to suggest it to me.

Let me add that I shall do my very best to be sure that Truth Magazine does not lose the positive things which it has going for it. We have a good staff of writers who say what they intend to say very clearly; they call sin by its name and are not afraid to expose those who are propagating it. Through the help of this capable staff of writers, I shall be sure that Truth Magazine does not lose its punch. Too, I shall do my best to keep the appearance of the magazine up to par. The mechanics of this paper are my responsibility; I intend to be sure that our printers do the job which they are paid to do. (Lest anyone should misunderstand me, let me say that I cannot imagine a more capable staff or a more congenial working arrangement than we presently have with Economy Printing Concern of Berne, Indiana. This statement is not intended to reflect dissatisfaction with the job which they have done in the past but only to reassure our readers that it will continue in the future as it has been in the past.)

I solicit the contribution of good articles for publication in this paper and the support of Truth Magazine through subscriptions. You could be a lot of help to us by encouraging your friends to begin subscribing to this paper or by purchasing ten subscriptions per month and mailing them to your friends. As you observe the quality of material that appears in this paper each week, will you consider helping us to promote the paper?

Truth Magazine XXI: 20, pp. 307-308
May 19, 1977

Catholicism and Infallibility

By Donald P. Ames

It has long been the claim of the Catholic Church that it is “an infallible teaching authority” (The Apostles’ Creed, p. 27-their booklet and their emphasis-DPA). They claim that both Christ and the Holy Spirit are with it and guiding it so that “it could make no error” (Ibid, p. 26) and that such a claim is “not an arrogant assumption of righteousness on the part of the hierarchy, but a gift of God” (Ibid). However, as we see this “infallible” tradition beginning-to crumble on every hand today, one is made to wonder just how much longer people are going to be able to be blindly led to continue such a belief in this “infallibility.”

Perhaps no greater inconsistency disproving their claim to “infallibility” is evident than one that is currently under consideration. According to an article that appeared in the Gary, Indiana Post-Tribune (12-476), the Roman Catholic Church is taking another look at Martin Luther and the Augsburg Confession of 1530-the founding creed of Lutheranism. At that time Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church and, with the exception of a brief consideration in 1963, that ban has continued to exist until today. However, according to “The Rev. Dr. Daniel Martensen” of the Lutheran World Federation, who was returning from a visit to the Vatican, “the question of it affirming the Augsburg Confession is under active discussion in the Vatican Christian Unity Secretariat.” The article went on to say that two noted Catholic theologians, “the Rev. Drs.” Hans Kung and Walter Kaspar of Tuebingen University have expressed hope in an international Catholic theological journal Concilium that `Rome may at last pronounce the word of `reconciliation’ by lifting the ban on Luther.”

Now would not that be equal to saying they were wrong in banning Luther in the first place? And if they are wrong in this and can now correct it by lifting the ban, then how can they contend that they are “infallible” and “infallibly guided”? If a man can be excommunicated as a teacher of heresy and 450 years after he is dead-with no change on his part-be placed back within the graces of this great “mother church” then somebody goofed! It ought to be interesting to hear Catholicism explain this one while defending traditionalism.

Truth Magazine XXI: 20, p. 306
May 19, 1977