Editorial Left-overs

By Connie W. Adams

Holes in the Floor of Heaven

Steve Warriner, a country singer and guitarist, won a CMA award recently for his recording of “Holes in the Floor of Heaven,” a nostalgic piece about departed loved ones who, on special occasions shed tears which leaked through these holes in the form of rain. I must admit I liked it better than songs about drinking and cheating. But Bill Anderson interviewed Steve later and good-naturedly asked how could tears fall down from Heaven when there are not supposed to be any tears in heaven. Good question. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4). The Preacher said of the dead: “Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is done under the sun” (Eccl. 9:6). I guess it must be poetic license. At least that is how we explain some of the unscriptural songs we offer in worship to God.

Blue John Preaching

In recent years I have taken to drinking skim milk, something I would never have thought of doing during my younger years. Back then such milk was considered fit only for the pigs. We called it “blue John.” All the good stuff was removed. I believe we have too much blue John preaching. We have extracted anything which might possibly offend or mess up someone’s “self-esteem.” We have deleted doctrinal teaching with any teeth for fear that our denominational friends might get the idea that we think they are wrong and need to change. We have watered sin down to the point where it does not seem so bad after all. We must not be judgmental. Anything but that! Even our nation is divided over whether or not it is as bad to lie under oath about immoral behavior as it would be on other things. There are congregations that have never practiced corrective discipline on the disorderly. Well, maybe we will just leave their name off the next directory. Some discipline! We have had to strip away preaching that identifies error among brethren and goes so far as to name those who have promoted it. I hope you understand that the “we” of this article is used accommodatively and is not meant to indicate that every single preacher has succumbed to “blue john” preaching. Could that be more “poetic license”? By the way, who issues these licenses? “Let your Yea be Yea and your Nay, Nay” (Jas. 5:12).

As Others See Us

A brother in Texas has taken a special liking to me. He regularly consigns me to Hell. He thinks I am some sort of clergyman. Recently I wrote a little piece in this column about preaching in the dark and commented that much of the preaching done these days is in the dark. He wrote me a note that said if I wanted to see a perfect example of one who preaches in the dark, “just look in the mirror.” Critics are good for us. I am blessed.

Refreshing Christians

Paul said of Onesiphorus, “for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain” (2 Tim. 1:16). We get to meet and spend some time with people who truly love the Lord and whose zeal and dedication, often amid great trials in their own lives, indeed refreshes us. For starters, we meet many fine young people who have their heads on straight and are not ashamed of the Lord. Many of these come to our meetings. They have to work after school, late at night, early the next morning, to complete homework assignments. Many of these sit near the front, often in a group, listen attentively, take notes and many of them bring friends. Then we have parents with small children who never miss a time. There are young mothers (and fathers) who cope with restless children whose routine has been interrupted, or are cutting teeth, or who are disturbed for who knows what. Still they come. I have had young mothers say to me: “That sounded good, what little I was able to hear.” Then there are people who have worked late (some starting very early in the day) who come straight to an evening meeting without eating. Others have rushed home just in time to grab something to eat quickly, changed clothes,  rushed through traffic, and still manage to stay awake. Then there are the older members whose gait is slow, some with canes or walkers. But you can set your watch by them. They will be there. They not only listen well, but they often say the most encouraging things. Many of them have quick wits and I love to banter with them. They have not given up or given in to the ravages of time. These folks don’t do all this to impress anyone. They would be surprised that a visiting preacher in a meeting would even notice. But in moments of discouragement (even preachers get the blues) these Christians are there to refresh our spirits and make us want to keep on trying. Thank you folks for the refreshments.

An Interesting Event

Recently, while in a meeting at Mooresville, Indiana, Bill Cavender was also in a meeting the same week at Lafayette Heights in Indianapolis. They asked brother Cavender and me to speak and briefly review our experiences in preaching and impressions of the present state of affairs as we see them. They advertised this as “Over 100 Years of Gospel Preaching.” Brother Cavender has been at it for 52 years and I am now in my 53rd year of trying to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ. Our experiences have often run along parallel lines and our assessment of the present state of affairs is very much alike. After both of us spoke, we fielded questions for about an hour. We had a good turnout with good interest and good questions. A number of preachers and elders and their wives, along with others were present.


“Play Responsibly”

By Mike Willis

Advertisements for the lottery appear frequently on TV. They contain about the same message. The Lotto Jackpot is now standing at so many millions of dollars. To win you have to play. You have until a certain time to buy your lotto ticket to be a part of Saturday night’s drawing. Don’t miss out! Go buy your ticket today.

The problem is that the advertising has been more successful than it was intended. Fathers and mothers are taking the money they need to pay the rent and buy food, clothing, and shelter for themselves and their children to play the lotto. Those with the least ability to afford to play the lotto throw their dollars away with the unrealistic hope that they might be the lucky winner. They have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than in winning the Lotto Jackpot!

Another problem is that legalized gambling has increased the number of people addicted to gambling. Gamblers Anonymous groups have been formed in all of the major cities in an effort to cope with the numbers whose lives have been and are being destroyed by gambling.

Admitting the evils that gambling has created in our society, those promoting gambling sear their conscience and give a semblance of social responsibility by adding at the end of their message, “Play Responsibly!” The contradiction between the main thrust of the advertisement and the blurp thrown in at the tail end of the commercial is conspicuous. If they actually thought this was going to do any good, they may reverse the message by making the main thrust of the commercial emphasize the dangers of gambling and add a blurp at the end of the commercial that says, “Buy today’s lotto ticket!”

The truth of the matter is that this is another ploy that Satan uses to placate the conscience of those who are still bothered by sin. This ploy is not only used by gambling proponents, it is also used by other interests.

Safe Sex

The Planned Parenthood clinics and other sex education groups have worked for thirty years in our society to teach our children that sex relationships outside the bonds of marriage are acceptable forms of behavior that are quite natural. Only those with outdated puritan moral standards believe otherwise.

Furthermore they have promoted the belief that homosexuality is an equally acceptable form of sexual expression as is heterosexual relationships. Our children are spoon fed the belief that those who oppose homosexuality are the moral deviants, being afflicted with homophobia.

The consequences of these moral doctrines are coming home to the moral relativists. Unwed mothers have dramatically increased, leading to a drain on this nation’s economic system through Aid for Dependent Children. Children are growing up in homes without their father (some radical feminists are openly stating that fathers are not necessary for the normal development of children). In not a few homes of unwed mothers, the children have several different fathers.

Sexually transmitted diseases have increased. TV advertisements appear to tell viewers that, although there is no cure for some of these diseases, one can control the disease and have a relatively normal life. AIDS created a different problem for there is no cure for AIDS and even those drugs that have been most effective leave one’s life far from normal. Consequently, those with the loose sexual ethics have to educate Americans on what they should think about AIDS. For sure, one should not treat those who contacted AIDS through sinful sexual behavior as moral deviants whose immorality brought on this disease.

The moral relativists who have undermined the sexual morals of a generation of Americans are not about to say, “We were wrong when we promoted sexual relationships outside the bonds of marriage. We repent and encourage you to ‘flee fornication’ and abstain from sex until you are married and then be faithful to this monogamous relationship.” Rather, these people will salve their seared conscience by saying, “Practice safe sex!” That is, use a condom when you commit fornication or homosexuality.

The trouble is that using condoms does not always protect a person from the diseases that are transmitted through promiscuous sex. Furthermore, they do not always prevent pregnancies. For sure, they do not address the emotional conflict that occurs when those engaged in these practices are plagued by a guilty conscience. The “safe sex” philosophy may salve the conscience of the moral relativists who perceive that their loose moral teachings are producing evils in our society, but it is a flawed answer to preventing these problems.

Drink Responsibly and Have A Designated Driver

Another industry that is doing immeasurable harm to our society is the liquor industry. Those who oppose drinking alcoholic beverages are depicted as a bunch of crazy religious fanatics. TV characters are frequently portrayed drinking intoxicating beverages. Liquor commercials are among the best produced commercials on TV. I doubt that Joe Camel has done any more harm to our children than have Budweiser’s frogs!

America has a drinking problem. Alcoholic anonymous groups exist in every major metropolitan area. Drunk driving has killed enough people that insurance rates are driven up. Enough people have been hurt that special campaigns against drunk driving have been promoted by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD).

The typical response to the evils of drunkenness is to teach people how to drink responsibly and to have a designated driver when a group goes out to get drunk.


What would you think of parents who brought home rattlesnakes and put them in the playpen with their two- year-old and said, “Play safely”? The government agencies to protect children would take away their children and reporters would condemn such parents across the front pages of American newspapers.

However, that is about what happens when we hold out gambling, fornication, and alcohol in front of our teenaged children and say, “Play Responsibly,” “Practice Safe Sex,” “Drink Responsibly” and “Have A Designated Driver.” About all that we are doing with these platitudes is placating our seared consciences.

The Christian answer to these problems is to practice self-control, abstaining from all forms of sinful behavior. Let’s not be deluded by the ethical teachings of moral relativists whose values conflict with the Christian ethic.

The Salvation Army

By J.S. Smith

The bell-ringing kettle attendants are now out in full force again as the Salvation Army begins its Christmas offensive. Many think of the Salvation Army as a simple charitable organization, but in fact, it is a full-fledged Protestant denomination. A contribution to the Salvation Army is no different than giving money to any old denomination.

Unless otherwise noted, the quotes in this article are from the Salvation Army’s own Internet web site (www.salvationarmy.org).

A Brief History of the Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an international religious movement with a very clear focus on the social gospel concept of converting the world with food and other physical lures. It was founded in 1865 by William Booth, a Methodist preacher in London. His objective was to house and feed the poor as a means to bring them to God. Gradually, he and his son established the new organization on a military pattern, complete with ranks, uniforms and orders (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995 ed., 10:369-70).

The Salvation Army considers itself a separate denomination. “William Booth’s original aim had been to send his converts along to the established churches of the day. Nowhere in his plans was there an intention to commence another Christian church.

But he soon found that many of his converts would not go to church.” Over a period of a few years, General Booth instituted his own answer to the denominations of his day, creating the Salvation Army sect. Members began to be called “Salvationists” as the Baptist church makes Baptists and the Methodist church makes Methodists instead of the “Christians” that the Bible makes exclusively (Acts 11:26).

The new church grew quickly and today is found in more than 80 countries, preaching its “gospel” in 112 languages in 16,000 evangelical centers. The Salvation Army operates more than 3000 social welfare institutions, hospitals, schools and agencies.

Very clearly, the Salvation Army is a most straightforward attempt at remolding the gospel of Jesus Christ into the “social gospel” with its emphasis on the physical. So pronounced is this focus that many do not realize it is even occurring. Most mistake those red kettles as purely charitable donations, when in fact, they are offerings of support to the doctrines of Calvinism and salvation by fleshly appeal and “faith only.”

Military Organizational Theme

When Booth created his army, he made himself general for life and began installing other men in lower ranks throughout the organization. “The basic unit of the army is the corps, commanded by an officer of a rank ranging from lieutenant to brigadier, who is responsible to a divisional headquarters. Divisions are grouped into territories.” Al- though these offices have military titles, they completely mirror the hierarchical setups of denominations with world and national headquarters and chains of authority.

The local platoon attempts to convert people and those “converts” may decide to enlist in the Salvation Army themselves. “Converts who desire to become soldiers in the Army are required to sign Articles of War and volunteer their services.”

Officers in Booth’s Army

The officers in the Salvation Army have the status of ordained ministers and are employed in a professional, full-time capacity.

On being commissioned (the equivalent of ordination in “other denominations”) they receive the rank of lieutenant. They can then be promoted to captain and major. Like Catholic priests with high collars, they wear vestments — military-style uniforms. “Women have always been accepted as officers on equal terms as men.”

“The majority of officers are responsible for a Salvation Army corps (church), with a pastoral role and community service. . . . An officer’s ministry includes preaching the Christian Gospel, distributing Salvation Army literature, visiting hospitals, institutions and prisons, counseling, conducting weddings and funerals, being a pastor to their congregation and administrating the church programme.”

When someone asks you to support your local Salvation Army corps, they are asking you to support a denomination with all its error and misguided intentions, lending aid and comfort to the devil.

Adherents and Worshiping in The Corps

Adherents of the Army are “people who choose to make The Salvation Army their spiritual home and place of worship, but who do not wish to make all the commitments which a soldier would be expected to make.”

These people all meet in the “corps.” “This is the local Salvation Army centre seen in most towns and cities across the country which has been established to proclaim the gospel. Each week a variety of people will meet for worship, fellowship, musical activities and other events.” “Instrumental music, clapping of hands, personal testimony, free prayer . . . characterize the services” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995 ed., 10:369-70). There may also be a variety of community works such as lunch clubs, mother and toddler groups, counseling services and so on which are part of the corps programme.”

Objections to the Salvation Army

One might note the following unscriptural practices of the Salvation Army as cause to refrain from contributing to its work:

  • denominational (1 Cor. 1:10)
  • teaches salvation by faith only (Jas. 2:24)
  • unscriptural hierarchy (Eph. 1:22)
  • human origin (Matt. 16:16)
  • worship not according to truth (John 4:24)
  • ecclesiastical garments (Matt. 23:5)
  • ecclesiastical titles (Matt. 23:6-12)
  • promotion of social gospel (Rom. 14:17; Gal. 1:6-9)
  • women in authority over men (1 Tim. 2:12)


The majority of this article has been devoted to simply reporting what the Salvation Army says about itself. These undisputed facts reveal a distinct departure from New Testament Christianity and the work and nature of the church Jesus built.

Participation in the schemes of the Army — no matter how well-intentioned and seemingly benevolent — is tantamount to fellowship with error. The gospel of the Salvation Army is not the gospel of Jesus Christ and members of the church of Christ should abstain from supporting this latter day denomination.

Let us give our time and resources to the local church of Christ of which we are members and leave the corps adherents to take care of their own work.

The Essential Elements of Righteous Forgiveness

By Doug Roush

The disgraceful acts of our President has brought the subject of forgiveness to the attention of our society. It is good that we are talking about forgiveness. It is an important subject.

The Bible instructs us as to the importance of forgiveness. It reveals the character necessary to forgive as well as essential elements that are necessary to be met before forgiveness can be rightfully extended. Many are familiar with the warning from Jesus that unless we forgive others, God will not forgive us. However, our willingness or unwillingness to forgive is not the standard of forgiveness; it is simply an indication of our character.

The standard of forgiveness is stated in John 7:24: “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” God’s word is the standard of righteousness (Prov. 2:6-9; 8:1-9; Rom. 1:16-17). The standard of righteous judgement is implied in Colossians 3:13. Here we read: “Forbear one another, and forgive one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” The standard of forgiveness is set by Christ and is revealed in God’s word. He clearly stated that certain conditions must be met before forgiveness would be granted. All of these conditions can be summed up in one word — repentance. Jesus said, “Except you repent, you will perish” (Luke 13:3, 5).

What is repentance? The literal definition is “to change one’s mind.” However, the Bible says that the changing of one’s mind is to be demonstrated by what one does as he turns from his sin to do the right thing. The Bible speaks of “bringing forth fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matt. 3:8; Luke 3:8). Jesus illustrated this in Matthew 21:28-29 where he told of a son who had refused his father’s command to work in the vineyard. The son “answered and said, ‘I will not:’ but afterward he repented, and went.” Jesus said, “. . . If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.”

God forgives when there is demonstrated repentance. Our forgiveness of those who have wronged us is endorsed by God when there is demonstrated repentance on the part of the offender.

Our president’s instructions to his lawyers to defend him against impeachment by arguing that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and that he did not commit perjury or obstruct justice indicates that although he has confessed his sin, he has not repented of it. The only honorable action of repentance for this president is that he resign his office. Only then can there be genuine forgiveness.

He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father: but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance (Prov. 29:1-3).

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (1 Tim. 2:1-3).