Truth Magazine May 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.

My editorial for the May issue of Truth Magazine asks, “What lessons have we learned since the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus began directly affecting our physical and spiritual families?”

In his meditations column, Kyle Pope concluded his three-part examination of the afterlife. In his final article, Kyle shifts to the New Testament to look at the use of the word hadēs and three synonyms. The study ends with four practical questions about this mysterious place.

In the Women’s Insights column, Aleta Samford focuses on “Teaching Our Children: The Law of the Learning Process.” She introduces the sixth law of teaching with a personal and practical example of the type of students we may find in our Bible classes.

The Doctrine column is entitled “Reflections on Romans: A New Exodus.” David Flatt places Romans 6-8 in the framework of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and considers the dynamic of God’s grace.

In the Church column, Kyle Pope explores, “The Church and Evangelism.” The body of Christ—those brought to liberty from sin and condemnation, through the “good message” of salvation in Jesus, should treasure this deliverance and long to share it with those around them.

In the Q-n-A column, Bobby Graham responds to the inquiry of one who asks, “Does Acts 2:42 give us an order for our worship on the first day of the week?”

The Archaeology column considers the familiar biblical description of Canaan as “A Land of Milk and Honey.” Luke Chandler asks, “Why does the Bible refer to Canaan as a land of ‘milk and honey’ instead of ‘vines and olives’?”

The theme section of the May issue of Truth Magazine is entitled, “Baptism.” Journalism, as often practiced by the mainstream media, has fallen into disrepute. Yet, in seeking to understand this biblical subject, there is value in asking the traditional questions of an investigative reporter, “Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?”

The “Who” of Baptism, by Michael Wallace, affirms, “The proper candidate for Christian baptism is one who has complied with the preconditions and freely submits to the gospel plan of salvation.”

Steven Harper asks, “What Is Baptism?” Paul affirms that there is “one baptism” (Eph. 4:4), but how could this be, since we read of many baptisms in the Bible? Also, what about the various “modes” ascribed to the term today?

Article 3, by Danny Linden, asks, “When Should I Be Baptized?” Reminding us that baptism is more than a ceremony or rite, Danny affirms that it is a crucial part of salvation that should be completed urgently instead of delayed or scheduled.

Phillip E. Stuckey explores the question,” Where should baptism take place?” In the New Testament, baptism occurred where there was enough water in which a person could be immersed.

The fifth article in this series is entitled, “Why Should One Be Baptized?” by Kevin Maxey. Commands, examples, sequence, motives, and understanding provide answers to those who ask, “Why Baptism?”

Finally, in concluding our brief examination of this essential biblical topic, I probe the question, “How Is Baptism Part of the Salvation Process?”

A great deal of planning and preparation has gone into this collective effort. We trust that you will be admonished, instructed, and uplifted through reading this excellent material. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions, and also accessible through your web-browser).

Truth Magazine April 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Eschatology/The Last Days
by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Hades and Sheol? (Part 2)
by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
by Sherelyn Mayberry

DOCTRINE: Reflections on Romans: The Grace of God and Us
by David Flatt

THE CHURCH: Recognizing the Bible Pattern
by Ron Halbrook

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Why do some English translations of John 3:36 require faith while others enjoin obedience?
by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Western Wall
by Trent and Rebekah Dutton


ESCHATOLOGY: Premillennialism
by Mike Willis

ESCHATOLOGY: Postmillennialism
by David Dann

ESCHATOLOGY: Amillennialism
by Sean Cavender

ESCHATOLOGY: The New Heavens and New Earth
by Jim McDonald

ESCHATOLOGY: The AD 70 Doctrine
by Don McClain

ESCHATOLOGY: Eco-Eschatology
by Matthew Bassford

Truth Magazine March 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: You Should Have Known
by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Hades and Sheol (Part 1)
by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: TEACHING CHILDREN: Lessons from the Dinner Table
by Deborah Towles

by David Flatt

THE CHURCH: The Need for Authority
by Kevin Maxey

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Some are now contending for the Lord’s Supper to be eaten as part of a full meal. Is this because of the context of 1 Corinthians 11?
by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Tel-Amarna Tablets
by Leon Mauldin


BEARING FRUIT: Article 1: Soldiers Still on the Firing Line
by Stan Adams

BEARING FRUIT: Article 2: Changes Preachers Can Make
by Chris Kramer

BEARING FRUIT: Article 3: Successful Gospel Meetings
by Casey Tolzda

BEARING FRUIT: Article 4: The Christian’s Response to Abortion
by Chase Byers

BEARING FRUIT: Article 5: Wash Day
by Howard Whittlesey

BEARING FRUIT: Article 6: What in the World?
by Chris Reeves

Truth Magazine February 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: The Mission of the Church, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Preserving the Conscience of the Young, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Teaching Children: The Principle of the Teaching Process (Part II), by Aleta Samford

DOCTRINE: Reflections on Romans: Faithless Idolaters and the Faithfulness of God, by David Flatt

THE CHURCH OF CHRIST: The Establishment of the Church, by Bruce Reeves

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: “Why did Jael give Sisera milk instead of water in Judges 4:19?” by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Stations of the Cross, by Barry Britnell


Article 1: Personal Observations, by Daniel H. King, Sr.

Article 2: Problems Pertaining to the Pattern, by David Dann

Article 3: The Past Is Prologue, by Steve Wolfgang

Article 4: Fissures and Fractures, by Ron Halbrook


In my Editorial for the February issue of Truth Magazine, I discuss “The Mission of the Church.” May we faithfully adhere to the pattern that Christ provided for the church, and not deviate from its divinely-assigned mission.

In his Meditations column, Kyle Pope suggests ways of “Preserving the Conscience of the Young.” A tender conscience is a vital tool in helping us faithfully serve the Lord. Parents must act wisely to help safeguard this precious asset in the hearts of our children.

In the Women’s Insights column, Aleta Samford continues her series on Teaching Children with “The Principle of the Teaching Process (Part II).” The teaching process is reflected in everything we do, and every law we implement, which are designed to help our children exercise their senses.

In the Doctrine column, which is devoted to Reflections on Romans, David Flatt focuses on “Faithless Idolaters and the Faithfulness of God.” He considers how both Gentiles and Jews had turned to idolatry and how God was still able to be faithful to His covenant (Rom. 1:18-3:31).

In the Church column, which highlights the distinctiveness of the Lord’s church as revealed in the pages of Sacred Scripture, Bruce Reeves addresses “The Establishment of the Church.” He reminds us that if one is saved at all, he is a member of Christ’s church; if he is a faithful member of the church, he is saved.

In the Questions and Answers column, Bobby L. Graham responds to a reader who asks, “Why did Jael give Sisera milk instead of water in Judges 4:19?”

In the Archaeology column, Barry Britnell examines “The Stations of the Cross.” When you take a closer look at the Via Dolorosa’s Stations of the Cross, you soon realize that they are not all scripturally accurate.

The Theme Section of the February issue of Truth Magazine deals with “The Dickson Discussion.” Brothers Kyle Pope and Doug Burleson engaged in a public discussion at the Freed-Hardeman University Renaissance Center in Dickson, TN, on November 15, 2019. Hundreds of brethren attended this event, many traveling considerable distances. The following articles, coupled with my editorial, offer analysis, commendation, and critique from several brethren who were in attendance.

Personal Observations, by Daniel H. King, Sr. While expressing gratitude for the brotherly spirit manifested in these discussions, Dan analyzes certain arguments that were advanced and offers a simpler biblical alternative.

Problems Pertaining to the Pattern, by David Dann. Differing approaches to establishing and applying scriptural authority lie at the root of divisions that exist among contemporary disciples regarding the collective work of the local church.

The Past Is Prologue, by Steve Wolfgang. The apostle Paul said, “Whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction . . .” Similarly, we learn valuable lessons from the struggles that earlier generations faced as they sought to restore the ancient order.

Fissures and Fractures, by Ron Halbrook. In offering historical reflections on the Burleson-Pope exchanges, Ron asks, “What shall we do?”

The completion of this issue has required considerable effort and energy, prayer and planning. We trust that readers will benefit from considering these good articles. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal, and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub and PDF versions, and your favorite web-browser).


Mark Mayberry, editor of Truth Magazine