The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!

By Donald Willis

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be de- sired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from pre- sumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer (Ps. 19).

In this appeal, which the Bible makes to the science of astronomy, we find the statement that this particular branch of science bears explicit testimony to the “glory” and “knowledge” of the God, who made the heavens and wrote the Book. This is clear from the fact that, while the first six verses deal with the testimony of the heavens, the latter part of the psalm, from the seventh verse onward, is occupied with the testimony of the written Word.

Now it will be readily admitted that if the science of astronomy — that is to say, if any of the existing laws in connection with the heavenly bodies — really ran counter to, or in any way tended to disprove the teaching of Scripture, then the heavens, instead of declaring the glory and knowledge of the Creator, would rather witness to the ignorance and consequent dishonor of him who had written a Book which he has magnified, and which is specially called “The Law of the Lord” — but which was found to be opposed in its teachings to some of the other laws already in existence. Now, our minds shrink from such a blasphemous conclusion. However, let us consider some “scientific statements” found in the pages of holy writ; and how did these writers know such scientific facts before they were discovered?!

The  oldest  book  in  the  Bible, Job reads: Job 26:7 (c. 3500 BC): “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” How did Job know this? And is not this simple statement scientifically accurate. All the early physicists and philosophers (including Plato and Aristotle) believed the earth was a flat disc of land. Authorities at the Washing- ton Observatory have discovered that there is a vast expanse in the northern heavens without a single star in it — literally an empty place! The heavens declare the glory of God!

Proverbs 8:27 (c. 1000 BC) “When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass (or circle) upon the face of the depth.” This clearly indicates the spherical or globular shape of the earth. Isaiah 40:22 (700 BC): “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. . . .” Circle means an “arch” or “sphere,” demonstrating the true form of the earth! This is a most remarkable reference to the rotundity of the earth. The heavens declare the glory of God!

The Earth turns upon its axis. Genesis 1:3-5 (c. 1500 BC): “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” One side of the earth, being closest to light, the other side would be dark. These things commenced, yet the Sun and Moon were not set until the fourth day. But, the earth was moving upon its axis from the beginning! The heavens declare the glory of God!

Also consider: Luke 17:34-36 (c. 67 AD): “I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”

When are men in a bed? Night!

When are women preparing flour for the daily bread? Early Morning!

When are men laboring in the field? Broad daylight!

And every student knows that, owing to the rotundity of the earth, the light falls upon only a half at a time, producing day and night at once and making the statement easily under- stood.

The heavens declare the glory of God!

But the context of Psalms 19 establishes that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is perfect to the needs of man- kind! What a wonderful proclamation!

Our duty, therefore, it to be as young Samuel (1 Sam 3:9): “Speak Lord, thy servant heareth.” Jesus is the “way, truth, life” (John 14:6). Jesus is the only way to salvation (Acts 4:12). Science has never delivered one person from sin. Although wonders can be done to the body, science has not yet healed one broken soul!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ can save us from our sins! The heavens declare the glory of God!  We must live in acknowledgment of God and to the glory of God!

The Year 2000 and Evangelism

By Rufus R. Clifford, III

I am sure you are aware of how human nature remains the same throughout the years. People have a tendency to be people no matter what age they are living in! We are by nature only interested in things that are affecting us at the moment. For example: Store owners, who are business minded, know that the best time to order snow shovels and sell snow shovels is not in the summer! Why? There is no need. People are not thinking about snow in the summer! I believe you get the gist of what I am saying. We have, in my opinion, the opportunity to make this year the most successful year for teaching others the gospel! Why is that? The fact that people will be people is what I am basing this statement on! In fact setting up Bible studies will be easier this year than any other year before. The reason for this is a simple one: human nature!

When does a person think about death? When they are around death. When does a person think about Jesus coming back? When they know that people believe he’s coming back close to the year 2,000! This year will be a good year for those who are interested in personal evangelism! (which should include all Christians). The reason being is that those who teach the false doctrine of premillennialism and those who believe this doctrine are convinced that the year 2000 will be a special year for them.

What does this mean for the “snow shovel salesman”? It means if people believe it’s going to snow six feet, he’s going to sell a lot of snow shovels! What will he do to prepare? (1) He will have a ready supply of shovels on hand, (2) He will know all about snow shovels! Let’s take this same mentality and apply it to setting up studies this year. What should I do to prepare for this opportunity? First: Have a ready supply of statements to make that will create interest in the other person to study!

Example: Hey Fred, has your preacher been talking much about Jesus coming back and the rapture? What do you believe is going to happen this year? (Let’s get together next week and see what the Bible says about Jesus coming back.)

Hey Martha, are you getting ready for all this Y2k stuff they are predicting? (If she hasn’t heard, fill her in.) No electricity, no food, banks shutting down! Then switch the conversation to spiritual matters: Really I’m not too worried myself, because my faith lies in God! (play it by ear from there). Have yourself questions to present to folks that will lead into religious conversations that will open the door for you to say: “Why don’t we get together one night next week and see what the Bible says about that! What night is best for you?”

Second: Know your shovels! Study the following books of the Bible: Zechariah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation. These are four books in the Bible which are apocalyptic in style. This means that much of their message was written with symbolic or figurative language. You don’t have to be- come an authority on all four; you just have to know what premillennialists try to teach from each one! Below are some helpful insights:

Zechariah — Chapters 9:9-10 — Premillennialists deny that the reign of Christ as king has begun. Chapter 14 — a favorite text used by Premillennialists who give it a literal interpretation and apply the chapter to a future point in time.

Ezekiel — Chapter 38-39 — Premilliennists believe this is referring to a literal fulfillment. Study the terms Gog and Magog and Armageddon. Familiarize yourself with what these chapters are really teaching!

Daniel — Chapter 2 — Premillennialists do not believe that the Kingdom of God was to be established in the days of the Roman Empire. Learn about what Daniel proph- esied about these four kingdoms that would come and go! Babylon (gold), Medo-Persia (silver), Greece (brass), Rome (iron), and about the kingdom God would set up (vv. 44-45) that could not be moved (Heb.12:28).

Revelation — Chapter 20 — Premillennialists are futurists — that is they consider the book of Revelation as an unfulfilled prophecy about future history. They place chapters 4-19 as just before the coming of Christ and then chapter 20:1-10 as the millennial reign, judgment, and the final state. Suggestions: Know why the book was written and to whom! Familiarize yourself with chapter 20 and the 1000-year reign. Remember that the second coming, bodily resurrection, reign on earth, literal throne of David, Christ on earth, etc. are not taught in Revelation 20:4! The doors of opportunity are going to present themselves to all of us this year so let’s be ready! Take advantage of the time you live in and the events taking place to reach out to those who are lost and confused and blinded by the deception of the devil. Many are in darkness and cannot see, but you and I are lights in this world for Jesus (Matt.5:14-15) and we are here to glorify him (1 Cor.10:31). So let’s shine brightly and tell others the good news!

Pilgrimage of a Stranger

By Eddie K. Garrett, II

Many Christian brethren have asked me to write on my personal pilgrimage and conversion experience to the truth in Christ. I suppose that most, if not all, find it difficult to write on oneself, and I am no different, being of that same mind. However, I will attempt to do so in hope that some- one, somewhere, might be encouraged and uplifted by it. Also to give them the assurance that there are others out there who are lost, as I was, who need to hear God’s honest truth, that have been misled by the universality of false-teachers and their condemnable doctrines. The only way to combat these is for those of us who are in Christ and that have obeyed the truth of the gospel to teach, preach, proclaim, and declare it to everyone, everywhere, in every opportunity and situation we may find ourselves in our everyday lives. Just as Satan has flooded the arena of our surroundings with his influence, so we must do the same as our Lord Jesus has thus commanded. As it is true that we do not have to be as great in number as those that are influenced by him and his cunning craftiness, nevertheless the lost still need to hear the truth of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16; Heb. 4:12). For without that power and those that proclaim it, I would not be at this time, as a child of God, writing this to you. “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things” (Rom. 10:15).

My friends, I was an ordained Baptist preacher of the sect known as Primitive Baptists. My father and brother were also Baptist preachers. About nine years ago I decided to “follow the Lord” and start going to church. Not knowing anything about the Bible I did what most end up doing and that is following a relative or friend to the church of their choice. In my case it was following my dad and the sect he was with. Being naive as others and not knowing any better, many are influenced by these friends and relatives that we judge to have been religious for some time and certainly must know more than us. We allow our- selves to slowly be indoctrinated into church methodology and theology. All religions want to make converts to their own group and I was as a little child with grown-ups offering me candy, so to speak. All of us want to feel as though we’re wanted and liked, and that there is a special place for us in a church. I was certainly no different. My father and his Primitive Baptist friends took me under their wings and immediately started to “teach” me the Bible. They taught me how to interpret it, what passages mean, and warned me about not associating with those of other religious sects. Little did I know that this was a part of the “grooming” process of a new convert. From the start I was taught what is commonly referred to as the “TULIP” doc- trines, or as they like to refer to them as the “doctrines of grace” with the certain “proof texts” that supposedly sup- ported these teachings. That man is “Totally Depraved” from Adam; that God has “Unconditionally Elected” certain particular individuals before the foundation of the world; That Jesus only died for those certain ones (Limited Atonement): that God “Irresistibly Calls” those individuals (regenerated or born again); and that once we’re saved we can never be lost (Preservation of the Saints). This is what I heard week after week in our pulpits. Every- one seemed to agree and I would occasionally hear an “Amen” out of the congregation to give support to what was being taught. So I did not question this because surely these “men of God” knew far more than me. Eventually, I was licensed to preach and finally ordained to the full work of the ministry. Looking back now, I see me in those days being a pal-parrot. In other words, I was doing and saying as I saw them do and say.

As the years went by as I was reading and studying more of God’s Word, some things that I had been taught I started to question. When I would pose my thoughts on certain things from the Bible to some preachers, to my surprise, they got very upset and slowly were distancing themselves from me. As long as I was pal-parroting what they taught me and not questioning anything I was doing fine, but when I did do so troubles and problems came my way, of which I could not understand. Some would get very angry at me and dis-fellowship me all together. My preaching appointments started to dwindle. Others were being called to “Pastor” churches instead of me. It seemed all because I was diligently studying the Sacred Scripture. The more I would ask questions, the more trouble I received. This drove me to investigate thoroughly what I had been taught. I had been taught, so much against “Arminianism” and wanted to see why so many of the people I was with hated them so much. I thought to myself that I wanted to know both ends of the theological spectrum. I wanted to give their “sys- tem” a chance as I had done with “Calvinism.” I reckoned that by knowing both realms of these opposite teachings that I would find out the real truth.

I decided the best way to know “Arminianism” was to be taught directly from them. So I enrolled into a program in a Seminary of that persuasion. I rigorously studied my heart out course by course. I took 16 courses in the one Masters program. Then I enrolled into their Doctorate program in Theology. One of my courses in this program was in “Hermeneutics” (the science of Bible interpretation). I was intrigued with what I had learned in that particular course. Just by chance, I had to do a thesis at the end of this program of which it was appointed that I do it in Hermeneutics. The research that I had done was extensive and thorough. I had to read and study this subject inside and out. I read many books of scholars on this subject. The reason why I mention this is because this was a major turning point in my sojourn to the truth. I realized that “Calvinism” approached the Bible using an “Allegorical Method” of interpretation. That is, “beyond the literal, obvious, and apparent meaning of a pas- sage lies the real hidden secret meaning.” I knew right off the bat that this was wrong. I realized that the way I was taught to interpret the Word of God was not the proper way of doing so. Then I started to re-interpret what I had read in God’s Word. I wanted to challenge every doctrine that I was taught by taking the literal, plain and obvious and apparent meaning of what I would now read.

Yet, before I get too ahead of myself, I want to mention something that is of great significance to my conversion. A few years ago I was the Moderator for my father in a public debate with a church of Christ preacher named Patrick Donahue. The proposition was “For whom did Christ die?” I remember that day well. Although, I was of my father’s persuasion, that debate (looking back now) had a profound effect on me. I remember during the debate while Mr. Donahue was dissecting, piece by piece, point by point, what I was taught to believe as the truth, there was a particular point in that debate that I saw some truth of what he was declaring from God’s Word. That debate never left my mind over the months to come. The seed of the truth of the gospel was planted in my heart that very day.

During my theological education I was challenging every point of the “TULIP” doctrines of which I was taught. The first major point that I challenged was “Limited Atonement.” Why I started here I think was because of what was planted in me from the Donahue/Garrett de- bate on this subject. After much careful study, I saw the truth that Christ died for “all men” not just a few. Once I saw that truth I went to “Unconditional Election” and so challenged that point of Calvinistic doctrine. It was not long after I saw the real truth on election or salvation, that it was in fact conditional on our obedience in believ- ing, repenting, and confessing. Of course the Calvinistic doctrine of “irresistible grace” fell down all by itself af- ter that. All I had left was “total depravity” and the “perseverance of the saints.” But, these did not fall so easily. I struggled with these for some time. Yet, I kept challenging these points with God’s Word. I would stay up to sometimes 3- 4 o’clock in the morning studying and researching the Scripture. Once saved, always saved eventually fell by the wayside. When I saw that a person could fall out of grace then that convicted my soul a great deal. A struggle began in me to venture whether or not I was truly saved or not. Many prayers were prayed during this time in my studies. The hardest point to challenge was “total depravity.” I was taught it since my youth. During this time I had been watching some debate tapes of my dad with fellows like John Welch, Tommy Thrasher, and Patrick Donahue that my dad had given me. At times, these discussions got pretty heated and very forceful in argument. Yet, I learned and enjoyed much from them.

One day, out of the blue, I wanted to talk to Patrick Donahue. So I called my dad and asked him for Patrick’s phone number. Dad says, “What in the world do you want his phone number for?” I told him I just wanted to talk with him. So, he gave me his number and I called him. He was very nice and cordial and sent me some literature and debate tapes on total depravity. My wanting to talk to Patrick, as I look back was because of that seed that had been planted in me during that debate with my father a couple three years prior. Eventually I saw that total depravity was not the truth of Scripture. I then left my father and the Primitive Baptists and went and joined the Southern Baptists. This was because I still wanted to “worship” and go to church and there were many Southern Baptists in my area. It was a place for me and my family to go while I got my “theology” straightened out. During this time Patrick kept in contact with me and tried (not force- fully) to help in any way that he could. We would correspond every day on the Internet by way of E-Mail communication. Patrick showed great concern about my soul in a loving manner. He asked me to investigate the doctrine of water baptism. I laughed and said I would. But, deep down in- side I “knew” that water baptism had absolutely nothing to do in the salvation of people’s soul. This I was certainly sure. I had done a lot of changing, but, this I knew with certainty. He would post arguments (debating on Internet) to me on baptism passages and I would respond in the nor- mal usual Baptist way. Yet, every argument I had was being thrown down in defeat. This angered me tremendously and I did not like it at all. Yet, I was determined to prove him wrong nonetheless. Little did I know that when two men debate every point and Scripture that sooner or later the truth will pop right out of the discussion. And it certainly did with Pat and our discussion. I was befuddled! I did not communicate with him for a while, while I was pondering this with much conviction.

After seeing the truth on baptism in the Scripture I still did not want to accept it. Yet, the nights were unsleepable for me. I could not just sweep this under the rug to lie dormant. I was searching and looking for ways to get out of baptism being a necessity for salvation. I went to my Baptist and Protestant scholars commentaries hoping they would explain it away or give me something to grab hold of to not accept it. Yet, when these scholars went to Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21 and other passages they were so very weak and afforded me no relief. I thought, well, I’ll just get some scholarly Christian History books and prove the early church Fathers did not believe in baptismal regeneration. To my surprise, I found out, on the contrary, that the early church believed in it so much that major heresies crept in after the first few centuries. That Irenaeus, who was taught by Polycarp, who had been taught by John the Apostle, taught the necessity of baptism. That Tertullian, an early church historian said the early church believed strongly in the necessity of baptism. That they felt so strongly in it that many people refused to be baptized until near their death. So strongly that they started baptizing infants. This was only because of the new heresy of total depravity that had slowly crept in among somein the early assemblies. Once I had seen this in the pre- Nicene Fathers, I was shocked.

I went back into my Bible to investigate more on baptism. Then when I finally saw that it was the truth of God, I came to the hardest place I had ever been in my quest of truth. What must I do? Do I go and “join” the “Campbellites” whom I have been taught to laugh at and hate with a passion? I thought, well I’ll just stay where I am in the Southern Baptists and just not say anything about baptism. Sure I could believe it is true, yet, keep it to my- self. Oh! my friends, this mind set did not last too long. My convictions were too strong to pull such a stunt. My love of God’s Word and my affection for the Baptists were now at odds with each other. Days went by (sleepless) as I pondered what must I do. I started to read once again the book of Acts to find this answer. I found that I was not alone in wanting this question answered. The Jews asked Peter the question in Acts 2. The apostle Paul asked Jesus the same thing. The Philippian jailer asked the same question, etc. The answer was always believe and be baptized and thou shalt be saved. The exact words of Jesus in Mark

16:16. So I called my friend Patrick Donahue and he gave me two phone numbers of preacher brethren here in my area. I called both and we’d meet once a week and talk the Scripture. One of these men was Bobby K. Thompson of the Manatee County Church of Christ. Bobby is up in his seventies and his biblical answers soothed my weary soul. One day I asked him to take me to “his” church to view his library. He had given me a couple of books to read, but the most important thing he said to me was when we were walking out to leave, he put his arm around my neck, hugged me and said, “Eddie, you need to be in Christ, you must accept the truth of Jesus, obey the gospel and be baptized leaving your old world behind.” These few little words convicted my heart for days. Him putting his arm around me meant so much because he saw the agony I was in and the dilemma I had found myself.

One thing that intrigued me of these “church of Christ” people is that all of them encouraged me to read and study my Bible. To stay away from reading so many other books of others and just stay with God’s Word.

I talked frequently with my wife on these doctrinal is- sues and we would study together. My conviction was getting too strong to wait any longer. I had to obey the gospel as the Lord Jesus commanded. I called Bobby Thompson and told him to get the baptistry ready for Sun- day. Those few days till then seemed as though a year. Satan was working overtime it seemed. But, I kept myself into the Scripture, the safest haven for me. My wife was stunned and shocked. “Was he going to leave all his years in the Baptist church and all his educational credentials and titles behind?” she thought. Yet, I indeed did and was baptized upon my confession in Christ Jesus on that Sunday morning.

The next day, after my baptism into Christ, I was called by a Southern Baptist church to be their “Pastor.” This is what I had worked so hard for years. I turned them down because of my true conversion to Christ. Satan was working overtime with me because on that Wednesday I received another call to “Pastor” full-time another Baptist Church in my area. My wife said to me (reminds me of Job’s wife), “Eddie this is what you’ve been working for so long and now it comes and you refuse it.” But, my mind was set in the defense of the truth. I was not going to be tempted away from my Lord Jesus. I walked away from all my friends, preachers, and laymen. By doing all this, I think this gave reason for my wife to investigate what I had found.

Walking into the church of Christ building seemed strange or different than what I’d been accustomed to, the people were different as well than what I was used to, but I knew I had followed my Lord’s commands. My wife and I kept studying together every day and to my wonderful surprise, she came forward a month later in the service to obey the gospel. I was so happy and rejoicing. Bobby came up to me and asked if I wanted to baptize her and thus my joy was fulfilled. I baptized my wife, Priscilla, on that very day.

We have been serving our Lord ever since and feel so blessed by our Lord. Ephesians 1:3 has certainly lived up to all the truth it declares. All spiritual blessings are in- deed in Christ. I was experiencing them like I had never experienced them before. We are so happy and filled with joy over what our Lord Jesus has done for us.

Brethren, beloved in the Lord, there were many things that contributed to my conversion in Christ, but it all started with viewing and attending debates. If it wasn’t for the sternness of the gospel preachers in their conviction in pro- claiming the truth in boldness of which I had never experienced before, my wife and I may not be where we are today. Do debates do any good? This very soul and his wife would no doubt be lost, bound for the fiery pits of Hell in torment, if not for those I experienced. Oh! blessed are the feet of those that preach the gospel of Christ.

What we need is not a backing off of doing them, but to return to publicly proclaim with a vigor that has never since been seen since the first century Christians. Let all who have the truth challenge every sectarian preacher and theologian to discuss these matters. Let us raise the proclamation flag of God’s truth and not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation.

The first century Christians turned this world upside down and thousands were converted to Christ. What has changed now? Is it possible that we are too sophisticated now to openly declare the truth of Christ? Let all who know the truth search, as Paul, Barnabas, Silas, etc. for avenues of discussion. Let’s let our light so shine that all others can see the truth in Christ. This is a warfare with Satan and the powers of darkness that is sending poor souls to Hell, let us not give up on these precious souls that need to be saved. Let us try much harder to proclaim it and not hide our talent under the ground.

Personal Lessons From a National Disgrace

By Richard J. Boone

After thirteen months of a bitter political battle, the impeachment hearings against our nation’s President ended with his recent acquittal. Though conducted on the political stage, it reflects the ongoing moral war. There are moral issues — serious moral issues — involved. Setting aside political preferences and views, several personal lessons can be gleaned from this national disgrace.

Our Sin Will Find Us Out

In January 1998, the President flatly denied the alleged relationship with intern Lewinsky. I confidently believe he felt no one would ever learn the details of the matter. How wrong he was!

Moses, in Numbers 32:23, reminded the tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, if they failed to help their brethren settle Canaan west of Jordan, “be sure your sin will find you out.” How true that is! Our sins are fully known to God. “All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Heb. 4:13). Even our private sins are: “You have set our iniquities before You; our secret sins in the light of Your countenance” (Ps. 90:8; italics mine, rjb).

Sinful dispositions are manifested by our actions (Mark 7:20-23; cf. Prov. 4:23; 23:7). Sins against others become known (Matt. 18:15-17). Sometimes sin becomes known by the consequences it brings (Josh. 7:1-5, 19-21, 25). Rest assured that when we sin, it will become known — some- how, in some way.

Leadership Demands Godly Character and Morality

We have frequently heard: “Moral character doesn’t matter; what one does in private is no one else’s business as long as it doesn’t affect job performance.” Too many people have exchanged the truth for this lie (Rom. 1:25). Leadership which is not faithful in little things (private conduct) will fail in greater responsibilities (Luke 16:10; also Matt. 25:21; Luke 19:17). God has always required godly character and morality, especially from those in positions of leadership.

Kings of the Israelites were to have a copy of the law with them for reading, humility and fearful obedience, all of which would prolong their reign as king (Deut. 17:18- 20). The judges whom Jethro suggested to Moses were to be “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness” (Exod. 18:21). Why? So they might competently learn the law and render just verdicts in cases between Israelites. Within the church, elders and deacons are to be men of proven godliness and morality, especially needed in light of their serious responsibilities (Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1:6ff; 1 Pet. 5:2-3). These examples sufficiently show that a key to effective leadership is godly morality and character; anything less is evil leaven.

Genuine Repentance

Throughout this ordeal we have been served a variety of apologies in differing tones and settings, so many, in fact, that one could question the apologist’s sincerity. The subject of genuine repentance enters the picture. So does a pertinent text — 2 Corinthians 7:6-11. This text addresses both the motivations and actions of genuine repentance.

2 Corinthians 7:10 mentions “godly sorrow” and “the sorrow of the world.” What is the difference? There is an obvious difference in that godly sorrow “produces repentance to salvation,” but the worldly sorrow “produce death.” The key term is “godly.” Sorrow towards God for sins committed is the realization of sin being an offense primarily against God, and it causes a change of mind leading to a change of actions; one ceases the sinful activity. Though he did not sin with Potiphar ’s wife, Joseph’s mindset toward sin was right: “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:9; italics mine, rjb). Godly sorrow entails a similar perspective.

Worldly sorrow, on the other hand, thinks primarily about worldly motives and consequences. It is little concerned with spiritual considerations, if at all. It has been accurately stated that godly sorrow is sorrow that one has done wrong, while worldly sorrow is sorrow for getting caught doing wrong.

Godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance as reflected in the Corinthians’ change of heart and conduct. They had tolerated an impenitent fornicator (1 Cor. 5). Paul told them to purge this leaven from among them (v. 7). This punishment was meted by a majority of them, causing the impenitent brother to repent (2 Cor. 2:6-7). Of their repentance Paul said, “For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves clear in this matter” (v. 11). Godly sorrow produces this genuine repentance. Worldly sorrow acts differently.

Worldly sorrow seeks to delay, not diligently settle matters; to conceal wrongdoing, not clear it; its indignation is toward those who seek to resolve matters, not at self for sin; no fear of consequences; vehement desire, not to correct self, but to destroy accusers; zeal to protect self and status, not to cease sin; no vindication of self, but vindictiveness towards others; persuading others to try to clear you, rather than proving one’s self clear in a matter. Surely these contrasts are familiar to us in light of recent events.

Temporal Consequences Of Sin

Sin is the “Great Separator” — it separates man from God (Isa. 59:1-2). David understood this after all the events pertaining to Bathsheba and Uriah. Until he confessed his sins, he felt the weight of those spiritual consequences in his life (see Psalms 32 and 51).

David also learned that sin has temporal consequences, a fact which society often fails to realize or acknowledge. They may be small or great, immediate or delayed, individual and/or group-wide.


Nathan told David the consequences of his sins (2 Sam. 12:7-15). David had “despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight” (vv. 9, 10). Therefore he would: (1) have violence in his family’s future (v. 10); (2) experience insurrection from among his own family (v. 11a); (3) be humiliated by having his wives publicly violated (vv. 11b-12); (4) give great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme (v. 14); and (5) cause innocent people to suffer (v. 14b). Anyone familiar with David’s life and subsequent chapters in 2 Samuel can document the fulfillment of each of these foretold consequences. Though David was forgiven spiritually (Ps. 32:1-5; 51; 2 Sam. 12:13), there were still temporal consequences to his sins.

Today people may commit grave sins and be forgiven, but still have to face temporal consequences of those sins. A murderer can be forgiven by God, but still receives civil punishment. An alcoholic (or drug addict) mother can be forgiven, but an innocent baby suffers the consequences of fetal-alcohol syndrome (or “crack baby”). A thief can be forgiven, but still pays restitution. A person in an un- lawful marriage can be forgiven of that adulterous relationship, but must leave it for repentance to come to fruition. In all of these cases and numerous others, one can be forgiven when they meet God’s terms of forgiveness, but may have temporal consequences of sin.


We are at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. Whenever a society allows sin to run rampant in the streets and fails to uphold righteousness and justice, then it is a reproach to that nation (Prov. 14:34). Many Americans are rightfully embarrassed about the reprehensible conduct of our President and his cohorts. It is a national disgrace. There are, however, important moral principles underlying these events. We must be sure to grasp and apply them because they are right and for posterity’s sake.

We can — by God’s power (Eph. 1:19-20) and longsuffering (2 Pet. 3:9) — affect a return to righteous- ness in our country through plain Bible teaching and consistent Christian living. God was willing to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of ten righteous souls (Gen. 18:32). Maybe he will spare America, too.