Truth Magazine September 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


In my editorial, entitled, “Contemporary Tribalism vs. Christian Unity,” As protests and riots have buffeted our nation, the fabric of society has frayed. Many now question the assumptions that bind us together. Yet, Christ is the answer to societal ills, and He calls us to spiritual unity.

In his Meditations Column, Kyle Pope ponders the promise of “No Condemnation.” Under what conditions can we enjoy the assurance of experiencing “no condemnation?” The gospel reveals that those “in Christ” can have this hope, but it also clearly defines what it means to be “in Christ.”

In the Women’s Insights Column, Lindsay Mast offers the second article in her series on “Running the Race: When the Course Isn’t Clear.” “As 2020 keeps throwing its pandemic punches,” she asks, “How can we continue to run well when the course is full of fog, obstacles, and even danger?”

In the Doctrine Column, David Flatt continues his “Reflections on Romans.” His article is entitled, “God’s Selection & Reshaping a Remnant (Part 2).” The concept of a remnant is central to understanding God’s dealings with humanity: “Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, it is the remnant that will be saved” (Rom. 9:27; cf. Isa. 10:22).

In the Church Column, Mike Willis looks at “Preaching as an Act of Worship.” Preaching was an essential part of worship assemblies in the New Testament church. Renouncing the denominational emphasis on entertainment, let us reaffirm our commitment to hearing and obeying heaven’s message.

In the Questions and Answers Column, Bobby Graham responds to the following inquiry: “How does one respond to the idea that the New Testament epistles are simply ‘love letters’ having no authority behind them?” Bobby reminds us that the gospel message comes from the King of Kings.

In the Archaeology Column, Luke Chandler shares information about a recently unearthed statues of a “Canaanite Fertility Goddess.” Ancient and modern cultures share a common emphasis on sexuality, debasing a divine gift, corrupting character, and dishonoring God.


The September issue of Truth Magazine is an “Open Issue,” i.e., a collection of articles that have been submitted by various faithful brethren.

Article 1 is entitled “Leadership Involves Being and Doing Habits” by Keith Hamilton. Our brother reminds us that leadership occurs whenever we influence the thinking, behavior, or development of another person.

Article 2 is entitled “A Messenger of Satan” by Howard Whittlesey. When a messenger of Satan hounds a man about his departure from God’s path, our Savior is only a prayer away from penitence and resolution with which Satan cannot cope.

Article 3 is entitled “Are the Elements of the Lord’s Supper Essential or Incidental?” by Ron Halbrook. The Bible contains a pattern for the work, worship, and organization of the Lord’s church. Ron asks, “Does the pattern concept include the elements of the Lord’s supper, which Jesus instituted on the night of His betrayal?”

Article 4 is entitled “Is It Really about Race? What Did Jesus Say?” by Dick Blackford. As our society experiences a renewed period of civil unrest, we are reminded that there is something more important than race that needs our undivided attention—namely, the cultivation of one’s character.

Article 5 is “A Review of the Neubauer-Reeves Debate on the AD 70 Doctrine” by Shawn Chancellor. The AD 70 doctrine is a heretical approach toward Scripture. It imposes an artificial grid upon our understanding of the sacred text, with the result that nearly every page of the Bible is subjected to radical reinterpretation.

Article 6 is “In Memory of E.M. Chandler” by Forrest Morris. Brother Chandler (May 9, 1930-July 6, 2020) was a beloved member of the Lord’s church—faithful, always encouraging, and supportive. His infectious smile and delightful sense of humor brought joy to friends, family, and fellow Christians.

I appreciate the excellent articles that have been submitted this month. We trust that you will be admonished, instructed, and uplifted through reading this useful material. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal, and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub and PDF versions, and also accessible through your web-browsers).

Mark Mayberry

Truth Magazine August 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.

Monthly Columns

PRIDE GOES BEFORE DESTRUCTION by David Dann. This month, we asked David to select and assign the theme topics and to compose a related editorial. He focuses upon pride—a subtle tool of the devil that can easily destroy the Christian’s relationship with God.

“ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES” by Kyle Pope. Like the foundation of a building, “elementary principles” serve an essential purpose. However, they are not an end in themselves but a starting place for future growth.

TEACHING OUR CHILDREN: THE LAW OF THE LEARNING PROCESS (PART II) by Aleta Samford. Children become excited and feel empowered when they are part of the teaching process, which in turn will aid the learning process. It is so rewarding to hear groans of disappointment when the bell rings for class to end!

REFLECTIONS ON ROMANS: GOD’S SELECTION & RESHAPING A REMNANT by David Flatt. While we may know the overall history of God’s people, we may not accurately discern its meaning. Paul clarifies a misreading of Israel’s history and demonstrates how God’s selection and reshaping of Israel were just.

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY by Robert Harkrider. Prayer is one of the greatest privileges of a Christian. Nevertheless, to be assured that God hears us, we must apply the Lord’s teaching regarding acceptable prayer.

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS by Bobby Graham. A reader inquires, “How should I answer the radicals in “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” (PETA) when they protest eating meat?”

THE MOUNT OF OLIVES by Trent and Rebekah Dutton. The Mount of Olives served as an entry and exit point for Jerusalem, a cemetery for the Jewish faithful, and a quiet place for Christ to commune with His Father. The Old and New Testaments ascribe notable significance to this mountain.

Monthly Theme

The theme section of the MONTH issue of Truth Magazine focuses on the “Perils of Pride.”

WHAT IS THE ALLURE OF PRIDE? by Steven J. Wallace. Let us consider five fallacious ways that Satan entices men to manifest a spirit of arrogance and sinful pride.

PORTRAITS OF PRIDE by Jesse Flowers. Solomon warns us that “pride goes before destruction” (Prov. 16:18). This truth is powerfully illustrated in the lives of various individuals who serve as portraits of pride in the pages of Scripture.

PRIDE IN THE HOME by Shane Carrington. While arrogant pride divides and destroys families, humble thankfulness strengthens our families in time and toward eternity.

PRIDE AND THE LOCAL CHURCH by Heath Rogers. Just as pride leads to the downfall of individuals, Satan exploits pride in his efforts to destroy local congregations.

PRIDE AND PREACHERS by Bruce Reeves. While teachers of God’s word should be confident in the Scriptures and zealously proclaim Christ, they must do so with the attitude of Jesus (Phil. 2:5).

OVERCOMING PRIDE by Kevin Maxey. One of the worst characteristics of contemporary culture is the casual attitude many manifest toward worship; Jason calls us back to the biblical pattern.

A great deal of planning and preparation has gone into this collective effort. We trust that you will be admonished, instructed, and uplifted through reading this good material. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal, and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions, and soon to be accessible through your web-browser).

Truth Magazine July 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Significant Shared Relationships, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Significant Shared Relationships, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: All the Way My Savior Leads Me, by Sherelyn Mayberry

DOCTRINE: Reflections on Romans: The Hope of God’s Family, by David Flatt

THE CHURCH: Biblical Benevolence, by Bruce Reeves

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Is It Right to Eat in the Church Building?, by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Shechem, Tel Balatah, by Leon Mauldin


Maintaining Our Spiritual Appetite, by David A. Cox

When a Loved One Is Making a Terrible Mistake, by Heath Rogers

The Empowerment of Longsuffering, by Steven J. Wallace

The Ability and Responsibility to Remember, by Jerry King

That Nagging Feeling: How God Uses Restlessness, by Jacob Hudgins

POEM: Going the Way of All the Earth, by Pat Andrews

Message from the Editor


In my editorial for the July issue of Truth Magazine, I consider the rights and responsibilities that we enjoy in three divinely-ordained shared relationships: family, civil government, and the church.

In his meditations column, Kyle Pope discusses ancient Israel’s oft-stated desire, “We will be like the nations. . .” which reflected a spirit of cowardice and compromise. Seeking to please men results in defilement and incurs divine displeasure (Ezek. 20:30-32).

In the Women’s Insights column, Sherelyn Mayberry explores the biblical foundation of “All the Way My Savior Leads Me,” a beloved hymn by Fanny J. Crosby. By so doing, she encourages her sisters to follow the Good Shepherd.

In the Doctrine column, David Flatt continues his “Reflections on Romans,” addressing “The Hope of God’s Family.” Like Israel being led through the Red Sea, receiving the law at Mt. Sinai, and being led to the promised land by God’s presence, Paul brings his new exodus narrative to a close. Now, God’s family is guided by the Spirit to their inheritance.

In the Church column, Bruce Reeves presents the biblical pattern of benevolence. Webster defines “benevolence” as a “disposition to do good” or “an act of kindness, a generous gift.” Biblically speaking, God’s benevolence was shown through the gift of His son. How are we (individually and collectively) to exhibit this quality?

In the Q-n-A column, Bobby Graham fields the question, “Is it right to eat in the church building?” as is asserted by the writer whom he quotes and reviews.

In the Archaeology column, Leon Mauldin leads us on a tour of Shechem, Tel Balatah. Shechem (located today in the Palestinian West Bank) has great biblical significance, spanning the ages from Abraham (Gen. 12:7) down through the Babylonian captivity (Jer. 41:5); the site has New Testament connotation, being near Jacobs’ well, where Jesus conversed with the Samaritan woman (John 4).

The theme section of this issue of Truth Magazine is entitled, “Growing in Faith.” Although this is an “open issue,” most of the articles address the need for spiritual growth. We offer the following collection:

Maintaining Our Spiritual Appetite, by David A. Cox. Physical health is dependent mainly on proper exercise and diet. David reminds us that a similar principle applies in the spiritual realm. Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6; John 6:35)?

When a Loved One Is Making a Terrible Mistake, by Heath Rogers. The warning that Jesus gave to Peter on the night that He was betrayed provides us with a pattern to follow when our loved ones are making terrible mistakes.

The Empowerment of Longsuffering, by Steven J. Wallace. Longsuffering is a fruit of the Spirit that empowers a Christian to rise above his surroundings. God is “full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in mercy and truth” (Ps. 86:15). Are we?

The Ability and Responsibility to Remember, by Jerry King. Sacred Scripture repeatedly calls upon men to remember God’s marvelous deeds, His will, and word, along with their respective duties. Are we mindful or forgetful of such things?

That Nagging Feeling: How God Uses Restlessness, by Jacob Hudgins. Job complained, “When I lie down, I say, ‘When shall I arise?’ But the night continues, and I am continually tossing until dawn” (Job 7:4). When we experience similar restlessness, the sensation that things are not as they should be can serve as fuel for our spiritual lives.

Going the Way of All the Earth, by Patrick Andrews, is a poetic reflection upon the message of Ecclesiastes.

We hope that you will be instructed and encouraged by reading this excellent material. If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal and also accessible through a variety of digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions), and also accessible through your favorite web-browser.

Truth Magazine June 2020

We are moving the subscription service for current issues of Truth Magazine to CEI Bookstore/ The most recent two (2) years will be secure behind a paywall, and will only be available to paid subscribers. Subscribers will receive a monthly email from MailChimp, announcing that a new issue is available. If you are already a paying customer and have not received a link to download the newest version of Truth Magazine, please contact Mark Mayberry.


EDITORIAL: Confronting the COVID-19 Crisis by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: How Christians Responded to Spanish Influenza in 1918 by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: RUNNING THE RACE: When There Are Hills by Lindsay Wolfgang Mast

DOCTRINE: Reflections on Romans: The Law at Mt. Sinai by David Flatt

THE CHURCH OF CHRIST: The Church and Edification by Daniel H. King, Sr.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: The Hermeneutics of Deconstructionism by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Desert Shall Rejoice and Blossom by Barry Britnell


Trust God Till the Danger Passes by Ron Halbrook

Poem: Even Though by Forrest Morris

A Healthcare Worker’s Perspective by Alan Finley

The Coronavirus & Congregational Autonomy by Matt Bassford

Tribute to Jean Wolfgang by Steve Wolfgang

CONFRONTING THE CULTURE: Biblical Values and the Upcoming Election by Chris Reeves