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Bruce Reeves serves as guest editor of the February issue of Truth Magazine—choosing the theme and the writers and helping with editing responsibilities. Thanks, Bruce: Well done!
In his Meditations column, Kyle Pope focuses on “Outsiders.” Even in the Lord’s church, folks sometimes feel isolated from others with whom they should feel connected. Let us consider the causes and the cure to such problems.
In the Women’s Insights column, Aleta Samford concludes her series on “Teaching Our Children” by focusing on “The Law of Review & Application.” We appreciate her excellent articles. Bible class teachers have benefited from her insights and observations.
In the Doctrine column, David Flatt concludes his examination of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. We thank brother Flatt for the excellent articles that he has submitted over the past 4+ years. His contributions are much appreciated.
In the Principles of Praise column, Matthew Bassford addresses “Examples of Reverence”—an essential quality that is reflected in our obedience (Heb. 11:7), worship (Heb. 12:28), and in sharing the gospel with others (1 Pet. 3:15). Matthew surveys Sacred Scripture for examples of those who exemplified reverence and those who did not.
In the Q-n-A column, Bobby Graham responds to a reader who asks, “Why do some denominations ‘baptize’ babies?”
In the Archaeology column, Barry Britnell encourages readers to “Try the Impossible.” Peter experienced a crisis of faith when he shifted his focus from Jesus to the surrounding storm, but he also dared to step out of the boat! His courage is an inspiration to us all. Are we, also, willing to dare and to do?
The theme section of the February issue of Truth Magazine focuses on “Jesus, Name Above All Names.”
Jesus, the Powerful Creator, by Tyler Sams. By virtue of the creation which He brought into existence, Jesus demonstrates His great power and assures us that our confidence in Him is well-placed.
Jesus, the Divine Servant, by Shawn Chancellor. By understanding His role as the Divine Servant, disciples today gain a deeper appreciation for the sacrifice of God and His Son and a better understanding of how they should relate to one another.
The Lamb of God, by Jeff Wilson. John heralded Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). This imagery reminds us of Isaiah’s prophecy (53:7) and Peter’s declaration regarding the price of human redemption (1 Pet. 1:8-19).
Jesus, the Compassionate High Priest, by Daniel H. King, Sr. Down through history, countless men served as Jewish high priests—offering gifts and sacrifices, serving as intermediaries on behalf of the people. Jesus, our Great High Priest, excels them all.
Jesus, the Glorious King, by Shane Carrington. The gospel of Matthew powerfully portrays Jesus as our glorious King, who embodied loyalty, love, and leadership. As His subjects, let us offer our allegiance and praise.
Jesus, Our Righteous Judge, by Robert F. Harkrider. For those who disregard Lord’s invitation, the judgment will be a fearful occasion; yet, for those who are saved by His grace through faith, that day will be a time of victory and vindication.
Our goal, “Taking His Hand, Helping each other home,” describes our mission and motivation. We hope that you will benefit from these informative, Bible-based articles.
If you have not yet subscribed to Truth Magazine, we encourage you to do so. The magazine is available as a printed monthly journal and accessible through various digital platforms (Amazon Kindle, ePub, and PDF versions, and through your favorite web browser).