Truth Magazine July 2021

Editorial: The Work of Shepherds

by Phillip E. Stuckey

This special edition of Truth Magazine examines various areas of the work of elders and offers practical guidance on how they care for members of the local church. Thanks to Phillip Stuckey for selecting this theme and these writers.

Meditations: What Does Heb. 10:25 Teach?

by Kyle Pope

Historically, brethren have understood that Hebrews 10:25 emphasized the need to assemble faithfully with local congregations. Proponents of the AD 70 Doctrine seek to redefine and reinterpret this text. What is the biblical truth?

Womens_Insights: Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer

by Sherelyn Mayberry

Gospel hymns possess the power to express our deepest spiritual longings. Drawing on tempestuous imagery, this song exhorts us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, who will see us safely through the storm and lead us to heaven’s shores.

Challenges: Progressivism in Modern Religion

by Daniel H. King, Sr.

We live in a perverse era in which absurdities are exalted as absolutes, and lunacy has become law. Paul’s pronouncement, “Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools!” has never been more applicable.

Praise: Mindfulness

by Matthew Bassford

The Oxford Dictionary defines “mindfulness” as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something,” or “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment.” What implications does this concept have on our worship?

QnA: What Is the Meaning of Luke 3:4-6?

by Bobby L. Graham

Archaeology: Paul’s Walk to Assos

By Leon Mauldin

After preaching all night, not to mention raising Eutychus from the dead, Paul went “on foot” from Troas to Assos, while his companions sailed to meet him there (Acts 20:13, NIV). Our article gives the setting for the narrative.

Monthly Theme: The Work of Shepherds

Article 1: Working with One Another

by Jim Deason

Communication within an eldership is like blood to the body—it brings life. It reduces stress and increases energy. It provides for a stronger immune system and results in faster healing.

Article 2: Working with the Deacons

by Bruce Reeves

The Bible teaches that serving as a deacon among God’s people is a rewarding and honorable work. Elders are uniquely positioned to help such men perform to the peak of their ability and grow in their spiritual service.

Article 3: Working with the Saints

by Gary Watt

The work of shepherds with the saints is a critical component of a productive church (Heb. 13:7). The shepherds’ primary priority is identifying and meeting the spiritual needs of their saints.

Article 4: Working with the Evangelist

by Sherrel Mercer

Divine principles govern the interaction between shepherds and an evangelist. If we respect one another and fulfil our mutual roles in the local congregations, God will be glorified and the brethren will be blessed.

Article 5: Working with the Weak

by Max Dawson

What can shepherds do to hold on to weak sheep and help them grow? A lot! Instead of being cynical about weak brethren, let us manifest the loving concern that David evidenced toward the flock of Jesse and his heavenly Father.

Article 6: Working with the Wayward

by Donnie V. Rader

Elders must use wisdom as they lead the congregation in trying to bring the wayward back home to God. When such efforts are unsuccessful, may local shepherds fulfill the difficult duty of exercising discipline properly and productively.

Truth Magazine June 2021


EDITORIAL: Balancing Form, Freedom, and Function, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: “Is Christ Divided?” by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Running the Race Without Spectators, by Lindsay Mast

CHALLENGES FACING CHRISTIANS: The Progressive Movement: Progressivism in the Workplace, by Corey Willis

PRINCIPLES OF PRAISE: Examples of Dependence in Worship, by Matthew Bassford

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Can you please clear up some confusion about the meaning of “godliness”? by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Where Has God Placed You? by Barry Britnell


Will the Baptism Issue Be Settled? by Dick Blackford

What Do Leaders Need Today? by Keith Hamilton

Pick Up a Book, by Chris Reeves

Dad’s Last To-Do List, by Kevin Maxey

The New American Bible Revised Edition and the Apocrypha, by Steve Wallace

The Gift of God, by Mike Cooner

Truth Magazine May 2021

Editorial: Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

by Mark Mayberry

This issue of Truth Magazine focuses on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, a subject of considerable interest, and sadly, much speculation. Thanks to Bruce Reeves and Kyle Pope for helping assemble these topics and writers.

Meditations: Is Matthew 24:34 a “Transition Verse?” (Part Two)

by Kyle Pope

A final point used to support the “transition verse” view of Matthew 24:34 is the use of “immediately” in 24:29. Does such language demand connecting the coming of Jesus in 24:29-33 with AD 70?

Women’s Insights: Just Like That, Everyone Is Homeschooling

by Diana Dow

This month, we welcome Diana Dow to our team of regular contributors. The current situation has caused parents to consider what their child’s education should look like. In future articles, Diana will share her insights in this area.

Challenges: Progressivism and the Family

by David Dann

God’s people must resist the progressive movement’s assault on the divine design of the home.

Praise: Dependence in Worship

by Matthew Bassford

Recognizing our dependency upon God is fundamental to maintaining a proper view of our lives and a healthy relationship with Him. Expression of this dependence in song helps to instill this concept within our hearts and minds.

Questions and Answers

by Bobby L. Graham

Please explain the identification of Jesus as the “one Mediator between God and men” (1 Tim. 2:5)?

Archaeology: Azekah: a Mini-Pompeii in Judah

by Luke Chandler

The discovery of massive destruction with numerous skeletons at biblical Azekah shows a stunning disaster hidden under the soil for thousands of years.

Monthly Theme: The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Article 1: Balancing Concepts of the Spirit’s Influence

by Kyle Pope

Does Scripture reveal information on the nature of the Spirit’s indwelling that helps resolve questions of whether His influence is “personal” or “only through the word”?**

Article 2: Reemphasizing Hermeneutics in the Study of the Holy Spirit

by Bruce Reeves

Basic principles of Bible study must not be neglected when examining scriptural teaching on the Holy Spirit. Recognizing the use of figures of speech, context, and harmony can clarify our understanding of this important topic.

Article 3: The Role of Providence

by Reagan McClenny

Providence, referring to God’s working through people, events, and times to bring about His purposes, may include the Holy Spirit, but it does not require the Spirit working on us or in us to be still present for us and around us.**

Article 4: The Influence of Calvinism

by Mark White

The influence of the teachings of the Protestant leader, John Calvin, has been so pervasive that unless great caution is taken Christians unwittingly may find themselves using its unscriptural language about the Holy Spirit.

Article 5: The Spirit Indwells through the Word: Answering Objections

by Shane Carrington

Scripture declares that the Holy Spirit indwells disciples through the word. Some object to this statement, so let’s consider some of those objections.

Article 6: The Conscience and the Holy Spirit

by Heath Rogers

Some of the work attributed to the Holy Spirit by people is actually the work of their conscience and emotions.