The Law, Money and Modesty

By Frank Jamerson

Paul wrote the Romans that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). He had earlier written, in the same epistle, that they had “died to the law through the body (death) of Christ” (Rom. 7:4). In spite of the fact that the Bible clearly teaches that we are under the covenant dedicated with the blood of Christ and not the one dedicated by the blood of animals, many continue to have problems with bringing over things dedicated with the blood of animals as law.

The Old Testament teaches that men were to give a tenth (tithe). Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18-20), and the law of Moses commanded that a tithe be given to the Levites (Num. 18:21-24). Can we learn something from these examples about God’s will for us? I think so. But can we teach tithing as a part of the law of Christ? Certainly not. The law dedicated by the blood of Christ does not give a percentage. We are to give as we have been prospered (1 Cor. 16:1, 2), and as we purpose in our hearts (2 Cor. 9:7). Does fact that God did not give a specific percentage mean that we should not give liber- ally? Again, no! But it does mean that we should not bind the law of Moses as our standard of giving.

Another problem that has arisen among some is women wearing pants. The law of Moses said, “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God”(Deut. 22:5). When the pantsuits first came out, some opposed them on the basis that the law dedicated by the blood of animals revealed God’s intention about such and is still binding on us.

The inconsistency of this is glaringly obvious when they do not bind verse eleven of the same chapter. “You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.” How do we decide that verse five is binding today but not verse eleven?

Is there anything that can be learned from the instruction of Moses? Maybe so, but we need to remember that one who binds part of the old law “is a debtor to keep the whole law” (Gal. 5:3). The New Testament teaches that women should conform to the customs of the day, so long as they do not conflict with God’s law. Paul told the women in Corinth not to shear or shave their heads because “long hair is a glory” to them. He also forbade them removing their veils, because that would have been shameful conduct in Corinth (1 Cor. 11:2-16). The men in Corinth wore togas, which looked like a modern day dress or robe. Does this mean that we should put on the “toga of a man,” as Paul did? No, the Lord did not give specific attire to men and women, but he gave principles that regulate our attire.

Another problem has arisen over what is “modest apparel.” Some contend that the “tunics of skin” that God made for Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21) were garments that came to the knee. Also, the priests were to wear “linen trousers to cover their nakedness; they shall reach from the waist to the thighs” (Exod. 28:42). Does this prove that Christians must have linen trousers to the knees? If so, Paul dressed immodestly when he put on the toga of a man. A toga was different from trousers. Further- more, when it was customary for women to wear garments to the ankle, Christian women would have been immodest to have worn a garment just to the knees. What does the New Testament say about women’s attire? “In like manner that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good work” (1 Tim. 1:9, 10). “Do not let your beauty be the outward adorning of arranging the hair, or wearing gold, or of putting on fine apparel; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” (1 Pet. 3:3, 4). We may wish the God had given a specific length, height and tightness of the skirt, but he did not, and to teach the Old Law as God’s standard is the same mistake as teaching the Old Law on giving.

Does this mean that ladies may wear their skirts half way up their thigh? If we cannot draw a line on the leg where immodesty begins, does that mean that God has no standard? If some Pharisee would just tell them exactly what is modest they would appreciate it. But God gave no such instructions through the covenant dedicated with the blood of Christ. He did not say how much the hair can be arranged, how much gold you may wear and how expensive your clothing may be, but he did say it should manifest “a gentle and quite spirit.” I’m convinced that if Christians understand the principles of godliness and have a heart that is transformed, the externals will take care of themselves. The godly person will be neither ostentatious nor skimpy in dress. The principles taught in the Old Law were written for our learning, but we must remember that it was not dedicated by the blood of Christ. To bind even parts of the Old Law is to “become estranged form Christ” (Gal. 5:4).

Personal Convenience or Genuine Devotion?

By Mark Larson

One lady, convicted about her failure to attend church services, tried to soothe her conscience by writing these words:

I’m sorry You put Sunday where You did, Lord. You see, we could attend church services more regularly if it came at some other time. After six days of work, we’re all tired out. Not only that, it comes right after Saturday night. That’s one time we feel we should enjoy ourselves, so we go to a party or a place of amusement. Often it’s after midnight when we head for home, so it’s almost impossible to get up in the morning. I mean no disrespect, Lord, but it’s the day when we have the biggest dinner and I must be here to prepare the meal. My husband John is cooped up in his office all week, and Sunday morning is the only chance he gets to tinker with the car and mow the lawn. We know we should go more often, but our seat is empty because You’ve chosen the wrong day.

Unfortunately, this sentiment expresses the feelings of far too many Christians today. Too often for too many Christians, the attendance of worship services is done, not out of a true commitment or genuine sacrifice for God, but out of convenience. If the times for assemblies do not fit their schedules or personal agendas, then they will not attend. Is God pleased with such attitudes? Most certainly not! We do not have to look very far into the Scriptures to see why.

Let us remember the main reason why we come together in the first place, and that is to worship the Lord. Both the Old and the New Testaments express the importance of worship. “Sing to the Lord, bless His name; proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods . . . Worship the Lord in holy attire; Tremble before Him, all the earth” (Ps. 96:2-4, 9, NAS). Jesus taught that the Father is seeking people who will worship him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). With such importance placed upon worship, one might wonder to what degree worship will be emphasized in Heaven. The Revelation letter answers that question: “The twenty-four elders will fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and will worship Him who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ‘Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou didst create all things, and because of Thy will they existed, and were created’” (Rev 4:10-11, NAS; read also the entire chapter). For those who worship God only out of convenience, do you suppose God would want such people there with him in Heaven? Our worship of God in the here and now is indeed preparing us for the eternal life to come. To neglect our coming together to worship God does not demonstrate good things for eternity.

Second, we must remember how much God’s people need to meet together as often as they possibly can. Christians must make time for public worship and make personal sacrifices to be at each and every assembly period. Each member of the Lord’s church needs the spiritual nourishment of the apostles’ doctrine, fellow- ship, the Lord’s supper, and prayer (Acts 2:42) upon the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). Each member needs to give as he prospers (1 Cor. 16:2) in order to be a part of the contribution for the work of the church. Each member needs the encouragement from each other to continue steadfastly in all faithfulness. “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works” (Heb. 10:24). Failure to attend the worship assemblies because it isn’t convenient not only is wrong, but it is also very damaging to our spiritual lives and our relationship with God and our brethren.

Third, we must remember that other Christians need us for spiritual strength, comfort, and encouragement.

Worship assembly is not only about worshiping God. Neither is it only about what we can get out of it for ourselves individually. Worship assembly is also about what we can give to each other spiritually. When we come together we are to purpose ourselves to encourage and edify each other (1 Thess. 5:11). We teach and admonish each through our singing (Col. 3:16). We encourage each other through fellowship in the things that we share or have in common in Jesus Christ (Phil. 2:1-2; 1 John 1:3). It isn’t just about you. It’s about a whole host of disciples that need and welcome your presence and encouragement. When Christians have the attitude that they will attend the assemblies whenever it personally suits them or whenever they happen to feel like it, they are being selfish. They are looking out for their own interests but not for the interests of others (Phil. 2:4). Let us remember that we need each other! If we aren’t mindful of each other throughout the week (and we should be!), let us at the very least meet together at the times designated for public assembly. “Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification” (Rom. 15:2).

In conclusion, let us not be like some of the Hebrew Christians who had deserted their assemblies. “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). The Greek word for “forsaking” is a very profound and forceful one and it denotes to abandon or desert in time of danger. It is the word used by our agonizing Savior on the cross, when he cried out, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” (Matt. 27:46). How far are you from abandonment? You may not have forsaken the assemblies as of yet, but remember that attitudes such as “personal convenience” will lead you down that road if you aren’t careful. We must all take heed lest we fall (1 Cor. 10:12). May we never forget the importance of attending the worship assemblies.

The Bonner-Asher Debates

By Jesse G. Jenkins

On the evenings of August 2, 3, 5, and 6, 1999 David D. Bonner and Jeffery S. Asher debated in Crockett School house in Amarillo, Texas and repeated the same on the evenings of August 23, 24, 26, and 27. Audiences were larger in Lufkin with about 250 -275 the first night and in the 100s the other nights. In Amarillo attendance ran under 200 the first night and estimated in the 80 to 90 range the other nights. The audiences behaved well as was expected,

Bonner was in the affirmative the first two nights and in the negative the last two nights in each place. Bonner’s affirmative was “RESOLVED: The Scriptures teach that Jesus, while on earth in the flesh had and used both human and divine attributes.” Bonner stated his job was easy for all he had to do was prove two attributes of humanity and two of Deity. He gave Scripture for ten points of humanity such as Jesus hungered, tired, slept, suffered, died, etc. He proved Jesus used attributes of Deity in several ways. He showed that he accepted worship as God (Matt. 4:10). He showed that a leper, a man born blind, wise men, a ruler and apostles worshiped Jesus as God. He showed Jesus forgave sins and that only God can forgive sins (Mark 2:5, 7). He gave several examples of Jesus forgiving sins. He asked the question, did Jesus accept worship and forgive sins as man or God?

From Matthew 4:1-3 he showed that Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread, and argued if Jesus had no power to do so, there would have been no temptation. There was temptation, so Jesus had the power to turn stones into bread. Bonner emphasized that if the power were the power of the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit would have had to sin for Jesus to use his power; there- fore the power was usable power that Jesus had, i.e., his own power.

Bonner showed that John 20:30-31 states the signs Jesus worked proved he was Deity. Asher argued that the signs in this passage referred to the resurrection. The fact that “signs” and “these” are plural did not seem to make any impression on him. Bonner showed that if Jesus’ signs, to which John here referred, were done by the power of the Holy Spirit, then his signs no more proved he was the Son of God than did the apostles’ signs prove they were Sons of God.

Bonner asked who empowered the seventy in Luke 10:19? There Jesus said: “I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. . .” (emphasis mine, JGJ). To this, Asher never replied.

For six nights Bonner tried to get Asher to tell why it denies the humanity of Jesus if he used his own power of Deity, when Asher teaches it does not deny his Deity to use only his humanity. Asher’s answer was “because Jesus came as a man.” If you can figure out how that answers the question, you are smarter than me.

Bonner surely sustained his proposition with adequate proofs.

The last two nights in each place Asher affirmed: “RE- SOLVED: The Scriptures teach that Jesus, while here on earth in the flesh, had both human and divine attributes but never used any of his divine attributes.” In an effort to prove this he argued that all Jesus did beyond what any human could do was by the power of the Holy Spirit. His major and virtually only argument to try to prove this was his pattern argument. He said that when you prove that baptism is a burial by Romans 6:4, then burial is understood wherever baptism in the name of Jesus is mentioned. This is the pattern. In this he is correct. But then he said that his showing that Jesus worked a miracle by the power of the Holy Spirit as in Matthew 12:28, established a pattern and that wherever Jesus did a miracle it was to be understood that he did it by the power of the Holy Spirit. But Bonner showed that Asher did not have a pattern because sometimes it is said Jesus did a miracle by the power of the Holy Spirit and sometimes by the power of the Father (John 14:10), and sometimes by his own power (Luke 10:19, John 2:7-11; 10:18). If baptism was spoken of as a burial in one passage, as a sprinkling in another and as a pouring in yet another, there would be no pattern for burial. Anyone should see that. Bonner argued that the Godhead worked in unanimity. He had a chart showing this to be so in creation, the resurrection, dwelling in the saint, work, word, etc.

Bonner asked Asher how he would prove that Jesus had divine attributes if he never used them? Asher’s reply was that both agreed that Jesus had divine attributes and thus there was no need to for him to prove it.

Asher said that Jesus learned that he was the Son of God, thus Deity, by his mother and father telling him. He said that Jesus had to learn and grow in God’s favor like any other child. He said that in Luke 2:46-47 Jesus was not teaching the doctors of the law anything, rather that he was asking them questions so he could learn. He said the reason the doctors of the law marveled was that Jesus’ perception was greater than normal.

In answer to Bonner’s argument that Jesus used an attribute of Deity in accepting worship, Asher said that accepting worship did not prove an attribute of Deity because the Caesars accepted worship and the pope accepts worship. Bonner pointed out that Jesus accepted worship with the approval of the Father, but not so with the Caesars and the pope. Asher also said that Jesus accepted worship because he thought he was God. As pointed out above Asher said Jesus concluded he was God by the testimony of his parents.

In answer to Bonner’s argument that Jesus used an attribute of Deity in forgiving sins (Mark 2:5, 10), Asher went to John chapters 4 and 5 and argued that because it says that Jesus did things by the power of the Father, it is understood that he forgave sins by the power of the Father, not his own power. Bonner pointed out that when we read Mark 2:1-10 it should mean the same to us as it did to them and that they certainly had no way of concluding Jesus was not doing this by his own power. To this Asher made no reply.

Bonner pointed out several times that this theory that Jesus never used his own power came about because several years ago some started accusing others of believing that man has to sin. Bonner said that he had never known a brother that believes man has to sin. He challenged Asher to name just one who so believes. No one was named by Asher. In their effort to prove that man can live an entire life without sinning and thus, never need the blood of Jesus they used Jesus as the example of one who did it. When it was pointed out to them that Jesus was not only man, but also God, they had to make him just man to hold onto their position that man can live an entire life time without sinning. First some of them said Jesus divested himself of his divinity, and attributes.

Then they said he remained Deity in person, but not in power and character. How one could be Deity in person without the character of Deity, they never could explain. For this reason or for some other reason, they then gave this position up also. (In fairness to Jeff Asher, I want to state that he says he never believed these first two positions but has always believed Jesus was Deity on earth, that he retained his attributes, but limited himself and never used them. But it is a fact that some of his fellows did teach these first two positions for several years.) They then came to the position that Jesus in the flesh was Deity and that he did have his powers of Deity, but limited himself and never used them. This is what these debates were about.

Bonner said that he believed that in theory man could live without sin, because when man sins, he chooses to sin, but practically man is not able to earn his salvation by sinless living and that if anyone ever said he did, he would make God a liar (1 John 1:10). See also Acts 15:10. Bonner had a chart that asked two questions: (1) What is the probability that man will not sin? Bonner’s answer to this was zero. (2) What was the probability that Jesus would not sin? Bonner’s answer to this was one hundred percent. Asher never answered these two questions.

Bonner used an argument he got from one who wrote in the Faith and Facts paper, that to say anyone had some- thing but could not demonstrate it was like clouds and wind without rain (Prov. 25:14). This writer in Faith and Facts said to say one could work miracles but could not demonstrate is like wind and clouds without rain. Bonner told Asher that to say Jesus had attributes of Deity yet never used them was like Proverbs 25:14 also.

Asher thinks that if one has an advantage over you in any way, he cannot be your example. Bonner used Philippians 2:1-8 to show the humility of Jesus. Jesus left heaven, came to earth to live as a poor person, and to die a cruel death. Bonner affirmed this is the greatest example of humility the world has ever seen, and affirmed no one could possibly duplicate this example in humility. It does look like Jesus had an “edge” in humility, does it not? Asher was challenged to tell if Jesus did have an “edge” in humility. So far as I can recall he gave no reply.

Asher took the position that Jesus is still a man in heaven. He said very little about this in the debate, but in the Friday morning open forum at Amarillo, this was discussed at great length. But the ones who took this position never did tell us how the raised spiritual, immortal body is still human.

Asher and those who agree with him teach that Jesus while on earth was at eternal risk. Asher did not say much about this in the debate, though David tried to get him to do so. What I am about to say was not in the debate, but as it is on the subject, I want those who read the review to consider this also. Was Jesus and thus our salvation at risk because he may have sinned. They think so; I deny it. But the important thing is the Bible denies it. Isaiah 42:1-4 says: “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall not fail (emphasis mine, JGJ) nor be discouraged till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.” Matthew 12:18-20 applies this to Jesus. The Holy Spirit said he would not fail, but Asher says he could have. I think I will take the Holy Spirit over Asher and others who agree with him on this.

All who believe that Jesus accepted worship, forgave sins, gave the seventy power and turned water into wine should have left the debate knowing that Bonner sustained his proposition and that Asher failed to sustain his. All Bonner had to do to sustain his position was to show that Jesus used his Deity in one thing. And he did more than that.

It appears to me that just about every argument they make, if carried to its consistent conclusion would deny that Jesus was Deity while on earth. They disavow this conclusion and I will not assign it to them. But I will assign inconsistency to them. And Asher did say in Amarillo that as to function, Jesus was just a man. Well if in function he was just a man, it would be interesting for them to tell in what sense he was Deity!

For Bonner, Jesse G. Jenkins moderated, C.A. Scroggins flipped charts, David M. Bonner kept time in Amarillo, but Robert Bond kept time in Lufkin and Keith Shackleford.

“ran charts” as used by Asher. For Asher, Ed Dye was to have been the moderator, but because of sickness, A.W. Goff moderated, Tim Coffee flipped charts, and Wayne.

Broken Trust

By Anonymous

Why me? What did I do wrong? Where do I go from here? Will I ever be the same?

On a given day, a chosen time, and a certain year, marriage between two people begins. At this moment in time neither plan on or can even fathom what happens next. The “next” can come in months or even years in this union, but it can come. Shock, disbelief, and anger fills the heart. Thoughts you never dreamed possible are ever present in your mind. Let’s deal with it as a Christian, with choices, feelings, and decisions.


Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” First, admit to yourself you are human. You cannot and should not expect yourself to deal with this alone. Look heavenward. Empty your very soul to God. Please stop this very moment and read Psalm 139 in its entirety. Who else knows you, except God? Lean on this knowledge — also lean on those that are like minded in Christ. Don’t shut yourself off from those that care. However, don’t look to them for decisions, but for the ability to help you cope and express yourself. If you find you cannot share your feelings, then diary them. Every day, or even in the middle of the night, write, “Dear Diary, I loved this person, I trusted this person, I believed in this person.” Why me? Pour out your thoughts to “Diary” and let it become a very personal communique. Write everything. Remember, there’s no one that hurts in the way that you do. Each one has to deal with his own hurt in a very personal way. Be human — looking to God.


Don’t be disappointed with yourself for feeling anger. It’s natural to protect yourself and your feelings. The response is one that is mixed with questions of why, why, and why? How can this be? You feel beaten emotion- ally and abused physically. Go ahead, feel that way, but don’t “live” that way. When you do, you are not working through it, but to the contrary, you are letting the situation become a part of you. It can only burden you and become like a cancer that eats at your very soul. Don’t give that person the privilege of crushing you two ways. One by making your marriage and life together a lie, and two by setting the stage for you of a lifetime of despair. The first was not your choice, but the latter is! After sub- mitting to your human side, then start looking up and digging out. No one says it will be easy. Christ hung on the cross for us. That was not easy, but lifting our heart and soul heavenward is, for we know God hears our prayers. Reflect on 1 Peter 3:10, most especially verses 10-12. Humbling yourself and the admission to yourself and God that you are in need of help, is the beginning of the healing process. It all takes time.


Where do I go from here? Only you can make that choice. Only you and God know what is in your heart and the directions you are leaning. Can your marriage be saved? Do I want to put back the pieces? Do I love this person enough to forgive and go on from here? If there are children involved, do I want to let go of selfish choices and give them a real home or have a “no matter come what may” attitude and make for “me” a life. If you are the hurting one and no children are involved and the sin of fornication is the reason, you have every right to put away and go on (Matt. 19). If there are children involved and you are the hurting one and your mate asks for forgiveness and shows remorse for his mistakes, then consider. You can forgive, forgetting is another matter. Don’t expect yourself to do that. Once you have forgiven and made the choice to unite once again as a family, then remember our Lord’s forgiveness of us. It is never brought up again. Forgiveness is acting like it never happened. Two ways to handle this. Prayer and more prayer. Also, that all important friend, your diary. You have got to believe in yourself and your purpose. Keeping your eye always on eternity (1 Cor. 15:58). Putting back what God hath joined together will not be in vain (1 Cor. 9:24-27). Ultimate purpose — ultimate gift.

Go back to Psalm 139 and reflect on God’s relation- ship with you and how he knows you. Reverse that and know God.