Truth Magazine November 2021

2021 11 Nov Truth Magazine Cover 250 Pixels


EDITORIAL: The Joys of Fellowship, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: The Earthquake When Jesus Died, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Homeschooling Is. . . by Diana Dow

PREACHING THE GOSPEL: Preaching as a Mature Man, by John Humphries

PRINCIPLES OF PRAISE: The Importance of Truth, by Matthew Bassford

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Bobby answers several questions about the new birth, by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Go to the Potter’s House, by Leon Mauldin

MONTHLY THEME: Fellowship in the Gospel

What Is Biblical Fellowship? by Kyle Pope

Are Social Functions Fellowship? by Ron Halbrook

Is Worship Fellowship? by David Dann

Is Everything that Christians Do Together “Fellowship in the Gospel”? by Harold Hancock

When and How Is Fellowship Broken? by Mark Mayberry

When and How Is Fellowship Maintained? by Bruce Reeves


Truth Magazine October 2021

2021 10 Oct Truth Magazine Cover 250 Pixels


EDITORIAL: A God-Centered Life, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Does God Approve Loving Committed Homosexual Relationships?, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Take Time to Be Holy, by Sherelyn Mayberry

PREACHING THE GOSPEL: Preaching as a Young Man, by John Humphries

PRINCIPLES OF PRAISE: Examples of Devotion, by Matthew Bassford

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: “Is it scriptural for a congregation to assemble in the parking lot?” by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: You Just Need to Be There, by Barry Britnell

MONTHLY THEME: God-Centered Education

God-Centered Education, by Kevin Maxey

Finding God in Science, by Joshua Gurtler

Finding God in Music, by Matthew Bassford

Finding God in Language, by Jennifer Maxey

Finding God in History, by Steve Wolfgang

Finding God in Mathematics, by Anonymous


Truth Magazine September 2021


EDITORIAL: I Am the Vine, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Christians in the World, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Running the Race Unencumbered, by Lindsay Mast

CHALLENGES FACING CHRISTIANS: The Progressive Movement: Progressivism and the Bible, by Kyle Pope

PRINCIPLES OF PRAISE: The Need for Devotion, by Matthew Bassford

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: A reader asks, “Does 2 Samuel 7:14 refer to Jesus Christ or Solomon?”, by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Inscription of Biblical Name Unearthed in Israel, by Luke Chandler

THEME: Open Issue

Faith and ALS, by Matthew Bassford

Are We Filled with the Spirit?, by Howard Whittlesey

A Special Messenger Sent by God, by Shane Carrington

Leaders Are Teachers, by Keith Hamilton

“The Process” and the Christian’s Journey, by Dennis Abernathy

Church Directory

Truth Magazine August 2021



Editorial: Paul’s Charge to Timothy

by Mark Mayberry

Synopsis: In considering the apostolic injunction to “Preach the Word,” let us reflect upon the character and conviction of one who proclaims the gospel message.

Meditations: Choosing Barabbas over Jesus

by Kyle Pope

Synopsis: The sad decision, by those present at the sentencing of Jesus, to choose a robber and insurrectionist over God in the flesh, unfortunately is oft repeated in the daily choices that individuals make today in choosing sin over the Savior.

Women’s Insights: Why Do Families Homeschool?

by Diana Dow

Synopsis: Parents have been given the responsibility of teaching their children. Much thought and prayer is required for them to make the best educational choices for their family.

Challenges: Progressivism in Entertainment

by Bruce Reeves

Synopsis: In considering the impact that the progressive movement has upon entertainment, let us realize that, ultimately, the battle is over the position Jesus Christ will occupy in our lives.

Praise: Examples of Mindfulness

by Matthew Bassford

Synopsis: Our worship must reveal thoughtfulness in the way we choose to worship, how we prepare for worship, and in the content of what we say.

Questions and Answers

Synopsis: Should someone attend with folks who teach error in order to teach them?

Archaeology: Jericho

by Trent and Rebekah Dutton

Synopsis: Jericho is one site you must visit while in Israel. It is critical to the Old Testament narrative and a prime location from which to view the Jordan Valley.

Monthly Theme: Preach the Word!

Article 1: The Power of the Word

by Steven Deaton

Synopsis: We must “preach the word” because the gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s power unto salvation. Doing anything else represents a failure to keep the divine charge.

Article 2: In Season and Out of Season

by Shane Carrington

Synopsis: As Jesus prepared Himself (both before and during His public ministry), preachers and teachers today must diligently do the same.

Article 3: Reproving and Rebuking

by Steve Reeves

Synopsis: The work of an evangelist requires courage to confront and rebuke error. He must also patiently use the word of God to reprove and convince the sinner of his need to repent and obey the Lord.

Article 4: The Need for Exhortation

by David McClister

Synopsis: Exhortation is strong encouragement to obey the gospel and be faithful to its inspired message.

Article 5: Preaching with Great Patience

by David Halbrook

Synopsis: Preaching requires patience, which refers to the state of remaining tranquil while awaiting an outcome or being able to bear up under provocation (BDAG).

Article 6: The Importance of Instruction

by Nathan L Morrison

Synopsis: A significant part of preaching involves offering instruction in righteousness. If sinners and saints are to know what they must do to please God, we must properly emphasize biblical instruction.