Editorial Left-Overs

By Connie W. Adams

Is Ugly In?

If “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” there is a discrepancy these days as to what constitutes “beauty.” For instance, have you ever wondered if the designers of fashion for women are really anti-women? With all that modern science has devised to enhance appearance, whence comes the clubby looking shoes? Or hair styles which either look like one has just emerged from walking through a car wash or else having shorn and shaved the head, with perhaps a small tuft standing like bristles and dyed purple? Or dresses that hang like sacks? Or the determined, long strides of women with every trace of feminine charm and grace absent? And what of the slouchy look for men? Long hair either in a pony tail or else stringing down the back? Or baggy jeans eighteen sizes too big with the straddle hanging down to the knees? Or pants legs tight around the ankles and laying in a pile over the shoe tops? Is there some competition among the designers and merchants to make the human race look ridiculous? We used to wear strange looking get-ups for comic effect on the stage. They would not get a snicker these days. But then, Solomon said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there in no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). On second thought, those of us who sound off on such items as I have, might well withhold from our children and grandchildren pictures of our own younger days. “Do not say, Why were the former days better than these? For you do not inquire wisely concerning this” (Eccl. 7:10, NKJV).

The Wonder of Our Times 

It is all too easy to dwell on the threats and problems of our times. There are plenty of these to go around. But there is a brighter side to it. Six days ago I had a cataract removed from my left eye. This morning my doctor told me I could go on about my business as before except for heavy lifting. What a marvelous thing this is. They started the procedure (that sounds so much nicer than operation) at 9 a.m. and I was back home at 10:30 a.m. They had removed the cataract, done an implant and I have the best sight in that eye I have had since childhood. What a difference this was to 30 years ago when I had a cataract removed from my right eye (they were not doing implants then, at least on people as young as I was then). I was in the hospital ten days, could not get out of bed, had to lie flat on my back and was greatly restricted when I came home. When I count my blessings, you can be sure I will include among them greatly improved technology for eye surgery. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18).

Six Days

In the statement of the Ten Commandments, after requiring Israel to keep the Sabbath, Moses penned these words “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Exod. 20:11). Please notice what God did in six days. He made the heavens, earth, and sea and “all that is in them.” Whatever galaxies grace the sky and mystify man, whatever is in the earth and sea, animate and inanimate, was made in six days. That is a straightup statement of fact. What agenda prompts men who say they believe the Bible to expand that to 4.5 billion years for the earth and 15-20 billion years for the universe? Must we reinterpret the Bible to fit the ever-changing guesses of men of science who have decided that miracles are impossible, and since the Bible account of creation requires the miraculous, therefore that is beyond belief? But, we are told, we must consider God’s two revelations of himself in both the Bible and the world of nature. But the attempt to interpret the written revelation by the natural revelation is backwards. When a brother, who ought to know better, argues that the days of creation week must be ages of time, we need to cock both eyes at him, regardless of where he teaches school and how exciting a speaker he may be.

A Great And Gracious Lady

It was with sadness that we learned of the death of Elizabeth Nosker of Richmond, Virginia. For nearly 60 years she was the wife of John L. Nosker who has preached since he was in the U.S. Army during World War II and for many years has served as an elder at the West End congregation in Richmond. John and Elizabeth delayed their marriage for several years until he felt he was prepared financially to support a wife who would be a homemaker and mother. While unpretentious, she was a woman of grace and impeccable taste. This was reflected in her home, her appearance, and her conduct. Above all that, she was completely devout. Long after many others would have given up trying to attend worship, she persisted. Strokes and other ailments managed to slow her down, but not stop her. She was devoted to her Lord, her husband, their daughter, Holly, and their grandchildren.

She was a source of great encouragement to gospel preachers many of whom were guests in their home. She was a good listener and usually found something to commend from the sermon or Bible class. She was a model of modesty. Younger women would do well to emulate her worthy example.

John and Elizabeth Nosker have meant a great deal to me and to my family. John has spoken at the funeral services of nine family members. I was fourteen years old when I first met him and he did much to encourage me when I began trying to preach at the age of fifteen. Modern culture has done much to pervert and corrupt the roles of godly women who are faithful to the Lord under all circumstances. The memory of this dear sister is precious and my own life has been greatly enriched because her life touched mine. May the arms of divine love encircle John and their daughter, Holly, and shelter them from the loneliness such a loss produces.


For the last few years Bobby and I have gone overseas in the winter to do what we could to help the work in several countries where we had been invited. This year, we plan to stay home. I will teach some classes at Manslick Road in Louisville and will present a Sunday night series of sermons requested by the elders here. It is a joy to work with this church along with Frank Himmel. Frank’s work is of the highest quality. He and Sandy (his wife) are a great blessing to this church and to us personally. It is always a treat to hear him when we are home between meetings. He is also to teach a class each Tuesday night in January and February. Winter has long been a favorite time for me. I am one of those who loves to watch the snow fall and who relishes a warm fire in the fireplace. They tell us tonight (November 29) will be the coldest night thus far and I already have a fire laid ready for a match when supper (dinner to those of you more sophisticated) is over. Right now, March, and the start of another round of meetings seems far away. But I’ll think of that tomorrow. 

We wish for all our readers a joyous and profitable year of 2000 most especially from a spiritual perspective.

Box 69, Brooks, Kentucky 40109

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 2 p3 January 20, 2000

The Rebellion of Aaron and Miriam

By Mike Willis

The book of Numbers records the wanderings of the children of Israel in the wilderness and records several significant events that happened in the way. Among them is the rebellion of Miriam and Aaron against their brother Moses.1 Recorded in Numbers 12, this narrative is worthy of our study.

The Narrative

Moses married an Ethiopian woman (Num. 12:1).2 Miriam and Aaron were jealous of Moses’ position over Israel and said, “And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath he not spoken also by us?” (12:2). Significantly, the text adds, “And the Lord heard it” (12:2).3 To confirm that this complaint was totally unjustified, the book of Numbers adds, “Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” (12:3).

The Lord called the three children of Amram and Jochebed to meet him in the Tent of Meeting. The Lord vindicated Moses and indicated his approval of his conduct and disapproval of that of Miriam and Aaron. The anger of the Lord was kindled against Aaron and Miriam (12:9). When the glory of the Lord departed, “behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow” (12:10).4

Aaron approached his brother saying, “Alas, my lord,5 I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned” (12:11). Aaron asked that Miriam not have to carry the burden of this leprosy with her through the remainder of his life.

Moses interceded for Miriam.6 The Lord determined that Miriam should be unclean for seven days at the end of which she would be cleansed from her leprosy (12:14-15). The children of Israel abode in Hazeroth until she was cleansed and rejoined the camp.

Lessons from the Rebellion of Miriam and Aaron
1. Good people sometimes become involved in sinful rebellion. The Old Testament record of the lives of Miriam and Aaron testifies that these were good people, children of God. Nevertheless, even children of God can fall into sin, just as did the Apostle Peter (Matt. 26:69-75; Gal. 2:11-14). I have witnessed good people get caught up in the wiles of sinful rebellion in churches as well. Perhaps they are jealous of the role of a brother in the congregation, sincerely mistaken about something, enamored with the leaders in a rebellion, or whatever. Even though these people are good brethren, they find themselves fighting against God and hurting the Lord’s church and his people, just as Miriam and Aaron hurt Moses by their accusations.

Envy is a work of the flesh to which all are susceptible (see Gal. 5:21). W. Binnie warned,“When some one whom you have known familiarly as your junior or inferior is raised above you in office or wealth, in gifts, or in grace, watch and pray, else you will be very apt to fall into Miriam’s sin” (The Pulpit Commentary: Numbers 135).

2. Good people can be wrongfully charged. The charges implied against Moses (namely that he was usurping greater authority than he should) were wrong, even though the ones who made the charges were his respected brother and sister! Can you imagine what added weight was given to the charge against Moses by the fact that his brother and sister were the ones making the charges? Nevertheless, the charges were not true. The divine record plainly declares, “Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” (12:3).

I have witnessed good men be blasphemed, just like Moses was. Brethren with whom I have worked in the closest of associations and whose personal character I know as well as I know myself have been condemned as religious zealots who are trying to run the church and who think of themselves as apostles and who nose into everyone else’s business. I have seen them condemned and criticized as “buzzards,” “barking dogs,” “jingoists,” sectarian brethren with a cause to promote, and other such unsavory epithets. The same charge is made against them as was made against Moses — one is taking too much authority upon himself. What is so ironic is that such criticisms usually occur in articles written by brethren calling for better treatment of those with whom one disagrees!

3. To rebel against the authority of Moses was tantamount to rebellion against God’s authority. Moses was God’s appointed messenger. The statement made in the New Testament about God’s messengers is always true: “He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me” (Matt. 10:40). We must not lose sight of the same truth today.

  •  The one who rebels against the word of God rebels against God. One cannot have a proper relationship with God while refusing to obey his word.
  • One who rebels against his Messiah, rebels against God.
  • One who rebels against his divinely ordained government of the church (elders) rebels against God.

4. God knows about one’s rebellion. The text specifically states, “And the Lord heard it” (12:2). God is aware of what happens in the affairs of men. The wicked are the ones who think that God does not know what happens among men. David described their attitude: “He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it” (Ps. 10:11). One must never forget today that God is just as aware of our conduct as he was of Miriam and Aaron’s.

5. One can overcome his emotions to intercede for the sinful. Moses was hurt by his brother and sister. Nevertheless, he overcome his emotional response to their hurting him and prayerfully interceded to God that his sister not be a leper throughout the rest of her days. No doubt, he could have said, “She deserved it, for the Lord is the one who smote her, not me. She will just have to bear her affliction the rest of her days. That will teach her and others a lesson.” But that is not how Moses thought. This was his sister — the same sister who watched over the ark in which he was placed when he was a baby (Exod. 2). His love for her helped him to overcome these fleshly temptations and intercede in prayer to God on her behalf. His great love for his brethren enabled him to make intercession on several other occasions. Miriam and Aaron were indebted for their deliverance to the man whom they had wronged, just as we are of Christ!

Even the faithful must ever live with an awareness of the temptations of Satan in their own life. Sometimes he appeals to our spiritual pride, just as he did to Miriam and Aaron. None of us is so strong that the temptations of Satan do not threaten us.

When we are wronged, as Moses was, we also can overcome the temptation of vengeance and revenge to offer our prayers in behalf of those who have wronged us. We can overcome the temptations of bitterness, sinful anger, malice, and wrath to pray for those who repent of their sins against us.


  1. One is impressed with the faithful record in the Bible of the sins of the men of faith. The Scriptures are impartial in recording the sins of those who were its heroes, just as it records the sins of the wicked. There is no whitewashing of sin just because the sinner is one of the author’s favorites.
  2. Moses’ first wife was Zipporah (Exod. 2:21-22). Whether this second marriage was a marriage Moses entered that was polygamous, a marriage that he entered after the death of Zipporah, or a marriage following a divorce is not revealed.
  3. Just why Miriam and Aaron were jealous of Moses’ position is not recorded. The implication is that this marriage had something to do with their jealousy. We also must not forget that Moses was the younger brother of Aaron and Miriam (Aaron was three years older than Moses, Num. 33:39; cf. Deut. 34:7; Miriam was the older sister who watched over the baby Moses when he was put in the river, Exod. 2). One is especially tempted to envy when those who once were inferior in position rise to positions above him.
  4. Why was Moses not also stricken with leprosy? Several answers have been suggested: (a) The character of Aaron that is revealed in the Pentateuch shows him to be a follower rather than a leader (cf. his role when the golden calf was molded, Exod. 32). This suggests that Miriam probably took the leadership in this rebellion. This is confirmed by her name being mentioned first, the verb “spake” is in the feminine form, and she alone was punished. (b) Aaron was the High Priest and having leprosy would have disqualified him from serving as High Priest.
  5. What a contrast between “my lord” and the charges made in 12:1!
  6. In the prophecy that God would raise up a prophet like unto Moses (Deut. 18:15-19), one must not forget Moses’ role as an intercessor (see Num. 11:2; 12:13). Indeed, in this role he typified Christ, our mediator.

6567 Kings Ct., Avon, Indiana 46123 mikewillis1@compuserve.com

The Danger of Pedophilia Preying on America’s Innocent

By Chris Reeves

It happened during a casual conversation between one of our local church members and his wife’s niece as they were riding along in the car. The little girl (age 10) mentioned that she had been asked to spend some time with her mother and her boyfriend while they were in bed. She talked about how she witnessed “the bed shaking.” Later, she spoke of how she had been fondled by the boyfriend. The brother in Christ and his wife turned that information over to the Human Services, and now they have temporary custody of the little girl while the case is being investigated. The brother in Christ announced this news to the whole congregation and we are praying for them and giving them support. Friends, the danger of pedophilia is real and it may be closer to home than you think. Yes, the danger of pedophilia has come to “Small-town, USA,” and it may be in your community as well. You and your children (or grandchildren) need to be prepared for it.

The Problem of Pedophilia
“Pedophilia” means “child-love” (from the Greek words paidos, child; and phileo, love). But the word refers to an act that is far from true child love. Pedophilia is an act of sexual child abuse. It is not true “love”! Pedophilia is a heinous act against an innocent child and it is gaining popularity in our society among certain sexually immoral people. It is no longer “taboo” with many.

The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse (NCPCA) reports that child sexual abuse is on the increase in our nation. According to a 1995 survey by the National Center on Child Abuse Prevention Research (NCCAPR), “before the age of 18, one in four girls and one in six boys will experience some form of sexual abuse.”1  James A. Monteleone, M.D., writes, “Three-fourths of the crimes committed against children are sex crimes.”2 

In Robertson County, Tennessee, where this writer, lives there are about 50-60 prosecutable cases of child sexual abuse every year. The offenders in these cases are usually white males over 50, hardly ever a stranger to their victims, choose their victims from broken homes and desire to control their victims’ emotions and lives (not just have sex). Detective Mike Carlisle of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Department has worked local child sexual abuse cases for nine years. He told this writer, “Anytime you have someone that spends a lot of time with kids and no one else . . . something is suspicious.” He says the classic pedophile “makes it look like it’s the child’s fault . . . blackmailing and threatening the child to keep quiet about it. The child goes along with it because parents always tell their children to do what they are told by adults?3

Pedophilia is sexual abuse, which in turn is child abuse. What is “sexual abuse”? Legally, “sexual abuse” is defined as “Sexual contact or interaction between a child and an adult or older child (greater than five years of age difference) for the purposes of sexual stimulation and gratification of the adult . . . or of the older child.” The acts considered as child sexual abuse are: sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral-genital contact, fondling, masturbating, finger penetration and exposing one’s self for the purpose of sexual gratification. Sexual abuse is generally divided into three categories: sexual assault, incest, and exploitation (group sex or sex rings).4

Children are vulnerable. Pedophiles know this and make children their victims. Why is a child so vulnerable to pedophiles? First, children are curious about many things, including sex. A pedophile exploits a child’s curiosity. Second, children have been told to respect and obey adults. A pedophile will use this to his advantage. Third, children (especially those from broken homes) crave attention, affection and approval from grown-ups. A pedophile will trade a child affection for sex. Finally, children are scared to admit wrong. They often will not betray their pedophile partner because the pedophile has threatened them with harm if they tell.5

What is a pedophile like? Here are a few characteristics. About 85% of all pedophiles are males who come from all professions and trades. Female pedophiles are often babysitters. About 75% to 80% of all pedophiles are known to their victims’ parents, step-parents, grandparents, boyfriends, girlfriends, or other close friends. Many pedophiles will use drugs or alcohol to lower their victims’ inhibitions. Some pedophiles seduce their victims with nice conversation and gifts, others are more overt, and still others use physical force (sadism).6

The Promotion of Pedophilia
• Lower or Abolish Age of Consent Laws. There is a unified effort among some homosexual, lesbian and feminist groups to lower or abolish age of consent laws. This effort began in 1972 and it continues strongly today. This of course would legalize adult-child sex. The immoral people doing this claim that children are “oppressed,” and their goal is to try and “liberate” children with total “sexual freedom” giving them the essential right to “express themselves” sexually. Some are even saying that keeping a child away from sexual activity is a form of “child abuse.” Can you believe it?! The ultimate goal of this work is to gain total sexual liberation from any moral restrictions. “Ageism” is the derogatory term used by these liberals to describe the current laws that we now have prohibiting sexual contact based on age differences.7 Those who want to abuse children would like to see this nation follow the example of Holland where the age of sexual consent is now 12.8

•    Homosexual Activity. As much as many homosexuals try to deny it, there is a direct connection between homosexual activity and pedophilia.9 (Note: The technical term for sex between an adult and a child of the same sex is “pederasty.”) Reports from pro-homosexual activists show a definite link between pedophilia (technically, “pederasty”) and homosexuals. About 33% of all pedophiles are homosexuals. The slang term that many homo- sexual pedophiles use for underage boys sought for sex is “chickens.” What is the slang term for a pedophile? You guessed it, “chicken hawk.” This is not surprising since homosexual pedophiles live by a “barnyard morality” instead of by God’s word.10

•    Psychiatry and Psychology Experts. Pedophiles looking to find some “expert” to condone their behavior as “normal” will often turn to the institutions of psychiatry and psychology. For example, many pedophiles refer to a 1998 article by the American Psychological Association (APA) claiming that sex between adults and children can actually be positive for “willing” children. The same article proposes that we drop the terms “child abuse,” “molestation,” “victims” and “adult-child sex” when discussing this issue. This article was later modified by the APA, but many pedophiles continue to appeal to it to promote their actions. One psychologist, Dr. Michael Werthmeimer (member of the APA), believes that pedophilia is not harmful to the child. Dr. Richard Gardner, a child psychiatrist at Columbia University, believes that all forms of deviant sexual behavior should be acceptable, including adult-child sex, sex with the dead, sex with animals, and even sex with defecation. Of course, pedophiles make it a point to interview and quote from “experts” like Werthmeimer and Gardner.11

•    The Alfred Kinsey Reports. The present immoral attitude that many have toward sexual behavior has been affected largely by the work of Alfred Kinsey. Fifty years ago Kinsey did a scientific study of human sexuality which was designed to promote all forms of sexual activity. He wrote two reports documenting his research called, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953). Since Kinsey released his findings, these studies have been used in an attempt to legitimize homosexuality, pedophilia, and more. Kinsey’s work eventually led to the formation of the Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), a liberal organization promoting sex education in public schools. Even Hugh Hefner credits Kinsey with inspiring him to publish Playboy Magazine. In recent years, Kinsey’s work has been shown to be a fraud by Dr. Judith A. Reisman and others, but many continue to use Kinsey’s reports to destigmatize sex with children.12

•    Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Children and young adults in this country are being indoctrinated at school with pro-pedophilia material, from the early grades on up to the university level. This type of promotion offers the “intellectual justification” for pedophilia that many are looking for. Those who push their pedophilia agenda in public schools claim that they are protecting America’s youth from a “homophobic society.” James Kincaid, English professor at USC, is an outspoken advocate of pedophilia. Cornell University offers a pro-pedophilia course called “The Sexual Child,” taught by English professor Ellis Hanson. In 1997, a video produced by two lesbians called “It’s Elementary,” was produced to show teachers how to introduce the topic of homosexuality to students and teach them that “gay is OK.” Two other organizations, “Project 10” and “Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education,” work to promote homosexual acceptance in our nation’s high schools.13 Massachusetts leads the nation in pro-homosexual school programs spending $1 million annually to deliver homosexual propaganda to school children.14

•    Entertainment Industry and the Media. Recent movies and TV programs have been introduced to the public promoting pedophilia. The House of Yes (Miramax) is a comedy about incest. Lolita and Happiness are two more films that promote pedophilia. One TV episode of “Dawson’s Creek” portrayed a sexual relationship between a 15-year old boy and his high school teacher. Some Tommy Hilfiger ads have displayed young boys in sexually provocative poses. The Internet also promotes pedophilia. Pedophilia and child pornography can be found on many Internet Web sites, chat rooms, discussion groups and bulletin boards.15

•    North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). One high profile organization in this country that actively promotes pedophilia is NAMBLA. The welcome statement on their Web page (www.nambla.org) will show very clearly how they promote pedophilia. Here is that statement in full:

WELCOME! The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978. It was inspired by the success of a campaign based in Boston’s gay community to defend against a local witchhunt.  

NAMBLA’s goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by:

•    Building understanding and support for such relationships;
•          Educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love;
•     Cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements;
•        Supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression. 

Our membership is open to everyone sympathetic to man/boy love and personal freedom.

NAMBLA calls for the empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual. We support greater economic, political and social opportunities for young people and denounce the rampant ageism that segregates and isolates them in fear and mistrust. We believe sexual feelings are a positive life force. We support the rights of youth as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies. 

We condemn sexual abuse and all forms of coercion. Freely-chosen relationships differ from unwanted sex. Present laws, which focus only on the age of the participants, ignore the quality of their relationships. We know that differences in age do not preclude mutual, loving interaction between persons. NAMBLA is strongly opposed to age-of-consent laws and all other restrictions which deny men and boys the full enjoyment of their bodies and control over their own lives. 

NAMBLA does not provide encouragement, referrals or assistance for people seeking sexual contacts. NAMBLA does not engage in any activities that violate the law. 

We call for fundamental reform of the laws regarding relations between youths and adults. Today, many thousands of men and boys are unjustly ground into the disfunctional criminal justice system. Blindly, this system condemns consensual, loving relationships between younger and older people. NAMBLA’s Prisoner Program, with limited resources, works to provide a modicum of humanity to some of these people. Click here to find out more.

NAMBLA is a political, civil rights, and educational organization. We provide factual information and help educate society about the positive and beneficial nature of man/boy love. Become an active member! You can help in this historic struggle!16

The Prevention of Pedophilia
•    Recognize pedophilia for what it is — sin. Like many other sins in our society, if an immoral act is redefined and given a fancy name, many accept it as OK. Pedophilia has been called “intergenerational intimacy” by some of its advocates, a term which makes the act sound so pure and noble. Pedophiles say that “consensual” adult-child sex is “positive and beneficial for the participants.”17 But the Bible calls this act sin! Pedophilia, whether “consensual” or not, is fornication (sexual immorality) and it is a work of the flesh which will damn a person to hell for eternity (Gal. 5:19, 21). Many excuse pedophiles saying their actions are caused by childhood trauma (abused as a child) or genetic make-up.18 Whatever the cause, pedophilia demonstrates a lack of self-control with unlawful lusts and desires.

•    Help the pedophile. As repulsive as pedophilia is, there is still a need to approach the pedophile with compassion (Matt. 9:36-38) and the Gospel of Christ (Rom.1:16). Sin is sin, and the pedophile needs Christ just as much as anyone else (Tit. 3:3-5). Love them, be firm with them, preach against their sin and try to lead them to Christ. Their soul needs saving.

•    Demonstrate true love for children. There is to be natural affection between a parent and a child according to the Bible. Those who are “without natural affection” are those who expose children to cruelty and oppression, who victimize and exploit children, and thereby sin (Rom. 1:31; 2 Tim. 3:3). Children are a blessing from God (Pss. 113:9; 127:3-5; 128:1-6). Parents and all adults need to show a proper love toward children — a love which protects and nurtures children (Tit. 2:4). Children are a stewardship to be cared for as God commands (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4). Children are to be valued. They need our help. They are not to be treated as objects of abuse or neglect (Deut. 10:18; 14:29; Ps. 10:14; Matt. 19:13-15).

•    Get Involved and Protect the Children. Report pedophiles to the proper authorities. Don’t fear to speak out and report their crimes, even if they are a close relatives as many of them are. Do what you can to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Get involved! Solomon said long ago, “Deliver them that are carried away unto death, and those that are ready to be slain see that thou hold back” (Prov. 24:11).

Our society as a whole has little tolerance for pedophilia. But that is slowly changing. Consider our nation’s distaste for homosexuality, abortion, and euthanasia a few decades ago. And now where do many Americans stand on these issues? It is just a matter of time before pedophilia becomes acceptable, too. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi is right when he says, “the rationalization of one sexual deviance (homosexuality) can easily extend to the rationalization for another (pedophilia).”19 May God gives us time to see the true danger of pedophilia and to confront it accordingly.

1 James A. Monteleone, M.D. A Parent’s and Teacher’s Handbook on Identifying and Preventing Child Abuse. St. Louis: G.W. Medical Publishing, Inc. (1998) 44.
2 Ibid., 47.
3 Personal interview with Detective Mike Carlisle, Robertson County Sheriff’s Department.
4 James A. Monteleone. A Parent’s and Teacher’s Handbook on Identifying and Preventing Child Abuse. St. Louis: G.W. Medical Publishing, Inc. (1998) 45-47.
5 Ibid., 47-48.
6 Ibid., 48-50.
7 “The Politics of Ageism,” http://www.nambla.org.
8 Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight. “Homosexual Activists Work to Lower the Age of Sexual Consent.” Washington: Family Research Council, 1999. 2-7.
9 See Jeffrey Santinover, M.D., Homosexuality and Politics of Truth (1996), 62-66; Larry Burtoft, Ph.D., Setting the Record Straight: What Research Really Says About the Social Consequences of Homosexuality (1995), 64-67; and, David Thorstad, “Pederasty and Homosexuality,” http://www.nambla.org.
10 Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight. “Homosexual Activists Work to Lower the Age of Sexual Consent.” Washington: Family Research Council, 1999. 7-9.
11 Ibid., 9-14.
12 Ibid., 14-16.
13 Ibid., 16-18.
14 Peter LaBarbera. “Private Schools are Promoting Homosexuality to Children.” Human Events, May, 21, 1999.
15 Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight. “Homosexual Activists Work to Lower the Age of Sexual Consent.” Washington: Family Research Council, 1999. 18-19.
16 “Who We Are,” http://www.nambla.org.
17 “Positive and Beneficial Experiences,” http://www. nambla. org.
18 Alice Park. “Why Do They Do Those Terrible Things?” Time Magazine, Sept. 2, 1996.
19 Quoted by Larry Burtoft, Ph.D., Setting the Record Straight: What Research Really Says About the Social Consequences of Homosexuality (1995). 67.
5223 Hugh Woodard Rd., Springfield, Tennessee 37172

Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 3 p10
February 3, 2000

Canceling Services For the Super Bowl

By Phil T. Arnold

A couple of weeks ago on Sunday evening one of our men presented a very interesting and personal lesson dealing with the objections that he had to overcome that he might become a Christian. I listened with great interest and admiration for the ability of one to see the truth when confronted with it regardless of the personal choices that truth demanded. One of the things which Randy mentioned that impressed me was the inconsistency he observed between the message preached of “putting the Lord and spiritual matters first” and the actions of canceling services for the Super Bowl — even if the Cowboys were playing. I hope none of us had a problem seeing such as an inconsistency and thus realizing why it caused Randy to begin to question other matters of the religion of his youth and family. But did we as parents not see the obvious application to our spiritual circumstances?

It is wonderful to think that this inconsistency was a small crack in someone’s confidence in a “false religion” that led him to consider and eventually see the truth. But what would we think about the inconsistencies in our own practices causing those who have the truth to begin to question whether or not it is so? We as parents are in a most influential position. If we believe that we have the truth, we must live consistently with that message to give our children confidence that it is the truth. Satan has enough devices to try to introduce doubt into the lives of our children and undermine their faith. We certainly don’t need to help him by playing the hypocrite.

Yes, it would be wrong to cancel services for a Super Bowl — even if the Cowboys are playing (or as far as I am concerned, especially if the Cowboys are playing). But what have we personally put before attending the services and in effect “canceled” services at least for us and/or our family? Do we tell our children that we are to put the Lord and spiritual matters first in our lives and then decide to miss the assemblies for everything from company to convenience and entertainment to sporting events? Parents, realize how such choices influence your children. It may be that such inconsistencies in our own lives will lead our children at some crucial time in their own lives to doubt and even depart from the faith.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6)
Train up a child in the way he should go, By going that way yourself (Abraham Lincoln).