Truth Magazine April 2022


EDITORIAL: He Did Not Leave Himself Without Witness, by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: Answering Don K. Preston, by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Grant Me Peace and Hope, by Sherelyn Mayberry
THE LOVE OF GOD: The Sovereign Love of God, by Bruce Reeves
LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: “I Just Can’t Limit the Holy Spirit”, by Shane Carrington
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What is the meaning of Hebrews 10:25?, by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: Judean Pillar Figurines, by Trent and Rebekah Dutton


Reaching the Lost, by David Dann
Reaching the Churched, by Chris Eppler
Reaching the Unchurched, by Benjamin Lee
Reaching Those Who Are in Doubt, by Ken Craig
Reaching Those Who Are Suffering, by Steve Niemeier
Reaching Those Who Are Angry, by Art Adams


Church Directory

Truth Magazine March 2022


EDITORIAL: Truth or Fiction? by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: “Since There Was a Nation”, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Running the Race by Resting, by Lindsay Mast

PREACHING THE GOSPEL: An Unchanging Message for Changing Times, by John Humphries

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Redemption, by Shane Carrington

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Why Do Catholics Worship Mary? by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Hatshepsut (Egypt’s Female Pharaoh) and Moses, by Leon Mauldin


Leaders Develop Trust, by Keith Hamilton

It’s Not That Complicated, by Bob Watson

Using Instrumental Music to Promote the Gospel, by Joe R. Price

Hell, by Dennis Abernathy

A Romans 12 Self-Examination, by Lance R. Taylor

Virgie Faye Bell “Judged Him Faithful Who Had Promised”, by Ron Halbrook


Truth Magazine February 2022

2022-02-Feb Truth Magazine Cover 250 Pixels


EDITORIAL: Forgetting and Remembering, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: “Destruction” of the Soul, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Is Homeschooling Legal?, by Diana Dow

PREACHING THE GOSPEL: Preaching in Foreign Lands, by John Humphries

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit’s Divine Nature, by Shane Carrington

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What about Job’s wife/wives?, by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: A Visit to Dan, by Barry Britnell

MONTHLY THEME: Remembering Jesus

Remembering Jesus: His Preexistence & Incarnation, by Tim Reeves

Remembering Jesus: His Ministry, by Mark Reeves

Remembering Jesus: His Death and Resurrection, by Luke Reeves

Remembering Jesus: His Exaltation, by Chris Reeves

Remembering Jesus: His Authority, by Jacob Reeves

Remembering Jesus: His Return, by Steve Reeves

Truth Magazine January 2022


EDITORIAL: Courage in Times of Crisis, by Mark Mayberry

MEDITATIONS: Respect for Authority, by Kyle Pope

WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Be Thou My Vision, by Sherelyn Mayberry

PREACHING THE GOSPEL: Preaching in the United States, by John Humphries

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT: Life in the Spirit (Introduction), by Shane Carrington

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What is a “worship leader,” and should we use such terminology? by Bobby L. Graham

ARCHAEOLOGY: Time to Update the Cubit. . . by Luke Chandler

MONTHLY THEME: Dealing with Difficulties

Dealing With Disease, by Darin Henry

Dealing With Death, by Don Hooton

Dealing With Disobedience, by Alan Finley

Dealing With Division, by Robert Harkrider

Dealing With Doctrinal Error, by Kyle Pope

Dealing with Distractions, by Melvin Curry