There is “One”

By Kenneth E. Thomas

When you see the three letter word “one,” what comes to your mind? Do you immediately think of multiple choices or do you think in the singular? If you are of sound and sane mind it is obvious that you think in the “singular.” One means one! It doesn’t mean two, three, four, five, or thirteen hundred and one! In the spiritual realm unless there is reason to interpret it otherwise, words are to be taken as literally meaning exactly what they say. Paul writing by divine inspiration in Ephesians 4:1-6, says there is “one body” (v. 4). This agrees perfectly with what Jesus stated to the Jews of his day, when he said, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this (Jewish, ket) fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd” (John 10:16). There are as many shepherds as there are folds or bodies. How many is that? “One.” 

God’s Platform For Unity

The passages in our text for this study have been referred to as “God’s seven plank platform for religious unity.” Look at it again. (1) One body, (2) One Spirit, (3) One hope, (4) One Lord, (5) One faith, (6) One baptism, and (7) One God and Father. We shall develop this article based on this particular context. We will use others in the process of developing this study but always come back here for the source of our thoughts.

Christ’s Prayer for Unity

Who is so insensitive, as to disregard the prayer of Jesus Christ as it were in the very shadow of the cross, who prayed fervently for his apostles and then for all of those who would believe in him through their word, “. . . that they all may be one; as you, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that You have sent Me” (John 17:17, 20-21)? I find it difficult to believe that a true lover of Jesus Christ would disregard that which meant so much to him, and for which he fervently prayed to his Father and ours, the unity of his followers on the word of the Apostles! In spite of this prayer there are religious folks who will thank God for the many churches (thereby approving of the opposite to Christ’s prayer) so they can find the one that suits them! How about the one that suits the Lord? The church of our Lord was planned by God from eternity (Eph. 3:8-11). Christ is called the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 5:6). The blood that he shed as the Lamb of God is the purchase price for the saved, his church (1 Pet. 1:18-19; Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25).

One Body — The Church

As we speak of the church is this vein of thought, we speak of a relationship, not an organization per se. It is the “house of God” (1 Tim. 3:15). We should notice only briefly that there is organization in the New Testament church, but it is the local congregation (Phil. 1:1-2; Acts 14:23; 1 Pet. 5:1-5). In this lesson we are speaking of the church in its “universal” sense, the rule of Christ in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. There is no earthly head or headquarters for this relationship. It is the kingdom of God under Christ the king (1 Tim. 6:16; Rev. 1:9; 17:14). Reconciliation unto God can be found nowhere else but “in one body by the cross” (Eph. 2:11-17). God is glorified through Christ in no other relationship but his church (Eph. 3:21). Christ himself is the founder of this one body, his church (Matt. 16:13-19).

“. . . No Differing Denominations Existed . . .”
The above is a partial quote from page 22 of the Standard Manual for Baptist Churches by Edward T. Hiscox, D.D. Here Mr. Hiscox acknowledges the fact stated already in this lesson concerning the one body or church that Jesus built, then makes the fatal admission to follow which is a death blow to human denominations of any and every type or name.

It is most likely that in the Apostolic age when there was but “one Lord, one faith, and one baptism,” and no differing denominations existed, the baptism of a convert by that very act constituted him a member of the church, and at once endowed him with all rights and privileges of full membership. In that sense, “baptism was the door into the church.” Now, it is different; and while the churches (Southern Baptist, ket) are desirous of receiving members, they are wary and cautious that they do not receive unworthy persons. The churches (local Southern Baptist Churches, ket) therefore have candidates come before them, make their statement, give their “experience,” and then their reception is decided by a vote of the members. And while they cannot become members without baptism, yet it is the vote of the body which admits them to its fellowship on receiving baptism. 

We take issue with some of this quote, but for the most part it properly represents how it was before man changed things. We do not believe that a “convert” is to be baptized. This suggests that one is first converted and then baptized. This has the “cart before the horse” as we will show in greater detail as we progress to that part of Ephesians 4:1-6 which speaks of the “one baptism.”

For the first few hundred years after Christ’s church/kingdom was established one was either a Christian, and as such a member of Christ’s church or a citizen in his kingdom, or one was yet lost and a citizen of Satan’s kingdom. Through a process of departures from “the faith” once delivered, there grew out of Christ’s one true church what, when fully organized in A.D. 606, became known as the Roman Catholic church. This was the first human denomination. Then following this in 1054 a division in the Roman church led to the formation of what we know today as the Greek Orthodox church. Later after many more departures from God’s New Testament teachings causing such good men as Martin Luther and others to rebel against Roman Catholicism, the “Protestant Reformation” was born in about 1530. All Protestant churches are less than five hundred years old. Like the Catholic church, they came into being hundreds of years after Jesus had established his church exactly as he wanted it to be regarding its name, organization, worship, mission, etc. Uninspired men cannot improve on God’s plan for humanity. Any attempt to do so results in the formation of doctrines and organizations unknown to the New Testament and those who so act stand condemned before God for departures from the ancient faith of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:6-11; 2 John 9-11; Rom. 16:16-18; Rev. 22:18-19; Ps. 127:1; Matt. 15:13). 

One Spirit

To have unity of revelation, we must have a common source from which to drink spiritually speaking. That one source is the Holy Spirit. Both Peter and Paul affirmed to speak or write as they were “guided by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:12-21; 1 Cor. 2:1-16; Gal. 1:11). Jesus promised that he would send the Spirit to guide those whom he chose into “all truth” (John 16:12-13). We believe He did exactly as he promised. This means that “all spiritual truth” is found solely in the New Testament for those who desire to follow and to please our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 1:3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Jas. 1:25). For one today to depart from New Testament authority is to depart from Christ and to stand condemned for so doing (Gal. 1:6-9; Rom. 16:17-18). Peter quoted from Moses’ promise to Israel (and the world) concerning “another prophet like unto Moses to whom men must submit or be destroyed from among the people.” (See Deut. 18:18-19; Acts 3:22-23.) Add to the thoughts found in those two contexts the scene on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-4). God speaks to man today only through Jesus Christ, his Son (Heb. 1:1-2). His Son chose the people to whom he sent the Holy Spirit and as we have seen they were “guided into all truth.” If Christ is guiding your beliefs and practices today, he is doing it as you follow “the apostle’s teaching” (Acts 2:42; 15:24b). Jesus said to his apostles, “He that heareth you heareth Me; and he that despiseth you despiseth Me; and he that despises Me despiseth Him that sent Me” (Luke 10:16).

It is an “all or nothing at all” proposition. You have not the right with God’s approval to choose to accept some things Christ through his apostles has bound on mankind and reject something else. To reject anything taught in the apostle’s doctrine is to reject both the Father and the Son. Hence we read in 2 John 9, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” 

When men write creeds, articles of faith, catechisms, disciplines, etc. to which they appeal for their beliefs and practices in religion, since they all differ one with the other, and since every one of them disagrees with plain New Testament teaching, you can readily see why it is impossible to obey the prayer of Christ for unity, or the teaching of inspired men that we should “all speak the same things . . . and that there be no divisions among you”(John 17:17, 20-21; 1 Cor. 1:10-13). Just as long as these uninspired barriers exist, that’s how long religious division will be perpetuated. Men must learn to “speak as the oracles of God” (1 Pet. 4:11). Men must learn that they must not “think of men above that which is written” (1 Cor. 4:6).

One Hope

Many people differ as regards that for which they hope at the end of this age or the end of their life here on earth. The New Testament holds out only “one hope” to mankind. What is that hope? Christ said it was to inhabit the mansions he has even now gone to prepare and will give to those who love and obey him (John 14:1-6). Peter spoke of a “living hope” in 1 Peter 1:3, and said this hope is “incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you” (v. 4). Some take what Peter wrote in his second epistle and make it contradict what he plainly said here which agrees with the hope Christ himself offered to sorrowing disciples in the passage above. Great numbers of would be followers of Christ are taught that the “new heavens and the new earth” (2 Pet. 3:13) are here on this planet which has been cleansed by fire. No, no! Peter would not say in the first epistle it was incorruptible and reserved in heaven if it was a physical worldly habitation on this earth thereby totally contradicting himself! If man’s rewards are on this earth then they aren’t in heaven as Jesus said. 

The premillennial doctrine contradicts not only these passages, but makes Jesus’ statement “My kingdom is not of this world . . .” (John 18:36) meaningless and contradictory also to what he promised just before leaving his apostles and disciples to return to the Father in heaven. He said that he would come again, and “receive you (which would include the rest who are faithful) unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:13-18). The reward is where he now is. Where is he? Stephen saw him “standing at God’s right hand” in heaven (Acts 7:55). Peter placed Jesus “on David’s throne at God’s right hand” on Pentecost (Acts 2:30-36). Premillennialism would take Christ off David’s throne in heaven and place him on the footstool earth! What a demotion of the Son of God! The Premillennial “hope” is a vain hope. It will never be realized by anyone. The doctrine of only 144,000 inheriting heaven is likewise a perversion of the Bible’s teaching, created by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, not by a proper interpretation of the word of God. 

The Bible rather teaches “whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17; 7:9). No inspired writer ever held to the doctrine limiting the number who are offered heaven as a reward. The number who will inherit heaven is limited to the obedient (Rev. 14:13; 22:14). It is those who “do His will.” It is those who “die in the Lord.” Do you have this biblical hope? You do only if you have obeyed the gospel and have been reconciled unto God in one body by the cross (1 Cor. 15:1-4; 1 Pet. 1:22-25; 2 Thess. 1:6-9; Eph. 2:13-16). 

One Lord

Who would deny that Jesus Christ is the “one Lord” in the above text? Surely no Bible believer. This being true, there is one who has the authority to command us and from whom we must have leave or authority before we may act in a manner pleasing to him. Paul said this in Colossians 3:17. Jesus himself said, “All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth” (Matt. 28:18; Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:22-23). This promotes unity of authority. All who abide in his teaching, as we have seen, have “both the Father and the Son.” Those who do not act by his authority, sin (1 John 3:4; Matt. 7:13-28). Many desire to have Jesus as their Savior, but refuse his authority over their lives! This can’t be! He asked some of his day, “And why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46, see also John 14:15, 21, 23). Why some folks think they can be pleasing to God while rejecting the teachings, hence the authority, of Christ over their lives is a mystery to anyone who knows anything about the teaching of the New Testament.

One Faith

This leads to unity of doctrine. There are “many faiths” on the religious scene even among those who profess belief in Jesus as “the Christ.” Each of these many “faiths” is found inscribed in some creed, catechism, discipline, manual, etc. We said something about this under the heading of “unity of revelation” given by the Holy Spirit. We will simply reinforce this idea that there is “one faith” found in the New Testament. This faith is called by several things. It is called “the faith” (Acts 6:7; Jude 3). It is called simply “faith” in (Gal. 3:23). It is called “the gospel.” It is called the “word of truth.” In other words there is only one body of divine truth and it is found in the entire New Testament (John 16:12-13; Jas. 1:25; 2 Pet. 1:3; John 12:48). When rightly divided and applied it will save all mankind who submit in love to Christ’s teachings. This doesn’t mean that the Old Testament is without use for the follower of Christ. No, not at all! It is to be used as examples for those of us living this side of the cross of Christ (Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:6-13). Some religious folks are as apt to attempt to find “authority” for their beliefs and practices (if they seek authority at all) from the writings of Moses and the other prophets of the Old Testament as they are what Christ caused to be written! To seek justification by the law says Paul, is to “fall from grace” (Gal. 5:4). Again let me remind you that on the mount of transfiguration God said of Christ, “hear ye Him” (Matt. 17:5). 

One Baptism

If folks understand and practice the “one baptism” mentioned here, there would be unity of action as well as design in this matter. Actually one cannot be baptized by sprinkling or having water poured or dabbed on them. No, baptize is a verb denoting only one action. The action denoted is a “burial,” a “planting,” a “resurrection.” It involves going to the water and going “down into and coming up out of the water” (Rom. 6:3-4; Col. 2:12; Acts 8:38-39). It would be as silly to say that one is baptized by sprinkling or pouring as it would be for me to say that I walked by flying! Those are two different verbs denoting different actions. If you have been baptized, you have been immersed! The Greek word baptizo, translated properly means only one thing,  to immerse! 

What About The Design of Baptism?

The “design” means the “purpose.” For what purpose were believers baptized in the biblical record? Was it said to be “an outward sign of an inward grace”? Was it said to be “the way you confess to the world that you have received Christ”? Was it simply something that was “symbolic”? Were they “baptized” to “join the local church”? Were they baptized “because they were saved”? All of the above and other reasons are often said to be the “design” for baptism. What do the Scriptures say? 

That, after all is what really matters, isn’t it? Yes it is! Paul said, “Yea, let God be true and every man a liar” (Rom. 3:4). What did Paul mean by such a strong statement? Simply that when man (any man) disagrees with what God says in his word about a matter under consideration, man, not God is in error! I could not count the times that people have said one of the above is the design of baptism. What saith the Scriptures?

  • For the Remission of Sins (Acts 2:38)
  • For Salvation (Mark 16:16)
  • Saves Us (1 Pet. 3:21)
  • Into Christ (Rom. 6:3)
  • Put on Christ (Gal. 3:27)
  • Born of Water and Spirit (John 3:5)
  • Washing of Regeneration (Tit. 3:5)
  • Into One Body (1 Cor. 12:13)
  • To Have Sins Washed Away (Acts 22:16)
  • Bodies Washed in Pure Water (Heb. 10:22)
  • Washing of Water by the Word (Eph. 5:26)
  • Repent and be Converted (baptized) (Acts 3:19)
  • Go teach baptize into name teach (Matt. 28:18-20)
  • Repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:45-47)

On the birthday of Christ’s church to believers who asked “what shall we do?” Peter said, “. . . Repent and be baptized . . . for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38), and later to another audience, “Repent and be converted” (Acts 3:19). It appears that conversion to Christ has only been accomplished after one has been baptized. Peter uses the words “be baptized” and “be converted” interchangeably. If therefore you were baptized believing yourself already converted, your baptism isn’t the “one baptism” of Ephesians 4:5. Paul wrote in Romans 6:17-18 that they were made servants of righteousness after they had “obeyed from the heart that form of the doctrine they were delivered. It was then that they were made the “servants of righteousness.” Saved and then baptized? Hardly! 

If folks would only read the Bible itself with an open mind, there’s no way one would conclude that baptism was any less important in the scheme of redemption than are faith, repentance, and confession of faith in Christ. It is because of the creeds of uninspired men, written to defend some particular denominational position, that the confusion and perversions of truth exist.

One God

This promotes unity of the object of worship. It is essential that we have the right object of our worship. The Athenians worshiped God ignorantly and consequently their worship was not acceptable (Acts 17:22-31). There are “lords many and gods many” said Paul, but to us there is but “one God the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him” (1 Cor. 8:6). When Satan tried to get him to worship him, Jesus said, “It is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve” (Matt. 4:10). Not only must we worship the right God, we must be in the right relationship to the church (Eph. 3:21; 2:16) and worship him in Spirit and in truth through the one mediator, Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 4:14-16; John 4:23-24).

Where are you spiritually speaking? No more important question could possibly be asked. 

Some Cases of Conversion

  • Jews on Pentecost (Acts 2:22-38, 40-41, 47).
  •  Some at Samaria (Acts 8:12-13).
  • The Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-39).
  • Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:1-6; 22:16; Rom. 6:3-5).
  • Cornelius (Acts 10:1-2; 11:13-14; 10: 43-47, 48).
  • Lydia (Acts 16:12-15)
  • Philippian Jailer (Acts 16:30-34). What about you?

Peter said, “A word to the wise is sufficient.”
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 4 p16  February 17, 2000

Severe Behavior Handicap

By Bill Reeves

This is the proper name, abbreviated to SBH, given by educators to a certain problem some students are having in school. Being interpreted, it actually means: “having big trouble with authority,” and the reason for this is that said students never had any authority over them in the home; they were never taught authority! Now they are having a severe problem dealing with authority from the teachers.

The humanistic educators want to relegate such problems to some kind of “handicap,” “disease,” or “deficiency.” How convenient! The student himself has no responsibility in the matter because he is handicapped by his deficiency which he got, who knows where! No, he is not behaving (obeying instructions) because his rearing has been one in which he was not taught to respect authority. This is no new problem: “disobedient to parents” (2 Tim. 3:2). A child who starts out life being allowed to disobey his parents, will continue such ungodly conduct throughout his life outside of the home, because he has learned that he gets by with disobedience and accomplishes his goals by rebellion. He was not restrained, as were not Eli’s sons (1 Sam. 3:13).

Jesus was an obedient child, “subject” to his parents (Luke 2:51). Was he “lucky,” being free of SBH? Was subjection to parents in his genes, and so he escaped SBH?

The humanist wants to give a fancy name to different phenomena (from the Greek word meaning, “a happening, appearance, or event”), a name to cover for the person so described, but what he refuses to do is to go to the cause of the problem and deal with that! Often, when listening to the news, I note that the news media describe what has happened, but do not touch the subject of why (the cause or causes) it happened!

Return discipline and authority to the schools and the problem of SBH will all but disappear. In the cases in which a student insists on rebellion to authority, let him be summarily dismissed from the privilege of public education (which he now no longer deserves), and that will be a deterrent for others who might be contemplated catching the “disease” of SBH! Then there will be tranquility again in our public schools.

When I was in grammar school (in the 30s) there was one “bully” (no one knew that he had “SBH”) but he wasn’t a hero. He was often in the principal’s office for corporal punishment. Today, the bully is a hero among his fellow students. Then there was peace in the schools (to say nothing of prayer and Bible reading which were also there), but now there are shootings, metal detectors, and police officers, but no peace, prayer, Bible reading, and corporal punishment. The humanist does not want the solution; he simply wants to create a euphemistic name for the problem, which will give the patient more benefits and attention than ever.

The humanist denies the God who said: “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him,” and, “The rod and reproof give wisdom; but a child left to himself causeth shame to his mother” (Prov. 22:15; 29:15). A “child left to himself” will .

680 Winchester Dr., Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 4 p9 February 17, 2000

Some Brethren Say “Yes” Some Baptists Say “No”

By Larry Ray Hafley

The Baptists: “There is an old saying that ‘Birds of a feather flock together.’ Well, Bob Sumner worked for years side by side with Dr. John R. Rice. . . . Dr. Rice loved Billy Graham and supported him far longer than many thought he should. Only when Brother Billy began to compromise with his liberal friends like James Pike, Bishop Oxnam, and other notorious liberals, had them on the platform and sent converts to their churches, did dear Dr. Rice sadly withdraw his support. He was never Billy’s enemy, but he could no longer support him and said so. His stand hurt Dr. Rice and cost him an enormous price, because of Dr. Graham’s fame and prestige, but knowing John R. Rice, no one would expect him to do otherwise” (Dr. Wayne Wall, “Points For Preachers To Ponder,” The Biblical Evangelist, November-December 1999, 12).   

The Brethren: Explaining why the congregation endorses the Billy Graham Crusade set for June 1-4, 2000, Lovelines, the bulletin of the Woodmont Hills Church of Christ, Nashville, Tennessee said:

Woodmont Hills supports the decision of Dr. Graham and his ministry team to be in Nashville. . . . 

It is important for the members of our church family to understand why we will be enthusiastic participants. 

Billy Graham presents Jesus Christ as mankind’s only hope for eternal life. “My one purpose in life,” he insists, “is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which I believe comes through knowing Christ.” If it is right to link arms with other believers to oppose pornography and drugs, surely it cannot be wrong to join with them to preach Christ crucified. 

Dr. Graham has a reputation of honesty, accountability, and moral uprightness. In a generation when so many evangelists have been tarnished by scandal, he has exhibited Christian character throughout his career. 

The Graham Crusade will challenge the church in Nashville to reap a harvest of souls to God’s glory. The most important part of the crusade will not be four days of preaching at the coliseum but the months of prayer, teaching, and seed-planting that will lead up to the first week in June of 2000. 

The invitation to be given each evening will be for persons to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Respondents will then make a self-designating choice to be counseled about the meaning of their decision by people from several different groups. We will be working closely with the campaign effort to advise and teach those who mark Church of Christ. We will also try to connect such persons with a congregation that can minister to them appropriately and help them in their spiritual pilgrimage. 

With the blessing of our shepherds, Rubel Shelly is serving as a General Committee Member on behalf of this outreach effort. Several of our shepherds wrote letters of invitation to Dr. Graham to encourage him to come to our city. Training sessions for crusade workers will be hosted on our property. And we ask all of you to pray for the success of this effort to exalt Jesus Christ in our great city. 

Jesus is not only the hope of the world but of our city, your block, and a non-Christian friend you can begin now to pray will attend the crusade with you next spring (September 19, 1999). 

Commentary: Brother Shelly may have “the blessing of (his) shepherds,” but does he have the blessing of God? When David moved the ark of the covenant, “the thing was right in the eyes of all the people” (1 Chron. 13:4). However, their plan of operation did not meet the approval of heaven, and neither does Woodmont’s congregational cooperation with a digressive denomination.  

When brother Shelly speaks of “the church in Nashville” (“The Graham Crusade will challenge the church in Nashville”), we wonder who or what is included in “the church”? Does he mean to include all the denominational participants? Yes, he does. Let him deny it! Does he mean that churches of Christ, along with Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others, constitute “the church in Nashville”? Yes. Let him deny it, if he will, and we shall happily apologize.  

 We know what the Bible says about the acceptance of false teachers, those who “bring not this doctrine (the doctrine of Christ).” It says, “receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds” (2 John 9-11). The Lord commended the Ephesian church for refusing false apostles (Rev. 2:2). He rebuked those who held “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans,” and not the doctrine of Christ (Rev. 2:15). Further, he condemned those who allowed a false prophetess “to teach and seduce my servants” (Rev. 2:20). Jesus gave no consolation to those who (like Billy Graham) love the traditions of men above the truth of God (Matt. 15:12-15; 16:6, 12). 

“But, Rubel is using this as a way to reach those who signify interest in the church, so it is but a tool to reach others.” 

(1) If so, he is a deceiver. If that is indeed his motive, ask the Billy Graham crusade what they think of it! (2) How, then, does that differ from every Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian church in town? All will seek to identify with their own. (3) The truth is, Rubel and the Woodmont church have (contrary to Scripture, and contrary to the practice of conservative Baptists) given endorsement to a man and his ministry that have damned the souls of millions of people (Eph. 5:11; 2 John 9-11 — Do those passages mean nothing?!). “What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness . . . and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? . . . Wherefore come ye out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord” (2 Cor. 6:14-17). (4) Can we imagine that Paul would invite Hymanaeus and Philetus to “campaign and crusade” with him (2 Tim. 2:16-18)? “The circumcision” party may have believed nearly everything Paul taught except for his refusal to bind circumcision. Did Paul, therefore, reach out to a lost and dying world in cooperation with those erring ones (Acts 15:24; Gal. 2:5; Tit. 1:10-13)? If not, how can Rubel and Woodmont do so? 

If it be argued that Rubel accepts Graham as Paul accepted those in Philippians chapter one who sought to add burden to his bondage, we reply that Paul rejoiced only that Christ was preached (Phil. 1:18). Mr. Graham will not preach Christ as per Acts 8:5, 12, 35-39. He will not preach “Jesus Christ and him crucified” as Paul did, for when the Corinthians heard it, they “believed and were baptized” (Acts 18:8; 1 Cor. 2:2). This will not occur when Graham preaches. Paul preached “the gospel of the grace of God” in Ephesus, and “when they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19:5; 20:24; Eph.1:13). Baptism in the name of the Lord is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). Billy Graham will not so preach in Nashville. No one, based upon his preaching, will ask, “What doth hinder me to be baptized?” After hearing Mr. Graham allegedly preach the gospel of the grace of God, none will be “baptized . . . in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,” as they did when Paul and Peter preached.


Let not our enthusiasm be dampened by these sad events in Nashville. Rather, let them serve as a spur to renewed diligence and devotion. Truly, these tragic things are but the harvest we have predicted for many years. We must acknowledge that softness, compromise with the world, churches turned toward entertainment, and acceptance of denominational methods of work and worship have simply produced their fruit. Learn from them. Be determined that more fervent prayer, greater faith and humility, and bolder and stronger preaching are needed to stem the tide of error, prevent its reoccurrence, and establish our children in the faith once delivered.  

4626 Osage, Baytown, Texas 77521
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 4 p14 February 17, 2000

The City of Babylon

By Mark Mayberry


Babylon, an ancient city-state famous for its magnificence and culture, was located on the banks of the Euphrates River in the region of Shinar. Babylon is mentioned over 250 times in the Bible. Biblical writers often portray this ancient capital of Babylonia as archetypal of pagan idolatry.

The city of Babylon was situated along the Euphrates River about 300 miles northwest of the Persian Gulf and approximately 30 miles southwest of modern Baghdad in Iraq. At one time, the Euphrates flowed through the midst of the city. However, as rivers are often wont to change their course, today the river runs somewhat east of the ancient city.

In the Hebrew language, the name Babylon is derived from the root Babel, meaning “to confound or confuse,” and has reference to the confusion of tongues that occurred at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:9). The Genesis account says the ancient prehistoric city of Babylon was founded by Cush and the followers of Nimrod (Gen. 10:8-10).

Her History

The storied history of Babylon can be divided into two distinct periods: The Old Babylonian Kingdom which dates from 1830-1550 B.C., and the New Babylonian Empire which dates from 626-539 B.C. The great Hammurabi, remembered for the ancient code of law that bears his name, is associated with the first period, while King Nebuchadnezzar is identified with the second.

Babylon did not play a significant role in Bible history until she reached the Neo-Babylonian Period. The Bible refers to Babylon, the capital of Chaldea, as “the beauty of kingdoms” and “the glory of the Chaldeans’ pride” (Isa. 13:19). The Chaldean empire is also known as the Neo-Babylonian empire. Its leaders include Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar II, Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar, and Nabonidus. However, the most famous and successful of all these rulers was Nebuchadnezzar.

Nebuchadnezzar II, the son of Nabopolassar, ruled Babylon from 605-562 B.C. During his days, Babylon reached the zenith of her power and glory. Nebuchadnezzar was a skillful builder and master administrator as well as mighty conqueror.

From a biblical standpoint, Nebuchadnezzar is remembered for having deported the nation of Judah. His army first marched into Palestine in 606/605 B.C. At this time, the first group of Jewish nationals was taken into Babylonian captivity. Daniel was numbered among the leading citizens who were exiled at this time.

His army returned in 597 B.C. The first Babylonian attack on Jerusalem occurred on March 15-16 of that year, as recorded in the Babylonian Chronicle, a contemporary cuneiform text. After Jerusalem fell, Jehoiachin, the king of Judah, and 10,000 captives, including Ezekiel, were taken as prisoners to Babylon.

For about eight years the Jews endured the Babylonian yoke and paid tribute to Nebuchadnezzar. However, in 589 B.C., Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon, perhaps trusting in the Egyptian promises of military aid. Nebuchadnezzar and his army marched against Jerusalem and besieged the city for about two years. Finally, in July of 586 B.C., the wall was breached and the Chaldean hordes poured into the city. After the smoke had cleared, the city lay in ruins. Solomon’s temple was razed to its very foundation, and nearly all the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine were carried away into exile. Such was the severity of God’s judgment upon his wayward people.

Her Grandeur

The city of Babylon did not reach the height of its glory until the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4:30). He spent lavish sums of money in splendid building programs. His brilliant city included vast fortifications, famous streets such as the Processional Way, canals, temples, and palaces. The Ishtar Gate, which led into the city through the double wall fortifications, was decorated with rows of bulls and dragons on enameled brick. Likewise, the walls of Nebuchadnezzar’s throne room were covered with enameled brick. During his days, the towering ziggurat was rebuilt. Nearby was the temple of Marduk, the patron god of Babylon. Not far distant were the hanging gardens of Babylon, which the Greeks considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote in the 5th century B.C., Babylon lay in the shape of a huge square, surrounded by 60 miles of walls, the greatest of which was 300 feet high and 87 feet wide. Within these walls, the streets of the city ran at right angles to each other. These boulevards were lined with houses that stood three to four stories high.

Archaeological excavations that occurred between 1899 and 1917, and then again after 1958, have revealed much about this enormously wealthy city. While the description of Herodotus was somewhat exaggerated, the city was all the same quite impressive. The walls were about eleven miles long with a total of eight or nine gates. The outer wall was 25-feet thick and the inner one was 23-feet thick. Watchtowers stood 65 feet apart on the walls. Archaeologists estimate that the population of greater Babylon (i.e., the walled city and its suburbs) in Nebuchadnezzar’s day was approximately 500,000.

Her Sin — Lust of the Flesh

Babylon followed after the lust of the flesh. In particular, she is condemned for her “sensuality” (Isa. 47:8-11). This Hebrew word, which means voluptuousness, comes from the root word eden, which not only describes the garden home of Adam and Eve, but refers to that which is luxurious, dainty, and delightful (2 Sam. 1:24; Ps. 36:8; Jer. 51:34). Fleshly lusts could be easily indulged in Babylon (Dan. 5:1-4). While it was customary for all who dwelt in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar to eat the king’s choice food and wine, Daniel and his friends determined that they would not defile themselves with such (Dan. 1:5, 8).

Lust of the Eyes

Babylon followed after the lust of the eyes. Motivated by grasping rapaciousness, she conquered many weaker neighboring kingdoms, thus acquiring their wealth and land. Although Babylon served as the arm of God’s avenging wrath, nevertheless, she enjoyed her role too much. Her capacity for violence and bloodshed was unrestrained (Isa. 14:3-6). Thus Babylon would be held guilty for her savage cruelty (Hab. 1:1-11).

The Pride of Life

Babylon was condemned for her pride. Called “the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans’ pride,” nevertheless, she would be overthrown and brought low (Isa. 13:19-22). Although Babylon was lifted up to the heavens, yet she would be humiliated and disgraced, stripped of her eminence, excellence, and glory (Isa. 14:11-15). God would judge her haughty and arrogant spirit (Jer. 50:29-32).

Her Overthrow — Old Testament Prophecies

Babylon was the focus of many Old Testament prophecies. In particular, Isaiah and Jeremiah predicted the downfall of the city of Babylon (Isa. 13-14; Jer. 50-51). This sentence would be administered against Babylon because of her overweening pride, her depraved sensuality, and her cruel violence. She would be completely overthrown, never to rise again (Isa. 13:17-22; 14:16-23).

These prophecies were clearly fulfilled. In 539 B.C., Babylon was conquered by Cyrus, leader of the Medo-Persian alliance. Herodotus says that the army of Cyrus diverted the Euphrates River and then marched up the   riverbed under the city walls. Babylon fell without a fight. Afterwards, the city of Babylon began to slowly decay. Xerxes plundered it. Alexander the Great thought to restore it, but the cost proved prohibitive. The city soon thereafter fell into ruins and was re-taken by the desert. Babylon was never to be revived. Today, the ruins of this ancient city stand as an eloquent testimony to the passing of proud empires and to the providential hand of God in history.

New Testament Symbolism

Thus, considering the history, grandeur, and transgressions of Babylon, it is not surprising to find this city used as a symbol in the Book of Revelation. As ancient Babylon had been noted for cruelty, oppression, and wickedness, so also the Imperial City of Rome had a similar reputation in the New Testament era (Rev. 18:1-3). Christians were suffering persecution from the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, God is still in control. Even as the capital of Chaldea was ultimately overthrown (Isa. 21:6-9), so Rome was also destined to fall (Jer. 50:9-13; Rev. 14:8).

Her Seductiveness — Wrong Approach

King Hezekiah foolishly sought to impress the ambassadors from Babylon by showing them all the treasures of  his house (Isa. 39:1-8). We make the same mistake whenever we try to impress the world. Many would replace the preaching of the cross with a message that is more popular, more positive, more pleasant, more palatable. They sacrifice gospel preaching on the altar of pop psychology. They appeal to the world through the lust of the flesh (through emphasizing food, fun, frolic), the lust of the eyes (through emphasizing impressive and imposing facilities), and the pride of life (through emphasizing a self-esteem stroking, self-affirming philosophy). Instead of fire and brimstone, they minister to the hearer’s felt needs. Yet, all such compromises are doomed to failure (1 Cor. 1:18-31). We need to quit trying to entertain the goats and get back to feeding the sheep. Gospel preachers have been given a sacred charge: They must preach the word! With courage and conviction, they must reprove, rebuke and exhort with all authority (2 Tim. 4:1-5).

Right Approach

In closing his first epistle, Peter said, “She who is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings” (1 Pet. 5:13-14). It matters not whether Peter was referring to saints in Mesopotamia or saints in Rome. Either way, the people of God must learn how to live in the world, and yet remain apart from the world (John 17:14-17). No matter how impressive Babylon may seem, the people of God must maintain their distinctiveness. God demands our full allegiance, and will not countenance divided loyalties (Rev. 14:6-13). We must come out and be separate (2 Cor. 6:14-18; Rev. 18:4-5).


Thus we have examined the history, grandeur, sin, overthrow, and seductiveness of Babylon. The lessons are many: God still rules in the kingdoms of men (Jer. 27:5). Righteousness still exalts a nation, but sin is still a disgrace to any people (Prov. 14:34). Apart from God, all human accomplishments continue to be vanity and striving after the wind (Eccl. 1:2). Satan still would tempt us through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:15-17). Let us not be seduced by the deceitfulness of sin (Heb. 3:13). Rather, let us resolve to fear God and keep his commandment, recognizing that this is the whole reason for our existence (Eccl. 12:13-14).


Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Babylon.”
The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Babylon.”
The New Unger’s Bible Handbook, 198-200.
The Revell Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Babylon.”

516 West House St., Alvin, Texas 77511
Truth Magazine Vol. XLIV: 4 p10 February 17, 2000